Burning Moscow

Chapter 394: A loss of merit (6)

Colonel Golovchiner left the headquarters, and only Meletskov, Starikov, and Gagan were left sitting around the conference table.

Meletskov looked at Starikov and asked in a flat tone: "Comrade Starikov, apart from the plan to attack the highlands, are you sure of your attack in other areas? When do you think we have highlands? Can the troops on both sides be ready to attack?"

When Starikov heard Meretskov's question, he stood up straight and replied loudly: "Report to Comrade Commander, although several divisions of our army have been fighting in these three days. The downsizing is huge, but the morale of the fighters is very high. As long as they are strengthened by General Gargan’s troops, they can immediately attack the enemy in front of them."

Meletskov squeezed his fingers and counted: "In one or two hours, the Neva cluster of the Leningrad Front Army will launch an operation to cross the river. If the offensive on the two wings of the highlands can be launched sooner. They encountered encounters during the crossing The German resistance will not be so strong. After landing, we can quickly advance to the enemy's defense and realize the meeting with our front army."

When he said this sentence, his tone did not fluctuate at all. It seemed that he was just talking about a common thing with a friend, but I still listened tightly. This sentence was implying Starikov. The offensive must be launched immediately to disperse the German defense forces and ensure the success of the Leningrad Front’s river crossing operations.

Hearing these words, Gargan could no longer sit still, and quickly stood up and said loudly to Meletkov: "Comrade Commander, please rest assured, I will call the army headquarters. Let them urge the troops to speed up the march and strive to reach the designated position as soon as possible."

Meletskov nodded and said: "Go, let Comrade Rogensky tell the troops that to speed up the march, if they enter the position earlier, we can attack the enemy in front of us earlier."

When Gagan went to call. Meletskov and Starikov began to chat in a low voice, because they were a bit far apart, and I couldn't hear what they were talking about. However, since the two of them lowered their voices and were talking, it might be that there were some things that I didn't want outsiders to know, so I stood there and didn't move.

General Gargan soon finished the call and returned. He stood in front of Meletkov and reported: "Comrade Commander. Just after speaking with Comrade Rogensky, he said that the entire brigade of the 140th Brigade had arrived. The south side of the high ground meets the remnants of the 19th Guards Division. After a short rest, you can launch an attack on the high ground."

Meletskov snorted, and said unhappily: "This 140th Brigade is marching fast enough, you can see for yourself. How many hours did they walk on the road? If it weren't for their slow movement, our army The artillery positions in China will not be destroyed by the Germans, and the front army headquarters will not send Secret Service personnel to enforce battlefield discipline on the brigade commander."

Hearing what Meretskov said, Gargan was speechless, standing still and wiping away his sweat. Seeing his behavior, I can't help despising him in my heart. Fortunately, you are still a dignified general, and the higher-level leaders say something to you. Was scared into a cold sweat.

Perhaps seeing that the atmosphere in the room was too embarrassing, Starikov hurriedly came out to make a round: "Comrade Commander, please come here, and we will study the next move of our army." With that, he got up and went to the wall. On the side, opened the curtain to reveal the map inside. I saw Meretskov and Gargan both stand in front of the map. So he took a few steps forward and approached the map.

Starikov held a guide stick and pointed to the map and said to us: "Look, everyone, the Signavino Heights is the only vantage point in this area. You can observe the situation in a radius of several kilometers with a telescope on it. , If we do not take this place, but go around directly from both sides, the offensive troops will be killed by German artillery fire from the high ground, causing heavy casualties. At present, the Germans are building two roads on the south side of the hillside. The defensive line is the first target that our offensive forces must capture. Because the artillery of our front army was destroyed by the Germans, and the artillery fire of the Leningrad Front and the Baltic Fleet could only hit the northern **** of the high ground, and could not do anything about the fortifications on the southern slope, the result was high The German fortifications on the ground survived the seemingly fierce shelling of our army, but when the infantry charged, the Germans hid behind the intact fortifications and fired desperately."

Meletskov said disapprovingly: "When our KV tanks rush up, these fortified fortifications will be destroyed one by one, and then the infantry will swarm up to seize the German positions. When the high ground is completely occupied, we can Above, the captured artillery was used to attack the defensive depths north of the high ground from a commanding height."

Starikov held the baton in both hands and said to Meletskov: "Comrade Commander, capturing the high ground and then bombarding the enemy from a high ground is the most ideal result. But it is still necessary to fully consider the case. After the attack on the high ground fails, how should we respond."

"What do you think? Come and listen."

"Currently, the infantry attacking the high ground is only the remnant of the 19th Guards Division and the 140th Infantry Brigade that has just arrived. The strength of the infantry is a little weak, and they need to be supplemented to increase the attack intensity."

"You said, where should I find a reserve team to supplement and strengthen these troops on the south side of the high ground?"

Regarding Meletskov’s question, Starikov took a look at Gagan and replied: "In addition to redistributing the forces of the 4th Guards Corps, I ask you to give the 2nd Assault Army to my command. You know, although they are called a group army, they actually only have one division with one brigade outside."

"How are you going to adjust the deployment?"

Starikov raised the explanation stick again, lit the map and said: "Comrade Commander, please see, I transferred the 327th Division of the 2nd Assault Army to the offensive position on the south side of the high ground and handed it to the Chief of Staff Ge of the Army. Commanded by Colonel Lovchiner. The infantry brigade of Colonel Zzcóliv, as well as the 259th Infantry Division of the 4th Guards Corps, and the 22nd, 23rd, and 32nd Infantry Brigade, were strengthened to the left side of the plateau. The Guards 3rd Infantry Division. The Guards 24th Division on the left side of the high ground, after being strengthened by the 33rd, 53rd, and 137th Brigades of the 4th Guards Corps, quickly advanced to the depths of the defense. The 265th Infantry Division of the Guards 24th Infantry Division, which cooperates with the operations, serves as the reserve team of the group army and stands by on the south side of the high ground."

Hearing Starikov’s explanation, I couldn’t help but frowned slightly, saying that where his plan conflicted with the order issued by the front army, now the battle has become a mess, and then I want to mobilize the troops as usual. impossible. His adjustments like this might make the troops exhausted. But Meletskov didn't speak, and my little combat staff had no right to speak. As for my worries about these issues, I can only think about it in my heart, and no one will listen to them.

At this moment, several telephones in the room rang at the same time. Several staff officers who had been busy answered the phone and shouted: "Comrade commander of the front army, your call!"

"Comrade Commander of the Army Group, your call!"

Meletskov and Starikov each went to their own phones and took the microphones from the staff. After a few simple words, the faces of both of them showed joy.

Not much effort, the two of them walked back after the phone call. Although they are trying their best to restrain their emotions, from the analysis of the corners of their mouths that are slightly upturned, I know that all the good news is coming through the phone.

As expected, Meretskov said with a smile: "Comrades, I’m telling you a good news. Just now I received a call from General Govorov, commander of the Leningrad Front. He said that after a short period of time, After the artillery fire was prepared, the commanders of the Neva group had already begun to cross the river and launched an attack on the German defensive positions on the south bank of the Neva River."

"Ula!" Hearing the good news, General Gargan couldn't help cheering.

Starikov stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said jokingly: "I said, Comrade General, why are you so uncomfortable? You are so excited when you hear only one good news. If you hear more Good news, are you planning to drink vodka here to celebrate?"

General Gargan smiled embarrassedly~lightnovelpub.net~ asked, "Comrade Commander of the Group Army, do you have good news to tell me too?"

Starikov nodded and said affirmatively: "Yes, Comrade Gargan. The call just now was from my Chief of Staff Golovchiner. He said that our KV tanks have launched an attack on the high ground. Although they were under heavy artillery fire from the high ground on their way forward. These tanks, as Major Oshanina said, are indestructible." At this point, he smiled friendly at me, again Then he said: "When the smoke cleared, the comrade chief of staff saw our tanks continue to advance towards the German positions."

I was finally relieved to hear that the KV tank was really not afraid of the German artillery fire. I didn't expect a post from later generations to be useful in this situation. I asked tentatively: "Comrade General, have our infantry attacked yet?"

"Of course, when the Chief of Staff saw that the German artillery did not pose any threat to our tanks, he had ordered the infantry of the 19th Guards Division to launch an attack to assist the tank troops in seizing the German position. And the 149th Infantry Brigade It’s still taking a break, but I’ll be able to fight soon.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets from the starting point. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please come m. Read.)