Burning Moscow

Chapter 399: go away

After talking on the phone, Meletskov came to the big map on the wall without saying a word, and looked up at the map of the enemy and our situation on it. After watching for a while, he took out the cigarette case from his pocket with trembling hands, lit a cigarette in his mouth, and then looked at the map. His abnormal behavior was seen by me who was standing not far away. I guess he might be pondering what Zhukov said just now.

I also stared at the map on the wall, looking at the criss-crossed red and blue arrows on the map, facing the German commander Kücherer, who was facing our army, and felt sincere admiration from my heart. The German commander-in-chief, who was only promoted to marshal by Hitler, had a commanding ability far superior to that of Meletskov. Although the German army was caught off guard by our army's sudden attack, under his command, the German army quickly stabilized its position and stubbornly resisted our army's fierce attack.

The reason why our army was able to make rapid progress in the early stages of the campaign was that the suddenness of the campaign made the Germans caught off guard. The second is the heavy artillery of the Leningrad Front and the naval artillery of the Baltic Fleet to increase artillery support for the attacking troops; there are also aviation fighters flying over the battlefield to provide necessary air cover for the troops.

In just two or three days, Marshal Küciler discovered the Achilles' heel of our army from our army's offensive methods. He decisively dispatched bombers to air strikes against the heavy artillery of the Leningrad Front and the Baltic Fleet, forcing the formation of fighters that served as a cover for the ground offensive forces to fly to the area that was attacked to protect the artillery positions and fleet of the Leningrad Front. Forced to cede air dominance on the battlefield.

It has to be said that Küciler's tactics of drawing a salary from the bottom of the pot hit just above the seven inches of Volkhov's front. After losing air supremacy and artillery cover, the offensive began to make no progress. Coupled with the fact that German reinforcements are constantly rushing to the war zone, the situation on the battlefield is developing towards a side that is not conducive to our army. The Volkhov Front’s offensive troops were blocked near the Signavino Heights, while the Leningrad Front’s troops from the other direction were also trapped in the narrow landing area on the banks of the Neva River. The two fronts The meeting of teachers has become an impossible task.

After Krykov and Starikov gave orders, they came to Meletkov's back one after another. Seeing that the commander of the front army was looking at the map in thought, but did not speak, he stood there quietly and waited patiently.

Meletskov threw the cigarette **** on the ground, crushed it with his toes, turned around, looked at the two generals standing in front of him, and slowly asked: "General Krykov, for keeping the high ground, you are How did you plan it."

Krykov looked at the map on the wall and said: "The northern **** of the Signavino Highland is sparsely forested, easy to attack and difficult to defend. Our army's defensive front is so wide. But currently there is only the 19th Guard on the high ground. The remnants of several units including the infantry division and the 140th Infantry Brigade. It’s a bit weak to hold on to the position. I have ordered the 22nd, 23rd, and 137th Infantry Brigade to speed up the march. I rush to the high ground as soon as possible to take defense. At the same time, I also ordered the brigades and brigades Long, after the troops enter the position, they must immediately repair and reinforce the fortifications on the high ground."

Meletskov didn't say a word, and Starikov took the conversation. He smiled unnaturally and said: "General Krykov, you don’t know that we have issued orders to the commanders of these units a few hours ago. It’s not that the soldiers are not active in carrying out the orders issued by their superiors. , But because these **** forests and swamps have greatly slowed the marching speed of the troops, so until now, they have not been able to enter the position for a long time."

Hearing Starikov say this, my heart began to whisper. He said that, could it be that Meletskov's decision to withdraw Gagan was wrong.

Meretskov obviously heard Starikov's over-the-picture voice, frowned slightly and said: "As long as the surviving commanders on the high ground can block the first wave of the German offensive, then the reinforcements will be there. I can make it."

A staff officer came over without us noticing, and he suddenly called out a report, which shocked us collectively. Starikov asked the staff officer a little dissatisfied: "What do you want?"

The staff officer hurriedly saluted him and replied nervously: "I just received a call from the Chief of Staff Golovchiner from the front. He said that the high ground is under heavy attack by German infantry. Due to lack of manpower, there are A section was breached, and the soldiers were engaged in a hand-to-hand battle with the enemy who broke into the position. Comrade the chief of staff saw that the situation was not good, and immediately took all the personnel of the command post into the battle."

"Naughty! It's just ridicule!" Meletskov said angrily to the staff officer: "You immediately call the forward command post and say that it is my order to let the Chief of Staff Golovchiner from the heights. Retreat. Be sure to tell him that he is the chief of staff of the group army and that he is in the temporary command post on the south side of the high ground to direct the battle, not like a company commander, taking the soldiers and the Germans to fight with bayonets."

The staff officer agreed and was about to run back to make a call. Meretskov called him again and said in a stern tone: "You can contact the commanders of the 22nd, 23rd, and 137th Infantry Brigade again, and let them speed up the march. Speed, be sure to enter the Signavino Heights within half an hour, otherwise, I will immediately send someone from the Secret Service to enforce the battlefield discipline of all commanders above the regiment level. The troop has not been able to enter the position for a long time, and even the very temperamental Meretskov is also anxious to give such a death order.

After the staff left, General Krykov lit the north side of the high ground with an explanation stick, and said to Meletskov: "Comrade General, I think we need to build on the northern **** after repelling the German offensive. A line of defense. In this way, when troops on the first line of defense are attacked by German infantry, the second line of defense can provide them with the necessary fire support."

Meretskov looked at the map for a long time, frowned slightly and said, "I think it's okay. After the new line of defense is repaired, a minefield will be laid in front of the position. However, such work is carried out within the enemy's range. The casualties of our troops will certainly not be small."

"There is no way, Comrade General. We have no choice." Krykov said with a gloomy face: "Anyway, laying mines in front of the position can increase the chance of our army holding the position."

After Krykov finished speaking, several people fell silent, racking their brains to consider what should be done to reduce the sacrifices of the troops in building new lines of defense and laying mines.

Seeing that the three of them were frowning, I felt that I had to tell them what I was thinking about. So he said: "Comrade Commander, I have an idea to enable the troops to build new fortifications as soon as possible while reducing unnecessary casualties."

Hearing what I said, the three of them suddenly lit up, and the impatient Krykov repeatedly urged: "Major Oshanina, since you have a good idea, please speak and listen."

"Three comrades generals," I walked to the map and picked up the explanation stick again. The north side of the high ground was lit and said: "Before our army seized the high ground, it had received artillery support from the Leningrad Front and the Baltic Fleet."

"We all know this. But what does this have to do with the suggestion you are going to make?" Starikov interrupted me.

"General Starikov, don't speak, and listen to Major Oshanina." Meletskov sternly stopped his interruption, and nodded at me again. Say: "Go on."

"Because they are located on the north side of the highlands, almost all the shells fell on the northern **** when providing artillery support for our troops attacking the highlands. As a result, dense craters appeared here."

"What? Comrade Major, please wait a minute." Krykov planned what I said this time. He turned his head and asked Meretskov: "When our army attacked the high ground, it was provided by the Leningrad Front and the Baltic Fleet. Cannon fire cover, is this statement correct? Comrade General."

Meletskov didn't know why Krykov asked this suddenly, although he was confused. Still nodded vigorously, indicating that something happened.

Krykov took the explanatory stick from my hand, clicked on the map and said confidently to Meletskov: "Comrade General, I think I understand what Major Oshanina meant. She wanted to say, Due to our army’s shelling, there are densely packed craters on the north slope. The troops responsible for building fortifications can use these craters to connect them together so that a new trench can be formed soon. Am I right? Comrade Major. "His last sentence asked me specifically.

I quickly nodded and agreed, "Yes, Comrade General. That's how I thought about it."

Meretskov looked at the map carefully, squinted his eyes slightly and said: "If this is the case, Comrade Krykov. You can give the order, as soon as the German attack is repelled. Send troops to Beipo to repair the fortifications."

At this time, the staff officer who had disturbed us just now ran over again. He came to Meretskov and raised his hand to salute the report: "Comrade General, our army has just called. The German attack has been We repelled. The commanders of the 137th Infantry Brigade are taking over defense from the 19th Guards Division and the 140th Infantry Brigade."

Hearing that the troops entered the high ground, Starikov became excited. He said loudly: "Great, the reinforcements have finally reached the high ground, so that our defensive strength will be greatly strengthened."

"How is the situation with the Chief of Staff Golovchiner?" Meletskov did not ask about the battle, but was concerned about the commander who ran to the front in person.

The staff officer lowered his head and replied: "Comrade Chief of Staff was injured in the battle."

"What?" Starikov heard that his chief of staff was injured. He rushed to grab the collar of the staff and asked loudly, "The chief of staff was injured? Where is he now and how is he injured?" Maybe he tried hard. Suddenly, the staff officer blushed because of the collar and couldn't say a word.

Krykov stepped forward to rescue the staff officer from his hand and said in a low voice: "Comrade Starikov, don't worry, let the staff officer speak to you slowly."

The staff, who broke free from Starikov, bent down and coughed violently. It took a long time to relax and hesitately said: "The forward command post reported that the chief of staff was in a hand-to-hand battle with the Germans. He was stabbed in the abdomen by a bayonet. After the first aid of a military doctor, there was no major problem. At present, Comrade Chief of Staff is being taken to the hospital behind."

Hearing that the Chief of Staff Golovchiner was sent off after being injured, Starikov became a little uncomfortable. After walking around the house for a few laps, he hurriedly said to Meletskov: "Comrade General, there are many troops on the high ground. Without a unified command, the troops are easy to fight separately. Now that Comrade Chief of Staff is injured, he needs to send someone to replace this command position immediately."

When I heard that I was going to send people to command the numerous troops on the high ground, my eyes immediately brightened. The heart said that my opportunity is here, and Meletskov will send me to this position. Thinking of this, he straightened his body quickly and coughed vigorously, trying to get Meretskov's attention.

My cough not only caught Meletskov's attention as I wished, but Krykov and Starikov also cast their eyes on me. After the three of them looked at each other for a few times, it seemed that they had reached a consensus in a short time. After seeing the other two people nodding lightly, Meretskov said to me: "Lida, I remember you once had experience in commanding a guard division and a group army. Go to the high ground to integrate a few different groups. The troops. And command them to defend this high ground, which is vital to us. I believe. With your ability, it is completely possible to do it...."

As soon as Meletskov said this, the phone on the desk rang untimely, interrupting the words behind him. If it is another phone ringing. He might continue to talk, but the phone that rang was the one that could be contacted with the Supreme Command and the Front Command. He had to swallow the rest of the words back, walked over to pick up the microphone, and said politely: "Hello, this is Meretskov. Where are you?"

The voice that came out of the microphone was not only heard by Meretskov, but even I could hear it clearly: "Report to Comrade Commander, I am Chief of Staff Stelimach. I have just received a notice from the Supreme High Command. Austria. Major Xia Ningna was transferred to the newly formed Stalingrad Front, and her superiors asked her to rush over to report quickly. You see, do you want her to come back to the village of Little Višeira immediately. Come to pick up her car, and it will be there in an hour. ."

"Understood, I will arrange it." Meletskov finished the call. Without saying a word, he buried his head in thought, and hadn't let go of the hand holding the microphone for a long time.

I knew that I was about to be transferred to the Stalingrad Front Army, so I would lose my position as a forward commander on the Signavino Heights. I can't help but feel a little regretful.

It took a long time for Meretskov to raise his head and said: "The plan has changed, because Major Oshanina is about to be transferred, and the position of forward command on the Signavino Heights can only be arranged for someone else." , He turned his head and said to Starikov: "Comrade General, it is up to you to take up this position. Do you have any comments?"

Starikov hurriedly came to his attention and replied categorically: "Please rest assured, Comrade General, I promise to complete the task. As long as I am still on the high ground, the Germans will not be allowed to reoccupy the high ground. People are on the ground, Oath to coexist and die with the position."

After listening to Starikov’s determination, Meretskov turned his head and said to me: "Lida, I will arrange for someone to take you back to the village of Little Višeira, and the Stalingrad Front will come to pick up your car. , It will be there in about an hour." After speaking, he shouted outside: "Lieutenant Turchinov!"

Following his shouts, Turchinov ran into the headquarters and came to him to salute him: "Comrade General, Lieutenant Turchinov, the Secret Service Section Chief, was ordered to come and listen to your orders. !"

Meletskov pointed to me ~lightnovelpub.net~ and said: "I just received an order from a superior to have Major Oshanina rush back to the village of Little Višeira, where the headquarters of the front is located. I escorted her back. I leave the task to you."

To be honest, when I saw Turchinov appear in front of me, I couldn't help but panic, but since he escorted me back to the headquarters, I can't be too cold towards him. So I stepped forward and proactively said: "Lieutenant Turchinov, it's getting late, let's start early."

Turchinov nodded, saluted Meretskov again, turned and walked out. I walked up to Meretskov, and after a solemn salute to him, I reluctantly said: "Comrade Commander, I'm leaving, please take care!"

Meretskov gave a gift, nodded, and said, "Be careful on the road."

After saluting Krykov and Starikov one by one, I turned and followed Turchinov and walked out of the headquarters.


Bow to thank the book friends: zheng1360, wind speed, ndy, peibin, blue star maple, 123 for their precious monthly tickets.