Burning Moscow

Chapter 414: The confusing battle

The staff officer who received the order turned around and called Gurov who was staying at the headquarters. After a while, I heard the staff who dialed and said clearly: "Hello, Comrade Military Commissioner. We just received a friendly neighbor. The 229th Division Commander, Colonel Saren’s call for help, said that the Germans were attacking the 79th State Farm defended by the 783th Regiment in the middle section of the department. The commander ordered the three cannon regiments of the Group Army to immediately provide artillery support to the division to stop the Germans Offensive troops."

When the staff officer said this, he suddenly covered the microphone and turned to ask Kolpakchi: "Comrade Commander, Comrade Military Commissioner asked whether the Rocket Artillery Regiment on standby should also be put into battle?"

Kolpakic raised his binoculars and said without looking back: "Let the 4th and 5th Regiments of Guard Rocket Launcher into battle, and the 47th and 83rd Regiments continue to stand by." He paused when he said that. Then he added: "Let the comrades of the military committee contact the commander of the 783th regiment and let them provide shooting parameters for the artillery. At the same time, let their troops be concealed so as not to be accidentally injured by our artillery fire."

The staff officer agreed and said loudly to Gurov: "Comrade Military Commissioner, the commander said, please contact the commander of the 783th regiment and ask them to provide accurate shooting parameters for the artillery regiment and let the troops pay attention to concealment. Avoid being accidentally injured by our army’s artillery fire."

At this moment, Kolpakci suddenly whispered in my ear: "Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina, tell me why the German army only used so little force to attack us, and retreated after the first contact?"

Kolpakchi’s question stopped me at once. Yes, the vanguard of the German army attacked this area yesterday. Even if their offense failed yesterday. As usual. Today, we should also rely on our advantages in aircraft and tanks to launch a fierce attack on our position. How can we only send a small force to fight and then withdraw? Is there any conspiracy?

Before I could figure out the answer, the staff officer walked over again and walked to Kolpakchi's side and whispered, "Comrade Commander, General Cuikov of the 64th Army is calling you."

Kolpakic put down his binoculars, walked over to pick up the microphone, and called Trikov with his father's name and his real name: "Hello. Vasily Ivanovich! Are you calling at this time, what's the matter?"

"Thank you, Vladimir Yakovljevic!" Trikov used the honorific name to Kolpakci on the phone. "I just received a call from Colonel Saren, the commander of the 229th Infantry Division. , Saying that his troops, supported by your powerful artillery fire, repelled the enemy’s frenzied offensive."

Kolpakchi said with a smile: "Old man, we are friendly forces. Since you have encountered difficulties there, it is only natural to provide support to you."

"How is the situation with you?" Cui Kefu asked.

Kolpakchi, who was holding the microphone, glanced outside and said disapprovingly: "A small German army came to attack just now. After being hit by our army's artillery fire, it has retreated griefly. Now it's calm outside. ."

After listening to Cui Koff, he was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "I suggest you be more vigilant. The Germans will retreat after a single strike. There must be some conspiracy."

After putting down the phone, Kolpakic came to the window again, picked up the binoculars and looked outside, and said to himself: "Did the Germans turn the main direction of the offensive to the 64th Army, so our position will be It's so quiet?" At this point, he turned and ordered the staff officer: "Call the 147th and 181st divisions and ask them what's the situation there?"

The staff officer returned soon after calling and reported: "Comrade Commander, I have already called and asked General Volkhin and General Novikov. They both reported that there was not even an enemy in sight in front of the position."

Kolpakic put down his binoculars again, frowning and thinking about it. After a while, he walked to the table and looked down at the map spread on it. He stared at the map for ten minutes, and when he raised his head again, I found his face was a little more gloomy.

He stood up slowly, and ordered the staff officer on standby: "Combat staff, you immediately contact the combat department of the headquarters of the front army, and learn from them about the enemy's movements in other defense areas."

Soon the staff officer came to report: "The report, Comrade Commander, has just received a notification from the Front Army Operations Department that the defense areas of the 63rd and 64th Army are under attack by the Germans. The remnants of the 28th, 38th, and 57th Army have been The 4th Army of Tanks, which was transferred back from the Caucasus by the Germans, was defeated and was retreating towards Stalingrad....

When I heard this, I moved in my heart, and secretly guessed whether the German army was implementing various destructive tactics. Three army groups have already been repelled. If the 63rd and 64th army groups are defeated, they can use their strength. The main force of the 62nd Army of the Kosca line encircled and eventually annihilated.

Thinking of the possibility of the group army being encircled, I couldn't help feeling nervous, and couldn't help reminding Kolpakchi: "Comrade Commander, I think the Germans have a conspiracy."

Kolpakchi, who has not left the map, said without looking up, "What conspiracy? Let's talk about it."

I quickly walked to the table, pointed to the map on the table where our army was, and said, "Comrade Commander, please see. The 64th Army is on the left flank of our department. Once the German army defeats them, you can take advantage of it. On the banks of the Chil River, our army’s retreat will be cut off and a siege will be formed.” After that, I stared at Kolpakchi nervously, waiting for him to make a decision.

Kolpak odd nodded, picked up a red and blue pencil, lit the map and said, "Comrade Oshanina, you make a lot of sense. If the 64th Army that borders us is defeated, we will change. In this way, the German army can attack us from the front and the flanks at the same time, making us unable to look at each other from end to end, and finally encircling us and destroying us in the defensive positions on the banks of the Koska River."

Having said this, he threw the pencil on the table, stood upright, and ordered the staff again: "Combat staff, call General Volkhin of the 147th Division and ask him to immediately send a regiment of troops to move south. Go out to the 155th Heights and reinforce the 229th Division."

Seeing Kolpakchi giving orders in the headquarters, I felt a little lost. My feelings started from the battle of the Signavino Bulge to the current defense of the Don River. I was the role of a dozen soy sauce and stayed in the headquarters. Do nothing. When the battle situation is beneficial to our army, those happy commanders will occasionally ask my opinion; but once the battle situation turns back and forth, I become a transparent person in the headquarters. If I do not take the initiative to speak, there will be nothing. Someone cares about me.

After the troops of the 147th Division departed, Kolpakic asked the combat staff to call the divisions every half an hour to ask if there was any movement of the German forces in front of the position~lightnovelpub.net~ The intelligence reported by the divisions was all It's the same: the position is very peaceful, and a German can't see it.

Just as Kolpakic was overwhelmed by the confusing situation in our defense zone, the neighboring 229th Division Commander, Colonel Saren, called. When Kolpakchi answered the phone, I clearly heard the colonel say excitedly on the phone: "Comrade Commander, thank you so much. Today, the German attack on the 79th State Farm defended by the 783th regiment of our division was due to Thanks to your powerful artillery support, and the support of the 147th Infantry Regiment that arrived, we have completely shattered it. The German troops that have suffered heavy losses have retreated to the west in a desperate manner."

With a relieved smile on Kolpakchi's face, he calmly asked: "Comrade Colonel, how are the results?"

"After counting the results, just in the defensive area of ​​the 783th regiment, nearly 600 soldiers were killed and eleven tanks destroyed."

"Good job!" Kolpakic praised the other party, and then added: "Since the German army has retreated, let the regiment of the 147th Division be rebuilt as soon as possible. I am worried that the German army may soon report to us. An offensive was launched in the defensive area."

Before Kolpakchi's words were heard, there was a rumble of cannons outside the house. (To be continued...)