Burning Moscow

Chapter 429: Withdrawal (11)

As soon as it was dark, I woke up from my sleep, raised my hand and looked at my watch, it was just half past four. Thinking of the counter assault that will be carried out today, I hurriedly pushed the door and got out of the car, and ran to the headquarters quickly.

When I walked to the door, I happened to see Kolpakchi, Gurov, and Moskalenko going out. As soon as he saw me, Kolpakic said loudly: "Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina, you came just right, I sent someone to call you in the province. Come with us!"

I looked at the three commanders in front of me blankly, and asked with some confusion: "Comrade Commander, where are we going?" I said to my heart that the offensive is about to begin. You won't be at this time. Take people to the frontier for inspection, right?

"Where else can I go?" Kolpakci said a little displeased: "Of course, go to the observation post on the west side of the hillside. Do you want to stay in this headquarters where you can't see anything?" After that, Lift your leg and leave.

I dared not say anything, but honestly followed the three of them to the observation post on the west side of the hillside. After walking a short distance, I looked back and followed a large group of staff officers and guards. Among them was Captain Semikov.

When we entered the observation post, the guards and soldiers served as guards in the trenches, and the staff officers rushed in, some hanging maps on the walls, and some laying communication lines. The people coming and going in the observation center suddenly became very lively.

After the staff arranged the command post, except for a few communications staff and two combat staff officers, Semikov and I, the rest all withdrew from the observation post. Judging from the layout of the room, Kolpakic can use telephone, telegraph, radio, etc. to understand the battle situation and assign tasks; while Moskalenko has only one radio, and his adjutant temporarily acts as a radio operator. .

The shelling started punctually at five o'clock in the morning. As the Cannon Regiment lost all its losses in the previous two days of battle, the 47th and 83rd Regiment of Guard Rocket Launchers, which had been kept by Kolpakchi and Gurov, were already in the battle yesterday. 110th Battalion of Guards Independent Rocket Launcher.

The rocket artillery road flew over our observation station, and after drawing an arc in the air, it landed on the German position in the distance, and then there was one after another rumbling sound.

As the shelling would last for an hour, the three of them, Kolpakchi, were standing in the observation hole with their binoculars holding their binoculars, and they looked happily. I didn't want to disturb their Yaxing easily, so I wandered over to the table and looked at the papers spread on it.

The document clearly records the organization of the 1st Tank Army of General Moskalenko. I originally thought that this unit had only one tank army and a number of logistics units. After reading it, I realized that the tanks of the 1st Tank Army were under the jurisdiction of the Tank Army. 13. The 28th Army, the 131st Infantry Division, two anti-aircraft artillery regiments, an anti-tank artillery regiment and the 168th tank brigade. Among them, the 13th Tank Corps cooperated with the 33rd Guards Division in an offensive and counterattack a few days ago and suffered heavy casualties. At present, there are only less than 50 tanks left in the entire army.

After the shelling was over. Kolpakic turned to Semikov, who was standing in the room like a nail, and said, "Time is almost up. Comrade Captain. Signal the troops to attack."

Captain Semikov agreed, turned and walked out of the observation post.

With the three red flare bombs flying into the air, the tank group concealed on the position of the 192nd Division, at full force, followed the roads opened by the engineers. Toward the enemy's position. Followed by thousands of commanders and fighters from the 192nd and 131st divisions.

The Germans, who have always held the initiative on the battlefield, did not expect that our army would carry out a counter assault again at this time, and we were caught off guard. It was not until our tanks approached their line of defense that they began to fight back. The artillery and machine guns on the position fired at the approaching tanks and fired at the running commanders. However, it was too late at this moment, and our assault force was already close to the first trench of the German army.

Kolpakic saw that our army's counterattack was progressing smoothly, and slapped the commander of the tank army on the shoulder. Excitedly said: "Awesome, Comrade Moskalenko. Your tank army has played really well, you see, they are already close to the enemy's position, and there will be a minute or two. Our tanks will be able to pass over. Trenches, advance to the depths of the enemy, and the enemies in the trenches are left to the infantry soldiers behind to solve them."

I thought Moskalenko would have to follow Kolpakchi’s tone of voice, but he didn’t expect him to say impatiently: "Too slow, too slow! Comrade Kolpakchi, the army’s offensive speed is too fast. Slow down!" After speaking, he turned his head and ordered his adjutant, "Tell the commanders of the 13th and 28th Army of the Tank to speed up the attack."

Kolpakchi, who was hanging aside, glanced at Gurov with some embarrassment and shrugged, seeming to feel helpless with Moskalenko's inhumane performance.

Our army's counter-assault battle lasted from morning to noon. As the fighting area is getting further and further away from the observation post, the progress of the battle cannot be observed through the telescope at all. Kolpakchi and the others can only leave the observation hole and return to the table. , To understand the offensive intelligence of the troops, and use this to command the troops' combat.

Following the attack of the 13th Infantry Division of the Tanks, the 131st Infantry Division wedges into the enemy's defense line to a depth of seven kilometers. Due to the desperate counterattack from the 16th Division of German Tanks and the 113th Infantry Division, the offensive is stuck. The 192nd Infantry Division, which was attacked by the 28th Tank Corps, was progressing smoothly. As the Germans had to divide their defenses and detour to the 181st Division on their flanks, the frontal defense force became weak, so the troops of Lieutenant Colonel Tarantsev continued. Breaking through the German defensive positions built in the Golubinski and Nabatovsky areas, and advanced to the old position in the Upper Buzinovka area. The soldiers of the 427th regiment also occupied the original position for a while. The division headquarters of the 192th Division successfully recovered the body of the former division commander Colonel Zaharchenko.

In general, the results of the morning were not bad. Before our strong offensive, the enemy was forced to abandon several offensive starting positions and retreated westward by a distance ranging from seven to ten kilometers.

I stood behind Kolpakchi and watched him mark the mark on the map on the table, when Semikov ran over in a panic. He came to Kolpakchi and reported with a serious expression: "Comrade Commander, something has happened."

Kolpakic asked without looking up, "Comrade Captain, what's the accident?"

"Just now, Colonel Farnasiev, the commander of the 33rd Guards Division, called and said that they had found enemy tank units in the southwest of our army's position. They were rushing northward, and they were rounding the back of our counterattack units. It seems to want to separate the counterattack forces from the defensive positions."

Kolpakchi was taken aback, and quickly came to the observation hole in three steps and two steps, raising his binoculars and looking out. Gurov also walked to his side and raised the telescope.

After watching for a while, Kolpakchi said, "Commissar, did you see that? German tanks are coming from the southwest. It is estimated that they want to pass by the 33rd Guards Division and detour back to our counterattack. Go behind the troops."

"Do you have a good idea? Comrade Commander." Gurov did not express his opinion casually, but humbly asked for Kolpakci's opinion.

"After the 192nd Division attacked, they were replaced by the 33rd Guards Division, which was just added. Comrade Military Commissioner. You know. Almost all new recruits are recruits. Not only do they lack training, lack combat experience, and even ammunition. It's not enough. Such troops may be used for defense, but if you want them to block the attack of enemy tanks, it is simply an impossible task."

Just when the two of them were at a loss, Moskalenko walked up to them, raised his binoculars and looked at them for a while, and said lightly: "The enemy only has more than 30 tanks, which is nothing to worry about. Comrades, two commanders. , You don’t have to worry, this group of invading enemies can be wiped out by my troops."

Although the tank commander spoke with confidence, Gurov asked dubiously: "Really? Comrade Moskalenko."

Moskalenko smiled and did not speak. Turning and walking to the walkie-talkie, he took the call from his adjutant and shouted loudly: "Colonel Luo Jin, it is time. You immediately lead your tank brigade to attack from the flanks of the enemy tank troops. Be sure to The enemy’s tank unit was wiped out."

After putting down the conversation, he walked back to the observation hole, smiled and said to the dazed Kolpakci and Gurov: "Comrades, two commanders, I have ordered the 168th Tank Brigade to attack. I believe, Before long, the dozens of German tanks you just saw will turn into piles of burning scrap iron."

Kolpakchi laughed loudly, stepped forward and slapped Moskalenko's shoulder vigorously, and said loudly, "I didn't see it, Comrade General, you still have such a reserve team. I believe it. , Their sudden attack will definitely hit the German armored units by surprise."

Hearing the excitement to watch, I also quietly leaned to the observation hole and raised the telescope to look on the battlefield. I saw more than 30 German tanks lined up in an offensive formation, aggressively driving from south to north, turning a big bend a few hundred meters in front of our army's position, and drove westward in an attempt to outflank our army.的后路。 The back road.

At this moment, the 168th brigade of tanks lurking in our position launched an attack. More than fifty tanks also launched a battle formation and swooped toward the German tanks to the north. When the tank was about to pass the first trench of our army, the dozen or so tanks in front opened fire as they marched. The roaring artillery shells landed in the German tank formation. Several of the last tanks were shot outside. The burning tanks drove for a distance and then stopped. The tank crews got out of the tanks one after another. Fleeing in all directions.

After at least half of the German tanks caught fire, the enemy discovered our tanks that had suddenly emerged from behind and tried to turn around and move higher, but it was too late. The tank soldiers of the 168th Brigade were like shooting targets. Turn all the remaining tanks into burning scrap iron.

Seeing the one-sided battle, Kolpakic, Gurov, and Moskalenko were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths, especially Moskalenko was even more excited. He picked up the microphone again and shouted excitedly: "Colonel Luo Jin, you did a great job. You wiped out the German tanks, and you have no casualties. I want to give you credit. After the battle is over, I will personally give the heroic tank soldiers of the 168th Brigade. Xun."

If today's battle is ended at this time, this hastily implemented counter assault operation will undoubtedly be a success. But things were counterproductive. Just as the 168th Tank Brigade had finished cleaning the battlefield and turned around and planned to return to the position, a sudden change emerged. Another German tank unit appeared in our field of vision and swooped towards the flank of the 168th Brigade.

Seeing the newly emerging German armored unit, the commanders of the 168th Tank Brigade did not panic, turned around, re-formed into a battle formation, and bravely greeted them.

Just as the two tanks were approaching at high speed, the roar of aircraft came from the sky. We collectively looked up to the sky and found that it was originally a few German planes. They flew over the tank formation of our army and began to dive and drop bombs. The bombs that fell from the sky landed in the tank formation and rushed to the front several tanks. Either it was hit by a bomb and it exploded, or it was overturned by the blast of the bomb. The remaining tanks did evasive actions to avoid the bombs dropped by the enemy plane, and the offensive formation was immediately chaotic.

When Moskalenko saw this scene, his eyes were flushed, and he rushed to the adjutant, grabbed the microphone, and shouted: "Colonel Luo Jin, follow my command! Follow my command! Go forward, only go forward. , Close to the German tank attack, the only way to avoid the attack of the German aircraft. Go ahead! Brothers, we have no turning back, go ahead! Go on the enemy tank! Go!"

I saw a girl spreading flowers in the open area densely covered with craters, and our tanks rushed towards the German tanks at high speed ~lightnovelpub.net~ and kept firing at the enemy. While the enemy's tank was hit and caught fire, some of our tanks were also destroyed by bomb fire from enemy aircraft.

As the saying goes, misfortune does not come singly. Just as our tanks and German tanks were fighting inextricably, Semikov came to report an unfortunate news: "Comrade Commander, it’s not good. Just now General Volkhin called and he said yes. A large number of German troops swooped towards Karachi. After a short period of resistance, the troops of the 229th and 112th Divisions had abandoned their defensive positions and began to retreat across the board. At present, the 64th Army's troops are crossing the river at the Karachi Ferry and are preparing to withdraw to the river. The other side."

Kolpakic grabbed Semikov by the collar and said viciously: "Captain Semikov, if you lied about military affairs, I would shoot you."

Shemikov argued: "Comrade Commander, this is all true. After receiving a call from General Volkhin, I called the observation post we deployed there to verify. They reported that the 64th Army's troops It has already begun to retreat across the board and is currently crossing the Chil River."


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