Burning Moscow

Chapter 448: Fight and retreat (6)

Through the battle just now, I suddenly felt that there was still a lot of inconvenience in going beyond the battalion-level organization to directly command the company. Although this regiment suffered heavy losses in yesterday's air raid, there are still seven companies with thousands of people. If it was a relatively easy battle like just now, I would have no problem directly commanding each company. But if the battle is fierce, if I call another company to give orders, it is easy to miss the fighter, so it is imminent to restore the battalion-level organization.

Holding a report that recorded the number of casualties in my regiment, I wondered how to allocate the existing seven companies to the new battalion. I was so engrossed that Lu Jin, who had returned from Qilian, stood by my side for a long time, and I didn't notice it.

Later, Lu Jin coughed gently beside me before turning my attention away from the battle report. Looking at Lu Jin, whose face was darkened by the smoke, I couldn't help but smile, and pointed my finger to his face and said, "Comrade Captain, wipe your face. It looks like a coal worker."

Lu Jin also smiled, raised his hand and wiped his face, and asked, "Comrade Commander, what are you thinking? I was so mad about it. I stood by your side for so long, and you didn't find me."

I handed him the battle report in my hand and said: "This is the battle report I just received. After two battles, the second company suffered the most casualties. The loss of personnel exceeded three bis, and there are only more than 60 people left."

As Lu Jin listened to me, he flipped through the report. After a few glances, he frowned and said, "Comrade Commander, you mean to add Erlian as soon as possible?"

I shook my head and said, "Except for the Seventh Company, we currently have no reserve team to supplement the company that suffered heavy losses in front. And the next battle will be even more cruel. The Seventh Company cannot be used casually."

Lu Jin was confused when he heard it, he hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively: "Then what do you mean?"

"The second company and the fifth company were replaced. The fifth company only suffered a dozen casualties. There are still more than 140 people in the whole company. If they are transferred up, the defense force of the first line of defense can be enriched." I said here. Suddenly remembering the need to rebuild the battalion-level organizational system, he added, "In order to facilitate command. I plan to restore the battalion-level organizational system in the regiment."

"Restoring the battalion-level organization?!" Lu Jin couldn't help but froze, and then asked, "How to restore?"

Before Lu Jin planned my thoughts, I had a preliminary idea. Now that he asked, I also said it: "Currently in the first line of defense, the first company, the third company, and the fifth company Formed into a battalion, the battalion commander is assumed by a company commander; the second company, the fourth company, and the sixth company of the second line of defense form the second battalion, and the battalion commander is the second company commander; the seventh company is under the direct command of the regiment headquarters."

After listening to my new organization plan, Lukin nodded and said in agreement: "Comrade commander, organize the existing troops into two battalions. Send the order to the battalion level, and then from the battalion level to the lower level. This marshalling plan is very appropriate, and I agree with your opinion."

Seeing that Lu Jin had no objection, I felt more at ease and told him: "Then you can call. Tell the following company commanders about this matter."

Lieutenant Lukin had just conveyed the formation of the battalion-level organizational system to the company below, and the division commander Biliukov called in again. He hurriedly said on the phone: "Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina, I want to inform you of an important thing. You must first be mentally prepared."

His words made my heart squeeze a bit, and when my heart said what was going on, even the teacher who had always been calm became so panicked. Biliukov said: "The situation has become more complicated. I just received a call from Comrade Commander, saying that the remnants of the 57th Army who were disbanded, about 5,000 people, are flocking to the ferry behind your regiment's line of defense. According to reconnaissance , Chasing their German troops. They are also moving towards your regiment’s defense zone, and it is estimated that they will arrive in half an hour. Now your regiment’s task is to hold on to its current position, block the enemy’s possible attack, and cover the 57th Army’s safe crossing. Cross the Don River. Set up a new defensive position on the left bank."

I heard that it was the task of covering the troops to cross the river. I didn't care too much. Anyway, there are only a few thousand people. If they move fast, maybe they can all pass through the bridges on the river in half an hour to reach the left bank of the Don River. Therefore, he replied disapprovingly: "Please rest assured, comrades, our regiment will be able to resolutely block the German attack and cover the friendly forces to cross the Don River smoothly."

Perhaps Bilyukov heard from my tone that I did not take the enemy to heart, and quickly increased the tone and said: "Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina, the enemy is coming fiercely, you can't underestimate the enemy. You know, the enemy plane is in the morning. In the airstrikes, the bridges on the Don River have been blown up, and the thousands of commanders crowded by the river currently lack sufficient equipment to cross the river, and they will not be able to cross the river in a few hours. This requires your regiment to carry forward without fear of suffering or death. Spirit, fight stubbornly with the incoming enemy, repel the enemy's offensive, and cover our troops to cross the river."

After listening to Biliukov’s words, I suddenly became nervous, my heart beat violently, my heart beat my chest, as if I wanted to jump out of it, I smiled extremely reluctantly, and replied, “Please don’t worry, teacher, as long as there is another one in our regiment. When the individual is there, he will firmly hold his position."

Bilukov said with satisfaction: "Very well, comrade colonel, I hope your regiment's performance will be as beautiful as you said. I will repeat the order again, and stand firm at all costs!"

I hurriedly straightened my body and repeated loudly: "Yes, comrade commander. Hold your position at all costs!"

I handed the microphone to Lu Jin’s hand and said solemnly: “The commander called and said that the enemy might immediately attack our regiment’s position. Let us be prepared. At the same time, I ordered: Hold the position at all costs and cover. The friendly forces cross the river. You order a battalion to immediately lay anti-tank mines in front of the position. We lack enough anti-tank weapons, so we can only use mines to blow up enemy tanks. By the way, tell a battalion commander to put anti-tank mines They are all buried in the road that the few tanks passed by just now, so the chance of hitting the enemy tank is higher."

Taking advantage of Lu Jin's call, I sat down in the corner, poured Beicha on myself, and drank it while thinking about how to deal with the upcoming cruel battle.

Before long, the sudden ringing of the phone ring interrupted my thoughts. I frowned and looked at Lu Jin who was answering the phone. I cursed in my heart that the caller was ignorant, not calling early, not calling late, just in time. I called when I was thinking about the problem and interrupted my thoughts. Later, I had to scold him.

Unexpectedly, Lu Jin directly handed the microphone in front of me and said in a low voice: "It's the teacher's phone."

Didn't you just call the teacher's phone? Why is it calling again? Although I am a bit dissatisfied with the teacher's frequent calls, I had to smile when I answered the phone and politely asked: "Hello, comrade teacher! May I ask if you call me at this time, do you have any new instructions? ?"

Biliukov did not treat me politely~lightnovelpub.net~ and said straightforwardly: "Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina, I just received the command from the commander. He asked my division to follow the remnants of the 57th Army. Cross the river and establish a new defensive zone on the left bank of the Don River."

"What? Our division and the 57th Army cross the river together?" I was shocked when I heard the news. Not long after I received the order to stay on the ground and cover the friendly forces to cross the river, the new order for us to cross the river came again. This is not a pastime. ? I asked cautiously: "Comrade commander, didn't you just give me an order to hold on to the ground? You know, we are strengthening the fortifications and preparing to fight the attack that the Germans are preparing to launch."

Bilyukov said coldly: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, orders from higher authorities are not allowed to be discussed. Since Comrade Commander orders us to cross the river, we shall carry out the order to cross the river. If the enemy comes to attack, you still have to resolutely block it. They. When the friendly forces are almost crossing, your regiment immediately withdrew from the position and rushed to the riverside ferry crossing to cross the river."

"What if the enemy takes the opportunity to catch up?" When I heard that I was about to retreat under the enemy's nose, I couldn't help feeling a little frustrated. If the troops were attacked during the retreat, the troops might be defeated, and then the troops would be defeated.

"Do I have to teach you how to retreat?" Biryukov said impatiently: "Let's fight and retreat. It is enough to alternately cover the evacuation position."