Burning Moscow

Chapter 454: Lucky to land

"Don't panic, don't panic! Calm, everyone stay calm!" Just as I was scared by the sudden emergence of enemy planes like the soldiers around me, Kokunov's shout came next to me.

As he shouted, the chaos in the cabin gradually calmed down, and all the commanders tilted their heads and stared at the enemy plane hovering in the air. And after seeing the enemy plane passing over the ferry, I also looked at the ferry that was taking the Seventh Company. Although the ferry was carrying a lot of people, it was faster than us. At this moment, it has pulled us more than a hundred meters away.

I squeezed to Kokunov's side, looked at the enemy plane hovering in the sky, and asked with some worry: "Comrade I Instructor, do you think the enemy has a chance to bomb us?"

Kokunov’s facial muscles twitched violently, and then pretended to answer calmly: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, you are the commander. The soldiers are watching you. If you are panicked, the morale of the troops will be We will be affected.” Having said that, he lowered his voice and said quietly: “At this time, we can only resign ourselves to our fate. I hope that the ferry can successfully reach the left bank before the enemy plane sinks us.”

Hearing what he said, my heart suddenly became cold. Looking at the surging river outside, I thought to myself, if our ferry was bombed, it would be all over. You must know that this is the center of the Don River, the deepest place in the water. If the ferry is sunk, the ship’s Everyone has to sink to the bottom.

After the enemy plane hovered in the air for a few times, it dived down to our ferry. The airborne machine gun fired frantically, and a long string of bullets pierced the roof of the ferry. Plowed past the crowd. In a burst of exclamation, none of the seven or eight soldiers snorted. He fell into the cabin covered in blood.

Seeing this scene, the cabin suddenly became chaotic. Just as I was frightened by the sudden incident, Kokunov's voice rang again: "Comrades, calm, calm. Don't panic! Don't panic!!" I turned my head and saw that he had climbed onto the ammunition box. , Standing with his hands on the roof, shouting at everyone: "Comrades, don't panic, just stay where you are. As long as the ship gets ashore, the enemy plane will have nothing to do with us."

Under the critical situation of being strafed by enemy planes. It takes courage and tact to dare to stand on the most dangerous ammunition box and calmly soothe the army's mind. Although I have never liked political workers, many of them deserve our respect and admiration. Kokunov in front of them is undoubtedly one of them.

Seeing Kokunov standing on the ammunition box calmly giving orders, the soldiers in the cabin no longer panicked, but began to help the medical staff rescue the wounded soldiers. The remains of several soldiers who died on the spot were carried aside, and the sanitation officer squatted beside the wounded. After a simple debridement, the wound was bandaged.

Order on the ship has just been restored, and we haven't waited for our breath. The enemy plane that flew away hovered in the air for a time, and again dived down from the right side, shooting our ferry with the airborne machine gun. Fortunately, the bullet missed this time. The bullet passed over the roof and hit the river on the left side of the boat.

Looking at the enemy plane that is climbing~lightnovelpub.net~, my heartbeat speeds up, but my throat and hair are dry, and the sweat on my body can't stop it. I was secretly praying in my heart, hoping that this enemy machine could leave and don’t turn around and attack us, otherwise, the surging Don River is our burial place.

In a short while, the enemy plane turned around again in the air. The naive conversation heard outside the command of the Chapter 459 regiment said that women are the sky, moon, and indispensable air for men, while men are the sea and sun for women. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile, and asked curiously: "Comrade Marine, why are you here?"

The sailor replied: "Report to Comrade Lieutenant Colonel that in order to **** the personnel of the Political Department to cross the river safely, the superior has transferred some personnel from our sailor brigade, and I am one of them."

I uttered, and then asked, "Where is your Natasha?"

The sailor replied: "She is still in the sanitation team of the 192nd Division, but because of the recent fierce fighting, we have never met again."

As he was speaking, Kokunov suddenly said: "It seems that some troops are coming towards us. They should be looking for us." After speaking, he stood up, waved his hands desperately, and shouted loudly. Writing: "Hey! Come here, we are here."