Burning Moscow

Chapter 464: Change of General (Part 1)

Although the bombing was still going on, Klimov saw the headquarters collapsed and rushed in from outside with the guards. As soon as he entered the room, he shouted everywhere: "Comrade Commander, where are you?"

Hearing Klimov's voice, Cuikov, who was squeezing into the narrow space with me, hurriedly shouted outside: "Captain Klimov, here I am."

After yelling twice, Klimov’s excited shout came from outside: "Comrades, the commander is here. Two more people come here and move this floor slab away." Soon, someone yelled. The horn, began to lift the floor slab over our heads. As everyone shouted, the floor was slowly lifted, revealing a person who could bend over and pass through the gap.

Klimov leaned in and said out of breath: "Comrade Commander, the floor is too heavy for us to lift without tools. Do you think you can get out of this gap?"

Cui Kefu bent over, gestured with his hands, turned his head and said to me: "Oshanina, no problem, we can get out of such a big gap."

I was a little farther away from the gap. I heard Cui Kefu say that I could go out, and I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly urged Cui Kefu: "Comrade Commander, you should go out first. The floor is too heavy and the delay will be long. I'm afraid the Captain will not be able to hold it. ."

Cui Kefu agreed, and crawled out of the gap with his hands and feet, and then I heard him shouting outside: "Okay, Oshanina, you can also crawl out quickly."

As soon as I climbed out, Klimov and the soldiers could no longer support them. When they let go, the floor fell back to the original place, and the sky was covered with dust. Klimov suddenly choked and coughed violently. . Seeing that there was no way to stay in this damaged headquarters. Cui Kefu shouted: "Everyone is going outside." After shouting, covering his nose and mouth with his hand, he rushed out of the command post. I dare not neglect. Followed him and ran out.

After Cui Koff ran to the street, no matter our military plane was still hovering over the small town, standing in the middle of the road as if stupidly, staring intently at the burning station. I looked up at the plane in the sky, stepped forward and grabbed his arm and pulled it aside. At the same time, I persuaded: "Comrade Commander, this is dangerous. Let's find a place to hide."

Unexpectedly, Cui Kefu's legs seemed to have taken root. I pulled it twice, but it didn't. There was a series of coughs behind me, and I turned my head to see that it was Klimov and the others rushing out. Seeing them, I was like seeing a savior, and hurriedly shouted at them: "Hey, comrade captain, you guys come over and take the commander to a safe place."

Hearing my shouting, Klimov and the others rushed over, set up Cuikov and dragged them into a complete building nearby. Cui Kefu was framed by them and entered behind the unit door. I only saw the words "Go to the air-raid shelter" written on the wall, so I also walked into the building. But I did not enter the air-raid shelter. But standing in the doorway, looking at the fighter planes flying around in the sky.

The bombing ended in half an hour. After the planes of our army had thrown out their bombs and burned out all the airborne bullets, they circled over the station and the small town a few times before flew away reluctantly to report their brilliant results to their superiors.

After seeing the plane leaving, I went to the air-raid shelter and reported to Cui Koff that all the planes of our army had flown away.

After leaving the air-raid shelter, Cui Kefu ignored our dissuasion and must go to the station to check the situation after the bombing. Seeing that we could not persuade him, we had to agree with him and follow him to the station.

Entering the bombed station, a heat wave hits him. Not only the buildings on both sides of the station are burning, but even the military train cars that were overturned by bombs are burning. The wounded who had not been rescued fell to the ground and rolled, their screams, groans, and calls were endless. The corpses of the soldiers who died tragically in the airstrikes are horrible. So many commanders and fighters had just arrived on the front line from far away Siberia. Before they saw the enemy, they were killed or wounded by their own planes. This scene is very sad.

Seeing this scene of purgatory on earth, Cui Kefu gritted his teeth and said: "Comrade Captain, go and find the military transport commander at the station. I want to ask him why he didn't carry out my orders and quickly get the troops out of the station. Evacuation caused so many soldiers to die in vain." Klimov saluted silently and left with the two soldiers.

After a while, Klimov walked back and reported to Cui Kefu: "Comrade Commander, I have found the military commander."

"Bring him here." Cui Kefu said irritably.

Hearing Trikov’s words, Klimov replied with some embarrassment: "Comrade Commander, he can't come. I suggest you go and see for yourself."

Cui Kefu snorted and said dissatisfied: "He is injured, and I have to hold him accountable."

Under the leadership of Klimov, we walked along the road full of bullet holes and soon came outside the military transportation office. The Military Transport Office was also surrounded by fire, just like other buildings. Cui Kefu looked around, except for the soldiers who passed by occasionally, he didn't see the military commander he knew. So he asked Klimov: "Comrade Captain, where did the military commander you mentioned go?"

Klimov pointed to the ground and said, "Comrade Commander, he is here." I looked down and saw that the military commander was lying on the ground with blood and blood. I squatted down and looked at his wound carefully. It turned out that his carotid artery was severed by a shrapnel. It seemed that the man was long gone.

I stood up, looked at the chaotic surroundings, sighed, walked in front of Cui Kefu, and persuaded him: "Comrade Commander, this place is too dangerous. Maybe we will bring in enemy planes later. Let's leave first. Here it is."

Our group just left the station and got on the vehicle parked outside. Before getting into the car, Klimov also ran over to ask Cui Koff for instructions: "Comrade Commander, where are we going next?"

Cui Kefu pondered for a moment and replied: "Our convoy drove forward along the railway, and continued to search for stations and concessions along the way. We must find the division of the 208th Division. I don't believe it. In addition, the direct troops have There are hundreds of people in the division. Just say that if you don’t, it’s gone."

After receiving a clear order from Cui Kefu. Klimov drove the entire convoy along the railway eastward, looking for the 208th division division that had lost contact.

Until night, we still did not find the division of the 208th Division. I turned around and asked Cui Kefu who was sitting in the back row: "Comrade Commander, it is dark. Do we find a place to settle down? Otherwise, it is very likely to break in. Go to the enemy's defense zone."

Cui Kefu took out the map and spread it on his lap, and looked at it for a while with a flashlight. Then he clicked on a spot and said to the driver: "After driving forward about two kilometers, we will arrive at Bilyukovsky's station, and we will stay there overnight."

The driver nodded and slammed the horn twice. As soon as the horn fell, the taillights of the car in front flashed twice. The driver turned his head and reported to Cui Kefu: "Comrade Commander, your order, Captain Klimov, they already know, and they will stop at the station." Seeing this interesting contact method makes my heart not worried. Wing and fly. In this way, I don't worry about it after we stop. Klimov's car was still driving a long way forward.

Our convoy was stopped near the Bilyukowski station. Klimov got out of the car and negotiated with the soldiers who were blocking the road. He turned around and ran to us all the way. When he came to the car, he was too late to pay respects. He reported excitedly: "Comrade Commander, good news, I found The division of the 208th Division is now."

Hearing what Klimov said, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was really no effort to get through the iron shoes. We finally didn't have to run around like headless flies. Cui Kefu heard that he finally found the division headquarters of the 208th Division, and quickly pushed the door to get out of the car, and asked excitedly: "Comrade Captain, where is the division headquarters of the 208th Division?"

"Comrade Commander, it's in the concession station."

"Take me to take a look." Cui Kefu didn't say anything about demeanor at the moment, even Klimov didn't respond, so he quickly walked to the station.

There were more than a dozen soldiers standing in front of the leader car. Seeing a general hurriedly approaching them, they immediately stood at attention and saluted. A sergeant greeted him, and after the salute, he said politely: "Hello, Comrade General. Are you going to see the commander?"

"Yes, Comrade Sergeant. Where is he? I want to see him right away."

The sergeant did not dare to neglect, and quickly led us to the division headquarters in the station.

At this moment, the division commander, who had already received the news, was standing at the door with a group of people in the headquarters to greet us.

Cui Kefu walked in front of them, without any politeness, and said straightforwardly: "I am the commander of the 64th Army, who of you is the commander of the 208th Division?"

The colonel standing at the forefront quickly took two steps forward, saluted Trikov, and reported: "Comrade Commander, Colonel Voskobojnikov, commander of the 208th Infantry Division, will report to you and await your orders. Seeing Cui Kefu nodded slightly, he continued: "Please allow me to introduce you the members of the division headquarters. This is the division political commissar, division chief of staff, and division political department director...."

Before he could finish his introduction, Cui Kefu had already passed through the crowd impatiently and walked straight into the command post. Seeing that Cui Kefu had entered the headquarters, the division commander hurriedly followed with a group of people.

When the people outside the room walked into the headquarters, Trikov looked at Voskobojnikov dissatisfiedly, and said coldly: "Comrade Colonel, I want to ask why your division left the army and ran to the distance. The troops are hundreds of kilometers away? And this afternoon, when the troops of your division got off the train at the Chilekov railway station, they were accidentally bombed by our military aircraft, causing heavy casualties and sacrificing about one regiment’s strength. "

When Voskobojnikov heard the bad news, his face suddenly turned pale, and he asked with a trembling voice, "Comrade Commander, is this all true?"

Seeing Cui Kefu nodded affirmatively, his whole body trembled. I can see that he was greatly stimulated by this bad news. After all, so many of his troops died under the bombing of his own plane for no reason. As the military chief of the troops, he did not feel any pain in his heart.

"Comrade General," he murmured to Cui Kefu after a long time, "I don't know what is going on, and I can't explain the reason for these unnecessary sacrifices to my subordinates."

Cui Kefu sighed and said: "I guess the reason for this happening is that the troops that have just arrived did not get air cover in the unloading area. The Front Army Command failed to guarantee the smooth implementation of this operation, let alone notify the Air Force. Our military planes that ordered the attack regarded the commanders and fighters on the station as Germans. This accident happened."

We stayed here for a few hours. After Voskobojnikov calmed down. Trikov called the political commissar of the division, the chief of staff and the director of the division’s political department, and issued an order to the four of them, ordering them to immediately and scattered from the Nebekovo station to the Zhutovo station and to Abuganerovo. The front-line troops got in touch, led them across the Aksai River that night, occupied defensive positions from Antonov Town to Zutov Village, and sent reinforced patrols in front of the troops' defense lines and on the left flank.

In the end, Cuikov also told them: "You must strengthen reconnaissance and find out the whereabouts and intentions of the main German forces in this area. Based on the information already available, I estimate that the German forces are unwilling to deploy the railway in Kotelnikovo with us. Troops along the route are entangled. They will pass through the towns of Prodovitoye and Ginguta in a deep roundabout. The enemy's tanks may rush in this direction from the Kotelnikovo area."

After arranging the affairs of the 208th Division, we drove back to the location of the temporary headquarters overnight. Fortunately, with Haoyue taking the lead, we can run on the grassland by moonlight without turning on the car headlights, without worrying about being spotted by the enemy.

Near an intersection 10 kilometers south of Gnielarovsky, the leading car in front stopped, and our car came to a halt. Seeing Klimov getting out of the car and running towards us, I quickly opened the door and jumped down. Ask him: "Comrade Captain, what happened. Why did you stop?"

The captain came to me and replied in a low voice: "I saw a cavalry in the grassland ahead."

I looked back at Cui Kefu, who was leaning back in the chair and closed his eyes, and asked quietly, "How many people are there?"

"I saw seven or eight cavalry. I don't know if there are any hidden guards. Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, you see, what should we do?"

I pointed back and said, "Comrade Captain, you take a squad of soldiers to take a look at the truck. Judging from the recent combat situation, the Germans have no cavalry. What you see may be our broken up troops. . Attention, don't make any misunderstandings."

"Yes!" the captain agreed and ran back. When he came to a truck, he jumped on the pedal on the driver's side, hung his body on the door, and directed the car to move forward.

When the truck passed by us, Cui Koff was still awakened. He pushed the car door and walked out to me. He looked at the truck going away and asked, "Oshanina, what happened?"

"I found a few cavalry on the grassland ahead. I asked Captain Klimov to bring a squad of soldiers to meet him and see which part it was." Seeing Cui Kefu standing outside, my heart suddenly became unstable. Although I thought it was my own person who appeared on the other side, if there was a misunderstanding and the fire broke out and Cuikov was injured by a stray bullet, the course of the Stalingrad battle would be changed, so I persuaded Cuikov: "Comrade Commander, It's too dangerous outside, so you should return to the car."

Unexpectedly, Cui Kefu is also a disobedient lord. He just waved his hand casually and said: "I think your analysis is correct. The cavalry should be our cavalry. I will wait here for Klimov and look at the opposite side. Which unit does the cavalry belong to."

"Stop! Who?" Klimov's shout came from a distance.

The other party replied, no accident happened.

Soon several cavalrymen, under the guidance of Klimov, came to us.

A cavalry sergeant dismounted and reported to Cuikov that they were the scout squad of the 255th Cavalry Independent Regiment that had been withdrawn from the town of Upper Kurmoyarskaya. From the early hours of the morning, the enemy began to forcefully cross the Don River there.

After hearing the news, Cuikov was taken aback, and then said to the sergeant: "Tell you regiment, I, General Cuikov, commander of the 64th Army, ordered him to conduct reconnaissance in front of Potemkinskaya and Upper Yabloch. Monitor the enemy’s actions. The enemy may have entered here from the Kotelnikovo area. If there is any change in the enemy’s situation, let him keep in touch with me through the 29th Division Division in the village of Gnielarovsky."

After a few cavalry left, we arrived at Gnielarovsky Village overnight~lightnovelpub.net~ When we walked into the division headquarters, we found that they were packing up and ready to set off at any time. Cui Koff walked to the division commander Kolobtin and asked in a loud voice: "Comrade Colonel, what happened, why didn't you report it to me and the troops are about to leave?"

Kolobutin looked at Trikov and said with a wry smile: "Comrade Commander, I'm sorry, our division received an order from the front army headquarters, asking us to move from the defensive area to the east to the Abuganerovo station area. "

"What's the matter? Why did you order you to transfer?" Cui Kefu asked puzzledly.

"General Trikov," Kolobtin explained patiently: "The head of the front has learned that the Gothic 4th Army of Tanks is starting from Koternikovo and is coming towards Stalingrad from the south, so he decided to The front of the 64th Army turned to the south to meet the 4th Army of Tanks. In this way, my division should cover the actions of the 64th Army from the south."

Hearing that it was a direct order from the Front Army Headquarters, Cui Kefu could not change it. He could only remain silent about the opening of the 29th Division. However, he extended his hand to Kolobtin very graciously and said in a friendly manner: "Colonel Kolobtin, I wish you and your troops good luck!" (To be continued...)