Burning Moscow

Chapter 473: Riverside blockade

After dark, I was sitting around the table with Saren and Panchenko looking at the latest deployment plan, when suddenly the phone rang on the table. 79 Yue Sa Ren reached out his hand and grabbed the microphone, and said loudly, "Hey, I am Colonel Sa Ren."

The marine captain's hastily voice came from the microphone: "Report Comrade Commander, there is a situation on the other side of the Don River. Come and have a look outside. The enemy is burning our village by fire."

After hearing this, Sa Ren threw the phone away and said to us: "Go, let's go out and have a look."

When we came outside with Colonel Sarin, the streets of the village were already densely crowded with people, because there was no one talking, and it seemed very quiet. Everyone looked at the burning place across the Don River with bated breath.

I stood on a stump at the entrance of the command department and looked west. In the dark night, even without a telescope, you can see dozens of fires from far and near on the other side of the river. The flames were large or small, some looked like densely populated settlements, and some looked like smaller villages. Some of the fire has begun to weaken, and the fire light has become dimmed, as if the building that can burn has been burned out; some of them seem to have been on fire for a short period of time, and the dark red flames are jumping in the dark night sky.

Seeing this scene, Panchenko, standing next to me, gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice: "These **** German robbers, I really want to take a company to the other side of the river and kill them all."

Sa Ren walked over with a sullen face, shook his head at us, and said angrily: "Comrade Political Commissar, Oshanina, you all come in with me."

We followed Sarin and walked into the headquarters. Sarin raised his hand and pressed down, greeted us: "Sit down."

After we were all seated, Saren looked at Panchenko and asked, "Comrade Political Commissar, what do you think?"

Panchenko said angrily: "These **** Germans, their fire. How many of our people's work has been destroyed for generations, and how many will be homeless!..."

Panchenko talked endlessly, but Saren was obviously not interested in what he said, and turned to ask me: "Oshanina. What do you think?"

The Germans will not set fire to villages and settlements for no reason. Maybe there was an attempt by them. I thought about it for a moment. Then he replied: "Comrade commander, I think the enemy may be launching a battle across the river."

After hearing this, Sa Ren nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "Tell me about your reasons."

"The enemy set fire to the villages and settlements on the other side. It should be to prevent our sporadic troops or guerrillas from using these places as hidden places. Once our troops exist in these places, they will be at the right time. , To attack the enemy’s camp and destroy the enemy’s communication lines. In order for the enemy to concentrate its forces on attacking us, as long as the village is set on fire, there will be no more worries."

Regarding my analysis, Sarin agreed. He said: "Comrade Oshanina, you are right, and I think so. It seems that we need to strengthen the defensive force along the river to cope with the enemy's possible offensive. Are there many troops crossing the river recently? ?"

I shook my head. Said: "The troops crossing the river today are all defeated squads. There are seven or eight people as few as there are only a dozen people, and there are no battalion-level formed units."

"Are there any officers in the army?"

I shook my head again and replied, "No, comrade commander, not a single officer. According to the report of the lieutenant colonel Gogoli who took them in, the highest rank is only a few sergeants, and the officers are fighting the enemy. Sacrificed, the Germans easily defeated the troops that had lost their command."

"Call Gogoli and ask him to quickly assign the fighters in the containment to the troops, distribute weapons and ammunition for them, and prepare for tomorrow's battle."

"Okay, I'll call right away."

The next morning, the German attack on us began.

Their cannons started firing first, and the dense shells landed on the riverside positions and the river near the bank. The billowing Don River suddenly splashed in all directions, setting off a high water column. Then the enemy's fighter planes appeared in the sky, and crows hovered above our army's positions, bombarding and firing along the river. Suddenly, the wide defensive position by the river was full of flames and smoke filled with gunpowder, as if a thick fog had formed out of thin air.

Sarin and I were standing in the newly built observation post that was buried in the ground outside the village, using binoculars to observe the situation on the shore. Seeing that the forward position was obscured by gunpowder smoke, Sa Ren hurriedly ordered the communicator: "Call the sailor captain at the forward and ask how the situation is on the position?"

The correspondent did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly contacted the frontier by telephone. We were lucky. The telephone line from the observation post to the forward command post was not broken by artillery shells or bombs. After a while, the captain shouted hoarsely: "Hey, comrade commander? The enemy is shelling and attacking. Bombing our positions, but please rest assured, except for a few observation posts, the rest of the soldiers are hidden in the anti-cannon holes, and the casualties of the troops are not large."

"Good job, Comrade Lieutenant." Colonel Sarin exhorted him after complimenting him: "Remember, once the enemy starts crossing the river, you must immediately order the troops to enter the position."

"Understood." The captain replied loudly, and at the same time expressed his determination to Sa Ren: "Please rest assured, comrades, as long as there is one person in our sailing battalion, we will never let the enemy pass through our position."

The shelling and bombing continued for a full half an hour. After the shelling stopped, the enemy planes hovering in the air started to leave.

As the gunpowder on the ground became thinner, I could see that the enemy on the opposite bank had boarded the ferry docked at the pier and drove towards us. Dozens of tanks lined up on the shore, and the black holes pointed at our army's position.

Sa Ren put down his binoculars, sighed and said: "It seems that our troops on the right bank of the Don River have been wiped out. The commanders of these troops are also true. They didn't know how to destroy the ferry and let the Germans destroy them. All the boats have been captured. It's good now, they can sit on our ferry and swagger across the river to attack us."

Although I didn't answer his words, I lost confidence in whether I could withstand the enemy's attack.

Saren suddenly said: "Comrade Oshanina, do you see if we should order the artillery company to fire, and use artillery to sink the enemy and the ship together?"

I hurriedly waved my hand and said, "Comrade commander. If you hit the moving ferry with mortars, the hit rate is not high, and it is easy to provoke enemy heavy artillery. You know, our artillery company is all light mortars. It can’t compete with the enemy’s heavy artillery. Once the artillery company is lighted up, our division will no longer have heavy firepower. I think the artillery company should wait until the enemy’s ferry arrives at the dock, and then concentrate its fire on the disembarking enemy. This can kill them a lot."

Colonel Sarren thought for a while, then nodded. Agree with me: "You're right, the artillery company should not go into battle prematurely. Then wait for the enemy to land before firing."

After ten minutes, the enemy's ferry finally reached the dock of the ferry. Seeing the enemy roaring off the ship, Sa Ren smiled on his face and turned to tell me: "Oshanina, I think the time is about to go. You can call the artillery company and let them fire the gun immediately. Give these Germans a lesson."

I promised and went to the telephone. He grabbed the phone and shook the handle twice. After hearing Rozhkov's voice from the microphone, he immediately commanded him: "Lieutenant, it's time for you to go on the field, shoot at the enemy on the dock and let them go to hell."

Hearing the order for the artillery company to fire, Rozhkov excitedly agreed, and then hung up the phone.

When I returned to the observation hole and raised the telescope to look at the pier, the artillery company’s shells had already...

Howled and flew towards the enemy on the dock. Then one after another fell in the dense group of enemies and exploded, raising a large group of black fireworks. The enemy screamed in panic and rushed to both sides of the dock in a wild.

The German soldiers who had just escaped from the wharf with dead bodies to the left and right, before they could catch their breath, the shells landed exactly on both sides, pushing them back into the middle of the wharf. In order to avoid the deadly shelling, the German soldiers dragged their guns and fled to the forward position of our army in embarrassment.

When they ran only forty to fifty meters away from their position, the light and heavy machine guns on the forward position suddenly fired together, sweeping toward the enemy. The enemy was beaten up and howling, there were dozens of corpses left behind, looking at the pier embarrassingly and fleeing.

Seeing the enemy fleeing, the sailors on the position jumped out of the trenches with their weapons, shouting and chasing them in swarms. Under the blow of rifles and submachine guns, the enemy was knocked down a lot.

Saren saw this scene and exclaimed excitedly: "Good job, good guys, work harder and drive the Germans to the river to feed the fish."

I was not as optimistic as him, and I didn't even bother to ask him for instructions. I ran to the telephone, picked up the phone, and called the sailor captain. As soon as the phone was connected, I immediately said to the captain in a stern tone: "Comrade Captain, I order you to withdraw the troops to their positions immediately. Be fast, it will be too late!"

Although the captain was confused, he answered honestly: "Understood, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I will immediately order the trumpeter to blow the trumpet to stop the pursuit of the troops."

Hearing my order to stop pursuing the troops without authorization, Colonel Sarren was unhappy. He walked up to me, slapped the telescope against the table, and then asked me sternly: "Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina , Why? Who gave you the right and who allowed you to stop the pursuit of the troops? Didn't you see that the soldiers were about to drive all the enemies into the river?"

Facing his thunderous anger, I hurriedly straightened my body and replied: "Comrade teacher, I know what to explain to you now, you will not listen. I invite you to go back to the observation hole and observe calmly for five minutes. You can understand why I ordered the troops to stop pursuing."

Facing my attitude of neither humble nor overbearing, Sa Ren just glared at me fiercely, then picked up the binoculars, and walked back to the observation hole in a curse. I didn't care about his bad attitude, and followed him back to the observation hole.

I knew in my heart that my sudden order was not a whim. The dozens of tanks that the enemy parked on the opposite bank of the river are not a display. They will not watch their infantry be wiped out by us. They are bound to provide artillery cover for their troops.

When I raised the telescope again, I saw the sailors who were pursuing them returning to their positions one after another. However, before everyone could enter the fortification, the tanks on the other side started shelling, and some soldiers who fell behind were instantly engulfed by the artillery fire.

Seeing the intensive and fierce shelling of German tanks, Sa Ren was stunned. After a while, he recovered and gave me a thumbs up. Said with emotion: "Oshanina, you are really amazing. You can guess that the enemy's tanks will shell our chasing troops. Fortunately, you gave the order to retreat in time. Let the sailors withdraw back to their positions. Otherwise. The attacking troops may be wiped out."

I smiled slightly, and said modestly: "Comrade commander. It's nothing. I just have been dealing with Germans for a long time, so I am more familiar with their style of play, so I have just discovered the enemy's conspiracy in time."

"What should I do next?" Saren seemed extremely trusting to me at the moment, and began to ask me about the troops' next move.

Since he asked me. I’m not polite, and bluntly said: “The artillery company has exposed the target in the previous battle. They should be asked to move their positions immediately. In addition, call the sailor captain and ask him to leave a few observation posts. Everyone is concealed. According to my judgment, enemy planes will soon come to bomb our positions again."

"Okay, just do what you said. I'll give the troops an order."

A few minutes later, four enemies appeared in the sky. They lined up neatly and approached our army's position. They quickly dispersed, and began to hover over the position, seemingly coming straight toward the goal of our army's forward position.

After circling a few circles, the enemy plane began to lower its altitude and changed its formation again, forming a column. One after another dived down and dropped bombs on our army's position. As the bomb fell to the explosion, the front position suddenly filled with fireworks and smoke billowed.

After the first round of bombing by the enemy plane, seeing that there was no anti-aircraft firepower on our army's position, the courage grew more and more, and the height was continuously reduced. From my point of view, they are strafing at low altitude almost against the ground.

Sa Ren saw the enemy plane shooting and dropping bombs unscrupulously above our position. He was so angry that he slammed it on the log wall and said cursingly: "Damn German, bullying Laozi without air defense firepower, so I dare to be so arrogant. Another day I will Find the commander to support the air defense force and strike you all down."

Seeing enemy planes flying over our army's positions as if they were in an uninhabited state, although I hated them, I was helpless with them.

At this moment, a swooping enemy plane had just been pulled up, and a large dark red flame suddenly flashed on the fuselage, followed by thick black smoke. Dragging a long smoke, the enemy plane swayed towards the opposite bank and plunged into the tank formation on the opposite bank. After a loud bang, a cloud of smoke rose up. When the smoke cleared, I saw one tank had turned into burning scrap iron, and the two tanks on the left and right were also overturned by the explosion.

"It's great! It's great!" When Colonel Saren saw the enemy plane crash, he actually reimbursed a German tank at the same time, and couldn't help cheering like a young man with excitement. Then he urged me loudly: "Comrade Oshanina, you call Captain Sailor and ask what is going on? Who knocked down the enemy's plane? I want to give credit to this hero. "

I smiled and nodded, and replied: "Okay, comrade commander, I will call the captain immediately and ask what's going on."

After dialing the phone, I smiled and said to the captain: "Comrade Captain, I congratulate you. You did a good job. In the absence of anti-aircraft firepower, you actually shot down the enemy's plane. The commander said that he wanted Personally ask for credit for the hero who defeated the enemy plane. Comrade Captain, do you know who killed the enemy plane?"

The captain looked very happy when he heard my compliment. He replied excitedly: "Report Comrade Lieutenant Colonel that the plane was shot down by Sergeant Kruglov. He watched the enemy plane keep flying over our camp. Dropping bombs and strafing, I couldn’t get angry, so I took advantage of the enemy’s dive and fired a shot at the enemy’s plane with the anti-tank gun that was issued to our battalion only yesterday. I didn’t expect this kid to have such good luck. He knocked down the enemy plane."

"Good job, Comrade Captain, all your soldiers are good."

Putting down the phone, I reported to Colonel Sarren: "Comrade Commander, I have already asked the question clearly. It was Sergeant Kruglov from the Marine Battalion who got off the plane."

"You are not right~lightnovelpub.net~ Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." Panchenko's voice suddenly came from the door. He was hurriedly walking into the observation post, and added, "I think in such an extraordinary period, for the A hero like Luglov should be commended. I think the rank of sergeant is too low and he should be promoted to officer."

Although I have a lack of goodwill for political workers like Pan Qinke, I couldn't find a reason to oppose his proposal, so I also seconded: "I agree with the opinion of the political comrade. You, comrade commander." In order to express Regarding the importance of this matter, I deliberately used honorific words to Saren.

Sa Ren looked outside with his binoculars, nodded, and said, "I also agree with the political commissar. In that case, I will be promoted...

Crewe...what is Crewe? "

"Kruglov." I quickly reminded him in a low voice.

"Yes, this is Sergeant Kruglov, I want to promote him to second lieutenant." Colonel Saren said with a grin. In this way, because of an enemy plane, Kruglov, who was still a private a few days ago, became a second lieutenant Kruglov just a few days after he became Sergeant Kruglov. The speed of his promotion is somewhat similar to that of mine. ()