Burning Moscow

Chapter 474: Cake by Cui Kefu

One enemy plane was shot down, and the remaining three enemy planes quickly pulled up. After climbing to a certain height, they began to hover in the air. Perhaps seeing their companion’s plane suddenly shot down without warning, made them feel terrified, so that after flying over the Don River for a long time, they no longer dared to dive bombing or strafing our position. . The three planes hovered in the air for a few more minutes, and finally turned around and flew south.

Colonel Saren looked outside and said relaxedly: "The enemy's plane finally flew away. Comrade Political Commissar, Oshanina, let's go, the three of us go to the front and take a look at the sailor who took down the plane. warrior."

When I saw Panchenko nodded in agreement, there was no objection, and silently followed the two of them, walking along the traffic trench to the forward position. After all, a battle had just ended, and the presence of a senior commander on the ground was also an encouragement to the morale of the commanders and fighters.

We quickly passed the second line of defense and walked into the traffic trench leading to the first line of defense. As I walked, I suddenly found that the traffic trench in front of me had disappeared out of thin air, and I couldn't see any shadows at all. If I hadn't walked several times, I really thought I was in the wrong place. Today, the section leading to the battlefield is full of virtual soil more than a foot deep. We had to step on the accumulated soil, walking deep and shallow with one foot.

Seeing that the traffic trench was bombed, Panchenko couldn't help cursing angrily: "Huh! These **** Germans blew up this traffic trench with shells and bombs. I still don't know what the front trench was bombed into. ."

Colonel Saren, who was walking in the forefront, turned his head and said to him: "Comrade political comrades, although the enemy attacked our position with such fierce firepower, they still failed to move forward. Their crazy offensive was attacked by our heroic soldiers. Retreat."

Finally walked more than two hundred meters of dirt road. Came to the trenches of the sailing barracks. Many places in the trenches here have been bombed. The sailors are hurrying to repair the fortifications. Seeing our arrival, the sailors stopped their work one after another, stood up straight with their backs against the trench wall, and raised their hands to salute us. As soon as we passed, they continued to wave their tools and get busy again.

We walked along the trenches for a while before we arrived at the command post. At this time, the sailor captain was staying in the house with several of his men. What is being discussed. As soon as we walked into the command post, the sharp-eyed captain spotted us and quickly stood up and yelled, "All stand up." Then he ran to Colonel Sarren, saluted him, and reported: " Comrade commander, the sailing battalion is summarizing after the war, and I am waiting for your instructions."

Sa Ren nodded, walked straight to the table and sat down, and then greeted me and Panchenko to sit down. Then he pressed his hands down and greeted everyone: "Comrades, commanders. You're welcome, just sit down."

After everyone sat down, Sa Ren asked the sailor captain happily: "Comrade Captain, let’s talk about it. What was the result of the battle that ended just now? And how many casualties did our army have?"

The sailor captain wanted to stand up and answer. As soon as he was together, he was stopped by Sarren. He raised his hand and pressed down repeatedly and told him: "Comrade Captain, you don't have to stand up, just sit and talk."

After the captain sat down again, he replied earnestly: "Comrade commander, in today's battle, our army killed 48 people and injured 115 people. Although our casualties are not small, the enemy's casualties are greater than ours. The number of enemy corpses left in front of our position alone exceeds one hundred. If we add those that were killed by our artillery near the pier, there will be about three hundred enemy casualties." At this point, the captain moved his eyes to mine. On his body, he said gratefully: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, fortunately you gave the order to withdraw the troops in time, otherwise, the attacking troops will suffer heavy casualties."

Sa Ren nodded with satisfaction, and praised the captain and said: "Good job, comrade captain, you played well, it is worthy of the whole division to report. By the way, I also saw you lay down an enemy plane. I don’t know who made it. Where is the hero who was shot down by the enemy plane? Bring him to the command post. I want to see him."

The captain hurriedly stood up and said: "Comrade commander, please wait a moment, I will send someone to call him." Then he walked to the door and shouted at the outside: "Morning soldiers, sending soldiers."

As he shouted, a young voice came from outside and replied: "Comrade Captain, what instructions do you have?"

"Go and call Sergeant Kruglov. Just tell him that the commander wants to see him and ask him to come to the command post immediately."

"Yes!" The soldier replied loudly, and then I heard the sound of footsteps going away.

The captain turned and walked over and reported to Sa Ren, "Comrade Commander, I have sent someone to call him. I believe he will be able to rush to the command post soon after receiving the order."

"Let's wait for him here. By the way, Comrade Captain, let us come over, don't you even give me a cup of tea?"

The captain smiled embarrassedly, and quickly ordered a commander to pick up the teapot. He took three clean teapots and placed them in front of us. After the subordinate brought the teapot over, he personally poured the tea into the cup in front of us.

"This tea is good, it tastes good." After taking a sip of the tea, Sa Ren said with a smile, "It's just that there is a lot of sugar."

Without waiting for the captain to reply, suddenly there was a "report" from outside, and the captain walked over and soon led Sergeant Kruglov to come over. Introduced to Colonel Saren: "Comrade Commander, this is Sergeant Kruglov. He used an anti-tank gun to knock down the enemy's plane."

Kruglov raised his hand and saluted Saren: "Hello, comrade teacher." After the salute, he stood still, with a simple smile on his face, and lowered his head slightly. Staring at his feet, he looked very cautious.

"Hello, Comrade Kruglov," Sa Ren stood up and took his hand and greeted him affectionately, "You were the one who knocked down the enemy plane, it's amazing, it's amazing!"

Then Panchenko also stepped forward and shook his hand, shaking vigorously, saying: "Comrade Kruglov, you played well today. We have seen it in the observation post. After you knocked down the enemy plane, there was nothing left. The enemy planes below were all scared away."

Kruglov's face flushed suddenly. He may not have received personal praise from such a high-level commander. I couldn't find the right words to answer in haste. So I opened my mouth a few times, but couldn't speak.

Seeing that he was a little cautious, Sa Ren quickly turned his gaze on me, and ordered: "Comrade Oshanina, I think it's up to you to announce the commendation decision we just discussed."

I stood up, walked in front of Kruglov, looked at him with a smile on my face and said: "Comrade Kruglov, there is a bravery between you in today's battle. And the great results you have achieved. At the suggestion of the division commander Colonel Sa Ren, the political commissar agreed. I feel that you are promoted to the rank of second lieutenant."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone except me, Saren and Panchenko were shocked. I looked at Kruglov, who was stunned in front of me, and deliberately asked with a straight face, "What's wrong, Comrade Lieutenant. Don't you know what to say after being promoted?"

Kruglov came back to his senses. He hurriedly stood up, raised his hand to salute me, and shouted loudly: "Serve the Soviet motherland. Always be loyal!"

Pan Qinke said while the iron was hot: "Comrade Lieutenant, I hope you can make new contributions to the motherland in the future battle."

After Panchenko finished speaking, the onlookers sailing commanders gathered around and stretched out their hands to Kruglov to congratulate him on becoming an officer.

In a joyous atmosphere, Kruglov also seemed a little more natural than before. At the greeting of Colonel Sarren, everyone again sat down around the wooden table. Saren continued on the topic just now, and said enthusiastically: "Comrades, please be quiet, I think Lieutenant Kruglov should talk about his experience in flying!"

"Yes, Comrade Lieutenant, talk about the experience." Pan Qinke also echoed.

I thought of the special meaning of flying a plane in later life, and couldn't help but laugh out loud. Saren turned his head, gave me a dissatisfied look, and urged Kruglov: "Tell me, Comrade Lieutenant."

"I, I..." Kruglov was already close to normal, but when I laughed, he became nervous again. He stuttered for a long time, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then suffocated a word." Me, I have no experience."

"Second Lieutenant Kruglov, don't be nervous, just talk about it." I knew he was nervous, so I inserted a sentence beside, "All of you who are sitting in front of you are your commanders. What, even if you are wrong, no one will blame you."

Hearing what I said, Kruglov seemed calmer. He thought for a while, and said: "When the enemy plane dived down at me, I didn't think about anything else. I just wanted to not let the enemy plane be too arrogant. , I used an anti-tank gun at the enemy’s plane and pulled the trigger, but I didn’t expect it to be shot down like this."

Panchenko asked excitedly: "Comrade Kruglov, if the first shot is not hit, will you take the second shot?"

"Yes, Comrade Political Commissar." Kruglov smiled honestly again, and said, "I just think the enemy's plane is too arrogant, almost flying close to the ground. Even if I don't fight, there may be The other fighters will open fire."

Everyone listened with gusto to what Kruglov said. Panchenko said to everyone: "Look, everyone. Because of Comrade Kruglov’s wit and bravery, and accurately grasping the opportunity, he can shoot down the enemy plane. I hope everyone will learn from Comrade Kruglov and fight. Use more brains on how to better destroy the enemy. My words are over."

As soon as the voice fell, there was warm applause in the room.

Sa Ren stood up, raised his hand to look at his watch, and said, "Okay, comrades commanders, let's go here. Political commissar, me and Comrade Oshaninna should go, and you should continue the meeting."

Returning to our observation station from the frontier, I said to Sarin: "Comrade teacher, I have an idea, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Go ahead, let me hear what it is."

"I think we should report the results of the battle to the superior."

"Report to the higher level?!" Saren lowered his head and did not speak, but Panchenko said hesitantly: "We only eliminated less than three hundred enemies. Is this worth reporting to the higher level?"

"Yes, Comrade Political Commissar." I said categorically, "Due to the recent poor combat conditions of our army, we can say that we have lost every effort. The morale of the commanders and soldiers is inevitably affected. Now the superiors urgently need a victory to stabilize the army. The purpose of boosting morale."

Hearing what I said, Panchenko was also a little moved. He turned his head and asked Saren, "Comrade Commander. I think Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina makes sense. We should report our results to the superior immediately. After all, our troops held their positions under the double blow of enemy aircraft and artillery. , And wiped out more than twice their enemies. I think the superiors can accept such a result."

Sa Ren nodded, stood up, and shouted at the outside: "Signaler! Correspondent!"

Following his shouts, a young correspondent ran into. After raising his hand to salute, he asked in a hoarse voice: "Comrade teacher, do you have any instructions?"

"Move the walkie-talkie here immediately. I want to contact Comrade Commander."

The signalman agreed, turned and ran out of the command post. In a short while, he and another soldier entered the observation post with a walkie-talkie.

After contacting Trikov, Saren, who was barely persuaded by Panchenko and I, hesitated. Cui Koff may not hear the voice here, and shouted angrily: "Hey, Colonel Sarren. Colonel Sarren, are you there? Can you hear me? Talk! Hey. Hey!"

Panchenko walked over and pushed the dazed Sa Ren gently with his hands. He was regaining his senses and quickly agreed: "Hello, Comrade Commander. It's me, I'm Colonel Sa Ren. I can hear you."

"Why didn't you speak just now?" Cui Kefu asked dissatisfiedly. Before Colonel Sarin could answer, he then asked, "Is there anything to report to me?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Sa Ren's mood quickly stabilized, and he reported clearly, "I want to report to you the results of our division in today's battle."

"The result?! What kind of result?" Cui Kefu asked impatiently. "Don't tell me that your troops successfully withdrew from the position after stubborn resistance. I remind you. You, after the Supreme Commander himself issued Order No. 227, any form of retreat without the permission of the superior is not allowed. The commander who issued this order may be executed without trial. Discipline on the battlefield."

Sarin didn't care when he heard Trikov speak to himself in this tone. Instead, according to the advice I gave him, he reported the results of the battle to Cuikov. He said calmly: "Comrade Commander, not long ago, after fierce fighting, the troops of our division shattered the German attempt to forcibly cross the Don River."

Cui Kefu slowed down and asked, "How are the results?"

"Except for a few enemies who boarded the left bank of the Don River, we wiped out the rest. According to incomplete statistics, more than 300 enemies were killed. At the same time, the soldiers shot down an enemy plane. Fighter."

After listening to Cui Kefu, he was silent for a moment, and suddenly yelled in excitement: "Good job, Colonel Sarren, really good job! You did a beautiful job!" He shouted a few words, and asked in surprise: " I remember that your division doesn't seem to be equipped with any anti-aircraft weapons? How did you take down the enemy aircraft?"

"The anti-tank gun, Comrade Commander, was shot down with an anti-tank gun." Saren replied calmly, "When the enemy plane bombed our position, because it found that there was no anti-aircraft firepower on the ground, it arrogantly pressed it against the ground. The airborne machine gun strafed our position. In a moment of anger, a sailor fired a shot at the low-flying plane with an anti-tank gun. Unexpectedly, it hit the enemy plane in one fell swoop. The enemy was hit. The plane tried to escape the battlefield with a long smoke belt, but it didn't fly far, and crashed on the right bank of the Don River, and crashed into a tank that was shelling our army's position."

"How do you plan to commend this fighter who shot down the enemy plane?"

Saren looked at me and Panchenko, and replied: "Comrade Commander, in order to commend the great achievements of this soldier, the new division political commissar Panchenko proposed: Promote this soldier to an officer. After getting Osha After Lieutenant Colonel Ning Na seconded, I have personally promoted this soldier to the rank of second lieutenant."

"Very good! Comrade Colonel, you have done this thing right." Cui Koff praised Sarangan again, and then said, "Because you have been in the war and have been very tenacious since you participated in the war, you have achieved great results. A few days ago, after repelling several attacks by the enemy in front of him~lightnovelpub.net~ successfully jumped out of the encirclement and broke through to the left bank of the Don River, retaining a considerable number of backbone troops for the group army. The group army headquarters is in After research, decided to give your division a verbal commendation. If you can continue to maintain this momentum in subsequent battles and achieve more victories, then your division will receive the Red Flag Medal and be awarded the honorary title of Guardian. ."

"Guardian?!" Hearing this honorary title, Sa Ren was particularly excited, and his voice changed a little. "Please rest assured, Comrade Commander, our teacher will definitely strive to win this honorable title."

After Cuikov drew a big pie for Colonel Sarren, he began to ring the alarm again: "Colon Sarren, the encircled unit of the 62nd Army, has lost contact with the front army headquarters, and their fate is uncertain. I am uncertain. What I want to tell you is that a new and more severe test is yet to come. Because the enemy occupies the advantage in the number of aircraft and tanks, the situation on the battlefield will become more and more critical and worrying. You have to do Good mental preparation for any test. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Commander." (To be continued.)

ps: Bow to thank the book friends: the nuclear counterattack, hzhang, marine guards, marshal Linlin's monthly support.