Burning Moscow

Chapter 487: The episode in the retreat

Hearing Cui Kefu's order, Bandulin hesitated for a moment, then resolutely picked up the phone hanging on the wall, relayed Cui Kefu's order, and ordered the other party to immediately gather all the light and heavy machine guns of the whole camp, and wait for the enemy's troops to board When I went to the top of the mountain, I fired.

I looked at the empty position on the hillside a few hundred meters away, and said that even if I used a light and heavy machine gun to shoot the enemies who had climbed to the high ground and beat them to the ground, I would still be unable to do so without sending troops over. They drove off the battlefield. Speaking of sending troops there, when I once again look at the open area between the two hillsides, I can’t help but smile to myself. The enemy is not blind. I see our troops appearing on the open ground without the need for artillery and tank artillery. As a result, it is hard to say how many of our reinforcements can safely reach the opposite hillside.

When I was feeling restless, Cui Kefu suddenly asked: "What do you think? Oshanina." Hearing his tone, it seemed that he intended to test me.

I pointed to the hillside opposite, and said helplessly: "Comrade Commander, please see. Although the hillside is shorter than this side, our light and heavy machine guns can also give the enemy occupying the position extremely. It's a big kill, but if you want to drive them off the ground, it seems that you can't do it."

Cui Kefu raised the telescope and looked at the opposite side of the mountain again. After putting down the telescope, he pointed to the open ground between the two mountain slopes and said embarrassingly: "I understand what you mean. Look at this open ground a few hundred meters wide. If troops were sent to reinforce them, they would definitely be killed by German artillery fire."

For Cui Kefu's analysis, I just nodded. Did not say a word. I know once we fire. It is bound to provoke revenge from the enemy. Before long, the enemy's shells will fall to us.

"Comrade Commander," Bandulin called to Cui Kefu just as we were both at a loss, and reminded him: "Look, the enemy will soon climb to the top of the hillside."

"Comrade Oshanina, I can't take care of that much now, we can count as much as we eliminate." Finished. He resolutely said to Bandulin: "Comrade Bandulin, give orders to the troops."

Bandulin picked up the microphone that time, shook the phone, and said in a determined tone: "Comrade Major, order the soldiers to prepare for battle. As soon as the enemy reaches the top of the mountain, he will fire and shoot...."

At this moment, Cui Kefu, who had been staring at the enemy on the opposite hillside, suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute, Comrade Bandulin, don't shoot. There are still our people on the battlefield." Then he raised his binoculars towards that. He looked at it, and then said for sure. "Yes, it's our people, there are at least a dozen others."

Hearing what Cui Kefu said, I quickly raised the telescope and looked over. I saw that on the ground where the top of the mountain was razed to the ground, there were many places of floating soil moving, and it seemed that buried people were crawling outside.

The fast-walking enemy was only a dozen steps away from the top of the mountain. At this moment, a soldier covered in soil jumped up from the ground and rushed into the middle of the enemy like lightning, and then there was a "boom". Explosion. When the gunpowder dissipated, I saw that the soldier had disappeared, and several German soldiers had fallen around a newly formed crater.

At this time, only a roar was heard from the ground, and then the commanders who crawled out of the floating soil threw their grenades. The grenade fell in the middle of the enemy and exploded, bursting up a cloud of gunpowder, causing the enemy to cry and scream. Turning around, they ran down the hillside, and more than 20 fighters rushed down with their weapons.

"Nice work, these fighters are really great!" Cui Kefu patted Bandulin who was standing beside him, and said excitedly: "These fighters are all good. When the battle is over, I will personally honor them. "

As soon as Cui Kefu's words fell, the enemy tank, which was parked under the hillside, fired at our army position on the top of the hill. One after another tank shells fell into the chase queue and exploded. Seeing the shrapnel flying horizontally, knocking down our soldiers one by one, my heart suddenly sank. Although I didn't say anything, I knew in my heart that none of the commanders who attacked would be able to withdraw.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, almost all of the twenty combatants who attacked fell into the enemy's artillery fire. The German soldiers, who had just been driven down the mountain by the soldiers, turned their heads and charged aggressively towards the top of the mountain.

"Comrade Commander," Bandulin saw this situation and asked Cui Kefu again: "Should I order the light and heavy machine guns to be prepared and open fire when the enemy reaches the top of the mountain?"

Cui Kefu pondered for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement, and said helplessly, "Well, let the machine gunners be prepared and ready to fight at any time."

After Bandulin replied loudly, he once again issued a battle order to his battalion commander over the phone.

Seeing the enemy's infantry approaching the mountaintop position again, I sighed inwardly, saying that as long as the light and heavy machine guns on our position fired, although many enemies would be destroyed, they would quickly provoke revenge from the enemy’s artillery fire. With light and heavy machine gun troops and the enemy's infantry in exchange, we can only see who gets the better result in the end.

Just when I was frustrated and disappointed, another twenty or thirty natives jumped out of the floating soil. Some of them held up their bayonet rifles, some held light machine guns with large discs, and some held hand grenades. Shouted and threw at the enemy. The German soldiers, who had been scared by our army's grenade earlier, yelled, turned around and ran back. Before they could run far, our brave soldiers had already caught up with them and entangled with them, letting the tanks under the hillside turn the turret in vain, but did not dare to fire the cannon easily so as not to accidentally injure their own people.

At this moment, the roar of the plane came from the sky. A soldier ran into the observation post from outside and exclaimed excitedly: "Report to Comrade Commander, the plane is our plane!"

Soon, a flight formation consisting of nine aircraft appeared in our field of vision. After they arrived over the battlefield, they quickly adjusted their formation, one after another, dived and dropped bombs at the enemy tanks at the foot of the mountain, and used airborne machine guns to shoot the German soldiers scattered on the hillside.

We burst into joy on the ground.

After listening to the cheers from outside, Cui Kefu sighed and said to Bandulin: "The enemy seems to be retreating. You immediately order the troops to attack. You can destroy as many as you can."

Bandulin immediately picked up the phone. Excitedly said to his men: "Comrade Major, it's time. In addition to leaving one company on the ground as a guard, the other two companies immediately attacked and cooperated with the troops on the hillside to destroy the offensive enemy."

The enemy was disrupted by a sudden air attack. When the tanks under the hillside were bombed into scrap, the remaining infantry lost the courage to continue fighting, and saw two companies of commanders and fighters descending from the mountain like tigers. Pounced. Suddenly they were so scared that they all began to turn around and flee.

Seeing that the victory of our army has been determined, Cui Koff said to Bandulin: "Comrade Director of the Political Department, you stay on the ground. I will go and take a look at the front, and personally condolences this brutal battle company and lead them to withdraw. position."

Bandulin also asked with concern: "Comrade Commander, do you need me to send you a guard class?".

Cui Kefu waved his hand and said, "No, I'll come by myself. I brought a guard company, and they just need to come with me."

When Cui Kefu went down the mountain. He didn't walk fast at the beginning, but he didn't expect that his footsteps got faster and faster, and the guards behind me and I couldn't even keep up. When we walked up the hillside just now, I saw that the scorched craters on the hillside became denser and denser. Near the top of the hill, it was completely empty soil that had been ploughed by artillery fire several times, and I couldn’t see what the original fortifications looked like. .

At this moment, there was silence on the top of the hillside. For our arrival, there was not even a person to greet us.

Cui Kefu stood on a slightly higher mound and shouted anxiously: "Is there anyone else?"

no respond.

I hurriedly followed and shouted: "Is there anyone else?".

Still no response.

Dozens of soldiers from the guard company also shouted: "Is there anyone else?"

As they shouted, a weak voice came from a nearby crater: "I am here."

Cui Kefu rushed forward and jumped into the crater. I was afraid that he might be in danger, so I quickly called two soldiers to follow.

I walked to the crater and looked inside. I saw that Cui Kefu was supporting a soldier to sit up, and I quickly ordered two soldiers to help. Two fighters jumped into the crater, supported the fighter one by one, and lifted him out of the crater. As soon as he came out of the bullet crater, he saw me standing in front of him. He looked down at my rank, and quickly broke free from the soldier who was supporting him, and raised his hand to salute me.

I looked at the soldier up and down, and saw that he was tall, his military uniform was in tatters, his face was blackened by gunpowder and the eyes were red. After raising my hand to return the salute, I learned the manner of those leaders, patted him on the shoulder, and praised him: "Good job, comrade soldier. You and your comrades are good, precisely because of your tenacious fighting. , The enemy has never been able to move forward."

"Comrade Oshaninna, what a good point!" Cui Kefu also crawled out of the crater, just in time to hear what I said, and missed the opportunity to praise me. After walking, he walked to the side of the soldier again, looked up at him, and said, "Comrade soldier, you are all good!"

When the soldier saw another general appeared in front of him, he was taken aback, and wanted to raise his hand to salute, but was stopped by Cui Kefu. Cui Kefu asked with concern: "How many people are left in your company?"

The soldier looked around for a while, and replied with some embarrassment: "Report to Comrade General, I had 150 people in my company. Now I guess I am the only one left."

Cui Kefu sighed, patted him on the shoulder, and said kindly: "Comrade Warrior, your mission has been successfully completed. Let's go back and rest." After that, he ordered the two soldiers standing next to him." You two, send him to Comrade Bandulin, ask the hygienist to check his body, and then let him rest."

The two soldiers agreed loudly, and helped the survivor walk down the hillside.

I stood on the hillside and looked down. From the top to the foot of the hill, the entire hillside was covered with corpses, including the bodies of our enemies and our soldiers. A dozen meters away from where I was standing, there were several craters with green smoke, with the broken bodies of soldiers lying in the middle, and piles of German corpses lying around the craters.

Cui Kefu walked to my side, looked at the scene on the hillside, and said with emotion: "This is our soldier. In order to defend our great motherland. They will fight to the last moment of their lives!..."

Just when Cui Kefu wants to continue to express his emotions. The messenger Sidolin ran up the hill, panting, and came to Cui Kefu. After the salute, he reported: "Report to Comrade Commander, the headquarters is calling."

Cui Koff looked at the commanders who were cleaning the battlefield at the foot of the mountain, and said without looking back: "Oshanina, you read the telegram to me."

When I received the telegram from Sidorin, I smiled friendly at him, and then returned to Cui Kefu's side. Started to read the telegram for him: "Comrade Cui Koff, the 229th Division and the 66th Marine Brigade have withdrawn to their designated positions. After you and the troops after the interruption have completed their blocking tasks, immediately rush to the assembly point to join the above-mentioned troops. Group Army Military Commissioner Sergio Grams."

After listening to my reading, Cui Kefu took the telegram from my hand, looked at it a few more times, and then looked down the mountain with infinite nostalgia, and said regretfully: "It's a pity, so many sacrificed soldiers, we even have their The remains are too late to be buried. We are about to retreat." At this point, he turned and ordered Sidorin, who was standing at the back door: "Sidorin. Go down and find the company commanders of the two companies and ask them to stop cleaning the battlefield. Lead the troops down immediately."

After half an hour, we began to retreat.

The truck in which the guard company soldiers rode was vacated to transport the wounded of the 229th Division. They walked like ordinary infantry soldiers, followed behind the convoy, and slowly withdrew eastward.

Cui Kefu called Bandulin into our car and prepared to go together. Unexpectedly, when the driver was about to drive, our car was stopped by a few soldiers. I saw a sergeant with a bandage on his head feeling agitated, and he kept leaping toward our car. A soldier behind pulled his arm vigorously, and the other two soldiers stood in front of him side by side. , There was a famous ensign standing beside him, as if trying to persuade him.

Seeing this scene, my heart couldn't help but tighten, and my heart said that there was a mutiny? Thinking about it this way, I couldn't help but squeeze the submachine gun in my hand, and put my finger on the trigger, ready to wait for the soldier to jump over and try to do something wrong, so I could shoot decisively.

The movement in front alarmed Cui Kefu and Bandulin in the car. Cui Kefu frowned and said to me: "Oshanina, go and see, what is going on?"

"Yes!" I promised and pushed the door open. When I was about to get out of the car, I heard Bandulin sitting in the back row saying: "Comrade Commander, I'll go and see too. After all, these are my subordinates."

With Bandurin, I have a little more confidence in handling this matter properly. I carried my submachine gun and walked up to them in a stride, and asked loudly: "Who can tell me what's going on here?"

The second lieutenant who was standing next to him hurriedly shouted: "Stand up!" The three soldiers who were blocking the sergeant quickly let go, turned and stood at attention, and saluted me with the second lieutenant. The sergeant sat on the ground and started crying.

"What's the matter?" After I glanced at the sergeant on the ground with contempt, I turned my attention to the ensign.

"Report to Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina," the second lieutenant replied politely: "That's it. The sergeant participated in today's blocking battle. Soon after the battle began, he was sent off the battlefield because of his injuries. When I saw them Even the commanders and fighters of the team sacrificed. Before the body could be buried, the troops were about to be transferred. He burst into tears, saying that his company commander and so many comrades had sacrificed here, and he could not leave them and leave."

"Comrade sergeant, you are a man, not a woman, don't sit on the ground crying, stand up for me." Bandulin walked to my side and said harshly to the sergeant who was sitting on the ground crying.

The sergeant stood up quickly and saluted Bandurin and me, and said in a choked voice: "Report to Comrade Commander, all the officers and men in my company have sacrificed here, and there is no time to bury their bodies. I can't leave them behind. They run back, I want to stay, even if it is dead, I will die with them."

When the sergeant said so, I only felt my nose sour, and tears could not help but I walked up to the sergeant, put a hand on his shoulder, and said to him: "Comrade sergeant, you The blood of our comrades in arms will not flow in vain. The retreat is an order given to us by the superior. Our temporary retreat is to supplement the combat effectiveness of the rest and restore the troops. I believe that in a short time, we will fight back again. , Then you will have the opportunity to avenge your comrades in arms."

"Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina," the sergeant wiped a tear from his face and said loudly, "I believe you, I will obey the order and follow the troops to move back."

Seeing that the sergeant stopped being horny, I felt a touch of relief in my heart. But then I asked very curiously: "Comrade sergeant, do you and the second lieutenant know me?"

"Yes, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." The sergeant and the second lieutenant said in unison: "We know you because you have fought side by side with our heroic commander, Colonel Sa Ren!"

When Bandurin and I were walking to the jeep side by side ~lightnovelpub.net~ he whispered to me: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, you are not easy, just a few words persuaded the emotional sergeant. Have you ever considered switching to a political worker?"

Political workers? ! Just kidding, I dislike political workers the most. If I were to be one of them, it would be easier to kill me. But these words can be thought in my heart, but I can't say them, so I vaguely said to Bandurin: "Comrade Director of the Political Department, I still like to be a commander in the fighting force."

When we got in the car, Cui Kefu saw Bandulin look disappointed and asked him curiously: "Comrade Bandulin, what's the matter? Look at your dejected face."

Bandulin replied with a wry smile: "Comrade Commander, I originally wanted to persuade Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina to become a political worker, but she refused."

After hearing this, Cui Kefu laughed and said: "I still think Oshanina is more suitable to be a commander in the combat unit than to be a political worker."

When our jeep passed by the several fighters, they lined up in an unusually neat line, standing on the side of the road, raising their hands to salute our jeep. (To be continued...)