Burning Moscow

Chapter 5: The frozen Volga (middle)

Kirilov pointed to the Volga River in the distance and said to me: "We, northern residents of Russia, like the spring of late April and sometimes May the most. At that time, rooks flew in the sky and ice floes floated in the river. Everyone is waiting for warmth and flowers, ready to work in the fields. Before 1942, as far as I know, all rivers, in late autumn or early winter, were quietly covered with a layer of ice, as if to sleep under its cover It is often the case that the river is still flowing smoothly at night, but in the morning, when you look again, the river has become a smooth, mirror-like ice bed.

Autumn on the Volga River is a completely different scene. It takes weeks and months to freeze slowly. The temperature dropped to minus 10 degrees, the Volga River was still unfrozen, and the river was steaming hot. When the temperature dropped to minus 12 degrees, small pieces of ice drifted on the river. At minus 15 degrees, immediately after the small pieces of ice, large pieces of ice finally began to appear. Then there is a continuous big ice cube that keeps moving. At this time, you can see armored boats and individual bold people, holding poles in their hands, jumping from one ice block to another, crossing the Volga River. But only the warriors among the native Volga people dare to do this. Even the sailors from the Far East dare not care. "

In my mind, I was thinking about the big counterattack that was about to unfold in more than ten days. Hearing Kirilov’s words, I couldn’t help but curiously asked: "Comrade political comrade, if the river freezes, our reinforcements and Can the supply of supplies be delivered in a steady stream soon?"

Hearing what I said, Kirilov smiled bitterly, and then said: "Comrade Oshanina, you are too simple to think. Although the Volga River is frozen, ships are not navigable. But if you want to pass our troops through the ice It’s impossible to transport the urgently needed soldiers and supplies. Because the ice is too thin, let alone trucks, even sleds can’t get through.”

"That's it. The supply of the East Bank to the city will be interrupted because of the freezing of the Volga River, right?" Kirilov's words were agitated. If it is really like this, as long as the Volga River is true. As soon as it freezes, the supply of the entire group army will be completely interrupted. At that time, Cui Koff and the others will be able to withstand the German onslaught?

When I was thinking about it. Basmanov walked out of the headquarters and told Kirilov and I that the chief of staff had an urgent matter to call us.

As soon as I walked into the headquarters, I couldn't wait to ask Akhromeyev: "What's wrong, Comrade Chief of Staff, you are eager to call me and the political commissar back. Is something wrong?"

Sitting at the table, Akhromeyev quickly stood up and replied: "Report to the commander. I just received a weekly report from the group army headquarters. I think this thing will be useful for your next command, so I asked Pakistan to Major Smanoff invited you in."

I walked back to my seat and sat down, then raised my chin at Akhromeyev and said, "Comrade Chief of Staff, please read the report you just received."

Akhromeyev nodded, picked up the stack of battle reports on the table and began to read: "On October 25, the enemy relaunched its attack on the front of the group army with heavy troops. An infantry division with tanks attacked Spa. The assault in the town of Altanovka caused a serious situation on the front of the northern cluster.

The German infantry, with the support of aviation and tanks, forced our 149th infantry brigade to retreat and successfully captured the Gumrak-Vladimirovka railway south of the Wupit area and Spaltano. The center of the town of Lefka. When the situation is extremely dangerous. Ships from the Volga Fleet arrived to assist the 149th Brigade of the Northern Group Bolvinov. They used the cannons on the battleship to severely damage the attacking enemy.

On the same day of October 25th, the 64th Army's right-wing troops turned to the offensive in the area of ​​Kuborosno.

The enemy's two offensives on October 26 and 27 failed. Bolvinov’s 149th Brigade, with the support of the warships of the Volga River Fleet, drove the invaders out of the town of Spaltanovka.

On October 27th, Major Kochmarev, Chief of Staff of the 149th Brigade. When commanding operations at the forward position, unfortunately, he was directly hit by German shells. Glorious sacrifice.

On that day, Lyudnikov and Gurtiyev’s troops in the middle of the group army fought an arduous battle for the ‘barricade’ factory. Judging from the intensity of the battle. The newly added force of the German army is not good at close combat. Although we have only a handful of soldiers in the factory workshop, the enemy who has a five-fold advantage in strength is not at all cheap in front of our small troops.

On October 27, the left wing of the Lyudnikov Division and a regiment of the Gurtyev Division were defeated by the enemy. The enemy automatic gunners occupied Metzinskaya Street and Tuvinskaya Street, and began to shoot the area near our last ferry. At this time, Smekhotvorov and Guriyev's troops repelled multiple offensives from the 79th Division of the German Infantry. This division directed the main assault on the "Red October" factory.

Fascist automatic gunners sneaked into the sparse combat formation of the aforementioned troops. They approached the headquarters of the 39th Division and threw grenades at Guriyev's shelter. When Commander Cuikov learned of the news, he hurriedly sent a company of guards from the headquarters of the group army to rescue Guriyev. The guard company and Guriyev's forces attacked together and repelled the enemy automatic gunmen from the vicinity of the division headquarters. They followed and chased after victory until they rushed to the "Red October" factory. At the end of the battle, the guard company sent by the group army did not return to the headquarters, but stayed there and supplemented the Guriyev Division to strengthen their strength. "

"It turned out to be like this." Kirilov heard this, and said thoughtfully: "No wonder Commander Cuikov cheeklessly asked us for a platoon of fighters. It turned out that he was really going to serve as a security guard for the headquarters. Ah." Having said that, he raised his head and said to Akhromeyev who had stopped, "Keep on reading, Comrade Chief of Staff."

"...The enemy continued to carry out assaults on the ferry and the "Red October" factory. At about 15:00, our army successfully repelled the enemy's offensive, but before dark, the fascist bandits still succeeded in occupying Masennaya Street.

In the area between the ‘Barricade’ factory and the ‘Red October’ factory, the enemy was only about 400 meters away from the Volga River. The enemy's automatic gun fire and artillery fired at the gully leading from the west to the Volga River. Now to move forward along the river bank can only crawl. This is very inconvenient for us. Soon, our engineers erected two palisades across the gully and filled them with stones. Used to intercept bullets. ..."

After listening to Akhromeyev's thick stack of war reports, Kirilov first said: "Although the German offensive was very fierce some time ago, they once had the upper hand, but in the end they still failed to take our The troops rushed to the Volga River. Now that the enemy's power has been exhausted, I don't think they will launch any more large-scale attacks."

"Comrade Political Commissar. You are too optimistic." As soon as Kirilov finished speaking, Deputy Commander Bantaiyev said: "Although the Germans did their best to not occupy the entire city, and their troops were also being attacked during the battle. Greatly weakened. But if we based on this, we wishfully believe that the enemy has no power to attack, and relax our vigilance. We will suffer a big loss."

"The situation is not as serious as you said, old man." Kirilov retorted unconvincedly: "After the arduous battle in October, our commander understood that the Hitler bandits could no longer prepare for this in a short period of time. A large-scale offensive action has taken place. The enemy’s piles of corpses and destroyed equipment that were too late to clean up are confirmed. For the attackers, it is not necessary to move forward over these "obstacles" left by themselves. An easy thing. "

I did not comment on the dispute between the two, but I agree with Bantai Leyev’s analysis. Although the German army suffered a big loss in the October offensive, at the same time, we must also see that our army’s casualties were even more serious. The Germans had another attack of the same intensity. Whether the 62nd Army can withstand the German attack is a big question.

Seeing that the argument between Kirilov and Bantai Lev is getting more and more intense, I am planning to express my views. To stop the two people's argument, the phone on the table rang untimely, just to interrupt the two people's argument.

Akhromeyev picked up the phone and listened for a while, then handed it to me, and said at the same time: "Comrade Commander, it is from Lieutenant Colonel Heydar. He said there is an important intelligence report."

I answered the phone and said loudly into the microphone: "Hello. Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar? This is Oshanina. Do you have anything important to report to me?"

"Yes. Comrade Commander." Gaidar hurriedly said on the phone: "The observation post on the top of the mountain just reported that there was an abnormal movement in the enemy's front position. I hurriedly went to the observation post on the top of the mountain together with Political Commissar Xia Ping. The enemy set up an artillery position behind their forward position. There were probably two artillery battalions. It seemed that they wanted to shoot close to our high ground."

Before I had time to speak, Pantaiyev next to me reminded me: "Comrade commander, ask the lieutenant colonel if he can attack and try to destroy the German artillery position."

Heydar apparently heard Bantai Leyev’s voice, and was afraid that I would give him such an order. He quickly reminded me: "Comrade commander, there are tank troops deployed next to the enemy’s artillery position. Our troops are already lacking. Heavy weapons and anti-tank weapons, if they rashly attack the enemy’s position, it would be similar to death."

"Pay close attention to the enemy's movements." Because Gaidar's report was too succinct, I couldn't guess the enemy's sudden attempt to set up artillery positions in the forward position. I could only tell him: "If you have any situation, please report to me at any time."

Putting down the phone, I frowned and thought about it. After the enemy's attack on us has stopped for so many days, why has it suddenly become so active again? Did they get a supplement from somewhere? In order to clarify this matter, I called the group army headquarters. After hearing Krylov’s voice, I immediately asked: "Hello, Comrade Chief of Staff, I would like to ask what happened to the enemy in the city. ?"

"Yes, Comrade Oshanina, according to the reports of the divisions, the German forces in front of them are making a tense move, and it seems that a major offensive is brewing." Krylov said solemnly, "It looks like the enemy Not reconciled to their failure, I still want to attack again to restore their reputation."

"Is Comrade Commander here?" After I waited for Krylov to finish speaking, I asked tentatively: "I have something important to report to him."

Soon Cui Kefu's familiar voice came from the earpiece: "This is Cui Kefu, Comrade Oshanina, do you have anything to report to me?"

"Comrade Commander," I heard Cui Kefu's voice, and I quickly organized a vocabulary in my mind, and then began to report to him: "The commander of the fourth regiment reported to me just now. The enemy is in the forward position on the north side of the plateau. Behind, an artillery position was set up, perhaps to prevent our army from rushing in, they also sent tanks to cover the artillery position."

"The enemy's attempt is very obvious. Comrade Oshanina." Trikov listened to me about the general situation and immediately expressed his own opinion: "The enemy still has not given up the attempt to capture Mamayev Hill. I guess they Today, there will be a fierce attack on Mamayev Hill, and you must make all preparations in advance."

"Okay, Comrade Commander, I will prepare the troops for all battles." After saying this. I repeated what I just heard Kirilov said to Trikov.

After hearing this, Cui Koff was silent for a long time before he said: "Comrade Oshanina, you are right. Our army is currently facing a serious situation of fighting on two sides: one is fighting the enemy; the other is fighting a natural disaster on the Volga River. Fight.

After estimating the possible complicated situation. The Military Committee of the Group Army submitted a detailed plan to the Logistics Command in advance, requesting to ensure the needs of the War Department in the city. The plan requires: first, to bring in supplementary personnel and large quantities of ammunition (because without these, the group army will suffer); second, to bring in food and medicine; third, to bring in winter clothing that the troops need urgently. In addition, as early as a few days ago, we had intentionally reduced food. Let the commanders and fighters tolerate the severe cold adaptively, but when we sense that the enemy is preparing for an assault, we can no longer be in a situation where we are short of people and ammunition. In this situation. No ammunition is tantamount to waiting to die.

A lot of ammunition is needed, and indeed the more the better. The soldiers also have a deep understanding of this. They are doing everything possible to collect and store some bullets, grenades, mines, and shells. Everyone knew in their hearts that they would rather starve and get cold. Nor can it be without ammunition.

I handed over to Spasov, Sokolov and Zinoviev the work of supervising the inventory, distribution and storage of ammunition. They have been staying in the city and personally report the arrival of the supplies to me every day. The distribution plan (how much to whom and how much to spare) is determined by the military committee of the group army.

But your teacher is not under the distribution plan, as far as I know. The materials you seized on your trip north this time are enough to support your battle for half a month to a month, so let's leave the materials to the troops that need it most. "

Cui Kefu's words gave me a sigh of relief. It turned out that he only included my teacher on the list of non-distributed materials, and did not intend to let us adjust some materials to support the friendly forces, so that my heart is much more at ease.

I was trying to find a reason to hang up, and Cui Kefu suddenly said: "Comrade Oshanina, the great'October Revolutionary Day' will be in a few days. In order to celebrate this grand holiday, the group army is preparing to celebrate the day before. That is, on November 6, a large-scale counter-attack was launched against the enemy in front of you. You are no exception. You must cooperate with the overall action of the group army and launch an attack against the enemy in front of you. Are you okay?"

Cui Kefu asked me that, can I say no? So I could only gritted my teeth and said: "Please rest assured, the commander, the independent division will never drag the whole army behind. We will attack the enemy in front of us after the counter-attack begins."

When I put down the phone, Akhromeyev, who heard part of our conversation, asked with concern: "Comrade Commander, what's wrong? Where and on what scale does the commander plan to counterattack the enemy? "

I haven’t spoken yet. Kirilov has already said dissatisfiedly: “Counter-attack, it’s a counter-attack again. We don’t look at the current situation. Our forces are limited and we are barely enough for defense. If we use it for offense, it’s a bit stretched. ."

"Comrade Political Commissar, you can't say anything like this." I was afraid that Kirilov would be agitated for a while, saying something that shouldn't be said, and quickly stopped him, and said my own views to several people: "Although our current military strength It is limited, and there is no big counterattack, but a small counterattack can still be achieved. This counterattack was specially organized by Commander Cuikov to celebrate the great October Revolution."

As soon as I said my words, everyone stopped talking, because this counterattack was linked to celebrating a great festival. If anyone opposed it, it would seriously affect their own future. So in this case, Silence is their best choice.

Bantai Leyev first changed the subject: "Comrade Commander, I have a hunch." Seeing everyone's attention was focused on him, he went on to say, "The enemy is so far away from our position. , Arrange an artillery position. The purpose is not only to bombard our high ground, but the more important target is to bombard our ferry on the Volga River in an attempt to cut off our logistics supplies in this way."

"Comrade deputy commander, do you have any good ideas?" After Akhromeyev waited for Bantaiyev to finish speaking, he looked down at the map for a while, then raised his head and asked: "Or, what kind of Way to destroy the enemy’s artillery positions and ensure the safety of the high ground and the Volga transport line?"

"Since the enemy has arranged an artillery position, we can also arrange an artillery position on the high and low south **** to the north." Bantai Leyev seemed to have considered all possibilities, so I heard that Akhromeye After the husband’s question, he immediately replied with confidence, “During this trip north, we captured a lot of enemy artillery. Although we lost three of the enemy’s artillery in the previous battle, the remaining artillery will destroy the enemy’s artillery. Position, that is more than enough."

After listening to Pantailev’s words, Kirilov turned his head and said to me after a moment of thought: "Comrade commander, I think the deputy commander’s approach is good. You can set up an artillery position behind the Fourth Regiment and destroy it with artillery fire. The enemy’s artillery position.” After I finished speaking, I saw that I hadn’t made a statement, and then said carefully: “Or, let’s call Major Morozov now and ask him what’s your opinion?”

Regarding Kirilov’s proposal, I did not speak, but nodded in acquiescence. Seeing that I agreed, Akhromeyev immediately picked up the phone on the table to contact Morozov and ordered him to immediately rush to the division headquarters, saying that he would assign important combat tasks to him.

Morozov arrived very quickly, and within two minutes of Akhromeyev's call, he appeared at my headquarters. Perhaps it was because I heard that there were important combat tasks to be arranged. Morozov flushed with excitement. As soon as he entered the door, he couldn’t wait to ask: "Comrade Commander, Major Morozov, Artillery Battalion Commander, came to report to you. I don’t know how important you are. Is the task given to us?"

Kirilov and I smiled at each other and asked Morozov jokingly: "Comrade Major, what's the matter, I can't keep my breath?"

"Of course, Comrade Political Commissar." Morozov replied a little shyly: "Seeing that other officers and fighters are awarded awards and promotions, the officers and fighters of our battalion are anxious. Everyone comes to mine every day. The command post came and begged me to ask the division headquarters for a fight, but I couldn’t persuade them..."

Before Morozov could finish~lightnovelpub.net~Kirilov interrupted him with a smile: "Comrade Major, the restless person, it may be you. Isn’t it a long time since the war? Seeing others awarding honors and titles makes me feel uncomfortable?"

"That's it," Morozov smiled embarrassedly when he saw his tricks were seen through, and then said: "Although our battalion is incomplete, there are still a few newly captured heavy artillery pieces that can be used in battle. Provide necessary fire cover for our troops..."

Before Morozov had finished speaking, the phone on the desk rang again. Akhromeyev grabbed the phone and put it down after listening for a while. He raised his head and said to me: "Comrade Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar reported that the enemy has begun shelling their positions."

"I know." After I said this in a calm tone, I turned and told Morozov: "Comrade Major, I order you to build a heavy artillery position on the southern **** of the plateau where the Fourth Regiment is located as soon as possible, against the enemy's artillery position. Suppressing them with firepower, of course, can destroy them. It’s the best, and I will give you credit at that time.

Hearing that I wanted to give them credit, Morozov was so excited as if he was beaten in blood. He slapped a slap and stood at attention, and replied loudly: "Please rest assured, I will put this heavy artillery position in two hours. Well constructed. Before dark, I promise that the enemy’s artillery position will no longer exist." (To be continued)