Burning Moscow

Chapter 518: The engineer is missing

Sidorin walked on his front foot, and Sederikov returned to the command post on his back foot. As soon as the captain entered the door, he took the initiative to report to me: "Comrade commander, I went to the forest just now and looked at the barracks built by the Fourth Regiment."

I asked casually, "How many people can the barracks built by the four regiments hold?"

Sergeikov said with emotion: "Captain Gaidar's subordinates are really not easy. In just one afternoon, all the barracks that should be built were built. At present, all the officers and soldiers of the division have been moved into the newly built barracks. Barracks."

"What?! Is it all built?" Hearing what he said, I almost jumped off the stool. After a moment of loss of consciousness, I looked around the headquarters again, and then said in disbelief: "Gail Captain Da's staff are really talented. In such a short time, all the barracks have been built. "I thought it would take ten and a half months to build the barracks, but I didn't expect it to be completed in half a day.

Seeing that I was constantly looking at the headquarters where we were, Sederikov realized that I was a bit biased, so he quickly coughed and explained: "Comrade Commander, a strong headquarters like this, Captain Gelda Only four were repaired, which happened to be the regimental headquarters of our four regiments. As for the barracks where the soldiers lived, they were relatively simple and could barely shelter the wind and rain. When there are opportunities in the future, they will be built. Ok."

Hearing this, I was whispering in my heart, I guess there will be no chance for the soldiers to rebuild the barracks. Maybe one day we will be transferred to other locations to participate in the war. No matter how well the barracks are built, they can only be abandoned. I turned the topic around and asked with concern: "Comrade Captain, are the accommodations for the communications and security squads arranged?"

"It's all arranged." The captain nodded vigorously and replied, "I put them in a temporary barracks west of the headquarters. Because there are no extra rooms, I had to let the soldiers of the two squads live together. . "Speaking of this, he paused to observe my expression and saw that I had no opinion on the mixed sex. He went on to say, "When Captain Gaidar was building the barracks, he had fully considered the issue of air defense. Even if the enemy's reconnaissance plane flew over the forest, it would not find our camp."

When I heard the men and women huddled in a barracks, although I didn't make any comments, I was still worried about where I lived. Unexpectedly, Lieutenant Sederikov, who knows how to behave well, said first: "Comrade Commander, it seems that you can only spend the night in the command post tonight. But don't worry, I will let the soldiers prepare a bed for you." , He turned and shouted at the outside: "Come here, bring the bed in." With his shout, two male soldiers came in with a wooden bed, and they carried it directly to the corner away from the door and put them down.

After waiting for the two male soldiers to leave, Sederikov said to me: "Comrade commander. I have two guard posts at the door. No one can go in and out casually. You can rest assured and have a good night's sleep. You live in a tent not far from the headquarters. What do you want? Just shout and I will appear in front of you immediately. It’s getting late, so you should rest early.” After speaking, he raised his hand and saluted After that, he turned and left.

I watched the captain's back disappear from the door, and then looked at Razumeyeva, who was still wearing headphones and sitting in front of the radio. He walked to her and asked, "Comrade Sergeant, nothing should happen at night. You should go back to the barracks and rest."

The sergeant took off his headset and stood up and said to me: "Comrade commander, in order to ensure the unblocked communication of the command headquarters, the communication equipment used must be on duty 24 hours a day, comrade commander."

Since she is on duty. I didn't force her, I just told her: "If you have anything, come and wake me up at any time." After that, I walked over to the new bed and got ready to go to sleep.

I originally said that though. Unexpectedly, it became true. In the middle of the night when I was sleeping in a daze, I felt that someone was shaking my body. I tried to open my eyes and took a look. It turned out to be Razumeeva. I asked weakly, "Comrade Sergeant, what's the matter? ?"

"Comrade Commander," Razumeyeva said hurriedly, "General Cuikov is calling you and wants to speak to you."

Hearing Razumeyeva said that it was Cui Koff who wanted to talk to me, I was shocked, and she said she was looking for me so late. Could it be that an accident happened? Couldn't it be that Xiao Xidolin didn't return to the headquarters with the convoy, Cui Kefu asked me to raise the teacher?

As soon as I put on the headphones, I heard Cui Kefu's cold voice: "Oshanina, what a good thing you did!"

In the silent night, Cui Kefu's voice was like a cold wind, which made me shiver suddenly.

I cautiously explained to him: "Comrade Commander, did Sidorin have not returned to the headquarters? You know, I asked the soldiers of the guard squad to put him in the car. Isn't he reluctant to return to the headquarters? Jumped halfway and ran back?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Sidorin is by my side. I'm talking about other things." Cui Kefu's stern voice came from the headset.

"Comrade Commander, what are you talking about? I really don't know." I asked with a guilty conscience. After asking this sentence, I kept muttering in my heart, I don’t seem to have done anything wrong. When I reported the counterattack plan to him before going to bed, I was praised by him. How much time has passed since? Inexplicably start a fire at me?

"I ask you, what's the matter with the dozen or so deserters in your division?" Cui Kefu asked loudly, patting the table.

"Desert?! What deserter? Comrade Commander, you have confused me." I am really at a loss. The independent division has only been formed for less than a day. How can there be deserters?

"Good! Good! Good!! You still don't admit it!" Cui Kefu gritted his teeth and said, "Those deserters caught by the Supervisory Team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are all admitted to be independent divisions."

"Comrade Commander, if you don't say anything about the deserter, I don't know at all." I said dryly into the microphone, "Can you tell me what is going on?"

"Okay, then I'll tell you. Five minutes ago, Colonel Lyudnikov, commander of the 70th Guards Division, reported to me that the Supervisory Team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had found a dozen sneaky in his area. When the soldiers in, went up to stop them for interrogation, they found that they did not have any documents. When the soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also executed them as deserters, several people pushed down the soldiers around them and fled into the wilderness. The soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Shot decisively. Two people were killed and five others were injured on the spot. The rest were obediently captured, but one person escaped."

"Then how do the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs know that these deserters are from the independent division?"

"The gunshots alarmed the guards' patrol. After they arrived, they met with the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and returned to the headquarters of the guards with the remaining deserters. Lyudnikov was with the captain of the supervising team. When interrogating them, they took the initiative to admit that they were fighters of the independent division."

Cui Kefu's words drove me crazy. I was not mentally prepared for this sudden accident, and I didn't know how to deal with such a crisis. However, after a moment of panic, my mood stabilized, and I said in a calm tone: "Comrade Commander, I suggest you go to the division headquarters of the 70th Guards Division with me to find out what's going on. . You know. After all, the independent division has just been formed, and it is inevitable that there will be a mixture of fish and dragons, and it is inevitable that there are a few people who are greedy for life and fear of death."

Hearing what I said, there was a pause. Cui Kefu said, "Forget it, since the incident has happened, it is useless to complain about you. But you immediately come to the headquarters of the group army, and I will go to the Orlovka area with you." After that, Cui Kefu stopped directly. Call to show his extreme dissatisfaction.

I returned the headset and microphone to Razumeyeva and walked to the door. Raising his voice into the distance, he shouted: "Captain Sederikov! Captain Sederikov!" He shouted twice. It is estimated that the captain has already heard my shout. I turned around and went back to the room to take the submachine gun, and I was going to leave when the captain came to explain a few words.

Lieutenant Sejerikov, who was disheveled and not wearing a military cap, rushed into the headquarters and asked nervously, "Comrade Commander, what instructions do you have?"

I sat on the stool and said angrily, "Comrade Captain. Do you think I would wake you up in the middle of the night?" As soon as I spoke, I realized that my attitude towards the Captain was too blunt. His relationship is not big, I don't have to be angry with him. So I took a deep breath, calmed my emotions, and said slowly: "There was an accident. The Supervisory Team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs caught a dozen deserters. After interrogation, they found that they were all soldiers of our division."

"Destroyer?!" He heard the news, just like I did, with an incredible expression on his face. After a moment of panic, he asked sternly: "Comrade commander, which regiment is the deserter?"

I shook my head and said, "I don't know. I'm going to the command of the group army soon, and I will go to the supervising team with General Cui Kefu to find out what is going on." After that, I looked up at him and said, "Captain Comrade, after I leave, you will temporarily be in charge of the work in the division."

The captain nodded and did not say anything to show his loyalty. Instead, he asked, "It's so late. Is it safe for you to go to the headquarters of the group army alone? Or else, you should bring the guard squad." After that, it doesn't matter. I disagreed, ran to the door, gave a few words to the sentry, and then returned to continue chatting with me.

He asked me in detail what Cui Kefu said, and then analyzed to me: "Comrade Commander, I think there may be some misunderstandings in the desertion, but I can't think of a specific reason in a hasty. I think After you merge with General Cui Kefu, you should still understand this as soon as possible. If you are late and the Ministry of Internal Affairs shoots all these so-called deserters to death, then everything is not clear."

Sergeikov and I were talking, and there was a voice shouting at the door. Sergeikov turned his head and shouted outside: "Come in quickly, Comrade Vera."

As soon as his words fell, Vera, my guard squad leader, appeared at the door fully armed. Sergeikov explained to me: "Comrade commander, I asked the guards to assemble. It is too late and the road is not safe. Let them accompany you to the headquarters of the group army."

I didn't say anything, and walked outside when I picked up the submachine gun. As I passed by Vera, I gently swept her shoulders and led her out.

At first I thought we had to go to the division headquarters of the 208th division at least to find a car. Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked to the edge of the forest, I saw a truck parked outside. I turned my head, pointed at the truck and asked Vera next to him: "Vera, why is there a car here?"

Vera looked in the direction of my finger, and then said disapprovingly: "Lida, you are talking about this truck! When the soldier and I sent Cidolin over, we saw that the car was out of order and the driver was repairing it. Well. Maybe it's fixed now."

"Vera, go and see if the driver is there?" I said to Vera, "If the driver is there, then we can stop walking. Instead, go to the headquarters by car." Vera readily agreed and walked quickly. Ran over.

I saw her running to the cab of the truck, raising her hand to pat the door, and at the same time asking loudly, "Hey, is there anyone in the car?"

Just after she took a few shots, the car glass was rolled down, and the driver poked his head out of the car window and asked displeasurely: "Hey, I said Comrade Female Soldier, what are you screaming at in the middle of the night?"

"Comrade driver. We have an urgent matter to requisition your truck." Vera said solemnly.

Unexpectedly, the driver waved his hand again and again, and said uncomfortably: "No, no, don't disturb my sleep, wait until dawn."

Seeing Vera hit the wall, I hurriedly walked over. Looking up at the driver in the bridge, he said softly: "Comrade driver, I am Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina, the commander of the independent division. We have to rush to the headquarters of the group army in an urgent matter. ?"

The driver saw that I was talking to him and was so frightened that he pushed the door and jumped down. Stand up straight and salute me. I had to say a few words when I saluted, but I was so scared that I couldn't say it.

I ignored him, but waved to the soldiers in the guard squad behind, and ordered loudly: "Guards, listen to my call. Get in the car." After that, I walked around in front of the car and pulled away the co-pilot. The door got on the car.

Seeing the driver standing under the car stupidly with his hands raised, I yelled to him quickly: "Hey, I said Comrade Driver. When are you going to stand there, come up quickly, we are still waiting for you to drive? ."

The driver agreed and hurriedly climbed into the car. Because of nervousness, the truck was started after several fires.

Our car was passing through the station of the 208th Division and was stopped by soldiers set up to check. Seeing the soldier at the checkpoint coming towards our truck, I poked my head out of the window and just wanted to say a few words. I didn't expect the soldier who took the lead to turn around and say to the back: "Move the roadblock away!" After that, he took a step back and raised his hand to salute us.

I feel good about such a reasonable soldier. Not only did I return a courtesy, but also said to him: "Thank you!" When the car drove out a long way, I suddenly remembered that the soldier just now looked a bit like the last time he was at the entrance of the village. The corporal whom I pointed and scolded, it seems that I left him quite a deep impression.

Although the truck was on the way to the headquarters and was stopped by the checkpoint several times, the soldiers who came to check the documents saw that I was sitting on the bridge and did not even look at the documents, so they waved and let them go.

When our car came to the headquarters of the group army, I saw a man walking around anxiously beside the jeep parked outside the headquarters. Under the bright moonlight, I immediately recognized Cui Kefu from his figure.

I asked the driver to stop the car, pushed the door to get out of the car, and ran towards Cui Kefu. Before I could speak, Cui Kefu had already seen me. He looked at the truck behind me and asked, "Your guards are all in the car."

I nodded quickly.

He waved at me and said, "Get in the car and we will set off immediately."

Seeing Cui Kefu getting into the car, I yelled to the truck driver: "Catch up with our car." Then I turned to the jeep.

Apart from the driver and Cui Kefu in the car, the co-pilot was Sidorin who was forcibly sent back a few hours ago. When he saw me getting in the car, he snorted heavily, turned his head aside, and posed A posture that I ignore you.

After the car started moving, Cui Kefu sighed and said to me: "Oshanina, you are in serious trouble. There is a deserter in the army, and you, as the chief military officer, are to blame. If your superiors If you want to be held accountable, you will be dismissed and demoted from your post or sent to a military court."

Hearing what Cui Kefu said, my heartbeat couldn't help speeding up. I didn't expect a few deserters to cause me such a big trouble. I have been in the post of teacher commander for less than a day. But the rank of lieutenant colonel has been less than a month since I regained it. If I was demoted to a rank of major or lower, it would not be so easy to be promoted in the future.

Just when I was struggling with gains and losses, I heard Cui Kefu say: "Hey, I said Pvt. Cidolin, you and Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina are old acquaintances, why don't you even say hello to each other?"

Sidolin, who was criticized by him, turned around and nodded to me reluctantly, and said in a low voice, "Hello, comrade lieutenant colonel, I am glad to see you."

I tried to squeeze a smile on my face. Cidolin smiled. But before I could say anything, Sidorin turned his head again and didn't see my smiling face that was more ugly than crying.

Cui Kefu sighed again and leaned back. He was leaning back in his chair and began to close his eyes and rest. I looked out the window, thinking about how to face the deserters who caused me trouble when I arrived at the 70th Guards Division.

After driving for more than half an hour, the car finally reached the destination. Lyudnikov, the commander of the Guards Division, who had been waiting there, enthusiastically welcomed the three of us into the headquarters.

As soon as Trikov sat in his seat, he couldn't wait to ask: "Colonel Lyudnikov, where are the deserters?"

Lyudnikov said, please wait a moment, then picked up the phone on the desk, shook the handle a few times, and whispered into the microphone: "Hello. Comrade Captain, General Cuikov, Deputy Commander of the Army, and Independence The division’s commander, Lieutenant Colonel Oshaninna, is here. Could you please bring those deserters here. Thank you!"

Judging from the tone of Lyudnikov's speech, I knew he was calling an officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Otherwise, he, a colonel, would need to call a captain in such a polite tone?

After a short while, a captain with a big blue brimmed hat came in from the door, and he came in and looked around. Seeing Cui Kefu sitting at the table, he did not salute either, but nodded slightly. Then he turned his body aside and said to the outside: "Bring the deserter here!"

Following his orders, four or five soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs armed with submachine guns. A dozen unarmed and dejected soldiers walked in. A soldier in the middle, obviously injured in his leg, was helped by two comrades and jumped in with one right foot.

When these soldiers stood in a row with their backs against the wall, the captain of the Ministry of the Interior swaggered to the table and sat down, and asked Cui Kefu, who was sitting opposite him, "Comrade General. These are the deserters captured by us. What are you going to do? Disposal?"

Cui Kefu glanced at him contemptuously, did not answer his question, but turned to ask me who was standing next to him: "Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina, go and ask. Which part of them are they and why are they deserters? "

I nodded silently and came to the front of the soldiers. I haven't spoken yet. Judging from their skinny figures and the new uniforms on them, I can already determine that they are soldiers of the independent division without hesitation.

After scanning the twelve soldiers standing in front of me, I tried my best to ask in a flat tone: "Which one of you can tell me which regiment of the independent division you are from?"

In silence, the twelve soldiers lowered their heads and looked at their feet. No one raised their heads to answer my question.

I was particularly indignant at their silence. I raised my voice and said angrily: "I am Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina, the commander of the independent division. I will ask you again. Who can tell me which regiment you belong to?"

Hearing my identity, the soldier with a leg injury in the middle raised his head and asked tentatively: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, you are really the commander of the independent division."

"Yes." After finally seeing someone answer my question, my tone became steady again: "Comrade soldier, can you tell me which regiment you belong to and why you want to be a deserter?"

"Comrade commander, we are not deserters!" the wounded soldier shouted loudly.

"We are not deserters!" The two soldiers who immediately supported him also shouted loudly.

"Comrade commander, you are here. Only you can prove that we are not deserters."

"Comrade commander, you can testify to us, we are not deserters, we came out to execute orders..."

A dozen soldiers shouted at the same time, and the headquarters suddenly became chaotic. The soldiers who watched them around yelled at them: "Quiet, quiet, keep quiet for me!"

I raised my hands and pressed down, and the shouts of the soldiers stopped. When the command center returned to calm, I suddenly thought that in the chaos, someone was calling them not deserters, but came out to perform their tasks. Could it be that they were sent by Captain Gaidar of the Fourth Regiment to scout the enemy situation in the settlement, and were mistaken for deserters by the people of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Thinking of this, I pointed at the wounded soldier and asked tentatively: "Are you all from the Fourth Regiment?"

"Yes," the twelve replied neatly, "the captain is Captain Gaidar."

When I heard them say it was from the four regiments, I knew it was a complete misunderstanding, so I asked them knowingly, "What mission are you coming out to perform?" After I asked, I turned my head and looked at Cui Kefu who was sitting at the table. Looking at the captain of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I guess he thought of the same thing as me.

The wounded soldier stood up and leaned his back against the wall and reported to me: "Report to Comrade Commander, we were on the order of the regiment commander, Captain Gelda, to conduct reconnaissance in residential areas occupied by the enemy. As a result, we ran into the Ministry of Interior Because we couldn’t produce our documents, they said we were deserters and shot us all.”

"Naughty, it's just ridicule!" Cui Kefu shot the case and attacked the captain: "Comrade Captain, this is what you call deserters. You know they were ordered to perform reconnaissance missions, but they were arrested as deserters. If you miss the opportunity, can you bear this responsibility?"

Before the captain could speak, he turned his head and said to Lyudnikov next to him: "Comrade Colonel, I am very disappointed in you. The Ministry of Internal Affairs said that they were deserters, and you did not interrogate them personally, so you reported to me that the independent division was caught. Deserters." Then he involuntarily ordered: "You immediately arrange manpower and take these soldiers to rest. If you have anything to do, wait until dawn."

When Cui Kefu was behind, I pushed aside the soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were holding them, walked in front of the wounded soldiers, grabbed him by the collar and asked, "Who are you construction engineers?"

The wounded soldier shook his head nervously and said incoherently, "Comrade commander, there are no engineers here, and the engineers are not here."

I heard that the engineer was not here, I was scared into a cold sweat, because I heard that two people were shot and killed by soldiers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The engineer will not be one of the dead, right~lightnovelpub.net~ I bite The posterior molar asked fiercely, "Where is the engineer? Wasn't he killed by random guns?"

The wounded soldier shook his head again and said, "No, the engineer ran away in the chaos."

Hearing that the engineer was safe, I breathed a sigh of relief, let go of the wounded soldier, and returned to Cui Kefu's side, wanting to ask him what to do next.

Unexpectedly, the captain was arguing with him. He reluctantly said to Cui Kefu: "Comrade General, there are many deserters who use this kind of mission reason to deceive the patrol. Don't be deceived by them."

Cui Kefu stared at the captain in front of him with fire-breathing eyes, and said word by word: "Comrade Captain, I warn you not to talk nonsense. They are scouts of the independent division and are performing a secret reconnaissance mission. Because of your mistakes, Not only did they disrupt their reconnaissance operations, but they also caused them unnecessary casualties. I will sue your superiors and let him send you to a military court."

Regarding Cui Kefu's threat, the captain seemed to be a little vacant, but he still said stiffly: "If you want to sue your superiors, just go. I am performing my duties." After speaking, he stood up angrily and walked over. Next to several of his subordinates, they said loudly: "Let's go!" Then they took the lead and walked out of the room.