Burning Moscow

Chapter 553: Captured general

Knowing that the night raid was very successful, I felt relieved as a whole. If I didn't wait for Sergeikov to report the results, I guess I would have found a place to sleep long ago.

While waiting for the results of the first regiment, the second and third regiments also called one after another to report to me the results they achieved and the casualties of our troops in the previous battle.

The first report was the commander of the third regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Ke Sijia, who said excitedly: "Report to the commander, the results of our regiment have been counted. Destroyed 5 armored vehicles, 19 motorcycles, and 35 trucks of the 94th Division of the German Infantry. 483 enemy and 270 wounded. 14 50mm mortars, 6 81mm mortars and 200 rounds were captured. 3 heavy machine guns, 15 light machine guns, 27 submachine guns, and 609 rifles. The casualties of our army were two companies."

Hearing the blocking battles fought by the three regiments, the German casualties were several times that of ours. I couldn’t help being taken aback, and then asked curiously: “Lieutenant Colonel Corsica, it’s a good fight. I want to ask, your regiment. After playing so well, why are the casualties so small?"

Corsca thought for a while and replied: "Reporter commander, can achieve such a result, one is that the original fortifications of the 70th Guards Division are well repaired; the other is that the enemy's vigilance is not high. They conduct reconnaissance on our regiment's positions during the day. At that time, no trace of our army was found, because our army retreated across the board. After receiving the order to reinforce the 29th Division, they hurriedly completed the assembly and marched towards our army's position carelessly. When our army opened fire, the enemy I was caught off guard. After the battle, we cleaned the battlefield. We found that many German soldiers who were killed did not even open the bolt."

"Good job, Lieutenant Colonel Corsgar. The 29th Division of the German Army has been hit hard by a regiment, and the 94th Division in front of you will not do anything tonight. Let the soldiers rest well. Prepare for the brutal battle after dawn. ."

The next one who called was Oleg, the second regiment commander. Just after hearing about the results of the Corsca regiment, I naturally thought that a regiment that participated in the battle for the first time could achieve such good results, then the second regiment that participated in the daytime battle. . Naturally, the results achieved will not be worse than the three groups.

Hear Oleg's voice. I asked happily and cordially: "Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, I just heard about the results of the Third Regiment. They eliminated several times more enemies than them. How about your group’s results? Isn’t it worse than the Third Regiment? "

Oleg was silent for a long time. He hesitated and said: "Report to the commander, in the previous battle, our regiment destroyed 2 enemy armored vehicles, 11 motorcycles, 7 trucks, killed 112 enemies and wounded 85 people. 1 heavy machine gun was seized. There were 5 light machine guns, 6 submachine guns, and 124 rifles. Four companies of our regiment suffered casualties, of which 273 people died."

"What?!" I was sitting and answering the phone. Hearing the data he reported, he immediately jumped up from his seat and asked loudly: "Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, what's the matter, why are the casualties of the troops so high? You know, your regiment was fighting during the day. The realization is pretty good, and you also participated in the counterattack against 158 ​​Heights a few days ago. What is the combat effectiveness of the German 371 Infantry Division? You should have a good idea. Why do you have so many casualties in a blocking battle?"

Oleg smiled bitterly and replied: "Report to the commander, when our regiment entered the position, it was spotted by the German scouts. Before the attack, they carried out a sudden artillery attack on our army's position, due to the fortifications of our regiment. It was too crude and caused heavy casualties for the troops who entered the position in advance. After the shelling stopped, the enemy launched a fierce attack on our regiment's position under the cover of armored vehicles. The soldiers fought tenaciously and repelled the enemy's attack."

After listening to his report, I pondered for a moment, and then told him: "Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, although the 29th German Division was hit hard by our army, I guess the German 371th Division in front of your regiment will launch tomorrow. A new offensive. You let the troops reinforce their fortifications overnight to prepare for a protracted battle."

I was originally excited by the news that the 29th Division of the German Army was severely damaged. For a time, I even had the idea of ​​staying here and continuing to deal with the 4th Army of the German Tanks. But Oleg's report poured cold water on me and calmed me down from the state of ecstasy. In my heart, I thought to myself that when the enemy and mine are so disparity in power, my division can still achieve ideal results by fighting an ambush and a sneak attack. But if we really set up our position and fight face-to-face battles with the Germans, how long my troops can support under the powerful firepower of enemy aircraft, tanks and artillery is really a headache.

I was pacing back and forth in the small observation post with my hands back, thinking about when to withdraw the whole division to the area designated by Cui Kefu. As I was walking, Razumeyeva suddenly called me: "Comrade Master."

I stopped and turned my head to look at her. I saw her holding the earphone and microphone in her hand, and said happily to me: "It's a call from the head of Sergeikov. He said that he has important information to report to you. ."

Although my mood became a bit disappointed by Oleg's words, I tried to stabilize my mood when I was talking to Sergeikov. I asked Sederikov in a steady tone: "A regimental commander, have the results of your regiment been calculated? Do you have any good news to tell me?"

"Yes, comrade commander." Sergeikov's voice was filled with uncontrollable joy. He said excitedly: "Our soldiers found the commander of the 29th Division of the German Army who was stunned by a cannonball while cleaning the battlefield. Major General Hans-Georg Leiser was captured alive with him, as well as his adjutant Major Golausel, the commander of the motorbike battalion, Major Best, and the commander of the heavy machine gun company, Captain Eugen."

"What? I caught the commander of the 29th Division?" I can hardly believe my ears. I have been fighting since I have fought many battles. Although the German officers have caught a lot of them, they are all Most of the battalion-level officers are lieutenant-level or school-level officers, and those at the general level can hardly even think about it. Unexpectedly, the night attack tonight would have captured the commander of the 29th Division of the German Motorized Infantry. This is really unexpected.

After a brief excitement, I calmed down and asked cautiously: "Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov, have you confirmed this Hans-Georg Lazer? Is it he himself or is wearing his uniform? Lower-ranking officers?" The reason why I ask this question is because I lost the battle. It often happens that the top commander of the army puts on the uniform of an ordinary soldier, or changes outfits with his own subordinates, and then escapes into the chaotic army.

Sederikov replied affirmatively: "I first used the searched military ID to compare it carefully with himself. Then I brought some captured officers to identify it. I can tell you responsibly. It was Lazer himself who was captured."

Knowing that I had captured the German general, my heart beat faster. The hand holding the microphone also trembled slightly. I quickly took a few deep breaths, and when my mood calmed down, I hurriedly ordered him: "Bring him to my observation station immediately."

"Yes!" Sederikov replied loudly. Then he said solemnly: "I personally sent him to your observation station."

After finishing the conversation with Sergeikov, I walked to the observation port, supported the log wall with both hands, and panted heavily to stabilize my nervousness.

"Is it true? Comrade Commander." Pugachev's voice sounded beside me, and I turned my head to see that he didn't know when he came to me. Seeing that I noticed him, he repeated the question again: "Is it true? Commander. Did we really catch the commander of the German army?"

I didn't speak, just nodded vigorously and gave him an affirmative answer.

"It's great. It's great!" Pugachev was also excited. He waved his fist fiercely, and then tentatively suggested to me: "This good news, should we report it to the Army Command immediately? what?"

Pugachev’s suggestion reminded me, and I quickly told Razumeeva: "Comrade Ensign, hurry up and contact the group army headquarters. I want to report this good news to General Cuikov."

When I contacted Cui Kefu, my mood was still not completely stabilized, and my voice changed a little with excitement when I spoke: "Hello, Comrade Commander!"

Cui Kefu may have felt my joy, so he smiled and asked me: "Oshanina, do you have any good news to report to me?"

I nodded vigorously and replied, "Yes, Comrade Commander. I have good news to tell you. When a regiment was cleaning the battlefield, it found several commanders stunned by shells from the piles of German corpses. One of them was the commander of the 29th Division of the German Motorized Infantry, Major General Hans-Georg Leiser."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the sound of heavy objects falling on the earphones, and then Cui Kefu asked in an incredible tone: "Oshanina, what did you just say? Please repeat it again." Because of excitement, He also used the honorific title of "you" for me for the first time.

At this time, my mood calmed down, so I repeated what I said just now: "Report to Comrade Commander, I said that my troops just captured Major General Hans-Georg Leitzer, the commander of the 29th German Division. ."

"Are you sure? It's not that his subordinates put on his military uniform, right?" Cui Kefu was the same as I just now, the first reaction was that it was not Lazer who caught him, but some of his subordinates put on his. military uniform.

"After catching Lezer, Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov not only checked his military ID, but also let some German officers and soldiers identify it. It is entirely possible to confirm that the captured person was Major General Lezer himself."

"Comrade Oshanina, is what you said just now is true?" Suddenly came the voice of General Shumilov in the headset. When the real commander of the group army asked me, I hurriedly stood up straight and replied: "Report to Comrade Commander, this is all true. Lazer and his adjutant were captured by our army after being stunned by artillery shells. Now Lieutenant Colonel Sejerikov, the commander of the Independent Division, is carrying the captured Lai. Ze rushed to my observation post. After I reconfirmed, I will send someone to the group army headquarters."

"It's great, it's a great job!" From Shumilov's tone, I heard him feel a sense of raised eyebrows, and he went on to say: "Colonel Oshanina, I congratulate you. Yeah. I will report the achievements you and your independent division have achieved to the front army headquarters as soon as possible, and I will ask for your credit."

Our division's night raid battle can achieve such a result, not to mention Cuikov and Shumilov, even I can't think of it. My initial idea was to let the artillery battalion and a regiment of the 29th Division that harassed the camp, weaken their combat effectiveness and reduce the pressure they have to endure during the daytime battle. did not expect. Inadvertently inserted the willow into the shade, unexpectedly caught the German commander by mistake.

While waiting for Sergeikov to come to the observation station, I was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, walking back and forth in the observation station. Keep raising his hand to look at the watch. I wish he would show up in front of me with the German general right away.

Sederikov didn't wait, but unexpectedly waited for an unexpected call. Razumeyeva with headphones raised her head. Happily said to me in a hurry: "Comrade Commander, Comrade Chief of the General Staff wants to speak to you!"

"What? What did you say?" I didn't believe my ears a little.

"Comrade chief of the general staff wants to talk to you." Razumeyeva repeated again, taking off the headset and handing it to me together with the microphone.

I put on headphones. Just listen to it saying: "Is it Colonel Oshanina? This is Vasilevsky."

When I heard it, it was Vasilevsky's voice, and quickly replied: "It's me. Comrade Chief of the General Staff, it's been a long time, how are you?"

"I'm fine," Vasilevsky said kindly, "I called you today. Are you surprised?"

"Yes. Comrade Chief of the General Staff," I replied with trepidation, "I thought you were always in Moscow." Having said this, I remembered that Trikov had mentioned that Vasilevsky was in Stalin a few days ago. Geller, I was nervous for a while. Actually forgot about it.

"I heard that your independent division played very well today. In the daytime battle, it repelled three enemy attacks and wiped out a German regiment. The night attack at night was even more impressive, not only inflicting heavy losses on the German army. The 29th Division of the Motorized Infantry Division even captured the division’s commander alive. Judging from today’s battle, your commanding ability is quite good. I am very optimistic about you. You must keep working hard. One day, you will become a general. ."

When I heard the rank of general, I didn't have the slightest joy in my heart. You must know that I was a general long before the counterattack under Moscow began. Even if you become a general again, it is just an official reinstatement, and there is nothing to cheer about. But since the Chief of General Staff has already said this, I cannot say anything: "Thank you, Comrade Chief of the General Staff. I will continue to work hard and lead the independent division to make new achievements."

"Very good, very good!" Vasilevsky said twice in succession, and then asked with concern: "Are you having any difficulties now?"

Although the troops are inadequately trained, lack of grassroots commanders, and poor weapons and equipment, I still dare not easily raise these difficulties in front of the Chief of Staff of the Red Army. difficult."

"Comrade Oshaninna, you are telling lies!" Vasilevsky seemed to have guessed what I was thinking, and said straightforwardly: "I know that the formation of the independent division has been less than half a month, and the soldiers in the army are all from The prisoners in the Gulag concentration camp have neither specialized military training nor combat experience. They lack basic commanders in the division, and their weapons and equipment are also poor. Although you have fought a few battles recently and have some seizures, you’re right. For an independent teacher of 8,000 people, it is far from enough. If you have any difficulties, even if you raise them, I will help you solve them."

To be honest, I have always been obsessed with the ensign training team of Meletskov. I was kindly reminding the Supreme Commander that the next target of the enemy’s attack was not in Moscow or the Caucasus, but Stalingrad in the Volga River basin. Stalin had Said to send me to Stalingrad to guard Mamayev Hill. At that time, Meletskov also offered to assign me the ensign training team. I didn't expect that after a long time, there would be no more information. Since Vasilievsky asked me to make a request today, I can’t be polite, so I opened the door and said, “Comrade Chief of the General Staff, my army lacks a large number of grassroots commanders and combat backbones, so it’s not easy for the army to be in a short period of time. Formed a strong combat power within. General Meretskov once proposed to hand over his ensign training team to me to strengthen the army. However, because I was transferred too quickly, I didn’t have time to bring this training team. I don’t know if you can. Would you like to remind General Meretskov to send this unit to me?"

"Comrade Oshanina," Vasilievsky laughed haha, and when the laughter stopped, he said, "You really dare to speak, even General Meletskov's troops dared to think about it. But. Don't worry, since you made this request, I will look for an opportunity to mention it with Comrade Meletkov and ask them to take a picture of the ensign training team for you."

"Comrade Chief of the General Staff, this is really great." I was overjoyed when I heard that Vasilevsky had promised to help. Repeatedly thanked him: "Thank you, thank you! You can rest assured that the independent divisions strengthened by grassroots commanders and combat backbones will definitely make new achievements under Stalingrad. The 4th Army of German tanks in front of them will be crippled!"

This conversation between me and Vasilievsky. It makes me feel particularly warm and happy in my heart. After putting down the headset and microphone, I took off my helmet and placed it on the table. Order Pugachev: "Comrade Captain, you go out and have a look, are they here, Lieutenant Colonel Sejerikov?"

"Reporter Chief," Pugachev didn't wait for Pugachev to walk out of the observation post. Sergeikov's loud voice came from the door, "Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov, head of the Independent Division First Regiment, has been ordered to come, and I am waiting for your instructions!"

"Stop talking nonsense, come in!" I said while putting my helmet back on my head. Seeing only him and the artillery battalion commander Yegonovich came in, I quickly asked strangely: "The commander of the 29th German Division Hans- Where is Major General Georg Lesser?"

Xiejielikov smiled at me, turned his head and shouted outside: "Bring in."

As he shouted. A German officer was pushed into the observation post by a soldier. Then the soldier saluted me and said loudly: "Report Comrade Commander, Major General Hans-Georg Leiser, Commander of the German Army, has been brought here, please give instructions!"

I saw only one soldier behind the German general. It is guessed that it was the translator that Sergeikov got, so he was allowed to stay. Then I looked up at the German general standing in front of me, and saw that he was in his fifties, with a monocle in his right eye socket. So I asked politely: "Mr. General, I'm Colonel Oshanina, the commander of the independent division. Are you Major General Hans-Georg Lesser, the commander of the 29th Division?"

The German general obviously did not expect that I would be the division commander. After hearing the soldier's translation, he looked at me with disbelief and repeatedly asked: "You are really the commander of the Soviet army. Did you command the troops that severely damaged my division?"

After listening to the translation, I did not speak, but just nodded to affirm his statement.

After confirming my identity, he snorted heavily, and said disdainfully: "Miss Colonel, you are not a real soldier. You can only use nearby and sneak attacks, such as inability to reach the stage, to deal with our powerful Germany. Wehrmacht. If you stance against us, your troops will not be my opponent at all."

"Shut up, you German!" When Sergeikov heard Major General Lezer say this, he became angry and raised his hand to hit him, but I raised my hand to stop him.

I saw the elderly German general in front of me and said coldly: "As long as you can defeat the enemy, no matter what tactics are used, it is all right. But you are right, if my troops and you If your division fights positional warfare, it is really not your opponent. I have seen the record of the 4th Tank Army in the battle report. Your 29th division alone has once set a division to defeat two divisions and three of our army. The excellent record of the brigade."

After I finished speaking, I turned my head and said to Pugachev behind me: "Captain, take a few people and **** this General Leiser to the group army headquarters and hand it over to General Cuikov. Implement it now."

After Pughachev and the translator took Leiser away, I looked at the artillery battalion commander Yegonovich and asked: "Hey, I said Comrade Captain, I just asked my guard squad leader Vera to be your guide. ~lightnovelpub.net~ How come she disappears, did you hide her on purpose?"

I said this jokingly, but the captain's face turned red immediately. He murmured: "Comrade Colonel, I have a request. I don't know if you can keep Vera in my camp."

"Why?" I was very curious about his sudden proposal.

"Because I love her, isn't this reason enough?" Yegonovitch didn't expect that Yegonovitch was quite courageous, so he immediately said his thoughts in public.

I turned my head to look at Sederikov and nodded when I saw him smiling. Yegonovich was not embarrassed, so I readily agreed: "Well, Vera will stay in your camp for the time being. "

Yegonovich saluted me with a slap, and then thanked me repeatedly with excitement: "Thank you, thank you, comrade colonel! I will repay you for your kindness."

ps:    bow to thank book friend Peibin for two votes for support; thanks to book friend g1360, Xiaobing Doudou, Nebula Hunter, 145236632541, Xiao Yixxx for voting, thanks to the book friend original: -d point rewards 200 coins