Burning Moscow

Chapter 558: Makeup Breakout

"Naughty, it's just bullshit!" When the ensign said that, I couldn't help but break out. "Who gave him the right, at this time, actually dare to openly defy the superior's order and bring troops to attack the Germans without authorization . Who is it? Who gave him this right?"

The second lieutenant wiped his sweaty forehead with his sleeves and said nervously, "Comrade Commander, this is the decision of the regiment commander himself."

I just responded non-committal, and then asked faintly: "The leader is not here, so who is responsible here?"

The second lieutenant looked around and replied: "I think it is my responsibility, comrade commander, and the commanders of the regiment have followed the regiment leader to perform their tasks."

"Second Lieutenant, how many people are still in the garrison?" I asked.

"There is a platoon led by me, and there are more than 70 lightly wounded people." Maybe because I was afraid that I would continue to ask, he immediately added: "The severely wounded people in the regiment have been sent to Stalingrad in the afternoon. "

"The people who brought you, as well as the lightly wounded, follow me to the forward position."

"But, comrade commander," the second lieutenant hesitated when he heard my order, and asked tentatively, "If all of you go to the trenches, wouldn't there be no secret guards in these places?"

"Comrade Lieutenant," I said displeased: "If the Germans really roundabout from other places, do you think that you can stop them with your hundreds of people? Don't say more, call the team quickly and prepare set off."

Seeing my firm attitude, the second lieutenant did not dare to refute, took out a whistle from his collar and blew it vigorously. Following the whistle, several soldiers flashed out from the concealment and ran in front of him, raising their hands in salute. The second lieutenant told them: "Immediately gather all the soldiers and lightly wounded in the platoon, and follow the commander to the forward position."

After the soldiers left, the second lieutenant turned his body slightly to the side and said in a pleased gesture: "Comrade Commander, I will take you into the trenches."

I nodded. Step forward. The second lieutenant also started quickly, leading me by one body, bending slightly to act as a guide in front of me. Seeing this second lieutenant's respectful attitude towards me, I couldn't help but feel good about him. As I walked, I asked: "Comrade Ensign, what's your name?"

The ensign looked a little nervous when I asked his name. He hurriedly replied: "Basmanov, second lieutenant Alexei Basmanov." Seeing what I seemed to ask, he hurriedly added, "I used to belong to the 24th Infantry Division. The troops were stationed in Ukraine, highlighting the German encirclement. Because our division’s flag was lost, the establishment was revoked. Division-level commanders were all sent to the military court, and the middle and lower-level commanders in the division, except for a few safe Nothing happened, the rest were sent to the punishment camp."

Military standard, after listening to Lieutenant Basmanov talking about the military standard, I suddenly remembered that the independent division’s military standard was still placed in the headquarters of the garrison. I don't know if Sergeikov brought out the military flag when he was transferred. If the flag is lost, what awaits me is the fate of going to the military court. I slowed down, turned my head and said to Razumeyeva who was following me: "Get in touch with Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov immediately."

As soon as I contacted Sergeikov, I couldn't wait to ask: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I want to ask you, during the transfer, did you bring the banner of the independent division?"

"Of course. Comrade Commander." Sergeikov said solemnly: "We would rather lose our lives and protect the flag of the independent division. Commander, please rest assured, I will definitely protect myself. Protect the army flag as well as your life." Hearing this, the rock hanging in my heart fell to the ground.

Outside the wooden house of the original group army headquarters, there was a German tank burned in darkness, less than 20 meters away from the wooden house. This can prove how fierce the battle was at that time, so that the German tanks broke through our army's line of defense and rushed straight to the command of the Oleg regiment. Had it not been for the brave fighters to blow up the German tanks with cluster grenades in time. Then Oleg and his commanders would be more fortunate.

The further you go, the stronger the smell of blood in the air. According to the analysis of the intelligence reported to me by Oleg, every inch of land in the front here has been infiltrated with blood. It contains the blood of our soldiers and of course the blood of the Germans.

Entering the trenches, whether it was the guard squad engineering company that followed me or Lieutenant Basmanov’s subordinates and lightly wounded, they all dispersed one after another, each occupying a position, vigilantly monitoring the distance.

I lay on the wall of the trench and raised my binoculars to look into the distance, trying to see where Oleg's attacking troops were. It is a pity that although the shining moon is high in the sky, I can only see the outline of the hillside in the distance. I only feel that it is quiet there, and there is no movement at all.

After Basmanov settled down his subordinates, he lay down beside me and asked curiously: "Comrade Commander, is there anything happening?"

I shook my head slowly and said, "I can't see anything. I don't know where Oleg has sneaked with the troops." When I said this, I was thinking that the second regiment was facing occupation. The 371st Division of the German Infantry in the 158th and 165th Highlands, and Oleg and I went to the above areas to fight the Germans. He is familiar with the terrain. After completing the sneak attack mission, he should be able to lead his troops to retreat.

While thinking about it, Basmanov suddenly pointed to the front and shouted loudly: "Comrade Commander, look at it, what is that?"

I raised the binoculars and looked in the direction of his fingers. I saw two bright spots on the plain in the distance. Under the bright moonlight, they were as inconspicuous as the lights of fireflies. Then there were two, four, six, and eight two points, and soon these bright spots became one piece.

It was only then that I could see that these highlights were the lights of the car, and I didn't know if it was the German who came to attack or Oleg. If it were the Germans, the fighters who were ready could beat them by surprise. If it were Oleg, his courage would have been too great, and he dared to march wildly under the noses of the Germans with his car lights on.

But when I think about it again, it’s not surprising. After all, in their country’s traffic laws, when vehicles are driving, they must turn on their lights around the clock. Whether it’s sunny or cloudy, day or night, for the old-fashioned old man, Want to get rid of this habit. It's really not easy.

At this time, Basmanov also saw that it was the convoy and excitedly said to me: "Comrade commander, before the team headed out, he said that he was going to attack the German transport convoy. It seemed that they had completed their mission and returned. And came back in the seized car."

Seeing Basmanov's elation, I couldn't laugh at all. There was always an indeterminate hunch in my heart. I always felt that the Germans were not fools. How could it be possible that Oleg and the others drove the seized vehicle so easily and swaggered back to the position of our army.

I saw the convoy approaching at high speed through the binoculars, with two open-top cars in front and about twenty trucks full of soldiers in the back. Seeing the team get closer and closer. I saw a flash of large and small flashes suddenly appeared on the far high ground to the west. After the flash, there was a rumble of artillery. The German artillery deployed on the high ground opened fire on Oleg's convoy.

The first shell fell next to a truck in the middle and exploded. Although the huge shock wave did not overturn the car directly, it swayed the truck at high speed. Then came the rain of cannonballs. The flowers exploded in the middle of the fast-moving convoy.

An artillery shell directly hit the open-top car rushing forward. When a fireball was raised, the rear of the car was raised high, and the whole car soared into the air. It flipped a somersault in the air from back to front, and then He fell heavily to the ground and burst into flames. I witnessed the whole process of the car being bombed and exploded because I was worried that Oleg was in this car. So I looked very carefully, and found that in the end, none of the occupants in the car escaped.

The shells landed in the convoy one after another and exploded. Although they rarely hit the truck directly, the shock wave generated by the shell explosion overturned two or three trucks, and the soldiers on the truck rolled off the truck one after another. Because of falling from a high-speed vehicle. Almost all of these fighters were injured on the spot. Few of them could get up immediately, and most of them were rolling in pain.

Another shell exploded next to a truck, and the air wave shook the body a few times. Also let half of the carriage burn. Although the highly skilled driver stabilized the vehicle and continued to gallop forward, the soldiers on the vehicle were obviously not so lucky. At this moment, there were only four or five people left in the full carriage.

Due to the distance of two to three hundred meters in front of the position, there are densely packed craters. The convoy rushed to this place and had to slow down, which increased the accuracy of German artillery's hit.

Several people in the convertible jumped off and waved their arms desperately at the back, seeming to be shouting something. Although they were too far apart to hear what they were yelling, I immediately saw all the trucks come to a halt. The soldiers in the trucks jumped out of the vehicles and rushed towards the position with their weapons.

Some slow-moving fighters just jumped out of the car and didn't run very far. The truck they were riding in was hit by German shells, and they were blown into a ball of fire. Shrapnel flew horizontally and exploded, bringing those fighters who were not far away from the truck. Sweep down a piece.

Fortunately, the targets of the German artillery were all concentrated on the trucks, ignoring the commanders who jumped and escaped. In the end, nearly one hundred and fifty people rushed into the trenches.

I stood up and walked along the trenches, shouting Oleg's name loudly as I walked: "Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, where are you?"

A soldier who was bandaging his arm with an arm injury heard my shout, and quickly said: "Comrade Commander, Commander Oleg is in front. You will see it when you go a little further."

After I passed among the soldiers crowded in the trenches, I saw Oleg sitting on the ground with a dejected face and his back leaning against the trenches. I bent down and grabbed his collar, and yelled furiously: "Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, look, this is what you did. For your so-called revenge, so many soldiers died in vain. Under enemy fire."

Oleg looked at me with a dull gaze, then turned to look at the embarrassed officers and soldiers around him, and lowered his head in shame.

Now that the military situation is urgent, and it’s not time to settle accounts with him, I angrily loosened his collar, stood up, and told Basmanov who was following me: "Comrade Lieutenant, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, I order You, immediately lead the troops to transfer."

After listening to my order, Basmanov couldn't help looking at Oleg, who was sitting on the ground. I frowned and said coldly: "Find two people and lift your head to retreat." He raised his hand and looked at the watch, and added, "I'll give you five minutes, five minutes later. The troops must go. Otherwise, when the German troops pounce, we can't withdraw even if we want to!"

Because of the retreat task of the Second Regiment, I handed it over to Basmanov, so I took the guard squad and the engineering company to retreat to the north. On the road, the more I thought about it, the more angry I got. Before the battle started, the total strength of the second regiment was still 2,000. But now, no more than 300 people can retreat.

We walked north for about half an hour, but Basmanov chased up and reported to me: "Report to the commander, I have led the second regiment up."

I turned my head and glanced back, although my view was blocked by the guard squad and engineering company. I didn't see where the Second Regiment is, but I still asked with concern: "How is Lieutenant Colonel Oleg's situation?"

"I'm already sober." Basmanov said quickly, "Originally, I followed your order and asked two soldiers to carry him on a stretcher, but he resolutely disagreed and had to walk by himself. You know, too. , He is my superior. I have no right to give orders to him, so I had to let him go."

"He wants to go, so let him go." I said angrily: "I gave him a regiment of two thousand people. He was fine, and only two or three hundred people were left for me. The original combat power was quite strong. The Second Regiment, after this battle, is equivalent to completely losing combat effectiveness. It seems that you can only make repairs in the rear."

"Comrade commander." Hearing what I said, Basmanov was a little anxious. "Don't think our regiment has a small number of people, but the rest are some fighting backbones. If we add new recruits to us, it won't matter. How long will it take to quickly restore combat effectiveness."

I was about to say something when a strange voice suddenly asked loudly in front of me: "Stop. Which part of you are you from?"

Hearing this voice, Basmanov quickly stood in front of me and replied loudly: "We are from the Second Regiment of the Independent Division. Which part are you?"

"We are from the Third Regiment and the Ninth Company. We are here to serve as a vigilance mission."

"Comrade commander is here." Basmanov proactively indicated my identity to the other party.

Soon, a lieutenant ran up to me and saw his costume. I was shocked. He was wearing a German helmet and a German uniform. If he didn’t speak proficient Russian. , I guess I shot it early. After he raised his hand to salute, he reported to me: "Report to the commander, Lieutenant Godunov of the 9th Company of the Third Regiment. Our company is ordered by the commander of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Kosca, to stay and serve as a guard mission to the Germans ."

I did not return the courtesy, but asked sternly: "Why are you wearing German uniforms?"

Godunov looked down at his military uniform, smiled embarrassedly and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Comrade commander, please listen to my explanation. Before receiving your retreat order, the head of the regiment had made a The sneak attack plan, in order to achieve the effect of confuse the German army, he specially collected more than 300 sets of German uniforms, intending to make us dressed as German soldiers to sneak attacks on residential areas. Although the plan was cancelled because of the retreat, I think these uniforms are left behind. , Maybe it could be of any use, so I didn't follow the command of the regiment to bury this batch of military uniforms on the spot."

Godunov’s words flashed my mind. Although it is only 30 kilometers away from the preset position, no one can guarantee that we will not encounter German roundabout troops or scouts. If there is an exchange of fire, the Germans You will find that our division has retreated from the original position, and will immediately catch up. If we use this batch of German military uniforms and pretend to be German troops, when we encounter scouts or patrols, we can kill each other silently. Even if it encounters a large army, the other party sees that our army wears German uniforms, and there are talents like Mikhayev who can speak German. They will not doubt us at all, so that we can reach new positions smoothly.

Thinking about this, I quickly told Godunov: "Comrade Lieutenant, bring the rest of the uniform immediately."

"The rest of the military uniform?" Godunov may not have adapted to my leap thinking, and was actually stunned. Fortunately, Basmanov responded quickly. He patted the opponent on the back and explained: "Comrade Lieutenant, don’t you understand that the commander intends to make us pretend to be Germans, so that we can ensure safety on the road. "

Godunov quickly greeted the soldiers to take the remaining two hundred sets of uniforms. He checked our number and said a little embarrassed: "Comrade Commander, you have too many people, and you don't have enough uniforms."

I waved my hand and said disapprovingly: "It's okay. Assign the uniforms to the officers and men in the front and back of the team, and you don't need to wear the ones in the middle." Then I deliberately pulled Mikhayev in front of Godunov and told him Said: "This is Lieutenant Mikhayev, the commander of the division engineering company. His German level is similar to his mother tongue. You can find him an officer's uniform."

After the German uniforms were distributed, everyone walked and wore them on the march. Although the uniform was changed, the Soviet-made weapons in his hand were not changed. Fortunately, even at night, even if they encountered the Germans, they would not notice these details.

After the troop set off again, I walked in the forefront of the whole team. Mikhayev, who was walking by my side, was wearing a German captain's uniform. He asked nervously, "Comrade commander, what if I meet a German on the road?"

"You can first ask them which part they are. If it is from the 371st division, you say we are the 94th division; if it is from the 94th division, you say we are the 371st division. The order of the Shangfeng is being executed, Detour to the rear of the Soviet army to prepare for the opponent's retreat."

"Master, is it possible to say that?" Lieutenant Basmanov, who followed me, asked cautiously.

I turned my head and glanced at him, and said lightly, "Actually."

After walking for about five or six kilometers, the light of a motorcycle suddenly appeared on the road ahead. I quickly raised my hand to signal the troops to stop advancing. The motorcycle in front is coming towards us. Judging from the number of lights, there are at least five. Although the Soviets also have motorcycles, they will not dispatch five or six in the middle of the night, so the Germans are likely to come.

I told my judgement to Basmanov and Mikhayev next to me. The two suddenly became nervous and quickly ordered the soldiers behind to prepare for battle.

The motorbike drove to a stop more than 20 meters away from us, and then there was a voice of questioning in German. Mikhayev next to me hurriedly stepped forward and answered the opponent loudly.

After a few conversations, Mikhayev whispered to me: "The division commander is a squad of the 94th division. They came to the rear of our army to spy out. When he asked me for my number, I had already followed your instructions. , Tell them that we are from the 371st Division and are being ordered to cross the rear of the Soviet army."

"Master, what shall we do?" Basmanov asked in a low voice behind me.

"Take them all, leaving none." I also lowered my voice and replied: "Don't shoot, try to solve them with daggers." Basmanov quickly whispered my order back.

The stopped unit continued to move forward, passing by the motorcycle team division, I saw that the opponent was all three-wheeled motorcycles, each car had three people, exactly fifteen people. Although Mikhayev had told them that we were a unit of the 371st Division~lightnovelpub.net~, when we passed by the motorcycle, they still looked at us warily, the machine gun shooter in the sidecar, and even the fingers. Riding on the trigger, pointing the muzzle at us, ready to shoot at any time.

The soldiers in the first few rows and I had reached the position of the last motorcycle. From the corner of our vision, we caught a glimpse of the enemy's relaxation of our vigilance, and we yelled, "Hands."

As I shouted, the soldiers who were ready for a long time behind me pounced on the standing or sitting German soldiers, raising their daggers and piercing them down fiercely. We were large in number and we were well prepared. The dozen or so Germans were almost killed by our soldiers before they could even react.

When Godunov, who was behind the team, got the news, when he hurried over, the German soldiers had all been killed. Looking at the five motorcycles parked on the side of the road, Godunov said excitedly: "Comrade Commander, now that you have these motorcycles, you should stop walking like us. You can go by car. Speed ​​up our march."

ps: I would like to bow to thank the silent book friend Hao Ge, Lone Ke, old godfather, kgb31, book friend 111018224708442 and other children's shoes for their voting support.

I wish you all a happy National Day!