Burning Moscow

Chapter 576: Circling behind enemy lines (part 1)

Social Democrats, when I heard this word, I couldn’t help laughing. Whether it was von Tolman who surrendered to me first, or the Grams in front of me, after these German officers were captured, they might be afraid of being shot. , They usually declare themselves as Social Democrats without exception.

Although I can't figure out what the Social Democrats do, in my opinion, this party must be banned and banned in Germany at the moment. How can these German Communists join this illegal organization? So what they said was all lies, just to win the favor of the Soviet commander, so as to escape the fate of being shot.

Seeing me and Vellore talking while looking at him from time to time, Captain Grams could guess that we were talking about him even if he did not understand Russian, so he quickly touched the heel of his boots and raised his hand to respect me. At the same time, he said a word in German. Standing behind me, Mikhayev promptly translated for me: "Hello, Commander, I am Captain Grams, I am very happy to be of service to you!"

"Hello, Captain Grams." I proactively reached out to him and said politely: "I'm glad you can see the situation clearly and make the right choice in time."

Hearing what I said, Grams had a surprised expression on his face, and repeated what he said just now: "Your Excellency Commander, I am willing to serve you. If there is anything I need to do, you can just tell me. I promise you will. It's done carefully."

"Comrade Commander, don't stand here anymore. Let's go to the station?" Oleg, who had not spoken all the time, said, and then he preemptively walked into the passageway opened by the crowd.

Aboganerovo Station is a station engaged in passenger and freight transportation at the same time, covering a large area. There are also many annex buildings. The main building is outside a waiting hall that can accommodate thousands of passengers. On the platform side of the station, there is a train track next to each other, and you can see that it is for the convenience of train marshalling. On the other side of the platform, there are many freight warehouses. But these buildings. In the early battles, it was almost destroyed by German shells or bombs.

Because it was daytime, the places where the walls of the building were punctured, the stairs exposed outside, and a few rooms that were fortunately undamaged. All can see clearly.

I saw two sentries standing at the door of a small room, and I concluded that the headquarters of Oleg and Vellore were located there. Although Oleg was leading us to that place, I slowed down and turned to ask Vellore next to him: "Vellore, is there your command post?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Vellore said, turning his head and looking behind him, and said in a low voice: "It turned out to be the station master's room. After the station fell, Captain Grams became his command post and The bedroom, after we re-occupied the station. Seeing that this is the most complete building, we logically turned it into our headquarters."

"What about the trucks. Where are the trucks that transported you here?" Although I saw many bombed train cars in the station, I couldn't help but ask without seeing a single truck: "You hide all the cars. Where have you been?"

Vellore pointed to the half-destroyed station waiting hall next to him, and said, "There is a square outside. We parked our trucks in the square in front of the station."

"There are so many trucks parked there that they won't be spotted by German reconnaissance planes and will be bombed?" Listening to her saying this, I couldn't help asking worriedly.

After hearing what I said, she laughed unexpectedly, and then explained to me: "Comrade commander, your worries are unnecessary. You know, we are now disguised as the German army, and the flag of the German army is flying above the station. Do you say that the German plane will bomb their own people?"

Hearing her talk about the flags, I quickly looked around, but no, the flags in the station were all the German **** flags, and even the German flag was placed on the roof of our headquarters.

When we reached the gate of the command department, the sentry standing at the gate hurriedly raised his hand to salute us. After Oleg opened the door, he did not walk in immediately, but made a gesture of asking me by the door, which meant asking me to go in first.

The indoor furnishings are very simple. In the middle of the house is a table with a map spread out. There are several chairs around the table. In the corner by the door, there is a small table with a telegraph. The male telegraph operator. Sitting next to him, when he saw the commander coming in, he quickly stood up, before he had time to take off the earphones on his head, he raised his hand to salute us.

"Comrade telegraph operator, there is nothing for you here for now, let's go out first." As soon as Oleg saw that he entered the room, he directly issued an order to the telegraph operator. It was obvious that this was his subordinate.

Without a word, the radio operator turned to leave after saluting, and closed the door when he went out.

When there were only three of us left in the room, I first walked to the table where the map was placed and sat down. Then I greeted the two of us to sit down as well, and then asked in a businesslike manner: "Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, Political Commissar Vellore, I want to ask you, before I come, who will command the troops at the station?"

Commanded in unison, the two looked at each other after hearing what I said, and then shook their heads together. Vellore replied: "Comrade Commander, our two troops have not merged, but each is responsible for an area. Now my battalion is to the north of the station, and Lieutenant Colonel Oleg’s battalion is responsible for the defense of the south."

After listening to Vellore’s words, I felt fortunate in my heart. Fortunately, I came. Otherwise, the two troops in the same station would not form a unified command, although in the battle there will be no situation of death. But if they fight separately, it is easy to be defeated by the Germans.

Looking at the ceiling, I tapped my fingers gently on the tabletop, thinking in my heart how to combine the two forces to command. Seeing that I was thinking about the problem, Oleg and Vellore were afraid of interrupting my thoughts, so they sat beside them without saying a word, looking at me quietly, waiting for me to give new instructions.

After a while, after the merger plan had taken shape in my mind, I said, "Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, Political Commissar of Vellore."

The two quickly got up from their seats and promised loudly: "Here!"

Seeing that they both stood up, I was embarrassed to continue sitting. So he stood up and announced to them: "I will formally inform you two. Combine the two battalions. The fifth regiment of the independent division is formed. The head is Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, and the political commissar is Vellore. Comrades serve."

When the two heard me saying this, their faces were full of joy.

I went on to say: "How to deploy and adjust the following troops is up to you two to negotiate and deal with, I just need to ask."

As soon as I finished speaking, Oleg immediately expressed his determination to me: "Please don't worry, the commander. Later, the political commissar of Vellore and I will adjust the defense in the station and prepare to stick to it for a long time."

After he finished speaking, I added: "Remember, our forces are limited and we lack heavy weapons. If we want to fight the Germans, let alone only two battalions, it won’t work even to fill in the entire independent division. So we have to learn how to know how to fight skillfully with our brains.

"Comrade commander. I don't know how to play such a clever battle?" Although Vellore gave me the impression of a very assertive woman, in front of a commander of my level higher than her. She has to ask for instructions on everything.

When she asked, she really stopped me. Although I have a lot of thoughts, but I want to tell her to understand, I have a thousand words and don't know where to start. After pondering for a while, I slowly said: "Actually, you are now disguised as Germans, hiding behind the German army, and you can give Germans unexpected blows from time to time."

"Master, can you elaborate more?" Oleg didn't know when he took out his pen and notebook from his briefcase, preparing to record what I said.

I didn't answer Oleg's question, but turned the topic around and asked curiously: "What do you do with the German soldiers who escorted the ammunition train?"

Obviously Oleg has long been used to my leap thinking. He shrugged his shoulders and replied: "What else can I do? When the train entered the station, we said that in order to ensure the safety of the train, all Germans on the train The soldiers drove to the half-destroyed waiting hall of the station. Then the soldiers used bayonets, shovels and axes to get rid of them all. As for the corpses, we were all stuffed into the train where half of the cargo was unloaded, and at the same time, we took the place when we captured the station The dead German corpses were also stuffed in. So even if the Germans sent someone to inspect the bombed ammunition train afterwards, we would not be able to discover the fact that we had unloaded half of the ammunition on the car."

I turned my head to look at Vellore, and asked suspiciously, "Vellore political commissar, how about that Captain Grams, is he really surrendering to our army?"

Vellore nodded vigorously and said affirmatively: "Comrade commander, please rest assured, based on my observation of him, you can confirm that he really surrendered to us. After we occupied the station, the upper commander of the German army had repeatedly beaten In the call, except for the first time when we put a pistol against his forehead and asked him to reply to the superior according to our wishes, the rest of the time, he took the initiative to respond to his superior according to our instructions. Let's put it this way Although we have been occupying the station for more than ten hours, we were still discovered by other German troops. Captain Grams is indispensable."

Now that Vellore said so, and since I was originally using people, I can only use people without doubt. I nodded and said to Vellore: "Since he is sincere and sincere, then give him a temporary position to let him play his role as much as possible. At the same time, I want to remind you two that this time I can successfully attack. At the station, it was because of the German army’s early offensive that the organization of the troops was disrupted and the communication between each other was chaotic. So that the camp that was attacked by Lieutenant Colonel Oleg could not promptly alert nearby friendly forces. , Let us pick up a cheap, easy to occupy the relaxed Aboganerovo station."

After listening to me, Vellore quickly stood up and expressed his determination to me: "Commander, please rest assured, I will immediately adjust the defensive deployment and strengthen the defensive force in important areas. Even if the German army wants to attack here, I will make them pay. A painful price."

"The political commissar is right. As long as we stay here, we will definitely teach the Germans a lesson." Oleg also stood up and agreed, and then he asked tentatively, "We want to adjust our deployment and allow us to leave. ?"

I nodded, waved at the two of them, and said, "Go, adjust the defensive deployment of the station as soon as possible, and prepare for all battles at the same time." When I saw the two of them were about to leave, I said again: "When you go out, call in my telegraph operator Shura by the way."

Soon after the two went out, Shura walked in with two soldiers carrying the case of the radio. As soon as she walked in. I quickly told her: "Sura. Set up the radio. I want to contact the group army headquarters."

I said that I wanted to contact the group army headquarters. In fact, I wanted to ask when Cui Kefu would take up his post in the 62nd group army. I also had to make preparations before the troop transfer.

Unsurprisingly, Cuikov was in the headquarters. I didn’t care to ask him whether he came to hand over the work or discuss the defensive deployment with General Shumilov, so I said to him straightforwardly: "Hello, Comrade Commander. I am now at Aboganerovo Station. In the early hours of this morning, the night assault troops I sent successfully captured the station after destroying the enemy’s defenders."

Unexpectedly, after Cuikov listened to it, he was surprised: "What, your division occupied the Aboganerovo station. When did this happen? Why don't I know?"

In response to his question, I had to explain: "Aboganerovo station was occupied early this morning. After confirming the seizure of the station, I once reported to Commander Shumilov and Chief of Staff Ruskin."

Cui Kefu was silent for a moment. He asked stiffly, "Then, what command did Commander Shumilov give you after learning about the result of this battle?"

I hurriedly replied: "The commander ordered me to hold the Abganerovo station at all costs and absolutely not allow the Germans to easily occupy this place."

"Mischief, it's just nonsense!" Cui Koff said angrily: "Sneak attacks on the Germans are all strikes and leave. You are fine, stay and camp behind the Germans. If the Germans find that the station is missing, their heavy troops will immediately Pressing towards the station, will you be able to hold the station with your troops?"

Hearing what Cui Kefu said, I said in my heart, of course I can’t keep it. I was just planning to fight a battle and run away with a bit of money. Who knew that my superiors would suddenly give me a task of holding the station. This is not an explicit task. Will my troops go to die? But these complaints can only be made in my heart. On the surface, I have to swell my face and fill my head, biting my head and saying beautiful things: "Please rest assured, Comrade Commander, as long as one of us is there, we will never hand over the station to the Germans. of."

"Come on, no matter how brave your soldiers are, they are only flesh and blood. Under the German artillery bombardment and aircraft bombardment, your troops will be wiped out by the powerful German firepower soon." Cui Kefu was a little excited. He said: "No, I have to talk to Shumilov about this, and let him take back this unrealistic order."

While waiting for Cui Kefu's call, I walked around the room with my hands behind my back, very hesitant in my heart. For me, sticking to this station has pros and cons. If our occupation of the station is exposed, the surrounding German troops will swarm in and wipe us out. If our disguise is effective and we are not found by the Germans, we can not only attack the surrounding German camps, but also Can disrupt the transportation of German troops by rail.

But Cui Kefu's call didn't come, but Zhukov's call came first. Hearing my voice, Zhukov couldn't wait to ask: "Lida, I heard that your troops seized the Abganerovo station, is it true?"

"It's true." Hearing Zhukov's question, I couldn't help but chuckle. After I finished speaking, Zhukov personally asked about this matter. It seemed that I couldn't withdraw it if I wanted to withdraw.

"I'm calling you," Zhukov said, "I want to inform you that after I have discussed with the commanders of the front army headquarters, no matter what the situation, you must never give up the Abganerovo station. Do you understand? Under any circumstance, if there is no written order from me or the Front Army Headquarters, Abganerovo Station is absolutely not allowed to be abandoned." After this, he might be afraid that I would not be able to understand his intentions, so he deliberately Explained, "Aboganerovo Station is an important transportation hub. Not only is the railway passing by, there is also a state highway to Stalingrad next to it. If you stay here, it is equivalent to stifling the 4th Hot Tank. The throat of the group army, in order to ensure the safety of the rear, they will have to deploy part of their troops to protect the long lines of communication, so as to reduce the frontal defensive pressure of the 64th and 57th army. I said that, do you understand?"

"Yes, Comrade General, I fully understand what you mean." Although I said so, I cursed in my heart. After all, I really left us here as cannon fodder. After thinking for a while, I went on to say: "You also know that it is impossible to hold Abganerovo Station only with the two battalions I have now. In order to stay at the station for a longer period of time. , I urgently need reinforcements to strengthen them, and it is imminent."

My words silenced Zhukov. After a while, he said slowly: "Lida, I know that under the current circumstances, your troops need to be strengthened. But under the current circumstances, we are also very difficult. It is almost impossible to send you reinforcements."

After listening to Zhukov’s words, my heart sank suddenly. Isn’t this a typical horse running and not eating grass? The two battalions had less than 800 people, and if they were to fight the Germans, it would take only half a day to finish them all. I hesitated for a moment and said hesitantly: "Comrade General, there is no doubt that each of our soldiers will resolutely execute the orders of their superiors and fight to the last moment of their lives. At the same time, I also think it is my responsibility to report to you if the troops If we fight hard with the Germans, in the fierce German artillery fire and bombing, our troops will be completely wiped out within a long time. Therefore..."

"Lida, this is the order that I discussed with the Front Command," Zhukov interrupted me impatiently, "and I personally think that this order is correct. Hult's troops are stepping from the south. We are approaching Stalingrad. As long as we can hold back the German offensive and buy precious time for our defense, even if we make a great sacrifice, I think it is worth it."

Zhukov’s words have already spoken for this reason, and I can’t oppose it anymore. I had no choice but to bite the bullet and promised: “Yes, Comrade General, in order to defend the Aboganerovo station and the assembly of counter-attack troops, I and my troops will meet Fight to the last moment of my life. I assure you that as long as there is a soldier alive at the station, we will never let the Germans occupy our positions."

After listening to my words of determination, Zhukov sighed helplessly and said cautiously: "Well, you and your troops will stand for five days at Abganerovo Station. Today is August 30. That is, before September 4, it is necessary to ensure that the German army will not retake the Abganerovo station. Lida, are there any problems?"

After hearing this, I thought to myself that if the camouflage troops are not exposed, there should be no problem staying in the station for five days, so I replied very simply: "Comrade General, I promise to complete the task you assigned."

Zhukov went on to say: "If, I say if. If the worst happens, I allow you and the main commander to break through the siege after disguising and report to me at the front headquarters in Stalingrad."

Hearing Zhukov’s words~lightnovelpub.net~ I suddenly felt a warmth in my heart. It seems that in Zhukov’s mind, my subordinate still has a certain weight, otherwise he would not risk being punished by Stalin. I gave such an order in private. It is important to know that when Stalin issued Order No. 227, he specifically emphasized that all commanders who privately allowed the retreat of troops, whether they were division commanders, army commanders, commanders of the group army, or even higher-rank commanders, must be sent to the military. Trial in court.

Thinking of this, I said to Zhukov: "Report to Comrade General, because the commander of the German army garrisoned the station surrendered to our army, so far, the German army has not found that our army has seized the station. And the officers and men in the station are now disguised. The German army can play a role of deceiving the German army for a long time. I plan to use this station as a stronghold. After dark, I will attack everywhere to disturb the German camp and make them sleep well. This can also achieve the effect of interrupting the deployment of the German army."

After listening to Zhukov, he hummed, and said: "This is a good idea. Anyway, I give you the autonomy, how to fight is your business, anyway, as long as you hold on to these five days, I will give you a lot of credit." (To be continued...)

ps: I sincerely thank book friend Youyou Shusheng for voting, and thank book friend Atomic nucleus for their reward.