Burning Moscow

Chapter 586: Preparation before the fierce battle (6)

In order to prevent exposure, I did not send any troops to attack the German camp. In addition, I learned that Basmanov’s convoy had safely returned to our defense zone, so I slept a solid sleep. Apex Novel   Fastest Update

No words for a night.

Just after dawn, I heard someone knocking on the door, and then I heard Shura’s voice sleeping outside: "Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander, are you up?"

I quickly turned over and got out of bed, walked over to open the door, and rushed to Shura who was standing at the door and asked, "Sura, what's the matter?"

Perhaps Shura did not expect that I would open the door silently, and was shocked. She took a step back and stabilized her body and reported to me: "Comrade Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg is outside. "

I asked as I put on my clothes, "How long has he been here?"

"It's almost half an hour."

"Then why don't you wake me up right away?" I heard that Oleg had been here for so long, and I didn't blame Shura.

"I wanted to call it, but Lieutenant Colonel Oleg told me to sleep a little longer, so I have been dragging it until now."

I nodded and told her: "Sura, go and invite Lieutenant Colonel Oleg in."

When Lieutenant Colonel Oleg came in, I was already seated in my seat, looked up at him, and asked with a smile: "Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, what can you do if you came to me so early? ?"

Oleg sat down on the chair opposite me and said hesitantly: "Comrade Teacher, I should have guessed what I came from, right?"

Hearing what he said, I couldn't help but frowned slightly, and asked, "What you want to say. Could it be that I allowed the German captives. Shall I go with Captain Grams to meet the German troops?"

Oleg nodded vigorously. Affirmatively said: "Yes, comrade commander, what I want to say is this. You have to know that two German soldiers escaped while on duty yesterday. If you let the rest of you go to meet the German troops today, Once anyone took advantage of us and ran out and shouted a few words, we were all exposed."

What Oleg said is also what I worry about. Let the German prisoners who were just released. Following Captain Grams to greet the newly arrived German troops outside the station, it is inevitable that the captives will have illusions, and it is not ruled out that bold people rush directly to warn the new Germans. Although the risk of doing this is great, under the current circumstances, this risk has to be taken again to stabilize Oleg’s emotions. I patiently explained to him: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, don’t I know how to do this? Is there any risk? If even a German prisoner yelled at the new German company, we would be all exposed. But not allowing them to greet. Obviously it is unrealistic. You know, the newcomer Those Germans. Maybe they are quite familiar with Grams’ company. If they find that there are no other acquaintances besides Grams in the greeted team, and the officers and soldiers on duty at the station are all strangers, they will still It’s not the same as suspicion, which leads to our disguise completely exposed."

When I said this, I saw Oleg's gloomy expression, and then said: "Although this is risky, we have also formulated the necessary precautions. For example, when the new troops are greeted, the German troops lined up on the square. The prisoners carry empty guns without bullets; secondly, we can be equipped with several times the number of manpower around these prisoners, even if they want to do small actions, they can stop them at the first time. The most important point is that These are the troops hidden on the second floor of the waiting hall. They are our last cards. Once exposed, they will break the fire and cooperate with the troops on the square to wipe out all the new German soldiers."

Hearing me talking about preparing to give those Germans a thunderous blow at a critical moment, Oleg's eyes lit up and his face was also happy. He asked in surprise, "Comrade Commander, you are going to solve this completely. The new German company?"

"Yes, if it is not resolved, they will always be a scourge to us. However, we must think about how to solve it. It is better not to shoot if we can shoot, because we still have to be in this station. Continue to hold on for a while. Premature exposure is not a good thing for us."

Oleg quickly stood up and asked me to fight: "Let me command the troops ambushing on the second floor. I promise that as long as I fire, I will definitely not let a German run away."

I waved at him and said, "Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, the troops on the second floor, the political commissar of Vellore and I will command. And your task is to meet with Lieutenant Mikhayev and follow Grams to meet him. Those Germans. Remember that you have to stay with him for a moment. Once he does something wrong," I hesitated for a moment when I said that, and then ordered with a more serious tone, "Kill him without hesitation."

"Yes!" Oleg replied loudly, and then asked me respectfully: "Comrade Master, can I go back? There are still some preparations that have not been completed."

"Then what are you doing standing here, don't hurry!" I waved to him and threw him out of the headquarters.

After a brief wash, I didn't even care about breakfast, so I left the headquarters and went to Vellore. Unexpectedly, just after going out, I met Captain Grams and Ensign Gretka.

I saw the two coming together, knowing that something must be looking for me, so I stopped and took the initiative to greet them: "Hello, Captain Grams, Ensign Gretka!"

After the two raised their hands to me in salute, Lieutenant Gretka politely said to me: "Your Excellency, I don't know if it is convenient now, because I have something to discuss with the Captain."

Seeing that they were looking for me for something, I dispelled the idea of ​​going to Vellore, waved my head at them, and said, "This is not a place to talk, let's go, and talk to my command post."

After the two of you sat down in front of me, I looked at Lieutenant Gretka and asked: "Mr. Lieutenant, I don’t know if you two came to me so early, what's the matter?"

Lieutenant Gretka was obviously authorized by Grams. Without asking the captain any more, he opened the door and said: "Your Excellency, Mr. Captain and I want to know. After the unexpected escape incident happened yesterday. What are you going to do with us? To be precise, how do you deal with me, Captain Grams, and the other 35 people?"

I shrugged, and said indifferently, "If you don’t trouble me anymore, I will treat you as friends and comrades-in-arms. At that time, you will not only be able to enter and exit anywhere in the station like you are now. . You can even equip all the weapons you carry with bullets."

"Don't you be afraid that we will turn the muzzle of the gun and shoot you immediately after we have a bullet in it?"

Although my heart trembled when I heard him say this, but on the surface I still remained calm. I chuckled and said, "If you turn your guns, you can only blame me for believing in the wrong person. But if you admit If you have the possibility of regaining the station, then I want to tell you that you are very wrong. You must know that we have many times more people than you."

Greetka’s face was embarrassed, and he tried to squeeze a smile to me and said, "Your Excellency. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m just joking. You know what was said yesterday. It touched us a lot, After going back in the evening and after discussion, everyone reached a consensus and agreed that as long as they don’t treat us as prisoners of war and trust us, then we are happy to cooperate and serve the Soviet army.”

"First of all, you must ensure that no similar desertion incidents will occur in the future; second, in today’s welcome ceremony, you must cooperate closely with my people, and you must not reveal the slightest flaws, so that the new German company will realize that this station has been Occupied by us. The two places I said, can you do it? If you can do it, then I can assure you that in my independent division, you are no longer our enemies or prisoners of war. , But our comrades in the same trench."

After listening to what I said, Gretka couldn't help being stunned. And Captain Grams, who couldn't understand what we were talking about, was a little anxious, and he started talking to Grete Kajili. Greetka heard the captain's voice, waved her head, and quickly translated what we had just said to her captain.

After listening to what Greteka translated, Captain Grams stood up, raised his hand to salute me with a solemn military salute, and whispered a few more words. Greetka quickly translated: "Comrade commander, I promise with the honor of a German soldier that from this moment on, my subordinates and I will stand firmly on the side and become loyal subordinates."

Instead of paying back, I stretched out my hand to him, smiled and said, "Captain Grams, I sincerely welcome He's subordinates to be one of us."

After being seated again, Grams took the initiative to ask: "Comrade commander, what do you plan to do with this new company?"

I didn't answer his question directly, but instead asked: "Captain Grams, if you are in my position, how are you going to deal with this group of German soldiers?"

Grams thought for a while and replied: "When the new troops enter the station, I will send my deputy, Lieutenant Gretka, to take the soldiers to the warehouse to rest, and I will personally take the troops. The commander, go to the command post on the platform. You can lay ambush inside first, and after the commander follows me into the room, you can quickly control the opponent."

"How sure are you doing this?" I think Grams's suggestion is feasible, so I went on to ask: "Can you make sure they won't alert your superiors?"

Grams shook his head and said, "I don't think they should have a chance, because I will control the communicators behind the commander as soon as possible. In this case, even if they send out the alarm, they have no chance. Yes, I suggest to ambush troops around the warehouse, and when the new troops enter the warehouse, and when there is no preparation, let Lieutenant Colonel Oleg or other people rush in unexpectedly and disarm all the people inside."

Hearing Grams’s suggestion, which coincides with my original idea, I nodded in satisfaction and said to him: "This plan is good, Captain Grams, then we will arrange it according to your plan. "

"One more question, comrade teacher."

"Go ahead, what's the problem?"

"When I go to meet the friendly forces, how many people are you going to let me take out?"

"You and your subordinates are 37 people in total, so we will all line up on the square to greet you. As for our people, I plan to send a company."

"A company?!" Grams listened to me. Repeatedly waved his hands and said, "No. No. This is not possible."

"What?" I asked dissatisfiedly.

"Your Excellency, I don't know." This time it was Lieutenant Gretka who answered this time. "After two battles, when our company entered the station, there were only 95 people in total. If a company was sent with us, then We have nearly 140 people. If this is the case, it is easy to arouse the suspicion of the other party."

"Then what do you say?" I asked without thinking.

Lieutenant Gretka considered for a moment. He replied: "Let’s do it, Commander, we are 37 people. Sending another 50 is almost the same. The commander of the other side came and saw that there were only more than 80 troops greeted them on the square, so he guessed that there might be left. The man is on duty in the station, so he won’t doubt it."

"It seems that you have considered it very comprehensively, Comrade Ensign." After hearing the ensign, I couldn't help but compliment him.

Lieutenant Gretka smiled, and then asked sternly: "Your Excellency. The matter is over. Can Captain Grams and I leave?"

"Go. Go. Go back and think about it again. See if there is anything missing. Try not to expose any flaws in front of the new troops. Otherwise," I said with a stern face on purpose: "Our army is irresponsible for any serious consequences that occur."

After Captain Grams and the others left, I also went out and went to Vellore, wanting to discuss with her how to arrange the firepower spot on the second floor of the waiting hall. Vellore knew my plan from Oleg for a long time, and was not surprised to see me coming, she just silently led me along the stairs where several holes were blown out to the second floor. .

After going upstairs, Vellore pointed to the soldiers squatting on the side of the square and introduced to me: "Comrade Commander, please see, those are machine gunners. If they fire, our firepower can be It will cover the entire square in an instant, and then the Germans will not have the slightest strength to fight back."

As soon as the machine gun rang, you all had a good time, but we were also exposed. The original received was to stick to it for five days. If the station was lost in just two days, even if I did not die at the station, I might be sent to a military court for trial when I returned. It is based on this consideration that I still plan to deal with these new Germans without blood, and also plan to use their radio station to ensure that we can continue to pretend to be at the station.

Thinking of this, I asked Vellore: "Vellore political commissar, is there a sharpshooter here?"

My question made Vellore stunned for a moment, but she quickly recovered, nodded, and then beckoned to the soldiers standing in the distance to let them come to us. When these fighters came to us and stood in a row, Vellore introduced to me: "Comrade commander, these fighters are from Siberia. They were hunters in the past and their marksmanship were good. I don’t know what instructions you have for them. ?"

I saw the sharpshooters in front of me, and thought that these fighters would become snipers showing their power in the city of Stalingrad in the near future. Today, I just gave them a chance to practice. So I said to them: "Comrades, I believe that everyone is a sharpshooter with a good marksmanship. In a few hours, a group of Germans will come to our station. The task I give you is to monitor them. After I issued the shooting order, you gave priority to destroying all their officers. Are you confident?"

"Yes!" the sharpshooters shouted in unison.

Seeing their vigorous look, I nodded and said with satisfaction: "Very well, I am very satisfied to see that everyone has a high morale. As for the level of everyone, I think I will know soon. "

After noon, Captain Grams lined up the station square with the greeted troops, ready to welcome the arrival of the new troops. Vellore and I stood on the second floor of the waiting hall, carefully observing everything on the square. More than 30 of Grams's subordinates were scattered by us. Nearly everyone stood two of our commanders.

At two o'clock exactly, Vellore suddenly pointed to the distance and said in a low voice: "Comrade Commander, look, the Germans are here." I followed the direction of her fingers and saw that there were more than a dozen of them. A convoy of trucks is coming towards us. At the beginning was an open-top car, and the commander of this unit should be sitting in the car.

The convoy stopped at a place where there were more than two dozen people from Grams' welcome team, and Grams immediately led five or six people to greet him. I saw in the telescope that Lieutenant Mikhayev was walking on the right side of Grams, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg behind him, and his confidant Lieutenant Gretka was on his left. Although the other people seem to be face-to-face, they are also our fighters if they want to come.

Seeing the machine guns on the roof of the truck and the machine gun shooters waiting behind, I couldn't help but whispered to the sharpshooters: "Attention sharpshooters, aim at the machine gunners on the truck."

Almost at the same time I gave the order, Vellore also issued an order to the machine gunners: "The machine gunner is ready. Once the enemy shoots, he will shoot immediately."

But what happened next gave me a sigh of relief. Grams walked to the front of the car, raised his hand to give a Nazi military salute to the person in the car, and the other side also pushed the door to jump out of the car and raised his hand in return. After the two shook hands with each other, they walked side by side toward the station waiting hall.

I don’t know if it was what I said yesterday that really shocked the German prisoners, or the thunder method of shooting two deserters yesterday frightened them. Anyway, the prisoners in the queue behaved very cooperatively. They just stood honestly. In the team, there was no strange behavior at all.

The German commander followed Grams to the station. Another officer who jumped from the car ran to the convoy and shouted a few loudly. He turned around and ran after him when he saw the soldiers on the truck getting off the car. Get on your own commander, and follow us towards us.

Seeing German soldiers jumping out of the car ~lightnovelpub.net~ and lined up by the truck, Vellore asked in a low voice: "Commander, do you shoot?"

I shook my head and replied: "The Germans didn't spot us, so there is no need to shoot."

"But, look, how neat the Germans are. I can hardly find a better target. If I fire and shoot, I can kill them all without leaving them in five minutes."

I glanced at her dissatisfiedly, and said in a stern tone, "Vellore political commissar, I repeat, no one is allowed to shoot without my order. If anyone shoots without authorization, even the Germans will be wiped out. Yes, I still punish her."

When Vellore heard my severe order, he had no choice but to agree: "Yes." Then he told her subordinates: "Watch out for the enemies in the square. No one is allowed to shoot without an order." Continued...)

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