Burning Moscow

Chapter 593: Worse worse (part 1)

Seeing that the tent where the women's communication class was located had turned into a bullet crater, I was furious. While feeling the sweetness of my throat, I snorted and sprayed out a mouthful of blood. Then I just felt the world spin, and my body fell back softly. Fortunately, Pugachev, who was standing next to him, was supported in time and didn't fall to the ground.

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Razumeyeva also came over to hold my arm, wiped a tear from her face, and asked with concern: "Master, are you okay."

I was filled with outrage when I saw the German planes unscrupulously bombing and shooting the civilians gathered on the pier, and then the bombing of Mamayev Hill, and blasted more than a dozen female communicators who were in the age of cardamom to the bones. Save, I was so anxious that I would vomit blood unexpectedly. But after vomiting blood, I felt a lot more relaxed. Concerned about Razumeyeva, I smiled gratefully at her, and said softly, "Second Lieutenant Razumeyeva, I’m fine, thank you Your concern."

After saying this, I caught a glimpse of the big craters in the ravine, and the mood that had just improved became heavy again. I told Pugachev in a low voice: "Comrade Captain, you take Several soldiers, go and condense the remains of the female soldiers." When Pugachev agreed and was about to leave, I told him at the back, "If possible, find some coffins for them at last." "

After Pugachev left, I turned my head and asked Razumeyeva: "How many people are left in the division communication company?"

Razumeyeva thought for a while and replied: "There are still a few communications teams in the third and fourth regiments, and there are probably more than 30 people. At first, the communications team soldiers who came from the 64th Army with me, now even I There are only three people left inside, and the rest are newly added later."

I looked at the soldiers on the hillside who were busy rescuing the wounded and converging the dead, and said lightly: "Second Lieutenant Razumeyeva, find a way to replenish the communication company as soon as possible. In the days to come, we The battle facing here will be very cruel. If communication is not guaranteed, there is no way to win the battle."

Talking. I suddenly saw a group of people coming from the east side of the hillside in the distance. In front of them were soldiers in military uniforms, followed by ordinary people carrying suitcases and baggage. Razumeeva apparently saw this scene too. She was surprised and said: "What is going on. Why are there so many ordinary people?"

I waved my head and said, "Come on, Lieutenant Razumeyeva, let's go over and see what's going on."

After walking twenty or thirty steps forward, I could clearly see the two soldiers walking in front with submachine guns, and a German officer in flight suit escorted. A dozen soldiers followed arm in arm and blocked the way forward. The influx of civilians. Seeing me standing in front, a soldier next to the captive stretched out his hand and pushed him hard from behind, urging him: "Don't dare, hurry up."

After walking in front of me. After the soldier on the left raised his hand to salute, he reported to me: "Comrade Commander, it is him. His plane just bombed the civilians on the pier. When he saw his plane shot down by our air defense forces, Battalion Commander Horusho Captain Huo ordered us to catch the parachuting pilot."

After he finished speaking, he saw that the captured German pilot still looked pretentious. Angrily slapped the back of the opponent's head with a slap in the face, and sternly shouted: "Why are you still standing here in a daze? Why don't you hurry up to salute the comrade of the college."

The German pilot glanced at me with contempt, put his hands on his back, raised his head, and said rebelliously: "Why? You know, I'm a German officer. I won't talk to the commander of the Russian army. Salute."

Hearing that he was speaking Russian, I couldn’t help taking a step forward and asked him curiously: "Mr. Officer, do you speak Russian?" Before he could answer, I raised my voice and asked him loudly: "Why are you? Do this? Why bomb the docks and slaughter those unarmed civilians?"

The pilot looked down at me. He said disapprovingly: "If you handed over Stalingrad sooner, we would not have bombed the city, and accidental injuries to civilians could be completely avoided. But from the current situation, you can't hold Stalingrad. Yes, we will occupy this place sooner or later."

I am not interested in discussing with the German pilot whether Stalingrad can hold on. Looking at the civilians who were trying to break through the soldiers' cordon, they asked coldly: "What's your name?"

"Jenson, Lieutenant Rudy Jenson of the Luftwaffe."

"Comrade Commander, what should we do with him?" Razumeyeva asked in a low voice, glaring at Lieutenant Jenson.

Razumeyeva’s question reminded me that the bombing of German aircraft caused countless deaths and injuries to civilians who gathered at the docks, the ferry where they escaped became a **** on earth, and the dozen or so female soldiers who were bombed with no bones. The thought of this made me furious, so I raised my hand to let the soldier who had spoken to me come over.

Just when I was about to order him to shoot the German pilot on the spot, a nervous shout suddenly came from behind: "Master, please wait a minute, please wait a minute."

I turned my head and saw Grams, Beckman, Greetka, Mikhayev and a group of warriors were hurriedly walking up the southern slope. They are still wearing German uniforms. I really don't know how they get through friendly defenses in this outfit. ? Had it not been for the soldier who came to the front of the queue, holding the flag of the independent division high in his hand, I would have regarded them as Germans.

Beckman walked between me and Lieutenant Tucson and said straightforwardly: "Your Colonel, this pilot is already captured, so please give him the treatment he deserves as an officer."

Although Beckman spoke Russian very well, Lieutenant Tucson at the tip of his ears still knew that he was not a Soviet, and he couldn't help asking in surprise: "Mr. Captain, are you a German?"

Beckman turned to look at the Air Force lieutenant, nodded, and said affirmatively: "Yes, Mr. Lieutenant, we are officers of the 103rd Infantry Regiment." At this point, he seemed to feel that something was wrong and changed quickly. German chatted with the air force lieutenant.

After the two chatted for a while, Beckman turned to face me and said in a sincere tone: "Your Excellency, I have talked with this air force lieutenant. Everything he does is to act according to orders. If he doesn't If bombs are shot at the dock, he will be sent to a military court after he returns."

An old lady holding her child broke through the cordon temporarily pulled by the soldiers and hobbled to me. He shouted hysterically: "Comrade Colonel, look, they did it all, they are not humans. They are animals. You can be the master for us!" Then she handed the child in his arms to us. . This is a pretty little girl, but she can no longer see any signs of life on her little face blackened by gunpowder.

"Master, look, the little girl is already..." Lazumeyeva blocked her mouth with her fist before she finished speaking, lest she couldn't control her emotions and cried loudly.

I looked at Beckman, who was pleading for Lieutenant Tucson, and said word by word: "Mr. Captain, I want to ask you if this old man is holding your child in his arms. What kind of decision would you make? ?"

After speaking, I turned around and walked towards the headquarters without looking back. Those fighters obviously understood what I meant. They released the cordon of arm in arm, and let the insulted civilians shout and rush at the captive who had lost the ability to resist. They were punched and kicked in the police." "Boom" sounded. Mixed with that Air Force Lieutenant Tucson shouted hoarsely: "Don't give me to them, Colonel, please! Please don't give me to them, Colonel, I beg you!..."

I ignored the prisoner's cry for help, and walked forward on my own. When I lifted the curtain of the headquarters, the screams of the prisoners in the distance stopped abruptly.

Follow me into the headquarters. In addition to Mikhayev, there are three former German officers. After I greeted them politely and sat down, I asked Mikhayev with a stern face, "Second-lieutenant Mikhayev, I ask you why you are still wearing German uniforms, don’t you worry about passing through friendly forces? On the defensive line. Will a misunderstanding with our troops lead to an exchange of fire?"

Mikhayev hurriedly got up from the stone bench, straightened his body and said to me: "Report to comrade commander, the situation is like this. When you lead the first and second regiments, there are also Lieutenant Colonel Kosca and Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar. After the departure of the third and fourth regiments, a small group of German troops has been found on the road leading here. For safety, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg and Political Commissar Vellore decided to let us continue to wear German uniforms and quickly Hurry to the new defense zone. Before passing the friendly defense zone, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg sent people to inform the friendly forces that our unit had returned from the enemy’s mission, so many people were wearing German uniforms. I hope they don’t. Be nervous to avoid conflict."

"Do you know where the three regiments and four regiments are? Where are Lieutenant Colonel Oleg and Vellore's political commissar first?" At present, except for the first regiment and the second regiment, I don't know where the third and fourth regiments are, so wait for him. After speaking, he asked repeatedly.

Unexpectedly, after hearing what I said, Mikhayev actually shook his head and said: "Where are the three groups and four groups, I don’t know, because we didn’t see them at all on the way here. The school and Vellore’s political commissar are setting up troops on the hillside. I’m afraid you will have to wait, so let us come up and let you know."

"Do you have communication equipment in your regiment?" The bombing by the Germans just now, it can be said that all the communication equipment on the ground was destroyed, so I had to go to the hospital in a hurry and hope that they would have extra communication equipment in the fifth regiment. , So that I can resume contact with the group army headquarters and the first regiment as soon as possible.

Mikhayev thought for a while, nodded and replied: "Comrade teacher, I think there should be."

To his answer, I said dissatisfied: "If there is, then there is, if there is not, there is no. What does it mean to have?"

After hearing this, Mikhayev replied with a wry smile: "Comrade commander, have you forgotten that I do not belong to the fifth regiment, but the company commander of the division, engineering and soldiers, so I don't know much about the situation of the fifth regiment."

His words reminded me that this was indeed the case. No wonder Oleg and Vilo would let him report to me first. It turned out that Mikhayev belonged to the unit directly under the division. I looked at the other three Germans in the command post. It was obviously not appropriate to entrust the next task to them, so I told Mikhayev: "Comrade Lieutenant, you go to Oleg and Willow immediately. Well, let them report to my headquarters immediately. If there are communication equipment, bring them together. I need to get in touch with several other regiments immediately."

"Yes!" After Mikhayev gave a crisp promise, he turned and ran out of the headquarters.

After only me and three other German officers were left in the command, I sat down again at the table and looked at Beckman. Seeing that he was still downcast, I said coldly: "Captain Beckman, Are you still feeling down for the matter of that air force lieutenant?"

Beckman looked up at me. I didn't speak but smiled bitterly, undoubtedly tacitly tacitly agreeing my guess is correct. Seeing that he did not refute, I went on to say: "Captain Beckman, when German planes bombed the dock and Mamayev Hill. You haven't arrived yet. If you had seen what the Luftwaffe had committed against civilians. Crime, then you won't take the initiative to intercede for that pilot."

"But, Colonel." Beckman said unconvincedly: "The pilot has been captured by you. You can send someone to the prisoner of war camp instead of giving up control of the captured pilot and causing him to be captured. The result of the killing of those out of control civilians."

I ignored Beckman's complaint. I did not regret the decision to hand over the pilots to the civilians. Moreover, even if there were no civilians who came from the dock at the time, I would not hesitate to order the pilots to be shot to avenge our sacrificed officers and fighters. .

Mikhayev soon took Oleg and Vellore. My guard battalion commander Basmanov also came to the command post. With so many people coming in, the small command post seemed crowded. It happened to see Pugachev lift the curtain from the outside. I quickly ordered him: "Captain Pugachev, you take Grams first. , Beckman and the rest.” Although these Germans have already turned to us. But I didn't want to let them know what was going on next, so I tried to send them away.

After Pougatcheff took Captain Grams and they left, before Oleg could speak, Basmanov rushed to say: "Comrade Commander, I have an opinion on you."

"Have an opinion, what opinion? Come and listen!"

Basmanov pouted and said, "I am your guard battalion commander. But I found that you always remember this and don’t like to bring guards anywhere. If this is the case, I will be the battalion commander. What's the point? It's better to let me be a company commander in an ordinary company."

Hearing Basmanoff’s complaint, I smiled embarrassedly, and quickly apologized to him: "Captain Basmanoff. It was mine before, and I always ignored you, the guard battalion commander. Don’t worry. From today on, I will bring soldiers from the guard battalion wherever I go. In this case, you won’t have any more opinions, right?"

Seeing that I had said everything for this purpose, Basmanov didn't say anything anymore, only a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

At this time, Oleg had the opportunity to speak, and he asked hurriedly: "Comrade commander, on our way here, we saw from a distance the German plane was bombing Mamayev Hill. Were the casualties of our troops? Big?"

My mood just improved, and it became heavier because of his words. I calmly said, "Because the enemy plane used to fly high above the ground twice in a row before bombing us to bomb the pier by the Volga River, so when the enemy plane appeared for the third time, including me, Everyone relaxed their vigilance, and as a result, the enemy suffered heavy losses in the sudden air attack."

Vellore looked at my face and asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, are the other four regiments suffering heavy casualties?"

"Although I did not get a specific casualty report, judging from the situation just after the bombing, the number of casualties in the first regiment and the second regiment has reached about one-third." At this point, I suddenly thought of Vellore's problem. He asked four regiments instead of two, and frowned and asked strangely: "Vellore political commissar, did you see the third and fourth regiments of Cosca and Gaidar on your way here?"

Oleg and Vellore shook their heads together, saying that they had not seen the two regiments on the road.

When I found out that the whereabouts of the two entire regiments were missing, I couldn't help feeling a little flustered. I quickly asked Oleg: "Lieutenant Colonel, do you still have communication equipment in your regiment?"

Hearing my question, Oleg nodded and replied: "Yes, when we came, we brought the walkie-talkie. At the door, we met Lieutenant Razumeyeva, who communicated with our regiment. Bing is setting up an antenna for communication. I guess she will come in in a few minutes."

As soon as Oleg's voice fell, Razumeyeva walked in from outside, behind her was a male communicator carrying a telegraph. Before I could tell, she asked the male soldier to put the radio on the stone table at the door. After a simple debugging, she turned her head and asked me: "Comrade teacher, which regiment do you want to contact first?"

"One regiment, one regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov." I don't have the energy to pay attention to the three regiments and four regiments that have temporarily lost contact. I want to understand first. It was the casualties of a group on the main front in the air strike just now.

Fortunately, a group of radios were not damaged in the airstrike, and Razumeyeva quickly contacted the other party. When the second lieutenant said that Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov was online, I walked over quickly. Taking the earphone and microphone in her hand, she shouted loudly: "Hey, hello, Lieutenant Colonel Sejerikov, can you hear me? I'm Colonel Oshanina."

"Comrade Commander, I can hear you clearly." I heard Sederikov's voice clearly in the headset.

I quickly asked: "How about the casualties in your regiment?"

"Reporter Commander," said Sergeikov with a heavy tone: "Due to the airstrike, most of the fighters were digging fortifications and were caught off guard. The casualties were high. According to our simple statistics, the casualties were 700 people. Around 400 of them died on the spot, and more than 100 were seriously injured. Even if cured, they will be permanently disabled."

Although I have already had a general understanding of the casualties of Yi Tuan Er Tuan. But when I heard Sergeikov’s report with my own ears, my heart sank. On the first day I entered the high ground, I was killed and wounded a thousand without seeing the shadow of the Germans. Many people, if the German aircraft cannons are used to saturate the high ground, our casualties are still unknown. No wonder there are so many divisions and brigades in history. They were all lost after holding on to the high ground within two days. It turned out that they were all sacrificed under the fierce German artillery fire and the indiscriminate bombing of aircraft.

"Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander, are you still there?" Because I was too lost in thinking, I didn't speak for a long time, so that the opposite Sergeikov misunderstood that I was offline. He called out loudly one after another, only to come back from me.

"I'm still here, Lieutenant Colonel Sejerikov." I said lightly: "How is your regiment's fortifications repaired?"

"The trenches on the mountainside and the top of the mountain were originally dug, but I didn't expect to be bombed by a German plane, and most of the area was destroyed. It must be repaired before it can be used. We have dug a few caves for Tibetan soldiers on the south side of the hillside. , Each hole can put one or two platoons of troops."

"This is far from enough, Comrade Sejerikov, your regiment’s fortifications are far from being repaired." I heard that a well-dug Tibetan cave can only be used for one or two companies. Satisfied and said: "Think about how many people there are in your regiment. If the extra troops can't be hidden, do you put them on the hillside and let the German planes be used as targets for bombing? So you have to do it tomorrow. Before dawn, build a cave for Tibetan soldiers that can hold at least two or three companies."

"Understood, comrade commander." Sergeikov replied bluntly, "I immediately arranged for someone to excavate the Tibetan soldiers' cave."

As soon as I finished the call with Sergeikov, I immediately ordered Razumeyeva: "Comrade Lieutenant, immediately contact the third and fourth regiments of Kosca and Gaidar to see where they are now and why they are so late. I didn't rush to Mamayev Hill." Perhaps it was because I suffered a big loss in the German air raid today, and the three regiments and four regiments did not arrive at the designated position for a long time, so my tone of voice seemed extraordinarily harsh.

Razumeyeva quickly contacted Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar. When she heard that she had been in contact with the other party, I said to myself: "Thank God, I finally got in touch with them. Otherwise, I will pay. I thought they crossed the river to the opposite bank of the Volga." With the headset on, I asked straight through the microphone: "Hey, Colonel Gaidar, I'm Colonel Oshanina. Tell me, your fourth group. , And the third regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Corsgar, where are you now?"

There was a fierce gunfire in the earphones, and Gaidar shouted hoarsely: "The report, comrade commander, the third regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Kosca and I are on the 107.5 heights west of Mamayev Hill. We are organizing troops. Counterattack the German forces that have just occupied the highlands."

"What?" Gaidar's words surprised me, and I scolded angrily: "It's a nonsense, it's a nonsense. Your task is to rush to Mamayevgang to deploy defense, now what are you doing at 107.5 Heights?"

"Comrade Commander ~lightnovelpub.net~ I was scolded by Gaidar. The wireless microphone for the call wanted me to argue vigorously: "If the Germans occupy the 107.5 heights, not only can they rush straight into Stalingrad, but at the same time their If the troops circled eastward, it would cut off all ties between our division and the main force of the city group army. "

"Who ordered you to attack the 107.5 highland?" Although he said something reasonable, I still said dissatisfied: "You know, that is a friendly defense zone. They are there to block the Germans resolutely, and it is necessary for you and Is Corsca nosy?"

"That's not the case, comrade commander. It is because the defenders holding on to this high ground retreated, and German talents seized the high ground. The scouts I sent discovered this situation and returned to report it to me. After studying it with Lieutenant Colonel Corsca , Decided to change the direction of the march, go straight to the 107.5 heights, eliminate the Germans occupying the heights, and ensure the safety of the flank of Mamayev Hill.

"What are you talking about, the original defenders on the high ground retreated?" I couldn't believe my ears.

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"Yes, comrade commander, the defenders retreated without fighting."