Burning Moscow

Chapter 613: The war is coming (part 1)

The night attack by the German army aroused my vigilance. Before I left, I repeatedly urged Sederikov to prepare for battle to resist the crazy attack launched by the German army after dawn.

Hearing Sergeikov and Oberstein promised to strengthen their defenses and ensure that there would be no mistakes, I nodded and was about to leave. After two steps, I stopped again and turned to Sergeikov. "I said a regiment commander. You have a position with an anti-aircraft machine gun company on your southern slope. They suffered heavy casualties during the daytime battle with the enemy aircraft. Now there are two anti-aircraft machine guns left. You will send someone to go tomorrow. Bring the machine guns into the trenches. When the Germans launch an offensive, they use anti-aircraft machine guns to hit their infantry."

"The anti-aircraft machine gun flat-fires the infantry?!" Sederikov was confused by my sudden mention. He asked in disbelief: "Comrade commander, is this appropriate? You know, in the military academy's tutorial , But I have never taught this style of play."

"Although the military academy has not taught in the past, as long as we play here once, then it will become a compulsory course in the military academy in the future." After that, I turned my head and murmured quietly as I walked. stubborn."

Since daybreak, Kirilov, I and Akhromeyev stood outside the headquarters, quietly waiting for the upcoming air attack or shelling. Unexpectedly, when we stood outside for an hour or two, there was still no movement at the front. Seeing that the German army had been silent for a long time, I became a little uncomfortable, and ran into the communication room to ask Razumeyeva to contact Sergeikov and ask if there were any signs of German movement.

After talking with a group of correspondents, Razumeyeva stood and answered me respectfully: "Reporter, Comrade Commander, I just asked. They said that the frontier was calm and the waves were calm and no Germans were found."

Hearing what Razumeyeva said, Kirilov walked to my side. Said thoughtfully: "Comrade Oshanina, are you too nervous. Although the Germans carried out a sneak attack on our position last night, it does not mean that they will attack our position today?"

"Comrade Political Commissar. You should know that the location of Mamayev Hill is very important. Here you can overlook the entire city of Stalingrad and the Volga River. Once you control this place, you can control a big rhetorical question, including being the lifeblood of Stalingrad. We can’t take it lightly.”

Although what I said seemed to be a lesson to him, Kirilov nodded indifferently and said in agreement: "Comrade Oshanina, you are right. It is not a bad thing to be more vigilant." , He stopped, frowned and thought about it, and then said, "If the Germans have not attacked by ten o'clock, I suggest that some regiment leaders and political commissars come to the division headquarters for a meeting to study how to strengthen The political and ideological work of the independent division."

I raised my hand and looked at my watch. It was already half past eight, if the Germans did not attack in another hour and a half. That proves that they will not come today, and it is also necessary to gather several heads and political commissars for a meeting. Thinking of this, I nodded and agreed: "Okay. Comrade political comrades, just do what you said." Before turning back to the command post, I specifically instructed Razumeeva, "Lieutenant, if the Germans do not attack at ten o'clock. If so, you will inform the regiment leaders of the five regiments to come to my division headquarters for a meeting."

Time passed by while waiting. The outside was still quiet, and the Germans showed no signs of wanting to attack. at this time. I couldn't help asking Kirilov strangely: "Comrade Political Commissar, tell me. The German army sent a small unit to attack us last night, but during the day there was no movement. What is going on?"

Kirilov tapped his fingers lightly on the tabletop, and frowned in contemplation. Hearing my question, he slowly shook his head and said: "Comrade Oshanina, what is the intention of the German army? Can't guess." Then he turned his head and asked Akhromeyev who was sitting next to him: "Comrade Chief of Staff, what do you think?"

Although Akhromeyev is the chief of staff of the division, he obviously has not yet adapted to his identity. Hearing Kirilov’s question, he immediately stood up like a low-level commander, his body straight. He replied: "Reporting to the commander and political commissar, I think the German attack last night was just a test. Seeing that the attacking troops were not able to return alone, maybe they guessed that our army's position was tightly guarded, so it was only today. No troops were sent to attack."

"Do you mean that the Germans will not launch an attack on our high ground today?" Kirilov asked in an uncertain tone after listening.

"Yes, Comrade Political Commissar, I think so."

"Tell me your reason!"

"I think the reason why the German army has not launched an offensive on Mamayevgang is because their main force is firmly restrained by the three armies led by General Zhukov. Through the test last night, maybe they They found that it was impossible to seize our position with the existing forces, so they continued to take a defensive position against me today, planning to wait for the main force to withdraw from the fighting area before launching an offensive on our high ground."

After listening to Akhromeyev's words, Kirilov did not express any opinions. Instead, he turned his attention to me and threw the question at me: "What about you, comrade commander. What is your opinion?"

"I agree with the Chief of Staff." Akhromeyev's ideas coincided with mine, so I did not hesitate to support him and added: "I also think that the Germans are building up strength. When they attack us, it will be a thunder blow."

"Even if they gather more troops, it is useless. In front of our Red Army commanders armed with great Stalinism, they will be beaten to blood until they are all buried under Stalingrad by us." Kirilov said confidently.

Kirilov’s words made me laugh. I didn’t expect that what I said casually in those days would now become a cliché used by political workers when analyzing the situation.

Seeing me smiling but not smiling, Kirilov couldn't help but ask in amazement: "Comrade Master, what are you laughing at, can I say something wrong?"

I waved my hand and explained to him, "Comrade Political Commissar, what you said is very reasonable. The reason I laughed. It was because the phrase'Red Army armed with Stalin's thought' was spoken during the defense of Moscow. Yes. Now I am very pleased to find that many political workers will quote this sentence when doing political and ideological work."

I'm finished. There was a surprised expression on Kirilov's face, and he proactively reached out to me. Said amicably: "Comrade commander, I really didn’t expect this. It turns out that you said this first. I just heard someone say this. It was the first one of the chief of staff of the Western Front. Could it be that Is the chief of staff you?"

I shook hands with Kirilov politely and replied, "Yes, Comrade Political Commissar, during the defense war in Moscow. I was the chief of staff of the 20th Army and the commander of the 8th Guards Division."

"It is my honor to be able to work with you." Kirilov said somewhat unexpectedly. After he said this, he wanted to say something more. Fortunately, thanks to the delegation heads and political commissars like Xiejielikov, he came. Finally liberated me from the embarrassment.

After greeting the group leaders to sit down, I found that sitting next to the fourth group leader Gaidar was Godunov of the third group. Some time ago I saw that his collar was still the rank of lieutenant, but today he has become a captain. Military rank.

I walked up to him and asked curiously: "Comrade Godunov. Long time no see. I didn't expect you to be promoted to captain."

Godunov turned his head and looked at Heydar next to him, then stood up and said with a little embarrassment: "Reporter Commander, I was after regaining the 107.5 heights. I was promoted to captain by Lieutenant Colonel Heydar, and was appointed by him at the same time. Battalion Commander of the Three Regiments and One Battalion."

Gaidar is the rank of lieutenant colonel. He has every right to promote his subordinates to ranks below the colonel rank. Moreover, based on my knowledge of Godunov, it is very appropriate to promote him to the rank of captain. So after nodding, I asked again: "You are here today on behalf of the three regiments, right?"

"Yes, comrade commander." Before Godunov could speak, Gaidar stood up next to him. Helped and said: "According to what I know about Captain Godunov, he is a commander with great fighting spirit. I suggest that he temporarily act as the commander of the third regiment." After that, he looked nervous. Stared at me. Waiting for my statement.

I shrugged my shoulders and said indifferently: "You also know that Captain Pugachev is the acting commander of the second regiment. His performance during this period proves that he is completely suitable for this position. Since the acting commander of the third regiment, You recommended Captain Godunov to act as an agent. I think it should also be the best choice."

Having said that, my gaze swept over the several commanders in the room one by one. In addition to Heydar and Godunov, the commander of the first regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov and political commissar Oberstein, came; The acting head of the regiment, Captain Pugachev, came; the head of the fifth regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, and political commissar Vellore also arrived.

"Comrade commander, everyone is here, let's have a meeting!" Akhromeyev asked me in a low voice.

I waved my hand and shouted out loudly, "Captain Basmanov, come in."

As I shouted, the guard battalion commander ran all the way into the headquarters, quickly raised his hand to salute, and asked me for instructions: "Comrade Commander, do you have any instructions?"

"Go and call in Captain Morozov, the artillery battalion commander."

"Yes." Basmanov agreed, turned and ran out of the headquarters.

"Comrade commander, aren't all the regiment leaders here? Why do you want to call the artillery battalion commander?" Akhromeyev asked puzzledly.

"Each regiment has supplemented political workers and company-level commanders, but Morozov’s artillery battalion did not send a political worker, so I let him come to the meeting."

Only a few minutes later, Morozov, led by Basmanov, walked into the headquarters. After he entered the door and saw me, he raised his hand and saluted and said: "Report to Comrade Commander, Captain Morozov, Captain of the Artillery Battalion of the Independent Division, has been ordered to come and await your orders."

"Sit down, Comrade Captain." After he sits down, I want the commanders present to announce: "Today I gathered you all to tell you that your recent work focuses, in addition to commanding troops to dig fortifications and strengthen At the same time as the army is training, it is necessary to carry out political and ideological work.

As soon as I said my words, my former subordinates all looked at me with surprised eyes, but out of respect for me, they did not express any objections, but quietly waited for my following.

To be honest, compared to how to carry out political and ideological work, I am more familiar with wars, so I am going to give Kirilov the right to speak, so I said: "Next, I would like to ask the political comrades to give you a speech." Xiang Kiri After Love made a gesture, I sat down.

Kirilov stood up and said straightforwardly to everyone: "Comrade commanders, I think everyone is aware of Order No. 227 issued by the Supreme Command. In order to prevent deserters from appearing on the battlefield, the Ministry of Internal Affairs even established The supervising team equipped with machine guns. But I know that besides the supervising team, the ubiquitous political work can play a key role in ensuring the morale of the troops. To do this, it is necessary to deploy political workers in each company. The personnel continue to propagate to the soldiers day and night to dispel their fear in the battle. Let the soldiers no longer be driven by fear, but let them know that ~lightnovelpub.net~ must use their political consciousness to overcome pain.

Through the political agitation of the soldiers, we political workers firmly believe that they see it more politically and morally than the Germans. And only those who believe that they are dedicated to a more lofty goal can win the final victory.

Everyone knows that most of the soldiers in our division are prisoners from the Gulag concentration camp. For them, they should not mention ‘patriotism’, ‘noble ideals’ and other topics related to them. What drives them to survive on the battlefield and desperately fight against the dominant German army should be the most primitive emotion-hatred. "

Originally, I looked absent-minded when I listened to Kirilov’s speech, but when I heard his last words, I suddenly became interested. I quickly sat upright, looked up at him, and waited for him to say the next thing. .

Unexpectedly, after Kirilov finished speaking this sentence, he actually stopped, turned his gaze to me, and asked cautiously: "Comrade Commander, shall I continue speaking?"

It seems that I do not like the reputation of political workers. Even my political commissar has scruples when it comes to this aspect. I quickly encouraged him to say: "Please speak, comrade political comrade, please go on, I will listen carefully here. Now.” (to be continued)