Burning Moscow

Chapter 622: Flying Thunder Cannon debut

Seeing the confused reaction of the two, I smiled slightly and explained to them: "Didn’t Comrade the Chief of Staff just say that we lacked enough artillery, I think so, since the superior can’t send us artillery, then we think Ways to form an artillery force of its own."

"Comrade Commander, but what does this have to do with the empty gasoline drum you want?" Akhromeyev asked curiously.

Kirilov and Akhromeyev looked at each other and agreed, "Yes, Comrade Oshanina, I am also confused by you, this empty gasoline tank, and the artillery we are about to form. What kind of connection will there be?"

"I just plan to use empty oil drums to make a new-style cannon." As soon as I said my words, the two of them almost hit their jaws on the table. Seeing Akhromeyev holding a pen in his hand, I reached out to him and said politely: "Comrade Chief of Staff, please lend me your pen."

Akhromeyev got up quickly, leaned forward, and handed me the pen across the table.

I took the pen from his hand, thanked me, unscrewed the cap, and put the pen barrel on the table. I looked at the pen cap in my hand, thought about it, put it on the penholder, and began to explain to the two commanders the principle of the upcoming flying thunder cannon: "My political commissar, chief of staff, what I said The new type of cannon actually uses a gasoline canister as the gun barrel. The main body of this weapon, which can also be called a projectile cannon, is an empty gasoline can. After filling it with propellant, it is tied up. Put the disc-shaped bag in, then ignite the propellant, and use the impact of the explosion to project a bag weighing up to ten kilograms to a distance of 150 to 200 meters."

When I introduced them to the flying thunder cannon principle, the two of them stared intently at the pen cap on the table. After a while, Akhromeyev said in an uncertain tone: "Comrade Master, your idea is good, but none of us are professionals. Can this kind of package launcher be made? , Still a problem."

Kirilov waved his hand and said simply: "Well, since the three of us are all laymen. Don't waste time here. Let the artillery battalion commander Captain Morozov and the engineer company commander Lieutenant Mikhayev Call, let them both provide professional advice."

"Comrade Political Commissar is right." The two proposals were reasonable, and I resolutely said: "Since this is the case, I will call Morozov and Mikhayev over and let the professionals respond. Comment on my vision."

After I finished speaking, without waiting for my instructions, Akhromeyev got up and walked to the phone, called Morozov and Mikhayev respectively, and told them to rush to the headquarters immediately. There are important tasks to be assigned to them.

After receiving Akhromeyev's call, Morozov and Mikhayev dare not neglect, trotting one after another to the headquarters. Still breathing for a while, Morozov asked breathlessly: "May I ask the division commander and political commissar to come to us, are there any new instructions?"

I quickly greeted the two of them to sit down at the table. And asked Akhromeyev to repeat what I said just now to the two of them. After the two listened, their expressions were quite different. Morozov frowned and stared at the pen cap on the table, as if he was considering the feasibility of my proposal. Mikhayev, on the other hand, was embarrassed and kept looking around.

Kirilov stood behind Mikhayev with his hands on his back, and asked with a smile, "Lieutenant Mikhayev. What do you think of this idea of ​​the commander?"

Mikhayev hurriedly stood up, turned around and replied awkwardly: "Report to the political commissar, I have no opinion."

"Why?" Kirilov's face changed as he said this.

Mikhayev also saw the change in Kirilov’s face, and hurriedly explained: "Comrade Political Commissar. As you know, the commander of my engineering company is not a real engineer, and I don’t have the professional skills of an engineer. I don’t know anything about the familiar except for building fortifications."

I saw a disappointed look on Kirilov's face. Quickly asked Morozov who was meditating: "Comrade Captain, what do you think of this matter?"

My words awakened Morozov from his contemplation. He hurriedly stood up and replied cautiously: "Reporter, I have thought about it carefully. In theory, this idea of ​​yours can become a reality."

Morozov’s words rekindled hope for the disappointed Kirilov. He couldn’t wait to ask: "Captain Morozov, you are a professional and you have a better say than all of us. Do you think it’s true to use an empty gasoline tank? Can you make the kind of cannon that the commander said?"

Morozov nodded vigorously and said affirmatively: "Yes, according to the introduction of the chief of staff, the military projectile described by the commander has some similarities with the previous heavy mortars. They are all used at a large elevation angle. The range is short, but the power of the explosion is absolutely amazing. And the caliber of this weapon is absolutely amazing. How thick the oil drum we use, then the caliber of the gun has. According to my experience, this ten kilogram huge** The strong explosion caused by the bag. Wherever he went, both the fortifications and the soldiers would be blown up. Even the people hiding in the tank were not immune, because even if they were not killed, they would be shaken to death. "

After listening to Morozov's explanation, Kirilov's face showed a surprised expression. He turned his head and asked me excitedly: "Comrade Commander, if this cannon is built, can it achieve the effect Captain Morozov said?"

I nodded and said seriously: "Yes, Comrade Political Commissar. After this type of gun is manufactured, we can use it for the opposing German tanks, armored vehicles, field fortifications and dense offensive formations. Moreover, the method of manufacturing this type of gun is simple. , As long as there are petrol cans. When our frontier troops are equipped with such weapons, will they still be afraid of the intensive charge of German tanks and infantry?"

After hearing what I said, Kirilov was immediately excited, and said: "It's really great. I want to call Comrade Commander immediately and ask him to provide us with enough **."

"Wait a minute, Comrade Political Commissar." Kirilov walked to the phone and just picked up the phone, but was stopped by Morozov. He turned around, looked at Morozov, and asked puzzledly: "Comrade Captain, do you have anything to say?"

Morozov turned his head, looked at me and said with a sad face: "Comrade commander, the old heavy mortar cannons. All shots with explosives are iron balls, and there is no problem of detonation. But how do you detonate the bag? I I haven't figured out a good way yet."

I thought it was a technical problem, but I didn't expect it to be such a small problem. I waved my hand and said disapprovingly: "Comrade Captain, don't worry, this is easy to handle. When you tap the propellant fuse, you also light the fuse on the bag. Remember, the fuse should be made longer. Otherwise, it did not fly out of the barrel or exploded shortly after flying out, and we would accidentally injure ourselves."

"Understood, Comrade Commander, I understand everything now." Morozov rubbed his hands in excitement. Putting on a look eager to try, "I'll go find a gasoline tank, and find a place to do the experiment. Teacher, political commissar, please rest assured, I promise to complete the production of this ** projectile tube before dawn."

Kirilov picked up the phone again, and when he was about to call the headquarters, he suddenly listened to it and turned to ask me: "Comrade Oshanina, this new weapon is called a projectile gun. It’s a bit too awkward, you Can you have a simple name?"

I pretended to think for a while. Then he said solemnly: "Let's call it'Flying Cannon'." Originally, I wanted to rename it with another name, but due to my lack of knowledge, I still used the old name of this weapon.

Kirilov called Trikov’s phone and reported excitedly to the other party: "...Comrade Commander, Commander Oshanina is going to make a new weapon for highland defense. I hope you can provide some help. "

Trikov was attracted by Kirilov's words, and he asked with interest: "What kind of weapon is it?"

"Comrade Oshanina named this new weapon "flying thunder cannon", which is to fill an empty gasoline can, fill it with propellant, and put it in a disc-shaped package. Then it is fired and fired. By using the impact force of the explosion, a bag weighing ten kilograms can be projected to a distance of 150 to 200 meters. According to her, this weapon can deal with German tanks, armored vehicles, and field fortifications. It is a dense offensive formation with infantry, but I think that if this weapon is used in street fighting, it can also destroy buildings occupied by the enemy and reduce the casualties of our counterattacks."

"Well, it sounds great. But, I don't know what kind of help I can provide for you?"

"We need a lot of sex, a lot of sex." Kirilov said to Trikov unceremoniously: "As far as I know, there is a large amount of **** in an underground warehouse near the group army. It was originally prepared. It was used when the enemy invaded the city and destroyed important facilities. However, the plan to destroy the city was obviously shelved now, so that batch of policemen was forgotten there. Comrade Commander, I beg you to take this batch of **Leave it to our division. With the newly-made'flying thunder cannon' and enough **, we will have more confidence in defending Mamayev Hill."

Trikov was moved by Kirilov’s words, and he said almost without thinking: “Well, I’ll take the charge of this matter. Let the transportation team transport you four tons of ** first. If it’s not enough, I will continue to give it to you. Supplement." At this point, he suddenly remembered another thing and went on, "By the way, when you see Comrade Oshaninna, please tell her, saying that after repeated reconnaissance by our army scouts, It was discovered that the Abganerovo station where she was stationed was razed to the ground by the police. The German army lost at least nearly a thousand people here. For the results she achieved, the Front Army Headquarters will give her what she deserves in the near future. reward."

After putting down the phone, Kirilov said to me with a smile on his face: "Have you heard? Comrade commander. I have the honor to inform you on behalf of General Trikov, because you have planted it when you evacuated from the Abganerovo station. The explosion caused by a few meals caused heavy losses to the German army. The Front Army Headquarters intends to reward you. Here, I would like to congratulate you first!" After speaking, he extended his hand to me.

After Kirilov and I shook hands, Akhromeyev, Morozov, and Mikhayev also stepped forward to shake hands with me and congratulated me. As I shook hands with them, I thought: Lao Maozi is so polite. In addition to saying thank you and congratulations, he often shakes hands with people.

I raised my hand and looked at the watch. Seeing that it was late, I told Morozov a few more words: "Comrade Captain, the car that transports the army headquarters to the army will be here in one hour. Remember to send a few soldiers to greet you. At the same time, you have to use this time to organize manpower to prepare empty oil drums. If there are not enough manpower, you can ask Mikhayev or Pugachev to borrow some manpower to help. Also, don’t use ordinary strapping bags. Wire, I’m afraid it will fall apart in the air, it’s best to use wires to tie it up.” I’ve explained everything I should explain. So he waved at him and Mikhayev and said, "Well, it's getting late, you should hurry back to the army to prepare."

As the saying goes: Employers are not doubtful and doubters do not. So after I explained the task, I didn't chase Morozov to ask about the manufacturing progress of the flying thunder cannon. When the time is almost up, Kirilov and Akhromeyev and I will rest at the desk in the headquarters.

Just as I was sleeping in a daze, there was a loud noise outside. Since it was a quiet night, the decibel of this sound was increased in disguise, and my doze was completely shocked. I sat up straight and looked at Kirilov, who was also in an unconscious state opposite. Weakly asked, "Comrade Political Commissar, what happened?"

Kirilov and I woke up at about the same time. Naturally, he couldn't know what was going on, so he shook his head and turned his eyes to Akhromeev next to him. The chief of staff's situation is not much better. After hesitating for a moment, he said tentatively: "Could it be that Captain Morozov and the others are experimenting with the'flying cannon'?"

Hearing what Akhromeyev said, I think it is really possible. After all, he said he would complete the production of flying thunder cannons before dawn. Maybe he was really testing new weapons. Thinking of this, I leaned on my side slightly, pricked my ears and listened to the sound coming from outside the command post.

After a while. There was another loud noise, and then the explosion sounded one after another, with almost no interruption in between. Hearing this, I couldn't help but smile and shook my head and said, "This Morozov, I really thought that the army sent by the command of the army is free of money, so I can use it openly. However, he is here for a few short In just a few hours, so many flying thunder cannons were manufactured, and when the Germans attacked after dawn, they could bear them."

When I was talking to myself, Akhromeyev suddenly yelled: "Oh. No. Teacher and political commissar, haven't you heard it yet? This voice didn't come from the east or the north. It came from the west. Could it be that the Germans were bombarding the 107.5 heights jointly defended by the 2nd and 3rd regiments."

"What? The Germans are shelling!" Although I instinctively did not want to believe that everything Akhromeyev said is true, I still reached out for the phone on the table and wanted to ask Horusho on the high ground. And Godunov, what happened?

My hand just grabbed the phone, and the phone rang first. As soon as I put the earpiece close to my ear, I heard Khorushov roaring hoarsely: "Reporter, the Germans are violently shelling our highlands!"

"How are the fortifications I asked you to repair?" I asked loudly.

Unexpectedly, after hearing my question, Horusov was silent for a moment. When I heard him not speaking, my heart sank. My heart said it was broken. They must be lazy. They did not implement the orders I gave and built fortifications overnight. As a result, they were caught blind as soon as the Germans started shelling.

After a while, Khorushov said hesitantly: "Report to the commander, we only repaired part of the fortifications, and we can't accommodate all the soldiers." At this point, his speech speed suddenly accelerated, "Comrade commander, What should we do now? If the troops stay on the ground, there will be few people left when the German shelling ends."

Although I can't wait to rush over and slap him twice, it is obviously inappropriate to do so now. The top priority is to withdraw the troops from positions without strong fortifications, otherwise they will be sacrificed in vain under the enemy's artillery fire. Thinking of this, I ordered him cleanly: "Except for the few observation posts left on the position, the remaining commanders, whether they are from the Second or Third Regiment, will be withdrawn from the position on the northern **** in batches, temporarily to the southern slope. Concealed." Before putting down the phone, I specifically told him: "Report to me every ten minutes."

Kirilov waited for me to put down the phone, walked to my side, and asked anxiously: "Comrade Commander, what should we do now?"

I sighed and said: "We don't know the purpose of the German bombardment of 107.5 Heights. We can only temporarily stop and watch what the Germans do after the bombardment." After finishing speaking, I took a look at the wall-side telegraph. Nadya hurriedly walked to the door and yelled outside: "Lieutenant Razumeeva, come to me!"

After Razumeyeva came in, I simply ordered one sentence: "Comrade Lieutenant, you stay here and ensure that the communication of the command headquarters is in a state of unblocked at all times.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Khorushov called again and reported to me: "Report to the commander, the troops of the second and third regiments, except for a few observation posts, the rest have been withdrawn to the south **** to be hidden on standby. "

"How about the casualties of the troops?"

Hearing this question, Khorushov's voice suddenly became quieter: "After the shelling began, there was about one company casualties. During the transfer, almost another company was casualties."

"Where is your command?" At this moment ~lightnovelpub.net~ I also don't care about the loss caused by his dereliction, but care about his safety: "If your command is also under German artillery fire You can also withdraw to a safe place within range."

"Please rest assured, my command post is southwest of the high ground. German artillery can't hit me here. I'm safe."

"It's still the old rule. Call me every ten minutes...Hey, hello!" Before I finished speaking, there was no sound in the microphone. I turned around and handed the microphone to Razumeyeva who was standing not far away. At the same time, I said with a slight dissatisfaction: "Lieutenant, come and listen. What's wrong with this phone, why is there suddenly no sound? "

Razumeyeva answered and listened, and immediately handed the microphone back to me. At the same time, she said politely: "Report to the commander, it’s not that the telephone is malfunctioning, but the line is malfunctioning. It may be broken by German artillery fire. Please wait a moment, I will send someone to check the line immediately." Then she turned around and ran out of the command post. Soon her voice came in from outside: "Lineman, you go and check from here immediately. The telephone line to 107.5 Heights."

Within two minutes, she walked in from the outside and said respectfully to me: "Report to the teacher, comrade, I have sent someone to check the line, and within a quarter of an hour, you will be able to return to the height of 107.5. Communications." ()