Burning Moscow

Chapter 639: Highland tug of war (part 1)

When Basmanov and Mikhayev led Colonel Yelin to leave the headquarters, Kirilov, who was smiling, his face sank, and he held the tele-paper in his hand for a long time and put it on the table. Throwing, he said angrily: "What the **** is going on, why did Comrade Commander decide to assign all the troops in the northern part of the city to the command of the Guards without consulting us? Comrade Rodimtsev I know him as a commander with rich combat experience, but he has just arrived in Stalingrad and is not familiar with everything yet. Is it really appropriate to assign so many troops to him?"

When Kirilov was grumbling, Akhromeyev took the telegram over and read the telegram over and over again with a stern face. Seeing that both of them were fighting for me. Although I was very touched, there were still many communication soldiers in the command center. I was deeply afraid that this matter would leave a bad impression in the minds of superiors and affect everyone. For the future, I had to pretend to say: "Political commissar, chief of staff, orders from superiors are not allowed to be discussed. Since it is the order issued by the commander himself, let's implement it."

"But the teacher..." Akhromeyev wanted to scream for me, but I stopped him in time, because I knew that no matter how we complained, the superior's order would not change. Moreover, I was only allowed to accept Rodimtsev's command, but it did not dismiss my division commander. In the future, I will have the final say in the independent division.

After the two were silent, I quickly assigned tasks to them: "Comrade political comrade, you immediately contact Lieutenant Colonel Sederikov, and let the group use the night to repair the fortifications in order to deal with the possible battle after dawn; Chief of Staff, you contact the third regiment and ask them to withdraw from their positions. They quickly enter the second regiment's position."

As soon as I finished speaking, Akhromeyev was taken aback for a moment, and then he suggested to me: "Comrade commander. Although there are many tunnels and caves in the second regiment, the third regiment has thousands of soldiers. People. It's too crowded. I can't help but transfer San Tuan back to the original residential area, right?"

When Kirilov heard our conversation, his eyebrows were raised, but he didn't speak, he just looked at me and waited for me to say the answer.

I clicked on the 107.5 highland on the map and said to the two of them: "Political commissar, chief of staff, what's the situation on this highland, I believe you are the same as me. You know it all. It's just the incompletely equipped regiment under Colonel Ye Lin. Can it stop the German attack?"

After hearing what I said, the two looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

I continued: "Once the 107.5 highland is lost, the enemy can swagger into the city from here and join their allies. My purpose of placing the troops from the 3rd regiment in the 2nd regiment is just in case. When I find that Colonel Ye Lin’s troops cannot resist, I will promptly transfer the third regiment to help them hold the high ground."

While we were talking, a soldier from the guard camp suddenly opened the door and walked in. Reported to us: "Report to the division commander, political commissar, and deputy commander of the front army. Now they are waiting outside the cave."

"General Golikov is here?" I was still thinking about who the deputy commander of the front was. Kirilov had stood up first, and walked quickly to the door. After a few steps, he seemed to think about going out to meet the higher-level commander, who should be led by the chief military officer in the division, so he stopped, turned around and smiled and said to me: "Comrade Oshanina, Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army Now outside the cave, let's go out to meet him together."

After we ushered Golikov into the headquarters, he walked to the table and sat down. He took off his big brimmed hat and threw it on the table, revealing his big bald head. Then he said to us: "Comrade Kirilov, Comrade Oshanina, I am going to the east bank of the Volga River soon. Before I leave, I will come and see you."

"Go to the East Bank, why?" Kirilov and Golikov are more familiar with each other, so the questioning is more casual.

"That's it, Comrade Kirilov." General Gorkov turned his head and said to Kirilov: "According to the order of the front army, I stayed in the city to take charge of the front army and the 62nd, 64th and 57th. Contacts between the group armies. But at noon today, I received a call from the front army asking me to prepare weapons and equipment for the 13th Guards Division that was about to cross the river. However, due to enemy bombing, our weapons were transported by the ship while crossing the river. The German plane sank. As a result, the guarantee of providing weapons to the guards was lost. So I received the order from Commander Yeleimenko and the military commissioner Khrushchev to return to the East overnight. Go ashore and reorganize the delivery of weapons and equipment to the city."

"Comrade Deputy Commander," I asked politely after he finished speaking, "According to the order of the group army, the two regiments of the 13th Guards Division will participate in our army's counter-assault against the Germans after daybreak. . But now their troops are poorly equipped with weapons and ammunition, and there are more than a thousand soldiers without weapons."

"Colonel Oshanina, you don't have to worry about this matter." Golikov explained to me: "Comrade Cuikov has ordered General Lobov, who is in charge of logistics, to collect weapons in various parts of the logistics of the group army to arm them. Guards soldiers with weapons. By the way, if possible, your division will also provide extra weapons to the guards. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand, Comrade Deputy Commander." I repeated it mechanically. Seeing Golikov's eyes still looking at me, waiting for my statement, I quickly reported to him: "Before you come, Colonel Ye Lin, the commander of the 39th Regiment of the 13th Guards Division, has just left. He was ordered to replace the 107.5 Heights. I have ordered the troops holding the heights to leave enough weapons for the 39th Regiment when changing defenses."

Hearing what I said, Golikov’s face showed a smile, he nodded at me, and said with satisfaction: "Good job, Comrade Oshanina, you have a great view of the overall situation and consider the issues very comprehensively. It is worth it. praise."

Kirilov asked with some worry: "Comrade Deputy Commander, the 39th regiment of Colonel Ye Lin only came to one battalion. With just this strength, can he hold the high ground? Do we need to send some troops to help him? ?"

After hearing this, Golikov showed a relaxed expression on his face. He stood up and patted Kirilov on the shoulder: "My old buddy, don't worry, although the 39th Regiment currently has only one battalion in the field. . But their remaining two battalions and artillery regiments, as well as the 42nd infantry brigade, will cross the river into Stalingrad tonight."

After speaking, he picked up the military cap on the table and put it on his head. Reaching out to Kirillov, he said at the same time: "Okay. Comrade Kirillov, that's it. I'm going to cross the river overnight to the other side. Let's say goodbye." After shaking hands with Kirillov, They shook hands with me and Akhromeev in turn, and finally said: "Mamayev Gang will be handed over to you, good luck!" After speaking, he turned and left.

After Golikov left, Akhromeev excitedly said to Kirilov and me: "Division commander, political commissar. Did you hear what the deputy commander said? There is also the infantryman who is crossing the river tonight. The 42nd brigade, that is to say, the troops participating in the counterattack tomorrow day, we will have one more division and one brigade, so that we have greater confidence in defeating the enemy."

Seeing the smile on Kirilov’s face, my heart was particularly heavy. I don’t know anything else, but I remember the fate of the 13th Guards Division and the 42nd Infantry Brigade very clearly. The Guards lost their losses within a few days; the 42nd Brigade’s situation was even worse, on the evening of the day it entered the battlefield. There were only 666 people left in the brigade, of which only 200 were infantry. It seems that we can only rely on our own strength to defend Mamayev Hill.

Did not wait for me to speak. The phone on the desk rang, and Akhromeyev hurriedly picked up the handset to answer the phone. I groaned in my heart. With so many calls, it seems that I don't want to sleep tonight.

After seeing Akhromeyev put down the phone, he took the initiative to report to me without waiting for my question: "Report to the division commander, political commissar, and the checkpoint at the foot of the mountain. Two jeeps have arrived. They checked and found out. . Here are General Rodimtsev, the commander of the 13th Guards Division, and his political commissar Vavilov."

Kirilov finished listening to Akhromeyev's report. He looked at me and asked, "Comrade Oshanina, General Rodimtsev must have come to our headquarters. Will you go out to meet him now?"

I didn't answer him, but looked at Akhromeyev and told him directly: "Comrade Chief of Staff, you take a few soldiers, go down the hillside and bring comrades up."

Hearing my order, Akhromeyev said nothing, but nodded, and then walked out of the headquarters quickly.

When I didn’t want Rodimtsev to enter the headquarters, I saw Kirilov and I were doing nothing, so I pushed the phone in front of Kirilov and said to him: "Comrade Political Commissar, you give the Second Regiment Regimental Commander Pugachev called and said that the Third Regiment was coming soon, and asked him to vacate a few caves for Tibetan soldiers, so that the commanders and soldiers of the Third Regiment would also have a place to stay.” After speaking, I went straight to Lazu. Beside Meyeva, she told her, "Lieutenant, get me Captain Perskin from the Tank Battalion."

After talking to the tank battalion on the phone and hearing Perskin’s voice from the headset, I asked loudly: "Captain Perskin, what did your tank battalion achieve in the daytime battle? The result of the battle?"

Hearing clearly that I was talking to him, Perskin reported to me excitedly: "Comrade Commander, since the cross mark on our tank has not been removed, the enemies who rushed into the city regarded us as theirs. In this way, our unit could smoothly pass through the German infantry queue, go around behind the German tanks that were attacking the station and beat them severely. A total of eight tanks and five of them were destroyed. Armored vehicles, our tanks did not lose. On the way back to the station, they cooperated with the infantry unit of Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, who attacked the city, and eliminated about two enemy companies."

After finishing the call with Perskin, I couldn't help thinking about it: The German army is currently strong, and it is obviously inappropriate to fight with them with the meager background of the independent division. If you want to maintain yourself and destroy the enemy, you must fight more skillful battles. If the casualties are small and the results are big, we disguise our troops as Germans to attack the enemy, so that not only can we achieve great results at a small cost, It can also cause chaos within the German army.

Just thinking about it, I suddenly heard Akhromeyev's voice faintly, and quickly turned his head and looked around, and found that he did not know when he had returned to the command post. By his side, he was standing one tall and one short. A commander with a big brimmed hat.

"Welcome, General Rodimtsev." I walked quickly towards them, and still a long distance away, I reached out to the short commander among them. But when I saw that the short commander’s collar was the rank of a political worker, I reached out to the tall commander next to him in time. This time it can’t be wrong, because I saw the two gold stars of his collar.

While shaking hands with Rodimtsev. I secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, I found my mistake in time, otherwise it would be a joke. In fact, I was also misled by later movies. Rodimtsev in "The Bloody Battle of Stalingrad" is a short man with a round face, but a real Rodimtsev. It was a tall man with a thin face and several medals on his left chest.

After everyone was seated, Rodimtsev said straightforwardly: "Colon Oshanina, Political Commissar Kirilov, and this comrade Captain, I think you all received a telegram from the Command of the Group Army. Seeing the three of us nodded together, and continued to say, "From now on, all the troops north of the city will be assigned to me for command. Do you have any comments?"

The three of us replied in unison: "No, we obey the orders of our superiors!"

"Well, since everyone has no objection, I will issue the first order after taking office. Tomorrow morning after dawn, the independent division will attack the 44th German division with two regiments on the front. Before noon, it must Break through the front line of defense of the Germans. Can you do it?"

This time, none of the three of us spoke, but looked at each other. Seeing the other side's face is sad. Seeing Akhromeyev opened his mouth and wanted to talk, I quickly made a look at him and told him to shut up. Then I stood up, looked at Rodimtsev and said, "I'm sorry, Comrade General, as the commander of the independent division, I cannot carry out your order."

"What?!" Rodimtsev didn't expect that I would choose to disobey, and an angry expression suddenly appeared on his face. After staring at me for a while, he hit the table with a fist and said angrily: "Colonel Oshanina, do you want to fight on the battlefield?"

I ignored him. Instead, he asked: "Comrade General, let our troops be without artillery cover and aircraft support. Launching an offensive against the strong German positions is to send to death! As the commander of the first division. I have no right to let my soldiers. Go to die for nothing." I said these words with a anger.

Rodimtsev was trembling with anger. He pointed at me with anger and didn't think of anything to say. Finally, he stomped his feet with anger, and unconsciously touched the holster on his waist with his retracted hand.

"Please wait a minute, comrade commander." Seeing that the situation is not good, his political commissar Vavilov quickly grabbed his hand and whispered to him: "Since the superior has appointed Colonel Oshanina as the commander of the independent division , She would not be a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. If she said so, she must have her reasons." After speaking, Vavilov looked up at me and said to me at the same time, "Colonel Oshanina, you If you have any thoughts, you can make it clear to Comrade General."

Seeing that Vavilov’s political commissar gave me a step, I hurriedly followed his words and said: "You are right, Comrade Political Commissar. The reason why I am reluctant to send troops to attack is because the independent division is not only poorly equipped, but soldiers. The training is also insufficient. If they are attacked by the enemy’s artillery or air strikes, the troops are easily defeated. But if they are allowed to fight against the German offensive with strong fortifications, they can be like a gate. The enemy rushing towards the city was firmly blocked."

When I finished speaking, Kirilov stood up and said something nice to me: "Yes, General Rodimtsev. In the battle last month, Colonel Oshanina commanded the newly formed independence The division, fought tenaciously with the enemy, achieved a series of results, and almost completely wiped out the 29th Brigade of the German Motorized Infantry, and captured the brigade commander General Leiser. I believe she was in Mamayevgang. It will also achieve greater results."

If Vavilov gave me a step just now~lightnovelpub.net~ then Kirilov’s speech is a step for Rodimtsev to step down. Rodimtsev retracted his hand on the holster, supported the table with both hands, leaned down and looked at the table, and asked in a flat tone: "Colonel Oshanina, what are your plans for the next step?"

I hurriedly clicked on the map with my hand and said to Rodimtsev: "Comrade General, my plan is very simple. The first and second regiments of the independent division will stick to the Mamayev Hill to ensure the safety of the Volga River pier. The transportation line of the city will not be cut off by the German army. At the same time, the three regiments that have just withdrawn from the 107.5 heights are deployed on the southern **** of our plateau, as a reserve team, ready to support the 39th Guards Regiment that was attacked by the Germans. The fourth and fifth regiments in the residential areas near the edge of the city are responsible for covering the rear of our division. At the same time, when necessary, they will take the initiative to destroy the German troops that rushed into the city."

When Rodimtsev heard my report, the expression on his face eased a lot, "I'm sorry, Colonel Oshanina, it was my bad attitude just now. I apologize to you. But if you speak with your conscience, you are like this. The arrangement is indeed very reasonable. In that case, I cancel the wrong order that I just issued. As for the defense of Mamayevgang, I will leave it to you."

"Please rest assured the army, as long as Oshanina is still alive, no one in the Independent Division will give up Mamayev Hill and retreat to the city." (to be continued)