Burning Moscow

Chapter 656: Hero's Building (Part 1)

The German forces launched a three-day strong attack on Stalingrad. Although they occupied many parts of the city and greatly reduced the depth of defense of the defenders, their attack was eventually blocked by the tenacious defense of our commanders. Up. ~Top~Point~Small~Say~~ Their attempts to advance several tens of meters in the existing area have all come to nothing.

In the next ten days of fighting, Mamayev Gang was also under unprecedented pressure. Although the German attacks were repelled by us every time without exception, their attack intensity has not diminished in the slightest. At first I was puzzled by this phenomenon. It was only after interrogating a group of newly captured prisoners that I realized that my division was facing the 44th German Division, which was hit hard, because the commander of the division was Anton DeBoy to Paul Lu. Si made a request, and had been transferred to the rear for rest. Major General Heinrich von Anim, who succeeded them, established the relatively complete infantry 113th division. No wonder the enemy's offensive is always so fierce.

The 1st and 3rd regiments of the troops that originally stood on the northern highlands were forced to retreat into the residential area behind the highlands due to severe downsizing. The fourth regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar will take over their defense. So far, the original independent division with more than 10,000 people has been reduced to 3,000. Kirilov and I have changed from division commander and division political commissar to regiment commander and regiment political commissar.

On the evening of September 25, Akhromeyev, who came back from inspection at the forefront, said to me with a sad look: "Comrade Commander, it is coming to October, but most of the soldiers are still wearing single clothes. If it snows suddenly. If the temperature drops, a lot of soldiers may get frostbite. I suggest that you still have a higher-level logistics department to see when the winter clothes can be sent to my teacher."

Akhromeyev's words are also what I have been caring about recently. Originally, the troops in the division were insufficient. If there is a large number of non-combat attrition caused by frostbite. Then this battle cannot be fought.

I'm planning to call Cuikov or Krylov to tell them about the lack of winter clothes in the army. I don't want my army to lose its combat effectiveness like the Germans in Moscow last year. But at this moment, the phone rang first.

I picked up the phone, and before I could speak, Rodimtsev’s voice was heard in the receiver: "I’m General Rodimtsev, the 13th Division of the Guards, please find Colonel Oshanina for me. ."

to be frank. I'm really a little frustrated with this Rodimtsev. Every time I call me, I ask me to send troops to assist him in the counterattack, but I don't know how he commanded it. Up to now, his troops have not only lost 107.5. The Highland also threw the Soviet Street behind the Highland, including the dormitory area of ​​the family members of the State Consumer Cooperative Association and the flour mill, to the Germans. In the end, the remnants of the 42nd regiment were also forced to retreat to the adjacent Lenin Street to continue. Defensively.

Although his ability to command troops is lacking. But as a boss and my immediate boss, I still have to maintain respect for him. So I said politely: "Hello, Comrade General, I am Oshanina, do you have any instructions?"

"Comrade Colonel, it's like this." Rodimtsev has obviously adapted to his superior role, so he didn't agree with me, so he opened the door and gave orders; "My 42nd Guards Regiment is going to be tonight, from Lenin Street attacked Soviet Street, striving to drive out the enemies who occupied it...."

When I heard this, I mumbled in my heart. I knew that there was nothing good about your call, and the top ten wanted me to send troops to assist you. So I couldn't help but cut in: "Comrade General, you call me, does it have anything to do with the counterattack that will be carried out tonight?"

"I hope you can send at least two or three companies to attack the enemy from the east of Soviet Avenue, and cooperate with my 42nd Regiment to take the Soviet Avenue back from the enemy." Hearing his mouth, he would take two. At the third company, I complained secretly. According to his style of play, if I doubled the strength of my troops, it was not enough for him to squander. I was figuring out how to perfuse him and asked him to agree to send two platoons or one company symbolically to cooperate. He said nonchalantly: "There is a military material warehouse near the flour mill, which contains 8,000 military coats. According to the scout report, although the enemy found the military supplies, these military coats were still in the warehouse. They were neither transported nor burned. I guess the enemy planned to use them by themselves when it was cold. After we recaptured the military coats, we would take them away if we could. If we couldn't, we would burn them all in a fire. We must not let the Germans use these coats for the winter."

Originally, when I was still at a loss for the winter clothing of the troops, I heard that in the counterattack plan implemented by Rodimtsev, there was actually a side mission to retake a military material warehouse full of military coats, and I immediately became concerned about tonight’s actions. Aroused a strong interest, he quickly expressed his determination to Rodimtsev: "Please rest assured, comrades in the army, I must send the most elite troops to cooperate with your counterattack tonight. By the way, the commander of the 42nd Guards Regiment Didn’t you die in the battle of the previous two days? I don’t know who will command this force."

"Speaking of the new head of the regiment, you should know it. Because the 39th regiment and the 42nd regiment have been reduced seriously, I have merged the two regiments and let the former head of the 39th regiment, Colonel Ye Lin, serve as the newly formed 42nd regiment. long."

When I heard that I was a commander I knew, I felt more at ease, and quickly said to Rodimtsev: "Understood, Comrade General, I will send the most powerful force to cooperate with the 42nd regiment's counterattack."

After hanging up the phone, Kirilov murmured: "Damn, why this General Rodimtsev is going to fight back again. Didn't he suffer a small loss the first two times? According to his style of play, Even if a teacher has 100,000 people, it won’t take long for it to be finished."

Regarding Kirilov’s evaluation of Rodimtsev, I just smiled and did not express my opinion, but I very much agree with the political commissar’s views in my heart. Although Rodimtsev became a general by virtue of his military exploits, judging from the style of the troops he commanded, he was still too rigid. I heard Major Pugachev, who had gone to fight with him, came back and said that the Guards Division faced a tightly defensive German position when it counterattacked the 107.5 heights. Do not know how to attack on both sides in a roundabout way. Instead, the commanders and fighters rushed upwards without hesitation in the face of the enemy's bullets. Although he regained his position several times, he was beaten again because of the heavy casualties and the inability to resist the German counterattack. His troops are always offensive and defensive, and defense is defensive. He doesn't know how to switch between offense and defense. No matter how brave the commanders and fighters were, their flesh and blood couldn't stop the enemy's bullets. They were in such battles again and again. The troops of the Guards were quickly consumed.

I picked up the phone and called Pugachev and ordered him: "Comrade Major, we are going to cooperate with the Guards to counterattack the Soviet Street tonight. You can take out the first battalion of Khorushov and replenish the soldiers, weapons and ammunition. After that, be prepared for all battles."

Pugachev had obviously adapted to this kind of battle order of mine a long time ago, and did not issue any objections, but honestly agreed: "Yes, I understand."

When I put down the phone again, Akhromeyev asked curiously: "Commander. Since it was General Rodimtsev who asked you to send troops to assist them in their counterattack, why would you send the strongest combat force?"

Others heard Akhromeyev say this. Maybe I don’t understand what he means, but Kirilov and I understand in our hearts that he is unwilling to let me hand over the elite troops to Rodimtsev to consume them in vain.

I took a look at Razumeeva and Nadya, who were sitting next to the telephone, and then said to them in a low voice: "Political commissar, chief of staff, when I just heard General Rodimtsev’s order, I planned to say no. His, but suddenly I heard him say that there is a military material warehouse near the flour mill, which contains 8,000 military coats."

"Eight thousand military coats?!" Akhromeyev's eyes almost fell to the ground in surprise.

I nodded, and then said to the two of them: "It was precisely because I heard that there was a warehouse full of military coats that I changed my mind and asked Pugachev to send out the strongest battalion of the second regiment. In tonight’s battle, even if we can’t fully recover Vier Street, as long as we can retake this warehouse and move some of the military coats inside, we can solve the problem of the lack of winter clothing in the division."

"For tonight's battle, the 42nd Guards Regiment is under the command of Colonel Ye Lin?" Kirilov couldn't help but ask after listening to the pie I drew. Seeing me nodding to express my affirmation, I quickly rushed to recommend myself to me: "Since the opposite is Colonel Ye Lin, even if we send Pugachev to lead an attack, we must accept the command of the other party. Simply like this, the action at night will be two regiments and one I will lead the camp myself."

"No!" As soon as Kirilov's words fell, Akhromeyev and I objected in unison. I don't know why Akhromeyev objected. But I opposed it because I wanted to lead the team to perform this task myself.

Kirilov glanced at me, sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "Comrade Oshanina, I understand why you are against me leading the team. Maybe it's because you want to lead the team yourself?"

Seeing that my attempt was seen through by Kirilov, I smiled embarrassedly, and then began to think about what Kirilov said. If Pugachev or Khorushov lead the team, then our The troops are bound to receive the command of Colonel Ye Lin. But if Kirilov and I are not going, who is the right one to go?

"Commander, political commissar, one of you is the commander of the first division, and the other is the political commissar of the division. Such a dangerous thing is not something that a commander of your level should do. I will lead the team for the action at night, right?"

Hearing Akhromeyev volunteering, I think it is quite appropriate. Although his rank is low, his rank is there after all. I believe that even if Colonel Ye Lin sees him, he will not be embarrassed to let him put the troops under his command. . Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at Kirilov, wanting to ask what his opinion was. Seeing him nodded and said that he had no objection, I said in a smooth way: "Well, since Comrade Chief of Staff is willing to accept this combat mission, then you will be in charge of the battle tonight."

The guards' counterattack was launched on time at ten o'clock in the evening, and the second regiment and first battalion led by Akhromeyev also launched an attack from the German flank at the same time.

Since the formation of the independent division, each soldier has undergone special training in urban street fighting, and has mastered the use of various weapons. Therefore, it is particularly handy to fight the enemy against the enemy.

Even Akhromeyev, who used the walkie-talkie to report the progress of the battle to us, yelled in excitement: "Commander, the capable team of our organization. With a sudden and violent assault. Attacks on the enemy. Now they are from the enemy. In their hands, they regained the buildings and lots they had occupied. The soldiers acted very bravely. They launched a fierce attack on the enemy and successfully penetrated the enemy's rear."

"Very well, Comrade Chief of Staff." I became happy when I heard the series of good news he reported. However, he was worried that he might underestimate the enemy because of the smooth progress of the troops, so he specifically emphasized to him: "Remember. We must fight steadily, even if we slow down the attack. After occupying a building, we must clean up all the enemies inside and leave behind. Enough troops to guard."

"Understood!" Akhromeyev replied loudly.

I put down my earphones and microphone, and I was about to call Rodimtsev and report to him the progress of our ministry. At this moment, Kirilov asked with some doubts: "Comrade Oshanina, since the battle is going well, why do you want the troops to slow down the attack?"

I smiled slightly and explained to my political commissar: "If the troops are allowed to move forward regardless. Even if they occupy a lot of buildings but are to be cut off by the enemy, they may be wiped out." Here, I approached Kirilov’s ear and whispered to him, “I’m not at ease with the troops of the Guards Division. If their offensive is frustrated and forced to retreat, the flanks of the First Battalion will be completely exposed to Germany. People, in that case, what I just said may become a reality."

I dialed Rodimtsev's phone, and after hearing his voice, I asked politely: "Hello, Comrade General."

"Colonel Oshanina, are you calling me at this time, what's the matter?" Rodimtsev's voice from the receiver looked a little unfriendly. It is estimated that he has just become angry.

"That's it, Comrade General." Although I heard that he was in a bad mood, I still want to report to him on our progress: "Comrade Akhromeyev, the chief of staff who actually commanded the troops, reported. After the battle started, our department went well. It has successfully occupied more than a dozen buildings and wiped out the German troops in the building. It is advancing towards the middle section of Soviet Street. I don’t know where Colonel Ye Lin’s troops have hit? "

After listening to my report, Rodimtsev paused for a moment, then sighed, and replied: "Colonel Oshanina, the current situation of the 42nd regiment is very bad. According to the report by Colonel Yelin, the regiment The soldiers were divided into three groups and launched an offensive on Soviet Street from three directions at the same time. The first and second battalions had been repelled by the Germans. The third battalion currently occupied the area around the'January 9th' square between Lenin Street and Soviet Street. The two buildings in China. Seventh company commander Captain Nau Yingfu’s troops have approached the flour mill after a tenacious offensive battle."

Listening to Rodimtsev talking about the flour mill, I immediately thought that there is a military material warehouse nearby. I can leave other places alone, but this warehouse must be ordered to send troops to take over this warehouse because there is still There are a large number of military coats urgently needed by the troops. In order to prevent Akhromeyev’s actions from appearing abruptly, I first gave Rodimtsev a vaccination: "Comrade General, I will immediately order the troops to move forward. Please inform the following troops to identify. Don't fight with your own people."

I was talking with Rodimtsev, and Kirilov heard him. He didn't wait for our call to end, so he went straight to the radio and contacted Akhromeyev. I heard him telling him from a distance: "Comrade Chief of Staff, you immediately send a company to quickly seize the military material warehouse, and you must hug the materials inside."

When I put down the phone, Kirilov also ended the call with Akhromeyev. Listening to the faint sound of guns coming from outside, I couldn't help but feel a little worried. Currently there is only one battalion remaining in contact with the enemy in the 42nd Regiment. The 2nd Regiment and 1st Battalion under Akhromeyev’s command seemed a bit lonely They are weak. If they don't send reinforcements to them, even if they seize the warehouse, they will not be able to bring back the contents.

Thinking of this, I said to Kirilov: "Comrade Political Commissar, I believe you have heard the conversation between me and General Rodimtsev just now. The troops currently fighting against the Germans on Soviet Street, except for Akhromeye The 2nd Regiment and 1st Battalion under the command of the husband had only one battalion of the 42nd Guards Regiment. You and I understand in my heart that the guards have been attenuated very seriously in recent battles. I think their battalion strength is at most 200 People are here, so our strength is too weak. I am worried that even if we seize the warehouse, the contents will not be shipped back.

"Comrade Oshanina~lightnovelpub.net~ what do you think?" Kirilov asked.

I carefully said what I thought: "I plan to send another battalion to reinforce them."

"Which troop should this battalion be transferred from? The four regiments currently on the northern high ground certainly cannot be transferred; and after the second regiment is transferred to a battalion, its current strength appears to be somewhat weak."

"Call Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov and ask him and Major Godunov to mobilize a part of their troops to form a mixed battalion. Under the leadership of Godunov, they immediately rushed to Soviet Street, but they reinforced Ahromeye Husband them."

As soon as my suggestion was given, Kirilov nodded in agreement: "Comrade Oshanina, I agree with your suggestion." Then he suggested to me, "And we are still hiding in the settlement. There are more than twenty trucks, so let the mixed battalion ride over. After you have seized the enemy's warehouse, you can also use trucks to bring back the military coats from the warehouse." (To be continued...)

ps: I sincerely thank the book friends for their precious monthly pass support for the round golden eggs and *little crab* children's shoes!
