Burning Moscow

Chapter 665: The results of the Night Assault Team (P

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Regarding Akhromeyev's idea, I did not immediately express my opinion, but stared at the map. After watching for a while, I drew a large circle on the north side of the gun position with my finger, enclosing several villages, and then asked the two of them: "Which village do you think the enemy's division headquarters will be located in?"

Hearing my question, Akhromeyev looked up from the map. Perhaps he knew what I might think of asking this question, so he did not answer my question, but tentatively asked: "Comrade Master, are you planning to What is the problem with the enemy’s artillery positions, so it is necessary to determine where the enemy’s division headquarters is?"

"Chief of Staff, don't you ask too much!" Kirilov also looked away from the map and said to Akhromeyev: "If I am not wrong, the reason why the commander wants to confirm The headquarters of the German 113th Division is to wait for our night assault troops to seize the artillery positions, and then use the captured artillery to bombard the enemy's divisions."

"Shelling the German divisions?" Akhromeyev asked in surprise: "The enemy has only one artillery battalion. With those guns, the enemy's divisions will be bombarded. Is this okay?"

"It's okay." I said: "Although the enemy's artillery has only one battalion, their artillery can shoot shells from seven or eight kilometers away to the northern high ground, which proves that they must be equipped with heavy artillery. This is my idea. Yes, let Major Morozov extract eight people from the artillery battalion and join the night raid team tomorrow night. The number of the night raid team should be more than tonight, at least one company. The commander is still the political commissar of Oberstein. After dark, he led his troops down the river in a boat, quietly bypassing the tightly defended villages to the enemy’s artillery positions."

"Just eight artillery, will the number be too small?" Akhromeyev asked worriedly.

I shook my head and continued: "After capturing the artillery position, these artillery are only responsible for adjusting the shooting direction and aiming at the target. Ordinary infantry can assist in such things as loading and pulling the gun rope."

After listening, Akhromeyev nodded vigorously and replied briefly: "Understood, I will call Major Morozov and ask him to call out the most capable gunner in the camp."

Taking advantage of Akhromeyev's call, Kirilov suddenly said to me: "Commander. Do you know the status of the 70th Division of Colonel Lyudnikov's Guards?"

I have never seen the troops fighting Lyudnikov since the 64th Army was transferred to the 62nd Army. Suddenly hearing this question from the political commissar, I knew what he would definitely say to me, so I shook my head honestly, saying that I didn't know.

Kirilov sighed and said, "Comrade Oshanina, the situation is terrible. According to the information I got, the 70th Guards Division, under the command of the commander of the division, Colonel Lyudnikov, started to attack the enemy in the city. They fought tenaciously. After making a major sacrifice, they blocked the enemy’s attack and repelled them to the starting point of the attack."

"Comrade Political Commissar. Do you know how many casualties were in the 70th Guards Division?" After asking this sentence, I murmured in my heart, could it be that this battle caused the casualties of Lyudnikov's men by a third. One, even more?

Although I had been mentally prepared for the heavy casualties of the friendly forces, I was shocked in a cold sweat after hearing Kirilov's answer. Just listen to Kirilov’s solemn expression: “After the battle, Colonel Lyudnikov’s subordinates were in the defense zone. Two large pits were dug to bury his sacrificed comrades. It is said that each pit was No less than a thousand corpses were buried. Excluding the wounded who were sent to the field hospital, the 70th Guards Division currently has less than 1,500 people left, including many non-combat personnel such as staff and logistics. personnel."

Holding the edge of the table with both hands, I leaned down and stared at the map in front of me. Seeing the defensive area designated by the Command of the Group Army for the 70th Guards Division, I couldn't help but mutter to myself: "There are only 1,500 people left. Can Colonel Lyudnikov defend his current position? If the enemy makes two more crazy attacks like this, they will either be driven into the Volga by the enemy or the entire army will be wiped out."

"Master, do you think we can help them?" Kirilov asked cautiously.

I carefully read the map several times and studied the possibility of sending troops to reinforce the 70th Guards Division. Watched for a long time. I finally sighed and said regretfully, "Comrade Political Commissar, no. It’s not that I don’t want to send troops to reinforce the 70th Guards Division. After all, I have also fought side by side with Colonel Lyudnikov. , I can’t do it. But come and see, the defense zone of Mamayev Gang and the 70th Guards Division is almost half a city apart. We have to pass at least the 13th Guards Division, the 35th Guards Division, and many others. Only the designated friendly forces’ defense zones can enter the Lyudnikov’s defense zones. Even if I don’t say these, you should know that fierce battles are also going on, and the reinforcements we sent may not arrive yet. The destination was annihilated by the enemy on the road."

"Master, is there really no way at all?" Akhromeyev, who had just put down the phone, heard the conversation between Kirilov and I, and couldn't help but asked anxiously.

I stared at the map and pondered for a while, and said slowly: "If you want to talk about support, but it's not impossible. We can't send a large unit. We can send a small unit to support it. For example, send two teams that are good at urban guerrilla warfare. The squad, or a dozen snipers headed to the defense zone of the 70th Guards Division, to slightly reduce the positive defensive pressure for them."

After hearing what I said, Kirilov turned to ask Akhromeyev: "Chief of Staff, how is the strength of the fifth regiment?"

Akhromeyev sat in a qualified chief of staff. He was already familiar with these data. Hearing Kirilov’s question, he opened his mouth and said a series of data: “At present, there are still eleven companies in the five regiments. Two of the two companies were the original second and third guard companies; the three companies under the control of the militia battalion were weaker in combat effectiveness; the remaining six companies were all elites drawn from the other four regiments. The combat effectiveness is the strongest."

"Call Lieutenant Colonel Oleg and the political commissar of Vellore and ask them to appoint a company with the strongest combat effectiveness and move towards the guards of the 70th Division in the dark. Tell the commander who leads the team that their mission is not with the enemy. In fighting head-to-head battles, instead of using their familiarity with the terrain, they launched guerrilla warfare with the enemy in the city, dragging the enemy's offensive pace, and reducing the frontal defensive pressure of the 70th Guards Division as much as possible."

After giving instructions to Akhromeyev, I walked quickly to the radio. Said to Razumeyeva: "Comrade Lieutenant, can we get in touch with the radio of the 70th Guards Division?"

Razumeyeva nodded after hearing this and replied: "Reporter commander, I have the communication code of the 70th Guards Division here. You can directly talk to the other's commander through the radio."

When I heard Razumeyeva say this, I was overjoyed and quickly told her: "This is really great. Comrade Lieutenant. Immediately contact the 70th Guards Division. I want to talk to their commander."

When Lyudnikov's familiar voice came from the earphones. I excitedly said to him: "Hello, Colonel Lyudnikov."

Unexpectedly, he replied feebly: "It’s Comrade Oshanina, I’m not good, very bad. At present, the enemy’s troops are only 300 meters away from my division headquarters. As long as they launch a powerful attack, they can fight. Enter my headquarters."

I was taken aback by what Lyudnikov said. I panicked and reminded him: "Since the enemy is so close to your headquarters, you should move the headquarters backwards, otherwise, when the enemy rushes over, you want to move. That's too late."

After hearing what I said, he smiled bitterly and said: "I have promised the commander that as long as there is one person in the 70th Guards Division, I will never take a step back, and I will not break my promise."

Seeing that he had no intention of retreating at all, I did not persuade him anymore. Just to inform him that he was about to send a company to support him. Hearing that I was going to send troops to reinforce him, my emotions suddenly became agitated. I thanked me again and again on the phone, "Comrade Oshanina, I am currently worrying about insufficient troops. The company you sent is really amazing." It helped me a lot and solved my urgent need."

I was afraid that he would send the company of the fifth regiment to the position as cannon fodder, and specifically emphasized: "Colonel Lyudnikov, don't get too excited. Although I sent a company to your defense zone, they are not. I used to help you fight positional battles."

Lyudnikov listened to me. There was a very unexpected "Ah" cry.

I went on to say: "When they arrive at your defense zone, they will carry out guerrilla warfare or sniper warfare on the enemy's flank or rear. They will try to disrupt the enemy's combat deployment and reduce your frontal defensive pressure. Do you understand?"

After hearing this, Lyudnikov was silent for a while, and then decisively said: "Well, how to use this company, do as you said, I have no objection!"

After finishing the call with Lyudnikov, Akhromeyev reported again: "Commander, I have already called the first regiment and the artillery battalion. Lieutenant Colonel Sederikov and Major Morozov have made it clear. For their respective tasks, they should now be mobilizing elite and powerful generals to form a night raid team tomorrow night."

Seeing that Akhromeyev had arranged everything, I nodded in satisfaction, then waved at him and Kirilov and said: "Political commissar, chief of staff, it's getting late, let's rest early!"

No words for a night.

As soon as it was light, I was awakened by the rumble of cannons from outside the cave.

As soon as I sat up straight, I asked loudly, "What's the matter with the gunfire outside? Which area is being shelled by the enemy again?"

"Reporter Commander," Razumeeva, who was sitting next to the radio, stood up and reported to me: "Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar of the Fourth Regiment reported that their positions were being shelled by the enemy."

"Is the entire Mamayev Hill being bombarded, or is it just the northern plateau where the four regiments are stationed?"

Razumeyeva heard my question and added: “The report, the commander, is currently only the surface position on the northern highlands, which is being bombarded by the enemy. Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar also specifically emphasized that the tank wreckage at the foot of the mountain is located. The area is not within the enemy’s shelling range."

"Great, great!" I was overjoyed when I heard the news. It seems that the newly established defense line at the foot of the mountain has not been discovered by the Germans. In this way, they will be waiting to suffer in the next ground attack. Head it. I quickly told Akhromeyev: "The chief of staff, it is still the old rule. You stay at the headquarters, and the political commissar and I will go outside to check the battle."

Akhromeyev quickly got up and replied loudly: "Yes!"

After handing over the work of the command to Akhromeyev, I shook my head at Kirilov and said triumphantly: "Let's go, Comrade Political Commissar, go and see how the Fourth Regiment taught the Germans. "After speaking, lift your foot and leave.

Seeing that I was about to drag him to the observation post on the hillside again, Kirilov had a dumbfounded expression on his face. I pointed my finger a few times, but didn't say what I wanted to say, and finally followed me to leave the command post.

When I came to the observation post halfway up the mountain along the traffic trench, I was surprised to find that it had been repaired, so I stopped and said to Kirilov: "Commissar, anyway, you can see the situation on the battlefield clearly. We are here today. Here it is."

Kirilov did not speak. Just nodded, and then raised the telescope. Looked at the heights filled with gunpowder.

Instead of looking at the high ground that was being shelled, I turned my attention to the open ground in the distance. At this time, the enemy's troops were still three or four kilometers away, with seven or eight tanks clearing the way in front, and densely packed infantry in the back. In terms of numbers, there was at least one battalion.

When the shelling ended, the enemy's forward was less than 500 meters away from the foot of the mountain. At this time, the enemy's tank slowed down and stopped advancing, just spinning around in place, obviously looking for a suitable shooting position. And the soldiers behind the tank. Then line up in a dense formation to speed up and rush forward.

"Comrade Oshanina, the enemy's infantry charged with such a dense formation, isn't it to die?" Kirilov, who had been silent by the side, suddenly said in my ear.

I looked at the infantry queue approaching our army's position, couldn't help but laughed contemptuously, and then said to Kirilov: "Commissar, the enemy is planning to move into the area where there are many tanks and ruins, and then disperse the troops. And rely on it. The wreckage launched an attack on our position."

With that said, the front of the enemy infantry has already begun to enter the densely packed area of ​​tank wreckage. At this moment, the firepower points hidden in the tank turret and below the tank fired decisively. The intensive cross fire power smashed the densely packed enemy army into blood and fog. The German soldiers who were striding forward were beaten down in pieces, and the undulating waves of people seemed to hit an invisible wall. It disappeared without a trace in an instant. Those German soldiers who fell behind either lay down on the spot or turned around and ran away.

Before the enemy's tanks recovered, the mortar group that had just entered the position opened fire on the retreating German infantry. A few mortar shells landed accurately among the fleeing enemies, blasting the unprepared enemy into flesh and blood. The German soldiers crowded together were so frightened that they quickly fled to both sides. Before they could run far, a few more mortar shells, like eyes, landed exactly on the densely packed enemy army again. The fleeing soldier was blown up into the air, and then fell heavily into the distance.

At this moment, the recovered tank fired cruelly at the tank in front. Due to the short distance, the hit rate of out-of-bore shells was very high. After one round of shelling, several of our firepower points became silent, obviously destroyed by the enemy.

When the German tanks finished the second round of shooting and once again destroyed several of our firepower points, two of them suddenly burst into flames. Seeing this scene, I knew in my heart that this must be the work of the anti-tank rifle company.

I took the binoculars and looked towards the high ground. As the gunpowder had not yet dissipated, not only could I not see the shadow of the anti-tank rifle company that had just made great achievements, but also the position of the mortar group.

One blow worked, and the anti-tank rifle company continued firing, destroying three more tanks. The remaining three tanks saw that the situation was not good, and quickly increased their horsepower and retreated quickly. And their infantry, under the impact of our mortar and machine gun fire, except for a few quick legs, the rest were lying on the open ground at the foot of the hillside.

Watching the German tanks go away, the soldiers of the Fourth Regiment decisively attacked from the position and went to the battlefield to collect weapons and ammunition on the enemy's corpse. Seeing our troops of about two companies left the position and entered the open area to clean the battlefield, I was afraid that they would be retaliated by German artillery fire, so I quickly called Akhromeev and told him on the phone: " The Chief of Staff, immediately called Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar of the Fourth Regiment and asked him to seize the time to clean up the battlefield and withdraw the defenders at the foot of the mountain as soon as possible. I am worried that the enemy who has suffered a great loss will use artillery fire."

Thanks to my reminder, the soldiers of the Fourth Regiment took less than five minutes to clean the battlefield, dragged a lot of trophies, and returned to their positions on the mountainside. Almost as they entered the mountainside position, the enemy's revenge fire roared, blowing up the ruins of the tank at the foot of the mountain like a toy.

Seeing the intensive artillery fire on the open ground~lightnovelpub.net~, Kirilov wiped a handful of sweat that did not exist on his forehead, and he rejoiced: "Comrade Oshanina, your vision is better. If the troop at the foot of the mountain does not withdraw, under the enemy's intensive artillery fire, even if the entire army is not annihilated, it will be the result of none."

The enemy's shelling has not stopped, and their planes are coming again. Surrounding the northern highlands, there was a burst of indiscriminate bombing. Kirilov was so angry that he cursed at the plane in the sky: "Damn German, just bullying us without a plane. He has the ability to come to the ground and fight with us face to face."

Hearing what Kirillov said, the soldiers from the surrounding guard battalions were covering their mouths and laughing secretly. I glared at them fiercely, and then said to Kirillov: "Let’s go, political commissar. Comrade, let's go back to the headquarters. Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar will report to us at any time."

The Germans, who suffered a lot from us, dared not launch a ground offensive for a whole day except for indiscriminate bombardment and frantic shelling of our positions.

After dark, a regimental commander called and reported to us that the night raid team commanded by Oberstein’s political commissar had boarded five wooden boats by the river and went down the river to carry out the mission of sneak attack on the enemy’s camp. went. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.) ()