Burning Moscow

Chapter 677: Don't give up (part one)

After dark, I recruited all the commanders who received the medals to the headquarters. After I asked Kirilov to honor them, I asked them to sit down at the table and discuss the next battle deployment together.

I stood up on the edge of the table with my hand, and looked at the commanders with the medals all blushing with excitement. Maybe they never dreamed that they would still be alive to get the red flag medal, which represents extremely high honor. Excitement is inevitable. I coughed lightly and said, "Comrades, today is the first commander meeting held by the division after the division arrived at Mamayev Hill. Next, we will discuss how to use favorable terrain in the coming days. , Existing troops and weapons and equipment can withstand the enemy's crazy attack."

After saying this, everyone focused their attention on me, quietly waiting for me to continue. After sweeping my gaze on every commander present, I finally stopped at the head of the fourth regiment, Gaidar: "Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar, your regiment is currently at the forefront of the division. Come and tell everyone. , Do you have any difficulties now?"

Gaidar, who was named by me, stood up quickly, looked at the commander present, shook his head, and replied loudly: "Report to the commander, we have no difficulty."

"Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar, you are telling lies!" Kirilov, who was sitting next to me, stood up and smiled and said to Gaidar: "What's the situation in the highlands in the north? Isn't it clear to our division leaders? I know that although you have not been on the battlefield for a long time, under the enemy’s shelling and indiscriminate bombardment, the troops must have been attenuated a lot, right? In addition to the dwindling strength, maybe the ammunition in the hands of the fighters is not Too much?"

I heard Kirilov say so. Gaidar chuckled a little awkwardly. At this time, Xia Ping, the political commissar of the 42nd Tank Brigade and now the Fourth Regiment, stood up. He replied with a serious expression: "Division commander, political commissar. Although our troops have been downsized, there is no problem holding the position. As for the problem of insufficient ammunition, we often organize soldiers to collect the dead bodies of the enemy, and we can barely maintain normal. Consumption."

I raised my right hand and pressed downwards. I signaled that the few people who stood up were all sitting down, and continued: "In addition to collecting them before you go to the battlefield, I will send someone to collect the second regiment’s stock of ammunition later and draw some more. I will send it to you."

Gaidar, who had just sat down, said so. I found out that Major Pugachev, the acting commander of the Second Regiment, was not there, so he asked me curiously: "Comrade Commander, where did the second Regiment Commander Major Pugachev go? I think the enemy has never attacked your high ground. , I also plan to discuss with Pugachev and ask him to add some troops to me."

Gaidar is the speaker who has no intentions, and I am the listener's intention. His words made him worry about Pugachev and his two or three hundred soldiers. I did not entangle with Gaidar on this issue, and directly changed the subject: "Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar, your Fourth Regiment has fought several battles with the enemy. What is the mood of the soldiers?"

Hearing my question, Gaidar jumped up again. Replied resoundingly: "Reporter, from top to bottom of our four regiments, whether it is regimental leader or political commissar or ordinary soldiers below, they are full of fighting enthusiasm. The soldiers said that the 6th Army of the German Army also has a false name and looks very fierce. , But they used two divisions to attack our position so many times, but they did not succeed once, and lost so many troops in vain. I think if the enemy and us change positions and let them defend our attack, I guess Ten Mamayev hills were captured."

Gaidar’s words caused laughter from the commanders on the scene. Kirilov stood up again, tapped Gaidar with his finger, and said dumbly: "You Gaidar, you dare to say anything. According to me. If this place is not commanded by Master Oshanina, but is replaced by a commander, chances are that this position has been occupied by the enemy." At this point, the expression on his face suddenly became serious, "Others We can’t comment on the situation of the defensive area, but at the 107.5 heights two kilometers west of our highlands, I think everyone is familiar with it? In order to defend there, how many troops did the group army fill in? But now, although sacrificed After thousands of commanders and fighters, the high ground still fell into the hands of the enemy."

"Commander, political commissar, I want to know if you rush all our regiment-level commanders here today, are there any other arrangements besides the award of honors?" Sederikov, who had been silent, suddenly asked. .

"That's the case, Comrade Sederikov." I held the table with my hand, and leaned forward slightly. "In order to ensure that my division can better defend the existing defensive zone, I plan to readjust the deployment of troops."

As soon as I said my words, there was an uproar, and the commanders of several regiments began to whisper to each other. I just looked at everyone coldly, and didn't say anything to stop them.

Kirilov still couldn’t stand it anymore. He stood up and took a few shots of the desktop with his hands. He said loudly, "Quiet, please be quiet!" After everyone was silent, he said angrily, "Look at you. I, either a lieutenant colonel or a major, are all military chiefs of the regiments. What is it like to be noisy now?"

After speaking, he turned his gaze to me, as if to let me continue. I waved my hand and signaled that he would be the next speaker, and then I sat down. Kirilov waited for me to sit down and officially announced to everyone: "Comrades, first announce one thing to everyone. The order of the Supreme Command at all levels will change the name of the former Stalingrad Front to the Don Front from today. The commander was Lieutenant General Rokosovsky; the former Southeast Front Army was renamed the Stalingrad Front Army and the commander was General Yeremenko; the former Guards 1st Army was expanded to the Southwest Front Army, and the commander was Vaduddin Middle will.

The 62nd Army of our division and the 64th, 57th, and 51st Army belong to the Stalingrad Front and are responsible for the defense of Stalingrad. The number of divisions has been greatly reduced, so we must reorganize and transfer the relatively complete five main forces of the five regiments from the existing station. Take over the defense zone of the second regiment. ..."

"Comrade Political Commissar." Lieutenant Colonel Oleg stood up. Asked Kirilov: "May I ask, where are the troops of the Second Regiment?"

Kirilov sighed and said bitterly: "Except for the second regiment, which has a full company on the South Highland and Soviet Street, the rest of the troops no longer exist."

Everyone was taken aback by Kirilov's words again, but instead of whispering, they kept silent and cast their eyes on Kirilov.

"The 42nd Guards Regiment of the friendly neighbors has almost been exhausted after recent battles. With their current strength, they can't defend the Soviet Street at all, so the division commander drew a company from the 2nd Regiment to support it." Love continued weakly: "Because the headquarters of the Daytime Group Army was attacked by the enemy, the division commander was worried that the commander would be in danger, so he asked Major Pugachev to leave a company on the high ground, and then brought the remaining troops into the city. Go for reinforcements. After eliminating the enemy besieging the headquarters, the superiors said that they would retake the elementary school occupied by the enemy and restore the artillery observation position, so Major Pugachev took his troops to carry out this offensive mission and assist them. The offensive. It was the two tanks belonging to Major Perskin’s tank battalion. Because the two commanders were directing their troops to fight tenaciously with the Germans, they did not come to our meeting."

Everyone listened to Kirilov's words. The expressions on their faces became serious. For them, what it means to participate in such a fortified battle in the city, everyone knows in their hearts, maybe they are praying silently for the comfort of the two colleagues fighting in the city at this moment.

Kirilov then announced a new adjustment plan: "...After the main force of the Fifth Regiment entered the southern highlands, the original designation was cancelled, and the troops left by the Second Regiment were mixed, and the designation was changed to the Second Regiment. Ge and Vellore still hold the posts of regiment commander and political commissar. The third and fourth regiments maintain the existing defense zones, and the first regiment is transferred to the original position of the fifth regiment to accept their remaining troops." After all this, Ji Lilov asked loudly, "Did you hear clearly?"

All the commanders stood up and replied neatly and loudly: "I understand!"

Seeing that everyone did not have any objections, I also got up from my seat and said slowly: "Since everyone has clearly defined their tasks, now I will go to their respective teams!"

After all the commanders left one after another, Kirilov looked at their backs and said to me worriedly: "Comrade Oshanina, although we canceled the formation of a regiment after this downsizing, our troops are still not enough. If the superior does not give us any more supplements, I am worried that we will not last long on Mamayev Hill."

I sighed and said helplessly to Kirilov: "Comrade Political Commissar, let alone us, even the command of the group army does not have any reserve team. We can only rely on our own strength to find ways to stay in Mamayev. Stay on the job for a while. Maybe wait another month and things will turn around."

Hearing what I said, Akhromeyev, who was standing next to him, suddenly brightened his eyes and immediately asked me: "Comrade Commander, have you heard any inside information? Is the Supreme Commander planning to implement a large-scale implementation here? The counterattack?" Akhromeyev asked. Even Kirilov's interest was raised. He stared at me intently, waiting for me to answer Akhromeyev's question.

I laughed bitterly, and said with a mockery: "Political commissar, chief of staff, don't forget, I'm just a small division commander. The secrets at the level of these battles are not something people at my level can know." Seeing the disappointed expressions on their faces, I quickly comforted them and said: "But don’t worry, the counterattack will not be long. The city of Stalingrad is hot in summer, with the highest temperature reaching minus 40 degrees; winter is very cold. , The lowest temperature turned out to be minus 30 degrees. I have been thinking that Hitler was really blind and had to fight our brave Red Army in this city. You know, whether he sends troops in summer or winter, his chances of winning will not be It is huge. What's more, the Soviet Red Army he encountered was an unforgettable generation: the harsh weather conditions created the character of the Stalingrad people. They were strong and sturdy, violent, and cruel at heart. Furthermore, Stalingrad was founded along the Volga River. It is an important military manufacturing industrial zone. During the war, it played a huge and irreplaceable role in supporting Soviet equipment and weapons."

The words I said later finally gave the two of them a glimmer of confidence, and they returned to their normal expressions. Go back to the table and surround the map that I've seen countless times. Start the discussion.

I am hesitating whether to call Cuikov or Krylov. When asked about the fate of Pugachev and Perskin, Basmanov, who was on duty with soldiers outside, walked in. Behind him was a man who was not tall but very stocky, wearing a large eaves. Commander wearing a military coat.

I caught a glimpse of the two gold stars on the collar of the man, and hurriedly greeted them. Before Basmanov finished speaking, I raised my hand to salute the former major general and said politely: "Comrade General, Division Commander Colonel Oshanina salutes you. Welcome to the division headquarters."

Seeing that I had been the first to salute, Basmanov quickly drew aside. The major general raised his hand to repay me, and when he was about to speak, suddenly Kirilov's voice sounded behind me: "Aha, who is this here! Dear Stepan Savelier" Comrade Vicki, it is great to see you in my command post."

"Hello, Comrade Director of the Political Department." The major general clearly knew Kirilov, and he stretched out his hand directly.

When the two shook hands, Kirilov corrected him and said, "Dear Stepan Savelievich, I am now the political commissar of the division. I no longer serve as the director of the political department of the group army." After letting go, he introduced the general to me: "Comrade Oshanina. You don't know this commander yet, do you?"

I quickly squeezed a smile on my face, then shook my head, and said, "I'm sorry, Comrade Political Commissar, I don't know this comrade General. Do you know him?"

Kirilov nodded, and then introduced: "This is Major General Stepan Savelievich Guriyev, the commander of the 37th Guards Division." Then he turned his head and asked the general: "Guriyev , Your troops have all crossed the river?"

Major General Guriyev shook his head and said: "I only came here for a little while, and the rest are still gathering on the other side. My political commissar is gathering troops across the river at the dock, and he will be here in a while."

"How is the situation of the troops?" Kirilov asked again.

"Not so good, Comrade Kirilov." General Guriyev said bitterly: "Currently, the divisions have only added half of the personnel, and each company has only 40 to 50 people. Our division is in September. From the 18th to the 20th, he participated in many battles in the northern part of Stalingrad in the sequence of the 1st Guards Army. In the offensive battle against the village of Kuzmich, the troops suffered heavy casualties. But the basic combat effectiveness of the troops It has not been destroyed. The main component of the division is paratroopers, and most of them are members and Communist Youth League members."

"Comrade Guriyev, before you cross the river, did your superior tell you where you plan to deploy your 37th Guards Division?"

Regarding Kirilov’s question, Guriyev thought for a while and wanted to answer: “According to the command of the group army headquarters, after completing the task of crossing the river, our division assembled on the south side of Mamayev Hill. Then before dawn. , Launched an attack on the 107.5 heights occupied by the enemy. Take down the position and hold it firmly."

"Comrade General." After Guriyev finished speaking, I asked politely: "Is there anything we can help when your troops attack 107.5 Heights?"

Guriyev took a look at me and shook his head slowly and said: "Comrade Colonel, thank you for your kindness. According to the information obtained in advance, the German army has only one company on the 107.5 heights and sent two battalions to attack the heights. There shouldn't be any problem with occupying the high ground."

"Dear Stepan Savelievich," Kirilov said to him with a smile: "You may not know that Colonel Oshanina has organized troops to recover the 107.5 heights and caused the enemy A major loss. If you want to regain the high ground, you really cannot do without our help."

Kirilov’s words aroused Guriyev’s curiosity~lightnovelpub.net~ He asked, "I don't know what kind of help your teacher can provide us?"

Kirilov did not answer his question immediately, but patiently explained to him: "On the 107.5 highland two kilometers west of Mamayev Hill, the terrain is gentle on the north and steep on the south. When you move from the south, When launching an attack, because the steep terrain will affect your attack speed, the condescending German army will cause you heavy casualties."

Hearing this, Guriyev frowned unconsciously. He nodded and said, "Yes, Comrade Kirilov, you are right. Our division currently does not have any heavy weapons. We are going to attack. In the case of the high ground, apart from a dozen heavy machine guns, we can no longer provide more fire support for the infantry." At this point, he looked at Kirilov again and asked anxiously: "Let’s talk about it, you guys. Can the division provide us with artillery support?"

Kirillov turned his head and looked at me, then turned to Guriyev, smiled and said: "Don't worry, old man, we will definitely be able to provide you with strong enough fire cover, maybe we will wait for you to attack the hillside. At that time, there are no living enemies on it." (To be continued.)

