Burning Moscow

Chapter 7: Bad situation

After finishing the conversation with Cuikov, Zakharov nodded at me, and walked out of the communication room without saying anything.

As soon as he left, Tokareva, who was sitting in front of the radio, asked in a low voice: "Comrade Commander, is the situation in the city terrible?"

I know what Cui Kefu said just now. She has heard a lot, and she still has some understanding of the situation in the city. The reason she asked me, but she wanted to confirm it again.

I nodded and said regretfully: "Yes, according to the situation reported by Commander Cuikov, the situation in the city is very bad. I guess this is why he is determined to send all the female soldiers in the group army."

"What should we do then?" Tokareva asked worriedly: "If this is the case, Comrade Commander and the others will be in danger if they don't withdraw. Can we help them?" Although she was right Cui Kefu's situation was worrying, but in order not to cause unnecessary panic among the surrounding female soldiers, she tried her best to lower her voice.

Hearing her worry, I quickly comforted her and said, "Second Lieutenant, don’t worry. Although the situation in the city is terrible now, I believe Comrade Commander and they will survive. I believe it won’t be long before the city If your situation is stable, he will call you all back."

Tokareva quietly looked left and right. Seeing that the other female communicators were busy, she approached my ear and said in a low voice, "But, I clearly heard the commander say that the enemy’s shells have fallen on The entrance of the headquarters exploded, and there were casualties almost at any time..."

Before she could finish her words, a communications soldier not far away stood up, raised the microphone in his hand to me, and said in an uncertain tone: "Comrade Commander, the call seems to be for you. "

"It seems to be looking for me?" After repeating what the female soldier had said, I asked back: "Comrade soldier, why are you not sure if you are looking for my phone?"

The female soldier who came to the East Coast with us blushed and quickly apologized to me and explained: "I'm sorry, comrade commander.

. The caller said that he was looking for General Oshanina, but I saw that the rank on your collar was only a colonel, so I couldn't be sure. "

I lowered my head to see, no, I was still wearing the old military coat, and the general's uniform was still lying with Razumeyeva. I smiled apologetically at the female soldier, took the microphone in her hand, put it close to my ear, and asked politely: "Hello, this is Oshanina, who are you?"

The voice of General Zakharov, who had just left, came from the earpiece: "Comrade Oshanina, I am here with the commander. Please come here at once. The commander and the military commissar have something to look for you."

After handing the phone back to the female soldier, I walked to Tokareva’s side again, patted her on the back lightly with my hand, and comforted her in a low voice: "Comrade Lieutenant, don’t worry, trust me, Commander I will be fine.” After I finished speaking, I stood up straight, tidyed up my military uniform, and strode out of the communication room.

There were a lot of people in Yeremenko’s house. In addition to him, Khrushchev and Zakharov, there was also the deputy commander Golikov who had just returned. I walked into the room, stood at attention and saluted the four people, and asked politely: "Comrade Commander, do you have anything to do with me?"

Yelyomenko looked up at me, did not answer my question, but asked strangely: "Comrade Oshanina, why didn't you wear your new uniform?"

Upon hearing this question from him, I quickly replied with a smile: "Comrade Commander, I want to wait until I return to Mamayev Hill to put it on."

After hearing my answer, Yelyomenko looked at each other with a few people present. Then everyone laughed. Khrushchev first said: "It seems that our female general is very anxious. Now I can’t wait. I want to return to Mamayev Hill." After he finished speaking, Yelyomenko said to me in a kind tone: "Comrade Oshanina, don't worry, judging from the current situation, you still have to stay here at least. It’s been several days. When you go back later, you will put on your new military uniform. In this case, it will be very helpful for your next work."

Although I didn't understand the intention of Ye Leomenko's words, I immediately replied loudly: "Yes, Comrade Commander. When I go back, I will put on the new uniform."

General Golikov also got up from his seat, extended his hand to me, and said in a friendly manner: "Comrade Oshanina, please allow me to congratulate you and congratulate you on once again gaining the rank of general.

. "

I quickly stretched out my hands to hold his hand, shook it vigorously, and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you, Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army."

After the greetings are over, I will get back to business. Yelyomenko reduced the smile on his face, picked up the notepad on the table, looked at it twice, then threw it back on the table, and said with a serious expression: "According to Cui Koff’s report, the situation in the city is very It's not good." Then he looked up at me again and asked, "Comrade Oshanina, you have not been in the city for a short time. Can you tell us what you think of the Germans?"

After sorting out my thoughts, I began to express my views: "...As the enemy's troops rushed into the city one after another, the places they occupied were intertwined with our defense zones. For fear of accidental injury, they had to reduce the use of aircraft and artillery. Use. In the street fighting in Stalingrad, not only did the enemy relied on aircraft and artillery that were unusable, but even the tanks used to cover the infantry attack were very limited. It is precisely because of this sudden change in tactics. At first, the Germans seemed very uncomfortable. They still used the field attack method rigidly, but we were embarrassed by the fight.

But in any case, the technical and tactical level of the German army is much higher than ours. After a series of failures, they fully learned from the past experience and lessons. While continuing to use the infantry charge protected by tanks and armored vehicles, they adopted new tactics. They use the buildings in the city to continue to intersperse and fight in a flexible manner. With platoons, squads and even combat teams as units, they can only walk back and forth in various building groups and streets, freely choosing places where our army’s defenses are weak, and hitting them unexpectedly. This caused a lot of trouble for the defense of the city's defenders.

As time goes by, the Germans who continue to learn in battle, their style of play has become more and more adept. In addition to continuing to send small troops to carry out harassment operations, their large troops poured into the city from all directions, under the cover of tanks and armored vehicles, step by step to seize the buildings in the city, gradually compressing our army's defense line. Their style of play greatly reduced our army's mobile combat capabilities, and had to concentrate a large amount of troops to fight head-on-head battles with them. "

Yelyomenko's face turned blue. He bit his posterior teeth and asked: "The enemy's style of play really makes our commanders a headache. What do you think we should take to deal with it?"

"The most intense battle is the factory area to the north of the city.

. Although most of the buildings here collapsed in the shelling and bombing of the enemy, the ruins of the untouched buildings are still very strong. At present, the group army is ordering its subordinate units to use the complex terrain and available buildings to construct new fortifications. "

"Can the newly launched fortifications have a good defensive effect?" Khrushchev asked curiously.

I nodded quickly and said affirmatively: "Yes, Comrade Military Commissioner, this newly launched fortification can become a strong fortress when completed."

"What kind of new fortifications, let me tell you?" My words aroused Golikov's curiosity, and even he couldn't help but interject.

I hurriedly introduced the new fortifications designed by Mikhayev and briefly introduced them to the four of them. Because I was worried that I would not be able to explain clearly, I also borrowed pen and paper from Zakharov, and drew a simple drawing on the paper. Schematic diagram.

After I finished speaking, Yelyomenko wanted to go to the sketch in my hand. After reading it for a while, he handed it to Khrushchev. Khrushchev also watched it for a while, then handed it to Golikov. When the sketch was circulated in the hands of the four of them, it was put on the table again. Yelyomenko stood up with his hands on the table and asked them: "Comrade commanders, what do you think of the fortification map provided by Comrade Oshaninna?"

"It's amazing!" Zakharov first stated: "I think the person who designed this fortification is a genius. As long as you build such a fortification in a building at a crossroad, you only need to prepare a few. Ten sandbags and a platoon of troops can block the enemy's attack several times."

"Yes," Khrushchev agreed, "I also think that building such a fortification in a city can cause a lot of trouble to the enemy."

"What about your opinion, General Golikov?" Yelyomenko saw that his deputy commander hadn't commented, so he deliberately named him and asked him to express his opinion.

Golikov hesitated for a moment, and said carefully: "Everyone has already said about the benefits of this new type of fortifications, and I will not repeat them here. What I want to say is that there are not many artillery remaining in the city. If you build a large number of these fortifications, where can you find so many artillery and gunners? Even if there is only one anti-tank gun and one mortar in each fortification, if you build one hundred, you need all kinds of guns Two hundred artillery pieces and matching shells. With our current transportation status, it is difficult to provide sufficient supplies for these fortifications.

. "

Golikov’s words poured cold water on all of us. It seems that the fortifications I mentioned are still very difficult to promote in Stalingrad under the current circumstances.

After carefully observing the expressions of everyone present, Yeleimenko finally expressed his opinion: "This kind of fortifications should be promoted in the city on a large scale. If there is no anti-tank gun, use anti-tank rifles instead. . After all, relying on such fortifications, while reducing the casualties of our army, it can also kill the enemy in large numbers." He said that, and paused deliberately to see if there were any new suggestions. After waiting for a while, seeing no one speaks, he went on to say: "The situation in Stalingrad is currently very bad. I think we should plan for the worst in advance. What should we do if Stalingrad is lost?"

"What else can I do?!" A somewhat impatient Zakharov said intermittently, "Of course it is to organize troops to carry out a counterattack and take the city back from the enemy's hands."

"Taking it back?!" Golikov said in a contemptuous tone: "Comrade Chief of Staff, if the city is really completely occupied by the enemy, as Comrade Commander said, what kind of force are we using now? Reach the kind of counterattack you call to recapture the city?"

Zakharov's words were blocked by Golikov's words. He did not speak any more, but bowed his head in thought.

Seeing that Zakharov was speechless by himself, Golikov did not continue to attack, but stood up and asked Yelyomenko for instructions: "Comrade Commander, I think that under the current circumstances, the front army The headquarters must send people to the city to study with Comrade Cui Kefu how to defend the city. I beg you to entrust this task to me to carry out!"

I was deeply touched by Golikov’s words. You must know that Cuikov’s command is precarious. If you go to him at this moment, it will be almost like sending you to death, but Golikov knows that there are tigers in the mountains and will go to Hushan. Danger rushed to the city, and Cui Kefu went to fight side by side.

Yelyomenko also became hesitant because of Golikov's request. He tried to persuade the other party to change his mind: "Comrade Deputy Commander, the situation with Cuikov is very dangerous. You should cancel the trip temporarily!"

Golikov shook his head slowly, and said resolutely: "Comrade Commander, it is precisely because of the bad situation in the city that I have to go to Cuikov. As long as I go to Cuikov's command post, one of his commanders and fighters will be Look, even the deputy commander of the front army has come to us, so the city will definitely be able to defend. In this way, they can strengthen their determination to defend the city."

Golikov’s words have already come to this point. Yelyomenko knew that there was no point in opposing. He stood up again, grabbed Golikov’s hand and shook it a few times, and said movedly: "Golik Comrade husband, pay attention to safety, and be sure to come back safely

. "

"I will." Golikov said briefly. Then I shook hands with Khrushchev, Zakharov, and me one by one.

When I held the hand extended by General Golikov, I nervously did not know what to say. I could only learn from Yelyomenko and say: "Comrade Deputy Commander, please be careful of your safety and return safely. Come here."

When Golikov left, Yelyomenko began to give me orders: "Comrade Oshanina, I will give you a task. There will be a new editor here tomorrow, and you are responsible for organizing them. Trenches were dug near the wharf and fortifications were built." After explaining the task, he also actively explained: "The current situation is very bad, and we must prepare for the worst. Even if the enemy takes Stalingrad, we must resolutely They stand in Xi'an on the Volga River and absolutely cannot let them push forward. After waiting for the arrival of new reinforcements, they will cooperate with them to counterattack and take the city back from the enemy's hands."

Leaving Yelyomenko’s room and walking towards the telecom room, I thought to myself: Now that the situation in Stalingrad has suddenly deteriorated to such a situation today, how is the situation in Mamayev Hill? And what about Karpov, who was instigated by us? Thinking of this, I couldn't help speeding up and walking towards the telecom room, hoping to find out about the independent division as soon as possible.

Walking into the telecom room, I went straight behind Tokareva, put my hand on her shoulder, and asked cheerfully: "Comrade Lieutenant, I want to get in touch with the independent teacher as soon as possible. Can you help me?"

"No problem." Tokareva agreed very readily, and then she smiled and said to me: "Comrade Commander, I know the call code of the independent division. Please wait a moment and I will connect you right away."

Not much effort, Tokareva handed me the headset and microphone, and said politely: "Comrade Commander, it's connected."

I smiled at her, took the headset and put it on, and shouted into the microphone: "Hey, hello!"

An unfamiliar male voice came from the headset: "Hey, this is the headquarters of the independent division, where are you?"

When I heard that it was not Razumeyeva’s voice, I was stunned for a moment before remembering that the man who answered the phone was the male communicator who took over her job temporarily, and quickly identified myself: "I’m Oshanina, please call me Kirilov’s political commissar, or Akhromeyev’s chief of staff."

"Yes, comrade teacher

. "The other party said politely: "Please wait a moment, I will ask the political commissar to speak to you immediately. "

Soon, Kirilov’s voice came from the earphones: "Thank God, Comrade Oshanina, you finally called. The day you were away, it was all messed up."

Kirilov’s words made me panic, and I quickly asked: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Since this morning, the enemy has dispatched a large number of warplanes to bombard the city indiscriminately. Mamayev Hill was not only bombed by the enemy, but the high ground to the north was also plowed aside by the enemy's intensive artillery fire. The casualties of the four regiments were nearly one-third."

"Damn it, how could this be?" I asked angrily: "What do Gaidar and Xia Ping do to eat, causing so many casualties to the troops?"

"The enemy is very cunning. After their planes swept over the high ground, they rushed into the city to bomb them. The shells they shot also fell directly into the city and exploded. Lieutenant Colonel Gaidar thought that the enemy was still the same as usual, and would selectively ignore the horses. Mayevgang organized the soldiers to seize the time to build the fortifications. Unexpectedly, when they were busy, the enemy's artillery fired a burst of artillery fire. Suddenly hundreds of commanders and fighters who built the fortifications fell into the fire."

After listening to Kirilov's explanation, my mood calmed down. Seeing the enemy’s bombing and shelling, it was not Mamayev Hill, let alone Heydar, even me, I would take it lightly. As a result, I was caught off guard by the enemy and sacrificed hundreds of commanders and fighters in vain. I tried to control the emotion of the word and asked: "Anything else?"

Perhaps Kirilov was afraid that the operator next to him would hear it, so he deliberately lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "There is another important thing, someone is sent over there."

"Sent someone over there?!" I repeated what he said, feeling a little excited, because what he was talking about was the Eastern Camp of Captain Karpov. "Did someone say anything?"

"Say it." Kirilov replied quite simply, and then hesitated a little: "However, I'm having some trouble at the moment."

"Trouble, what's the trouble?" Kirilov didn't know how to do it today. He kept saying half of his words and left half of his words. It almost made me anxious. I urged impatiently, "Hurry up, what happened? ?"

"The plan that you implemented yesterday morning is indeed effective. In the evening, the Germans drew back two companies from the front and changed their defenses with their troops. After they entered the new defense zone, it was too late and they didn’t have any prior cooperation. We get in touch, if we are afraid of acting without authorization, we may misunderstand our troops or be discovered by the Germans.

. So they were stationed first, ready to establish contact with us today before deciding on the actions of the troops. "Speaking of this, Kirilov couldn't help sighing. "Unexpectedly, at dawn, he found the left and right wings. I don't know when they were deployed with German troops. As a result, they had to proceed with caution and continued to stay in the camp. After dark, he sent a trusted subordinate and brought us a message, asking us to guide them how to get out of trouble. "

"Has the messenger gone?" I asked quickly.

Kirilov replied: "Not yet." Then he asked me, "Do you need to say something to him?"

"No." I rebuffed decisively, but I still said to Kirilov very tactfully: "Comrade political comrade, please tell the messenger so that she can go back and tell the person who sent him. Don't be impatient and patient. Wait for a while. When to act and in which direction to move, we will notify him in advance and arrange for the team to be picked up."

"Understood, I will tell the messenger what you mean." After Kirilov said these words, he suddenly asked: "Comrade Oshanina, after you arrive on the East Bank, the leaders of the front army are right. How is your job arranged? Do you stay in the front army to arrange work, or return to the independent division soon?"

"Comrade political comrade, how to arrange my next work, the superior has not given me an accurate answer." Due to the confusing situation now, whether Stalingrad can hold on is a question, whether I can return to Mamayev Hill. , Has also become an unknown number, so I can’t give Kirilov an accurate answer. I can only say vaguely: “At present, the head of the front army has arranged a temporary job for me. After this work is completed, I will decide my Go and stay."

"It turned out to be like this." Kirilov's voice was obviously disappointed. "Comrade Chief of Staff and I hope that if you have the opportunity, you can return to the post of an independent division."

"There will be such a day, Comrade Political Commissar. Don't forget, that matter, but I personally negotiated with the other party. If they can't see my face before the action, chances are they will change their minds temporarily."

"Since this is the case, then I can rest assured." Although I was vague, Kirilov said in a relieved tone: "I look forward to your return to the headquarters as soon as possible. Good luck!"

"Good luck!" After I said that, I interrupted contact.

Putting down the headset and the microphone, I turned my head and looked around, seeing the girls still busy at their posts. It seems that today’s situation is bad, and even the communication lines are not free.

. I looked down at Tokareva in front of me and told her: "When work is not so busy later, you can arrange for the girl to take a rest. There will be a lot of work in the future. If you don’t know how to take a break, you will be I'm exhausted."

For my concern, Tokareva said gratefully: "I see, thank you, Comrade Commander."

I returned to the shelter where I lived, and the left-behind Razumeyeva greeted me and asked with concern: "Comrade Commander, how is the situation in the city?"

I looked at the empty high and low bed and asked curiously: "Where have all the girls gone?"

Razumeyeva glanced at the empty beds and replied: "Today several commanders came from the front army headquarters. They said that there is a shortage of people in all units and they urgently need experienced personnel to supplement them, so they put those who live here. The girls are all taken away."

Seeing that there were no outsiders in the shelter, I didn't have so much scruples, so I took Razumeeva to the table in the middle of the room and sat down, and told her about the situation in the city.

Razumeyeva was surprised after hearing this. Like Tokareva, she was also extremely worried about Trikov’s safety and kept asking me: "Comrade commander, since the enemy has discovered the location of the headquarters of the group army, why not? Stop bombarding the ground with artillery fire, so is the commander in danger?"

Listening to her asking ~lightnovelpub.net~ I replied with some uncertainty: "It shouldn't be." After saying this, I found that I was wrong. I shouldn't, but definitely not. Yes, in the history I know, Cuikov is famous for the Battle of Stalingrad. This battle, which won a major victory, became an important cornerstone for his later promotion to Marshal. So I changed my tone immediately and said in a positive tone: "Lieutenant Razumeeva, don’t worry, Commander Trikov will be fine. Moreover, General Golikov, deputy commander of the Front Army, rushed to the city overnight. Now, if the group army command is really in a dangerous position, he will personally arrange the transfer of the command."

After hearing what I said, Razumeyeva patted her **** and said with joy: "As long as there is nothing wrong with Comrade Commander, it will be great."

I raised my hand and looked at my watch, it was late. I yawned and stretched out, and said to Razumeyeva, "Comrade Lieutenant, rest early if you have nothing to do. There is more important work to be done tomorrow. I don’t want my deputy at work because of lack of sleep. And listless."

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