Burning Moscow

Chapter 7: The new good soldiers and strong general

Thinking of this, I asked Kirilov with interest: "Comrade Political Commissar, how do you plan to carry out your work after you come to the independent division?"

Kirilov thought for a while and said slowly: "Comrade Oshanina, I have carefully studied the organization of the independent division and found that you and the other five group leaders are in charge of the division, except for one of the five groups. Apart from the political instructor of the Vinnytsia Infantry Academy Vellore, there are no other political workers. So before I came, I transferred 20 people from the Political Department of the Group Army to enrich the political work force in the division. Yes, they can report to the division at the latest tomorrow."

Hearing Kirilov’s words, I couldn’t help but squeak. You know, what I hate the most is the political workers. I think most of them have no abilities. They only know that they blindly obey their superiors. If it’s the kind of blindness in my independent teacher With more people in command, how can we fight the next battle? So I just gave a nonchalant hum, and then asked listlessly: "Comrade Political Commissar, how do you plan to arrange these political workers who come to the independent division with you?"

Kirilov knows how to observe words and expressions. From my tone and expression, he can clearly feel that I am not welcome to the arrival of these political workers. But he just smiled, and then said in an unhurried tone: "Two months ago, when the situation showed that a great war in the direction of Stalingrad was inevitable, the various front army units added a few words. Thousands of Communist Party members with rich experience in party political work. Only among the 9,000 Communist Party members that the 62nd Group Army summoned from all border regions and states across the country, there are district, state and municipal party committee secretaries, department directors and instructors. , Collective farm and factory secretaries, and other party workers, a total of more than 500. Among them, Comrade Kruglov and I from the Central Committee, Stupov, Deputy People’s Commissar of State Farms of the Russian Federation, and other comrades are here. We arrived at the 62nd Army to strengthen the political department. A strong party core was formed in the Army. Now we have basically achieved that every company has a strong party group. The 33rd, 37th and 39th Guards Many of the division’s battalions are all composed of party members and league members."

Hearing this, I gave a wry smile and shrugged my shoulders. Embarrassingly said to him: "Comrade political comrades, the composition of independent divisions. I think you should also be very clear that, with the exception of a few commanders and fighters, the absolute majority of the remaining fighters are prisoners from the Gulag concentration camp, and the commanders come from punishment. Camp, there are probably no party members in the entire division."

Kirilov said confidently: "Comrade Oshanina, don't worry, as long as we assign these political workers to the troops, all mechanisms will gradually be improved."

I did not speak. He just nodded noncommittal and listened patiently as he continued.

"These political workers are all party members, and they should set an example for the commanders around them. Perseverance should be the code of conduct for every party member in battle. If that party member shows panic or fear of death, the party organization is right. Such party members must be dealt with seriously in accordance with party discipline until they are expelled from the party.

At the same time, we should also consider that in the next battle, in the cruel day and night battles for several weeks and months, political workers will not be able to convene a large-scale congress of commanders and soldiers to preach important party resolutions. And the order of the superior commander. There is no place and no time to publish passionate tirades. The propaganda and agitation for the commanders and fighters of the army should be on the ground, in the buildings where they are standing, and in brief conversations with the soldiers. Preach the combat mission. And what political workers often do more is to directly explain to the commanders and fighters how to master the weapons and how to complete the commander's orders with their own actual actions in the battle. Frankly speaking, the effect of this kind of practical action is far greater than a long story. Therefore, one of the first tasks faced by political workers working in the independent division is to be proficient in positional and street fighting tactics, and to master various weapons. For example, the use of various firearms and grenades, I believe. Most political workers accomplish this task well.

In my opinion, the main task of the independent division party organization is. After understanding the significance of defending Stalingrad, political workers at all levels should put the focus of their work on companies, platoons, and shifts. Individual conversations have become the main way of working for political instructors, party group leaders, political deputies, and political counselors. Only in this way can the soldiers realize that even if he is alone behind the enemy, he should and be able to fight the enemy to the end. Only by giving soldiers trust and deep trust can the creative fighting enthusiasm of the broad masses of officers and men be aroused. This is a task that requires patience, complexity, and responsibility. I can say with optimism that through the efforts of the political workers in the division, every commander and fighter in the division will become an insurmountable obstacle in the enemy's way forward. "

I have to say Kirilov's words, which are still very convincing. At least his words have reduced my dislike of political workers and correspondingly increased my favor.

Seeing my face improved, Kirilov said while he was still hot, "After receiving the combat order from the division, they will take the task down to the company and carry out the orders from the higher level to every commander and fighter, and mobilize everyone. Fighting missions must be completed under any conditions. They will explain to everyone the important decisions of superiors and the combat missions of this unit through mass political work with the commanders and fighters, so that the commanders and fighters can feel their responsibility more deeply. Will better understand the importance of completing the tasks accepted.

We firmly believe in victory, and we can't abandon this belief for a minute: our cause is justice, what we are defending is a progressive society and a bright life for future generations. Although the enemy is rampant for a while, what awaits them in the end is the destiny of demise! This is not a slogan, or a speech at a mass gathering, but our eternal belief, the driving force of our combat effectiveness and the source of brave fighting. "

After listening to Kirilov’s words, I couldn’t help but applaud the case. He said it was really great. After all, he came from the Central Committee. He speaks well. Even I, a person who has always had no affection for political workers, was also called. He persuaded.

Razumeeva, who was next to him, was afraid that Kirilov would feel thirsty after saying so much. She quickly held a cup of hot tea and said enthusiastically: "Comrade political comrade, you have been talking for so long. You must be thirsty, please Have a cup of hot tea with honey."

Kirilov took the tea in Razumeeva's hand, thanked him, and took a sip. Then he put the tea mug on the earthen table, and then said to me: "Comrade Oshanina. I have another idea. It is to set up a radio on our position and regularly broadcast something full of fighting passion to the soldiers. Songs inspire their fighting spirit."

What he said suddenly reminded me of the Red Flag Song and Dance Ensemble of Alexandrov, who used to perform in Rokosovsky’s troops during the Defense of Moscow. Although they were just a small group of only 12 people. Groups, but their potential on the battlefield surpassed even a few divisions. After the troops on the battlefield heard them singing, their combat power immediately increased exponentially. No wonder Rokosovsky said with satisfaction when he heard the song and dance troupe arrive: "This is equivalent to sending us a reserve team. "

Thinking of this, I nodded vigorously and said without hesitation: "Comrade political comrade, I have no opinion on your proposal. You are solely responsible for the establishment of broadcasting stations and the installation of loudspeakers on various positions."

Seeing that I delegated the authority to deal with this matter for him, Kirilov readily agreed: "Okay. I will go to the commander in charge of propaganda in the group army to handle this matter tomorrow."

While we were talking, a familiar voice came from outside the door: "Comrade Commander, Second Lieutenant Mikhayev, commander of the engineering company, report to you. May I come in?"

Mikhayev, I couldn't help being stunned for a while when he heard him claiming the door of his house outside, and said to my heart, I didn't look for him. What did he come to do? But others have already arrived at the door, I can't let him go back like this, so I shouted at the outside loudly: "Come in, Lieutenant Mikhayev!"

When he comes in and salutes Kirillov and me. I asked curiously: "Comrade Lieutenant, come to the division headquarters. Is there anything wrong?"

Mikhayev hurriedly replied: "Report to the teacher and political comrades, our company has almost completed so far. I am here to request the next task."

Kirilov smiled at him and said with concern: "Comrade Lieutenant, I think you and your soldiers have been busy for so many days, and they may be very tired. Let me give you a half-day vacation. Take a break."

Kirilov expressed his attitude. I wanted to agree with him. I was about to speak. I suddenly saw that my low and narrow division command was obviously not suitable for continuing to serve as the command center in the brutal fighting in the later period, so I ordered Mikhayev: "Comrade Lieutenant, the political commissar is right. You have worked so hard for such a long time, and you should have a good rest. But now it seems that it’s not enough. Look at my division headquarters, you Do you think it can withstand German shells or bombs?"

Mikhayev looked up at the log on the roof, then looked around, then slowly shook his head.

"Since you also feel that the division command is not up to standard, should you lead the soldiers of the engineering company to find a safe place for us and re-dig a new command?"

Hearing what I said, Mikhayev nodded quickly and said in a firm tone: "No problem, comrade commander, you give me five hours, and I will build a new safe and comfortable headquarters for you."

Regarding Mikhayev’s decisiveness and simplicity, even Kirilov nodded in satisfaction. He turned to look at me and said, "Comrade commander, since a new headquarters is going to be built here, then I will first go to the residential area. Come, meet the commanders of the three regiments, and get familiar with everyone."

Although the area from here to the settlement is the defense zone of the independent division, in order to ensure the safety of Kirilov, I took the initiative to propose: "Comrade political comrade, I will send a guard platoon with you."

Unexpectedly, Kirilov waved his hand and said disapprovingly: "No need, no, it's not far from here to the residential area, and when I came to take office, I also brought a guard class. It is enough to have them accompany me."

Seeing that he rejected my kindness, I stopped insisting and let him leave with his guard squad.

Kirilov went to the residential area, Mikhayev brought a group of fighters to reform my command post, I also left the command post, and took the guard squad of Basmanov and Vera who had just returned. Tour the newly built fortifications on the hillside.

As we walked to the main position, Basmanov asked with a worried expression: "Comrade commander, is it appropriate to go to the Sergeikov position at this time? If you encounter a German attack, you It’s difficult to guarantee the safety of their lives."

Concerns about Basmanov. I said indifferently: "It's okay, Comrade Captain. Today's main German army has been attracted to the northwest by the three armies organized by General Zhukov. The front Germans did not have enough power to attack our position. "

Although I said so. But Basmanov still asked anxiously: "What if the Germans carry out air strikes or shelling on our high ground again?"

I waved my hand and said lightly: "Although the Germans destroyed our anti-aircraft machine gun positions in the morning air strikes, they also lost six planes. They suffered such a big loss, and they must not be in a short period of time. Will come again to take risks. As for the shelling, it is even more impossible. We have been in Mamayev Hill for two or three days. Have you ever seen the Germans shelling our positions?" Without waiting for Basmanov to speak. I have asked myself and said, "No. Their artillery and tanks are currently concentrated in the northwest, and they are used to organize the counterattack carried out by our army with all their strength. What they can do now is to ensure that the area is calm in order to Draw more troops but reinforce the area under attack."

For this reason, Basmanov finally showed a smile on his face. He smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "Comrade Master, I am not worried when you say that."

We are still more than a hundred meters away from a group of positions. I stopped. Basmanov, who was following me, didn't expect that I would stop suddenly, and bumped into me. After apologizing to me, he asked me curiously: "Comrade teacher. Why did you stop?"

I pointed to the distant position and said to him: "Comrade Captain, come and see. Do you see any difference in the fortifications built by a group of positions?"

Basmanov looked for a long while, shook his head, and said: "I can't see it. Isn't it just one or two trenches with a few large caves for Tibetan soldiers? It's nothing unusual." When he said this, he suddenly paused. Came down, after a brief silence. He exclaimed: "Damn it, how come a group of positions were built like this? Comrade commander. Look at that trench, is it built like a mountain road? The starting point is connected to the Tibetan soldiers cave behind the hillside. Along the way, Shun. Circling up in the direction of the hour hand, after passing halfway through the mountain, you will reach the fortifications on the top of the mountain."

"Yes, Comrade Captain, you are very careful to observe." I nodded and praised him for his careful observation, and then explained to him: "This trench of the Sederikov regiment is very cleverly repaired. When German artillery shells or bombs fell in the trenches on the mountainside, the commanders who stayed there could leave only a few observation posts, and the rest followed the trenches to the Tibetan soldiers’ cave to take shelter. When the enemy attacked, they Only then re-entered the position. Even if the German army broke through the mountainside position, it didn’t matter. When the enemy charged towards the mountaintop position, the commanders in the Tibetan army cave could rush up along the trenches to retake the mountainside position and fire from behind the enemy. Flanking back and forth with the defenders standing on the top of the hillside, wiped out all the enemies."

When Basmanov and I were discussing the advantages and disadvantages of a group of positions, Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov, who was notified by the soldiers, had already walked towards me with several soldiers.

After Sederikov saluted me, I pointed to the distant position and asked straightforwardly: "Comrade Sederikov, why are the trenches of your regiment built like this?"

Since I didn’t express my attitude, Sederikov didn’t know whether I wanted to criticize him or praise him. After hesitating for a while, he bit the bullet and answered me: "Reporter, this trench is built in this way. It’s an engineer. The company commander Lieutenant Mikhayev proposed that I saw that the trenches built in this way had a good defensive effect, so I agreed. Comrade commander, if you want to blame, please blame me. Don’t blame Lieutenant Mikhayev. He also listens to my orders."

Seeing the flustered expression on Sergeikov’s face, I couldn’t help but laugh, and I asked, “When did I say that this trench was bad?” After seeing him for a while, I shook desperately. Turning my head~lightnovelpub.net~ I went on to say, "I think the method of repairing this trench is very good. Even if the German forces occupy the position on the mountainside or the top of the mountain, our troops can rely on this trench to quickly Take back the lost ground without causing too many casualties."

Sederikov was relieved to hear what I said.

Under the leadership of Sergeikov, I patrolled the positions of a group and checked the Tibetan soldiers cave behind the hillside. I was satisfied when I saw that the fortifications were firm enough to reach the level I expected. He brought Basmanov back to the division headquarters.

As soon as I walked to the hill where the division headquarters was located, I saw a large number of soldiers chanting in front of them, pulling something up the hillside. I said to Basmanov without looking back: "Comrade Captain, go, let's go over and see what's going on?"

Not long after I walked out, I saw everything on the hillside. It turned out that the soldiers were struggling to pull artillery up the hillside. As soon as Basmanov and I stopped, a person ran out of the crowd and ran towards us.

After ran to us and stopped, he raised his hand to salute and said excitedly: "Comrade commander, Captain Morozov of the artillery reported to you that the two anti-tank companies equipped by the headquarters of the group army have arrived." To be continued)