Burning Moscow

Chapter 7: Vests

On the evening of November 6, I received a call from Cui Kefu from the city. His words were very brief: "Comrade Oshanina, after dark, come to the headquarters of the Group Army immediately. We are going to hold an important meeting. meeting."

I put down the phone, turned my head and looked behind me, and unexpectedly found that Basmanov, who had always been at the headquarters, was not there today. I turned my head and asked Akhromeyev: "Chief of Staff, have you seen the guard battalion commander Major Basmanov?"

When Akhromeyev heard my question, he shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands to show that he didn't even know it. At this time, Kirilov said, "Comrade Commander, did I send Major Basmanov to work?"

Since I didn’t even know when Basmanov left the headquarters, after hearing Kirilov’s words, I asked casually: "Comrade political comrade, when did you arrange for him to leave? I Why don’t you know?” After I finished speaking, I realized that I asked this question, as if I was a bit rude to Kirilov. He was the political commissar in the division and sent a small guard battalion commander to do something. There is no need to report to me at all if it is a matter of course.

But Kirilov didn’t care about my attitude. Instead, he said excitedly: "Comrade Commander, have you forgotten that tomorrow is the October Revolution, I will ask Major Basmanov to go to the pier to find Spa who is in charge of logistics. Lieutenant Colonel Sov, I hope he can find some meat in his hands so that the soldiers can have a full meal of "Siberian dumplings" tomorrow."

"Siberian dumplings?!" I heard this for the first time, so I asked inexplicably: "Comrade Political Commissar, what are you talking about?"

Kirilov waited for me to finish, and asked in astonishment: "Comrade Oshanina. Have you never eaten Siberian dumplings?" When I shook my head and said no, he enthusiastically introduced me: "The authentic Siberian dumplings must be filled with at least two kinds of meat-beef and pork. It would be better if you could put some lamb or poultry meat. The second condition for the Siberian dumplings delivered is that, It must be frozen first, and then cooked. Maybe it’s because of the freezing before cooking. It makes Siberian dumplings juicy and delicious, so everyone likes to eat it. Also, dumplings are usually cooked in chicken or beef broth. Also put sour cream at that time."

I always thought that dumplings came from the celestial dynasty. Even the last time I ate dumplings with Cui Kefu in the headquarters, I thought it was the craftsmanship of a fighter from the 88th International Brigade. Unexpectedly, Russia also has its own authentic dumplings. Hearing what Kirilov said, I couldn't help drooling, and I couldn't wait to eat this delicious Siberian dumpling as soon as possible.

Kirilov still said intently: "Comrade Oshanina, I think so, anyway, the weather is cold now. We can put the dumplings on the snow outside and freeze them overnight, and then cook them tomorrow. In time, the taste will become more delicious."

After I talked a few words about dumplings with Kirilov, I suddenly thought that I would go to the headquarters for a meeting, and quickly told Akhromeyev: "Chief of Staff, call Captain Yushchenko, the commander of the special guard company. Let him come to the division headquarters."

Yushchenko walked into the command post. Kirilov stepped forward and told him: "Comrade Captain, the division commander is going to the group army headquarters for a meeting. You immediately gather a platoon. Protect the division commander and go to the city. Remember, let all the soldiers be fully armed." He also deliberately asked. The word "fully armed" adds to the tone.

Yushchenko heard Kirilov's instructions and quickly agreed and turned and walked out of the command post.

I just didn't care about Kirilov's tone on the word "fully armed", and when I stepped out of the headquarters, I looked at the guard soldiers standing neatly outside the door. Suddenly was stunned. I saw more than 30 soldiers standing in front of me, except for an AK47. Everyone actually wore a piece of armor like that worn by ancient knights. It is more appropriate to say that it is like an armor, it is better to say that it is like a body armor of later generations. Because it is a metal shell. Perhaps for the convenience of the soldiers to operate their weapons, the entire right shoulder is completely exposed.

Seeing this strange decoration of the guards and soldiers, I quickly called Yushchenko over, pointed to the strange steel plates on the soldiers, and asked curiously: "Comrade Captain, can you explain to me that the soldiers wear What is it?"

Yushchenko reported to me very simply: "Comrade Commander, these newly-developed new-style body avoidance vests."

Bulletproof vest. When I heard this word, my heart trembled abruptly. I thought to myself: first ak47, then bulletproof vest. What do the military personnel who crossed want to do? Do they want to change history? ?

Seeing my silence, Kirilov, who was standing next to me, said quickly: "Comrade Oshanina, this kind of sn-42 armored body armor. This kind of body armor is two millimeters thick and weighs 3.5 kilograms. It can withstand the 9mm bullets fired by the German mp-40 assault from 100 meters away. According to the latest intelligence, this type of body armor will be equipped in a small area~lightnovelpub.net~ The priority equipment will be the assault engineers of the attacking troops. ."

Hearing the parameters reported by Kirilov, I suddenly became interested. I didn’t expect the weight of the body armor to be so light. It seems that I will have to make a set to wear it in the future. This way, on the battlefield, I don’t have to. Worried about being hurt by stray bullets. Although I couldn’t wait to want a bullet-proof vest, I pretended to be casual and asked: "By the way, Comrade Captain, I forgot to ask you about one thing. The platoon sent to the headquarters of the Group Army, Are they all equipped with these flak jackets?"

"Yes, comrade commander." Yushchenko replied affirmatively: "Because we have a special mission, before departure, all companies are equipped with this new type of bullet-proof vest." After finishing speaking, he said to him. Beckoned in the distance, a soldier ran over immediately, still holding something in his hand. After the soldier ran near, I could see that what he was holding in his hand was actually the bulletproof vest that made my heart beat.

Yushchenko took the bullet avoidance vest from the soldier and asked, "Comrade Commander, is it okay?" After getting my permission, he put on this one that could save my life on the battlefield. Bodysuit.

After I put it on, I moved my body and found that it had no effect on my flexibility, so I nodded in satisfaction, and then told Yushchenko: "Comrade Captain, it's late, let's go." (To be completed. Continued)