Burning Moscow

Chapter 746: The teachings of Yeliomenko (Part 2)

Yelyomenko stopped talking when he said this. I was wondering why he didn't say it, but I heard his voice half complaining and half ridicule: "Hey, I said Comrade Oshanina, even if I am not you. Your immediate boss is also your guest, but why don't you even pour me a glass of water?"

Although Yelyomenko said this jokingly, it still embarrassed me. I turned my head and looked at Kirilov and Bantai Lev next to him. I was considering who I should trouble him to give to the commander. The officer pours a cup of tea, and Akhromeyev said first: "Comrade Commander, please wait a moment, I will pour tea for you."

After Akhromeyev’s back disappeared at the door, Yelyomenko went on to say: “The third point is that the commander must know how to investigate and study. Regarding the enemy’s situation, the terrain, the situation of the troops, and the social situation, Always keep in mind. You must touch every day and think every day without interruption. Doing this should not be regarded as repetition. In fact, this is not a repetition, but a process of continuous deepening and continuous improvement. It is an indispensable means to obtain a correct understanding. The more situations we accumulate and grasp in peacetime, the more systematic, the more calm and the more effective we will be in wartime, especially under stressful and complicated situations. Therefore, investigation and research work should be carried out in all kinds of work, and in every case. The whole process of a battle and battle is against reckless and confused battles. Especially the enemy's situation must be thoroughly understood. Because the enemy's situation is alive, the enemy will inevitably try to conceal and disguise their true intentions and actions. Do everything possible to fail. Intermittently reconnaissance, to find out the enemy’s deployment and trends, to see what role he plays? Is it the main force or the non-main force? Is it the arrogant or the defeated? How much force can be concentrated on us to attack and block our attack. Understand the enemy's chief military officer. The characteristics depend on what tactics he is accustomed to and what he is good at. According to his current attempts to judge what he may use. etc. As long as you understand the enemy's situation, our situation, and the terrain. The determination is quick and hard. If the situation is unclear, you will hesitate, hesitate, miss a good opportunity, or make up your mind reluctantly. Hearing the fear of hardship and incorrect suggestions makes it easy to waver. You may lose all your previous work after a single thought. At this point, you should understand why the situation with my name Cui Kefu is very dangerous. You still have to go to the most dangerous defensive area to inspect the reason. ?"

I quickly nodded in agreement with Yelyomenko's statement. When I was about to say something, Akhromeev, who was out to serve tea, had already entered with an enamel tea mug. He walked to the table and carefully placed the tea mug in front of Ye Leomenko. Then respectfully said: "Comrade Commander, please have tea."

Yelemenko nodded at Akhromeyev. After expressing my gratitude, he took a sip from the tea mug, and then said to me: "The fourth point, an excellent commander needs to be a living map. Commanders and staff must be familiar with the map and read the map frequently. Reading a map familiarly can produce insights, wisdom, methods, and confidence. The method of reading is to hang up the map, sit down with a stool, and look at the map, from the general direction to the active area, from the overall view of the area to each The topographical features of a lot, from rough reading to close reading, read block by block. Use red and blue pencils to mark out the main mountains, rivers, towns, villages, and roads. Read and draw as you go until the map is almost fast If it’s broken, I’m almost familiar with the map and memorized it. On the basis of familiarizing the map, it is necessary to personally organize the relevant commanders and staff to conduct on-the-spot surveys of the combat area and battlefield, verify the map, and understand the terrain of the battlefield. The situation and the deployment of both the enemy and our forces are put in your mind, so that you can have a clear picture of the battlefield before you close your eyes, and you can command the battle even if you leave the map. In this way, you can be better than the enemy in the fast-changing battle situation. Come quickly, strive for the first opportunity, take the first enemy, take the initiative, and secure the victory."

When I heard Yeleimenko said this fourth point, I couldn't help blushing slightly. You must know that being unfamiliar with military maps has always been my weakness. I have been in Stalingrad for a few months, and apart from being relatively familiar with the terrain near Mamayev Hill, the rest of the land is completely unfamiliar.

Yelyomenko looked up at Akhromeyev who was standing in front of us and never left. He smiled and said friendlyly: "Comrade Major, if I remember correctly, you should be the chief of staff of the military division. Right?" Seeing Akhromeyev nodded in recognition, he quickly pointed to the position next to him, "Sit down and listen. Only if you master these skills, you can better cooperate with Comrade Oshanina in commanding the battle. ."

After Akhromeyev sat down honestly next to him, he went on to say: "Fifth point, when formulating a battle plan, you must think through all aspects of the problem. Every battle and battle. The organization of the People’s Republic of China wants everyone to ask all possible questions, let everyone find the answers, and find the answers from the worst and most serious situations. All the questions raised are answered, and there are no questions left unanswered. Yes, in this way, you won’t make big mistakes in the war, and if you make a mistake, it will be easier to correct. Questions that have not been answered can’t be thrown away just because you think about it for a long time and you can’t figure it out and leave one Unsolved small problems. If this is very dangerous, at a critical moment, this small problem is likely to arise, which will cause deviations in your plans. Of course, in a war environment, there are many issues to consider, no It may be asked all at once, or it may not be answered all at once. The whole process of the battle and battle is the process of constantly asking and answering questions. In short, you must not be ambiguous about every question. The question is answered, the battle, the battle The organization is considered complete.

Sixth, the commander must be capable and promptly determined. Under what circumstances can you make up your mind to fight? The commander must make a good battle plan with his best efforts. And do a good job of preparing for battles and battles, and strive to make sure that you are sure to do it, and not to fight unsure battles. But in any battle, it is impossible to fully meet all the conditions, and it is impossible to be 100% sure. Generally speaking, it is very good to have a certainty of about 70%, and you must fight resolutely and fight freely. Take the German offensive against Stalingrad. Just when we didn't have any preparations. Hit us by surprise. under these circumstances. what should we do? Whether to let the enemy go straight in or organize a continual fight, slowing down the speed of the German advance to Stalingrad, so that we can buy more time to perfect the city's defenses. Therefore, in the case of insufficient conditions, we must give full play to the role of human factors, give full play to the unique political advantages of our Red Army, give full play to the wisdom and brave and tenacious fighting style of the commanders and fighters to make up for it, and create conditions with subjective efforts. Turn adventurous into creativity. Win. "

After Kirilov and Bantaiyev finished their work, they saw Yelyomenko was still teaching me the experience he had summed up in the army for decades, and they gathered around and stood curiously. Listen around. Seeing the acquaintances around him, Yeleimenko wouldn't let them stand, and hurriedly greeted them: "Don't stand, everyone, sit down and listen."

"The seventh point is to have a very good and united team. The leadership team must have the same ideological understanding, coordinated and coordinated actions, must be vigorous and resolute, and must have the spirit of revolutionary heroism. All commanders must be diligent. Do everything you can to do your job well and complete the task. Don’t wrestle with each other. Don’t interfere with each other, don’t take the attitude of bystanders. If the leadership team is not good, the number of people is not only useless, but harmful.” At this point, Ye Liaomian Ke looked around and said with interest: "Comrade Oshanina, although the military division has not been formed for a long time, but it can form combat effectiveness so quickly, it is probably related to your united leadership team."

Hearing Yeleimenko's words, I couldn't help but look up at Kirilov's own partners, and saw that they were also looking at me. After meeting my gaze, they both showed me a sincere smile. It seems that they also feel the same way about Yeliomenko's statement.

"The eighth point, troops must have a good fighting style. Only troops with a good fighting style can fight well and win battles. A good fighting style is first of all not to complain, to rush to take on the most difficult tasks, and to be able to In the battle, we are timid and brave and tenacious, and we are not afraid of sacrifice. Since our battle with the fascist invaders is long and hard, it is not possible to relax after one or two battles. Let the fighters display the fearless spirit of not being afraid of fatigue, Deal with the enemy to the end. A good fighting style must be cultivated in peacetime, and must be practiced. It must be tempered in intense and cruel battles. Troops that dare not fight hard and bad battles can be achieved after a few fights. , Because I have seen hard battles and bad battles, have experience, have experience, and know how to fight... The key to the development of a good style lies in the commander. What is the style of a good commander? So, we must first do a good job in the training of commanders. As long as the commanders behave, they will influence and drive the troops under their command. As long as the commanders have a good style, direct battles, and win more battles, Even new troops or troops with a weak foundation will quickly play a good style, like a hammer, hit there, there will be broken. Why can your police division in just one or two hours Inside, it turned a newly formed unit without any combat effectiveness into a lion with hundreds of battles. It may still be related to what I said."

Seeing everyone nodding their heads in recognition, he took another sip of tea before continuing to say: "The ninth and most important point is to pay attention and do the work personally. The improvement of the combat effectiveness of the troops depends on being strong in peacetime. The leadership of the party and the strong political work. Regarding this, I think your Commander Trikov and the Gurov military commissar were very considerate. They even sent Kirilov, the head of the group army, to the division. As a political commissar. Political workers at all levels in the division must do their work, so that all Party and League members can be fully motivated by the revolution, give full play to their exemplary and leading roles, and drive the whole division through them. Through them to do political work, raise the class consciousness of all officers and soldiers. Therefore, apart from military training, the party and government work in the division must be done well so that your troops can always maintain a strong combat effectiveness."

After Ye Leomenko finished teaching his experience, he raised his hand and looked at his watch, and said in a flat tone: "Comrade Oshanina, I have already said all the things I can teach you. As for whether you can master it, just It depends on your personal savvy. Okay, it's getting late, I have to rush to Cui Kefu's place." After speaking, he grabbed his cane and stood up with difficulty.

Seeing Yeleimenko had all stood up, it was naturally impossible for us to sit still, so we also stood up one after another. Kirilov also politely persuaded Yelyomenko: "Comrade Commander, do you really want to go now? You must know that it is not dark at this time. You may encounter enemy bombing and shelling on the road, or even Encountering sporadic enemy troops is too dangerous for you. You should wait until dark before you go."

Unexpectedly, Ye Leomenko waved his hand and said stubbornly: "No, I want to see Cui Kefu as soon as possible, otherwise my heart is not at ease." Having said that, he looked at me and said, "Comrade Oshanina, you don't have to Go with me and send me a guide who is familiar with the road. Your main task at the moment is to guard the Mamayev Hill well. I don’t know if the enemy is afraid of being beaten by your teacher. According to the intercepted telegram. Look, the enemy will not regard this as a target that must be attacked in the near future."

Since Yelyomenko would not let me accompany him to the headquarters of the group army~lightnovelpub.net~, I didn’t force it. I quickly called Basmanov and told him: "Comrade Captain, please guide the commander of the Front Army. I'll leave the task to you. You immediately transfer a platoon and **** the commander comrades to the headquarters of the group army." Basmanov promised aloud, and then turned his eyes to Zheng and Kirilov. Yeleomenko, who shook hands, awaited his further orders.

After Yeremenko left, Akhromeyev excitedly said to me: "Comrade commander, I didn't expect that the comrades of the front army commanders have such a high theoretical level and know so much."

Hearing Akhromeyev say this, Bantaiyev suddenly coughed heavily, and then muttered quietly: "I seem to have heard someone say that in the advanced commander training class, Comrade Yeremenko He is the most stubborn. After a rare effort, he has mastered the extensive and rich knowledge stipulated in the syllabus." (To be continued.)

ps: I would like to thank my book friends for their support for the two votes! Thanks to book friends Xiaobing Doudou, old godfather, concubine Hong Feifei, Marine Guards, dead Hachi, Nebula Hunter, yxzr, ashes of phoenix tree, ahg children's shoes for the precious monthly tickets! Thank you book friend _c_j_children's shoes for your reward!

