Burning Moscow

Chapter 748: Containment action (middle)

After Akhromeyev left, I continued to stand by the wall, staring at the map on the wall intently. I was thinking hard in my head: Stalingrad has been a pot of porridge, but Mamayev Hill in the north of the city is calm. What kind of medicine is sold in this German gourd?

After all, Kirilov is not the chief military officer, and the military aspect is not his strong point. So after saying hello to me, he went out to find Oberstein to learn about the development of political and ideological work in the division.

Pantai Leyev walked to my side, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly said: "Comrade Commander, I have a very bold guess. Could the enemy stay on the defensive line at Mamayev Hill be because Are they not strong enough?"

I was dumbfounded by Bantai Lev's question, and I didn't know how to answer it. Because his problem came out of my expectation, I thought the enemy was actually accumulating strength, and wanted to take advantage of our unprepared moments to attack suddenly and take the Mamayev Hill that we were holding in one fell swoop. Now I’m listening to Pantai Leyev speculating that the enemy’s failure to attack may be due to insufficient troops. If he were not my deputy, he might be scolded by me because of this shocking speculation.

I originally wanted to ask him back: "Do you know that there are three German infantry divisions in front of us, and one of the 44th infantry divisions, at this moment, also occupied the 107.5 heights on the left flank of Mamayevgang." Thinking that Pantai Leyev is a commander with more than 20 years of military service, his analysis must have some truth. So I tried to calm myself down, and patiently asked him humbly: "Comrade deputy commander, you said that the enemy in front of my division is not strong enough. Is there any basis?"

"According to it, it must be, comrade commander." Bantai Leyev replied confidently: "The troops of the Second Regiment just attacked that night, but the sharp knife company that rushed to the front caught fire with the enemy. After a few shots, the enemy who had initially aggressively attacked the Soviet Street retracted to the height of 107.5. There has been no movement to this day. There are also four frontal German front positions, which I have carefully observed over the past few days. I found that apart from that. Outside of the daily small patrols, there are hardly any figures in the trenches."

"Comrade deputy commander, did you speculate based on this?" Hearing what he said, I also thought in my heart that he said that this possibility might exist. Therefore, the tone of voice has also eased a lot. "But speculation is not enough. We have to figure out the distribution of the German troops around, so that we can formulate combat plans in a targeted manner."

I was talking with Bantai Leyev, and Akhromeyev came to us and reported respectfully: "Comrade commander, I have arranged the reconnaissance unit for the night, and we will leave when it gets dark. "

Listening to Akhromeyev's mention of the reconnaissance unit, I couldn't help but ask: "Comrade Chief of Staff. You have sent several reconnaissance teams, which direction are you in charge of?"

Akhromeyev didn’t know why I asked, and he answered me confusedly: “I only sent a reconnaissance squad consisting of five commanders and fighters. Their main task is to scout the strength of the German forward positions. Separate the situation."

"Not enough, a reconnaissance squad is far from enough." At this moment, I can't judge whether Pantai Leyev's speculation is accurate, so I can only pin the hope of clarifying the enemy's situation on the reconnaissance that will be dispatched after dark. On the squad, "add two more squads, one to the northwest to figure out the defense of the German 44th Division; the other to take a boat down the Volga River. Go around to the rear of the German 113th Division to conduct reconnaissance."

Akhromeyev knew my character well, after listening to my orders. He just nodded, and replied briefly: "Okay, comrade teacher, I will make arrangements now."

Pantai Leyev watched Akhromeyev, who walked to Razumeyeva's side and communicated with the outside world through the telephone, and said with some worry: "Comrade Commander, after the group was transferred away, although We still have three regiments, but the total strength is less than 3,000. If this strength is used for defense, it may be enough; if we want to take any initiative against the enemy, our strength is seriously insufficient."

After listening to the deputy commander’s words, I couldn’t help but sighed for a long time. I said that there was not only a shortage of troops. As transportation on the Volga River became more and more difficult, even the ammunition of the troops became tense, so that we had to issue orders to the troops. Order, let the commanders save ammunition in battle.

Insufficient troops, we must find a way to supplement. However, Cui Kefu's current strength is also severely insufficient, otherwise they would not take me away from the full crew. As for the reinforcements from the east bank of the Volga River, they will definitely give priority to replenishing the frontier troops with severe battle damage, and we will definitely not be considered. Today, the only way we can replenish our troops is to learn to gather the dispersed stragglers and the residents who have not had time to evacuate, and train them into a combative force in the shortest possible time.

The idea was settled, and when he was about to discuss with Pantaiyev, Akhromeyev walked over from the radio, and after reporting to me about the reconnaissance unit, he handed me another telegram.

I took the telegram and glanced at it and saw it read: "The division transferred to the headquarters of the 62nd Army. Comrade Manuilsky from Moscow will cross the Volga River in the early morning of the 17th and head to Stalingrad for inspection. Please do the corresponding reception work. Khrushchev, member of the Stalingrad Front Military Committee."

Manuilsky, after reciting the strange name, I threw the telegram on the table, intending to tell both Bantai Lev and Akhromeyev about my plan to replenish the soldiers. . Unexpectedly, after hearing the name Manuilsky, Bantaiyev dashed to the table, grabbed the telegram, read it quickly, and then said in surprise: "Oh my God, Manu Comrade Illsky is coming to Stalingrad tomorrow. This is not possible. Comrade commander, you should call the front army headquarters immediately and ask them to stop Manuilsky from coming to the city."

Seeing this expression on Bantai Leyev, I said a little displeased: "Comrade Deputy Commander, who is this Comrade Manuilsky? It is worth your nervousness?"

"Who is talking about Comrade Manuilsky?" Kirilov's voice suddenly came from behind us. Seeing his appearance, Bantai Leyev quickly squeezed the telegram and walked towards him. When handing it to him, he said nervously, "Comrade political comrade, please look at the telegram that you just received. Right."

After reading the telegram quickly, Kirilov said in a fuss: "Oh my God, I didn't read it wrong, it's really Manuilsky who is coming!" I just wanted to ask this Manuil. Who is Ski, and why did they lose their stance when they heard his name? Kirilov had already asked Bantai Lev: "Comrade Deputy Commander, how long has this telegram been received?"

Akhromeyev replied from the side: "The report, Comrade Political Commissar, was just received two minutes ago."

Kirilov seemed to be dizzy, and even I didn’t even bother to say a word to me, so he directly directed Akhromeyev to give orders: "Comrade Chief of Staff, please immediately, in the name of a division, give the command to the front army headquarters. Generate electricity and tell Comrade Khrushchev, the military commissioner, that Manuilsky is a famous person at the party, and we can’t let him risk his life. In the fierce enemy shelling and bombing, he may be crossing the Volga He Shi sacrificed. Even if he is alive, we can't let him go to the army."

Seeing Akhromeyev's promise, I was going to report to Razumeyeva. I quickly raised my hand to stop him, and asked strangely: "Comrade Chief of Staff, please wait a minute." Turning his gaze to Kirilov and Bantai Lev, he hurriedly asked: "Political commissar, deputy division commander, who can tell me what sacred Comrade Manuilsky is? It is worth making a fuss about you. No matter how important his status is, can he be the commander of the front army again? Since General Yeleomenko can come to the city, why can't he come to the city?"

As soon as I spoke, the expressions on Kirilov and Bantaiyev's faces immediately changed, and they stared at me strangely, as if they were looking at an alien monster. After a long time, Kirilov asked tentatively: "Comrade Oshanina, don't you know who Manuilsky is?"

Upon hearing this question from Kirilov, I thought to myself that I had never heard of this name, how do I know who he is? So he shrugged his shoulders and shook his head and replied, "Yes, Comrade Political Commissar, I don’t know this Comrade Manuilsky from Moscow~lightnovelpub.net~ You know his identity, he is very important. Character?"

After hearing my answer, Kirilov raised his hand and slapped his forehead fiercely, and said to himself: "My goodness, I didn't expect anyone to know about Comrade Manuilsky. who is it."

And Akhromeev, who was standing next to me, explained to me bitterly: "Comrade Commander, Manuilsky is the representative of our party's executive committee to the Communist International and an important leader."

Akhromeyev’s explanation made me blush with shame. Fortunately, I have been in this time and space for more than a year, and I don’t even know such an important leader. Thinking of this, I hurriedly raised my hand at Akhromeyev and told him: "If this is the case, Comrade Chief of Staff, don't delay, and send the telegram to the Front Army Headquarters immediately."

After Akhromeev left, in order to cover up my embarrassment, I quickly said to Kirilov and Bantaiev: "Comrades, political commissar and deputy division commander, please come here, let’s study how to replenish the troops. Soldier matters." (to be continued)

