Burning Moscow

Chapter 758: The story of the prisoner of war camp (p

ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more suggestions from you. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it to give more support to "Burning Moscow"! The story told by Nikolai silenced everyone who heard it. We have heard some stories about prisoner-of-war camps. We only know that most of the prisoners of war are placed in the open air. Even in autumn, there is no protection. They spend day and night in the prisoner-of-war camp surrounded by barbed wire. Mie, but never thought that the German army would slaughter our commanders so unscrupulously.

"What happened later?" Sergeikov asked with an urn voice; "How did the corpses of the killed prisoners of war deal with?"

"What else can I do?!" Nikolai shrugged and said helplessly: "The Germans let us dig two large pits, threw all the corpses into them, and then put gasoline on them and set them on fire. Wait for the corpses. It's half charred, let's fill the hole with soil."

I only heard Sederikov ask again: "But what I heard is another matter. It is said that the Germans have strictly registered and managed the prisoners of our army, and conducted a special calculation to determine how many prisoners are in which concentration camp. There are clear and specific concepts for prisoners of war, the need to prepare and the distribution of necessary food shares. Every prisoner of war in the concentration camp has a so-called "identity card" with a number and name on the front and all personal information on the back, such as Nationality, occupation, military rank, troops at the time of capture, place of capture, health status, injuries and illnesses during capture or transport to concentration camps, etc. The home address is often written down. Fingerprints are left during registration and photos have been taken. After death, the burial location will be added to the card."

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I don't know where you heard about this." Nikolai's expression suddenly became serious. He raised his voice unconsciously and retorted, "I have never eaten enough in the three months I was in the prisoner-of-war camp. Every day at noon or in the evening, several German soldiers carry a bucket of bread and face each other across the barbed wire. Throw it among the prisoners of war. After they finished throwing, they stood outside the barbed wire with cigarettes in their mouths, watching our comrades fight for a few pieces of bread.

Most of the prisoners of war suffered from edema caused by starvation, scurvy, endless diarrhea, and tuberculosis. Everyone was so hungry that they were looking for anything to eat: grass, tree roots, insects, leftovers in the canteen, etc. People die every day. Starved to death, corpses are everywhere. All were skinny and skinny. Everyone eats everything you can find, including grass and poisonous mushrooms. "

When talking about this, Nikolai's voice became choked, and he said in tears: "If we don't join the German army. Waiting for our destiny, we will either be shot or starved to death."

I sighed here, stopped and waited for Nicholas to approach, I patted his shoulder and comforted: "Comrade Captain, don’t be sad, everything is over. Everything you and your comrades have suffered. In the future, we will let the Germans pay back ten times a hundred times."

Nikolai touched his tears with his sleeves and raised his head. He asked in a suspicious tone: "Comrade Commander, do you think there is such a day? Or, do you think we can defeat the Germans who have already stormed into Stalingrad?"

"That's for sure. Captain Nicholas." If anyone has firm confidence in the Soviet army's victory over the German army, that person must be me. Although I cannot disclose the date of the counterattack of the Battle of Stalingrad, it does not prevent me from telling the final results to the commanders around me to increase their confidence and morale in fighting the enemy. "I haven't seen the enemy's current offensive, but their troops are tired and their attack strength is getting weaker and weaker. It won't be long before we can launch a counterattack. They will be completely wiped out."

"You said it was completely wiped out," Nikolai looked at me with suspicion, and asked cautiously: "Isn't the enemy defeated in the future?"

I know the reason why Nicholas asked this. Seeing that the 62nd Army was beaten by Paulus to the utmost, but here I am arrogantly saying that our army can wipe out the enemy, which is tantamount to a dream. If it weren't for my highest rank, someone would have pointed to my nose and cursed. To reassure everyone, I deliberately changed the topic: "At this time last year, when Guderian's troops rushed toward Moscow aggressively, how many people thought we could hold Moscow and defeat the enemy? But in the end, we were not only successful. The ground smashed the enemy's offensive and took the opportunity to regain many areas.

Don’t see the Germans temporarily gaining the upper hand in Stalingrad, but you can see how many troops they put into our Mamayev Hill and how many offensives they have launched, but they still haven’t been able to get it out of our hands. Take the battle over. "When I said this, Sergeikov and Nikolai seemed to be persuaded by me, and both of them kept nodding their heads to agree with what I said.

I raised my hand and looked at my watch, and then said to Sergeikov, "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, from today onwards, Captain Nikolai and his troops will be incorporated into your regiment, and the designation will be a battalion." Seeing Sergeikov nodded in agreement, I turned my head and asked Nikolai: "Comrade Captain, do you have any opinion?"

After shook his head vigorously, Nikolai replied decisively: "Report to the teacher, comrade, I resolutely obey your orders."

We walked and talked, and we entered the defense zone of the third regiment without knowing it. Godunov and several of his men seemed to have waited a long time. Seeing us appearing in his field of vision, they took the lead and ran all the way.

After he came to my face and stood up and saluted, he respectfully reported to me: "Reporter, the commanders you asked me to summon have gathered together. There are 39 people in total." He said, pointing his finger at a building not far away. Say, "They are all staying in the conference room of that building, waiting for you."

After Godunov and I shook hands, we shook hands with several commanders he brought. When I reached the last person, I unexpectedly discovered that the commander standing in front of me was not wearing an army uniform, but a tank soldier's uniform. Seeing this person familiar, but in a hurry, I can't remember the other person's name. I had to apologize: "Comrade tank commander, I look familiar to you, but I just can't remember your name."

Did not wait for the tank commander to answer my question. Godunov, who heard me, had already walked over and introduced first: "Comrade Commander, have you forgotten? This is Vajim, the battalion political commissar of the tank battalion. He still followed the political commissar Xia Ping and was accompanied by you Brought here from the headquarters of the group army."

When Godunov said so, I suddenly remembered. I did ask the political commissar Xia Ping and many soldiers from the tank brigade that was going to retreat, and I came back to strengthen the division tank battalion. After this Vajim came, he served as the battalion political commissar of the tank battalion. After remembering who the other party was, I shook his hand vigorously and apologized to him: "Comrade Vajim, I'm sorry. When you came, it was too dark to see what you looked like. Please forgive me."

With a bright smile on Vajem’s face, he shook hands with me and said, “Comrade Commander, you have been to the tank battalion for a short time. It’s normal if you don’t know me. By the way, when will Battalion Commander Major Perskin? Can you return to the army?"

Vajim’s words reminded me of Perskin, who was unsure about his life or death. I heard that he and Pougatcheff were sent to the hospital, and my heart was still at ease. But yesterday I saw the wounded who were lying on the ground groaning in pain and unattended, and I was inexplicably worried about their fate.

When I was worrying about how to answer Vajim, I accidentally saw Captain Nicholas standing next to me. I have the main in my heart. So I avoided talking about Perskin, and instead asked Vajim: "Comrade Vajim, how many tanks are there in the tank battalion?"

Hearing my question, Vajim didn’t bother to inquire about Perskin’s whereabouts, and quickly reported to me: “Report to the commander, there are five tanks in the tank battalion. The ammunition is sufficient but there is no fuel. All can only be kept. It is used as a fixed firepower here. As for tankers. Because we have recruited some more during this period, there are currently more than 80 people."

After he finished the report, I immediately pulled Captain Nicholas in front of him and introduced him: "Comrade Vajim, let me introduce him. This is Captain Nicholas. He has a tank company under him. There are three tanks." Then I told Nikolai: "Captain, in order to strengthen the tank battalion, I decided to add the tank company of your battalion to Comrade Vajim. Do you have any objections?"

"No, I obey the order."

I followed Godunov into the building he was talking about, cautiously up to the second floor along the dilapidated staircase, and walked along the corridor full of rubble to the conference room. When the door was still four or five meters away, Godunov suddenly raised his voice and shouted in a cordial voice: "Comrades, our teacher came to see everyone, come out!"

As he shouted, a group of people burst out from the conference room, and the corridor that was not spacious was suddenly crowded. Basmanov yelled quickly, took a few guards past me, and stopped those who wanted to rush over.

Looking at these ragged and dirty commanders, I was so happy to hear my arrival, I couldn't help feeling flattered. I hurriedly walked behind Basmanov and raised my hand across the guards to greet the commanders inside: "Comrade commanders, how are you!"

"Hello Commander!"

"Hello, Master!"

The commanders who were blocked by the guards on the other side yelled.

When it was a little quieter, Godunov also walked up to me and shouted at those people: "Okay, everyone go in, don't block the door, otherwise we won't be able to get in."

After everyone had retreated into the conference city, I walked into the conference room under the protection of Basmanov and the others. Upon entering the door, there was a rectangular table in the middle of this conference room, but it was no longer usable. Not to mention it was piled up with stones falling from the ceiling, and even a table leg was broken. And those commanders stood on both sides of the broken table, paying attention to me.

I scanned every commander in the room with a smile, and saw that although their military uniforms were ragged and rotten, and their hair and beards hadn’t been trimmed for a long time, they all looked energetic at the moment. Trembling.

I coughed ~lightnovelpub.net~ and then said loudly: "Comrades, you have suffered. I declare to you that you are all free. I am Major General Oshanina, the head of the independent division, and our people are instigating The officers and soldiers of the Dongfang Battalion guarding you liberated you all. Starting today, you are a member of the glorious independent division. I represent the commanders and soldiers of the entire division and welcome you to join. A ring salute was given to the commanders present.

A commander walked out of the crowd not far from me, came to me, and solemnly asked: "Comrade General, when we were in a prisoner-of-war camp, we had heard that all captured personnel, regardless of Whether there was resistance in advance, and how to escape from the danger in the future, it must be reviewed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and sent to Siberia. Is it true?

I looked at the sallow-faced middle-aged man in front of me, and glanced at his collar badge. The rank mark on it was gone, but from the vague traces, I judged that he was a captain. So I answered him seriously: "Comrade Captain, what you worry about, I do not deny, it must be in other troops. But I can tell you responsibly, in my independent division, there is no I will wrong any of our own comrades." (The novel "Burning Moscow" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now and click on the upper right " +" sign "add friend", search the official account "qdread" and follow, hurry up!) (to be continued)