Burning Moscow

Chapter 762: The symbolic meeting of teachers (part 2

The battle started the moment the German infantry stepped on the mine buried at the foot of the high ground. As soon as the landmine rang, the soldiers hiding at the foot of the mountain opened fire without hesitation, and beat the German soldiers who were being blown up by the landmines into a cry. In order to protect their infantry from withdrawing from the minefield, the German tanks ignored the firing and tried to suppress our army's firepower, but the fire from the guns exposed their positions, which happened to be the target of our artillery battalion.

After listening to Akhromeyev’s report on the battle, I asked curiously: "Comrade Chief of Staff, where did the landmine buried at the foot of the high ground come from? If I remember correctly, we started last week. All the mines are used up."

To my question, Akhromeyev laughed but did not answer. Pantaiyev next to him reacted quickly. He tentatively asked: "Chief of Staff, these mines will not be from the frontier occupied by the Fourth Regiment. Moved over from the field, right?"

Akhromeyev nodded and smiled and replied, "The deputy commander was right. Major Yamin told Captain Mikhayev privately that these mines are buried behind the positions of the four regiments, and they are easy to blow up. It’s better to use waste and let them play a little role. So Comrade Mikhayev took more than forty soldiers over, lifted all the mines, and buried them under the height of 107.5."

Due to the highland defense war outside, our army had no intention of calculating. Relying on the favorable terrain on the highland, it should be no problem to retreat the German troops from afar. So after listening to the report, I told Ahromeye. Husband: "Comrade Chief of Staff, after the battle is over, you must start replenishing soldiers and strengthening training. Strive to make the troops become combat effective in the shortest possible time, otherwise you and I will all wait to go to the military court. ."

"Why do you have to go to a military court?" Kirilov's familiar voice suddenly came from the door, and I turned my head to look. I saw him and the guard battalion commander Basmanov walking in from the door. Maybe they happened to hear the second half of my words, so they asked.

"I'm talking to the chief of staff about urging the regiments to recruit troops and strengthen training." I said, walking towards Kirilov, and asked: "Comrade political comrade, have you got all the weapons and ammunition?"

Kirilov smiled and nodded, and said triumphantly: "I got it back. The commander of the logistics department was very enthusiastic about me after seeing the command of the front army commander, and immediately arranged for manpower to carry weapons and ammunition for us. Because it was given to us. There were too many supplies, and one of the companies I brought could not be finished. In the end, I asked San Tuan to adjust two companies to help. Then I finished the things.” After finishing, I took out a piece of origami paper from my pocket and handed it. Gave me, "Let's take a look, this is a list of supplies."

I took the list and opened it. It read: "1300 rifles, 300 submachine guns, 150 pistols, 20 light machine guns, 4 heavy machine guns. 20,000 grenades and 200,000 rounds of various bullets. 700 rounds of tank artillery..." Seeing half of it. I was overjoyed and said to Kirilov excitedly: "Political commissar, the superiors are really generous. They have replenished so many weapons and ammunition for us at once. In this way, we can first arm the regiment. At the same time, we will recruit a large number of them New soldiers, strive to form a strong combat effectiveness in a short period of time."

Kirilov answered casually. Asked with concern: "How is the battle going on the 107.5 high ground? When I came back, I could hear the gunfire coming from over there. The battle must be fierce, right?"

"The Germans sent infantry to sneak attack on the high ground and stepped on landmines at the foot of the mountain. Then our concealed troops fired decisively." After I briefly said the situation on the high ground, I finally made a concluding statement. "The enemy came from afar. Before I had time to rest, I immediately went into battle. In addition, our army is relying on ready-made fortifications to wait for work. I believe they will be repelled soon."

As soon as my voice fell, the phone on the desk rang, because Akhromeyev was standing next to me, looking at the list I handed him, and the job of answering the phone was left to the deputy teacher Pantailai. Yev did it for him. He listened for a moment, then covered the microphone, and excitedly said to us: "The division commander, political commissar, and the deputy commander of the second regiment, Major Yaming, reported that the enemy who attacked the highlands had retreated griefly. Two were left at the foot of the mountain. A wrecked tank, an armored vehicle, five trucks, and more than a hundred German corpses."

As soon as he finished speaking, I immediately asked, "Has Major Yaming figured out whether the enemy will temporarily retreat to rest or rehabilitate or leave completely?"

"Major Yamin," Bantai Leyev quickly removed his hand covering the microphone and relayed my words to the other party. After hearing the exact answer, he put down the phone and reported to me: "Comrade commander, I have already asked clearly. After the enemy retreated, Major Yamin sent scouts to conduct reconnaissance and found that the enemy had retreated some distance. Later, the team regrouped and headed north."

Hearing that the German army had retreated, we all breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to discuss how to arm the regiment as soon as possible and recruit more soldiers to strengthen our own strength.

The offensive of the Don Front officially began in the early morning of the 21st.

Half an hour after the offensive started, the group army headquarters sent us a telegram stating that because of changes in the enemy's situation, the Don Front Army’s offensive was not going well, so our division stayed there for the time being and waited for further orders from the higher authorities.

After receiving this order, Akhromeyev frowned and said to himself: "Since the command of the group army ordered us to stand still, what shall we do next?"

"There are so many things I can do, my chief of staff." I said in an annoyed manner: "For example, to supervise the first battalion of the 2nd regiment to continue to reinforce the fortifications on the 107.5 heights, and then supervise the regiments to use this precious time to strengthen their defenses. The training of recruits." Ahromeyev was flushed with my words, and went to the telephone without saying a word and called.

After standing by the wall and looking at the map for a long time, Kirilov turned his head and asked me: "Comrade Oshanina, although the Mamayev Hill and 107.5 Heights are calm at the moment, we should not take it lightly. If the main force goes north. . Which regiment do you plan to keep for the defensive mission?"

Because I was busy recruiting troops and buying horses these days, I didn’t even bother to discuss which regiment to send northward to fight. Now Kirilov asked, I pondered for a moment, and then replied: “This operation. Don’t mobilize one soldier and one soldier from the second regiment. The soldiers, the third battalion of the First Regiment, the Third Regiment, and the Fourth Regiment, formed the northward group, led by me to join the friendly forces."

We have argued several times about who leads the troops going north, and both Pantai Leyev and Akhromeyev wanted to go. As a result, Kirilov reported the matter to the command of the group army. After standing at attention with Cuikov and Gurov, I finally agreed to lead the troops northward.

"What about the enemy in Gorodishe?" Kirilov said worriedly: "The enemy has tanks and artillery. With our existing weapons and equipment, if we want to break through their defensive positions. It is almost impossible to complete the task. ."

I also understand in my heart that using our existing forces and weapons and equipment to attack the German army with strong fortifications and equipped with tanks and artillery is purely pounding against rocks. But if the superiors really issue an attack order, I can only take the troops and rush forward. To advance is also to die; if not to enter, it is also to die. It is the heroic point of simply death. It’s better than being shot after being tried in a military court.

When I was in a dilemma, Pantai Leyev suddenly said: "Why are we going to attack the enemy?"

"Ah?!" His words made us all stunned, and I asked in a puzzled way: "Comrade deputy commander. If we don't attack, how can we pass the enemy's defense line?"

Pantai Leyev smiled slightly, walked to the map, pointed at the small town of Gorodishe that gave me a headache, and said unhurriedly: "Teacher, political commissar, look. Although this small city is blocked. We are going north on the road, but we are just going north to join forces with our friendly forces. We are not going to attack the enemy's tightly defended cities. Since we can't pass through the car, then we can consider going around by the side!"

Pantai Leyev's words really awakened the dreamer. After hearing this, I raised my hand and patted my forehead fiercely, and cursed myself for being **** at this time. Pantai Leyev was right. The superiors only ordered us to join forces with the friendly forces going south, but did not ask us to tackle tough problems. As a result, simple problems were complicated. Thinking of this, I quickly turned my head and shouted at Razumeyeva: "Lieutenant, immediately contact the reconnaissance unit near the small town of Gorodishe and ask them to find a way to bypass the city."

In the afternoon, a telegram from the headquarters of the Group Army gave us a detailed account of the progress of the Don Front Army: General Malinowski’s 66th Army, who served as a frontal attack, was attacked five kilometers after wedging into the German defense line. The German counterattack, due to the enemy's firm control of the air and tanks and artillery assisting the battle, caused heavy losses to the 66th Army and had to abandon its occupation and retreat. After regaining the lost position, the German army continued to advance towards the Don River. Fortunately, at this moment, General Karanin dispatched a division of the 24th Army in time to launch a fierce offensive against the attacking enemy’s flanks, forcing the enemy to stop the attack. .

Seeing this telegram, Kirilov sighed and said with relief: "Since the Don Front Army’s offensive is not going well, it is estimated that our attack time will be delayed. This way we have more time to strengthen. Training of the troops."

On the 21st, our division stood still at Mamayev Hill. As a result, until the next day, we still did not receive an order to attack. It was not until the evening that we received a telegram from the headquarters of the Group Army stating that the 66th Army and the 24th Army had only advanced three to five kilometers after a day of fighting. Because the distance is too far, the independent division's attack at this moment is of little significance, so let us continue to stand still, when to attack, wait for the next step notification from the superior.

Although we have not been able to send troops for two consecutive days, we did not waste these hard-won two days. After the rigorous training of each regiment, the newly recruited skirmishers and armed citizens barely had a certain combat effectiveness, at least in the face. When attacking the enemy, the troops will not burst into groups because of panic.

On the afternoon of the 23rd, Kirilov was anxious because he waited for a day and did not wait for the order. He stood by the radio and kept talking to me: "Comrade Oshanina, you once said, superior It is possible to let us attack on the 23rd. Today is the 23rd, do you think Commander Cuikov will let us attack?"

While talking, the phone on the desk rang again. I thought it was one of the following groups calling for instructions, so I impatiently told Akhromeyev: "Chief of Staff, go answer the phone and ask them what else is going on?"

Unexpectedly, Akhromeyev had just heard a few words, immediately covered the microphone with his hand, and said nervously to me: "Comrade Commander, this is the call of General Krylov, Chief of Staff of the Group Army."

I looked at the phone in Akhromeyev's hand and said in a puzzled voice: "Weird, the telephone line to the headquarters of the group army here was not blown up. When will it be repaired? Why don't I know?

"Yesterday, it was repaired yesterday afternoon." Bantai Leyev said with a smile beside him: "Because you and the political comrades went to inspect the troops below, so I don't know about it."

I took the phone in Akhromeyev's hand and said politely into the microphone: "Hello, Comrade Chief of Staff of the Group Army, I am Oshanina, the commander of the independent division. What instructions do you have?"

"Comrade Oshanina, the situation in the city is terrible!" Krylov said in a hoarse voice: "On October 21 and 22, the fascist forces faced Smeho along Commune Street and Central Street. The Tvorov Division and the Guriev Division launched an offensive. From this day on, the battle for the "Barricade" factory, the "Red October" factory, and our Volga ferry became increasingly fierce.

German aviation began to dispatch 2,000 sorties every day and night. In the past two days, the enemy lost 15 tanks and more than 1,000 infantry. The German position was very close to mine, so close that we could use flamethrowers. The flamethrower can spit fire within 100 meters and burn all living things to death.

Today ~lightnovelpub.net~ the enemy put the 79th Infantry Division and tanks into battle. They launched an offensive under the cover of a large number of planes. The main direction of the assault was Central Avenue, Caruselinaya Avenue and the "Red October" factory. Now, the focus of the battle has shifted to the area from the "Barricade" factory to the Bannegou area.

At noon, the enemy broke into Stalinaya Avenue (to the bakery) at the cost of huge losses, and crossed the factory-dedicated railway filled with wrecked carriages. About a company of enemy automatic gunmen infiltrated the fan-shaped area northwest of the "Red October" factory. The battle front approached the Volga River for about 300 to 500 meters, posing a serious threat to the last ferry of the group army. "

After listening to Krylov's introduction of the muzzle, I hurriedly asked: "Comrade General, what is the mission of our independent division?" When I said this, I beat a drum in my heart, and secretly prayed that he would not transfer us into the city again. .

Fortunately, what I was worried about did not happen. He simply ordered: "The commander ordered the troops of your division to go north immediately to join forces with the friendly forces going south to attract enemy troops from the city."

"Understand, I promise to complete the task." Putting down the phone, I asked Akhromeyev to notify several of the regiment commanders who participated in the war to come to a meeting. When the troops were assembled, I immediately took them northward and went south with the friendly forces. Meet the teacher. (To be continued)