Burning Moscow

Chapter 767: "Worship Offensive" (2)

When the sky was dark, I lay in the trenches and raised my telescope to look at the village in the northwest. The morning mist was pervasive, and outside the red, green, and yellow rural cabins, no one could be seen or heard the slightest movement, it was as quiet as a painting of a Russian rural landscape.

"Comrade Commander, have you seen anything?" Suddenly Pantai Leyev's voice sounded in my ears. I quickly put down the binoculars and turned to look aside. I saw Bantai Leyev with two guards and soldiers. Came over in the trenches. The soldiers standing in the trenches, when the colonel passed by them, hurriedly straightened their bodies and raised their hands to salute him.

I shook my head and said to Pantai Leyev, who had just walked over, "I saw nothing, no one, nor any movement. It seems that there is no one in the whole village."

Pantai Leyev also raised his binoculars and looked at the village, and then said: "The village has not experienced war. It seems that the collective farm members in the village were evacuated before the enemy came."

"And our troops have never fought here," I nodded and added: "Otherwise, this village won't be invisible at all."

"What do you do next, send someone to reconnaissance?" Pantai Leyev said, he waved to Basmanov, who was standing nearby, to come over and instructed him: "Comrade Captain, immediately prepare a reconnaissance team. , Go to the village in front to investigate and figure out what is going on there."

"Understood, I'll arrange the manpower now." Basmanov agreed, turning around to leave.

I hurriedly stopped Basmanov: "Captain, wait a minute." Because at this moment, I thought of one of the experiences that Yeremenko taught me last time. The person requiring the commander must be familiar with the terrain near the position. What other people report to me is always inferior to what I saw with my own eyes, so I have made up my mind at this moment to take people to the village to see what happened.

Seeing me, Bantai Leyev stopped Basmanov, smiling and politely asked: "Comrade Master. Do you have anything else to add?"

I shook my head and said to Basmanov: "Captain, you take a platoon and follow me to the village."

Pantai Leyev was frightened when he heard that he wanted to conduct reconnaissance personally. He stopped me and said, "Comrade commander. No, this will definitely not work. You are the commander of a division, so you can’t take risks. I'll take someone there."

"Comrade Deputy Commander." For his concern, I smiled gratefully at him, and then said: "Have you forgotten what Commander Yeremenko said last time in our headquarters? He said yesterday In the evening, the commander should go where he should go in person, and understand the situation that he should know in a timely manner, so that he can better target and formulate a combat plan. I will take people to the village to conduct on-site reconnaissance, and I can figure it out. In the nearby terrain, you can close your eyes and you will have a clear picture of the battlefield. Even if you leave the map, you can command the troops to fight. In this way, in the fast-changing battle situation, you can grasp the initiative of the battlefield faster than the enemy. Our chances of winning are higher."

Hearing what I said, Bantai Leyev knew that it would be useless to persuade him, so he had no choice but to say: "Since this is the case, I reserve my opinion." Then he said with concern: "However, Comrade Commander, You still have to pay more attention to your safety, one platoon is too few. Or, would you bring all the guards who came with us?"

"No. No." Although there are thirty or forty people in a platoon, the goal is not big. If you really bring the guard company as he said, the movement of the more than one hundred people would be too big. In order to avoid his kindness, I said euphemistically: "Comrade deputy commander, the village is not far from here. Even if something happens, the troops on the hill can come to support us in time. If hundreds of people rush towards the village mighty. Going over, maybe it will really expose the target." After speaking, I saw Basmanov still standing in a daze, and urged him: "Captain, what are you still waiting for? Bring a platoon to me. ."

"Yes!" Hearing my shout, Basmanov came back to his senses. After a promise, he turned his head and ran in the direction of the division headquarters, preparing to summon troops to follow me to the village for reconnaissance.

After Basmanov left, I saw the two guards company soldiers standing nearby, Mikhailov and Zhukhovitzki whom I knew. I waved my head at them and said, "Comrade fighters, Come with me, Captain Basmanov will catch up with the other fighters in a while."

"Comrade Commander," Seeing that the three of us were about to climb out of the trenches and head to the village first, Pantai Leyev was a little flustered again. He stopped me again and persuaded me hard, "Comrade Commander, you are only three of you. It's too dangerous. Now, let’s wait for Captain Basmanov to bring someone here before going out."

I patted the submachine gun slung on my shoulders, and smiled and answered Pantai Leyev: "Comrade deputy commander, you can rest assured that as long as this submachine gun is there, even if we encounter a small group of enemy troops, we will have it. Ability to protect yourself.” After finishing speaking, I did not wait for him to speak, and took the lead in climbing out of the trenches and striding towards the village northwest of the hill.

After Mikhailov and Zhukhovitzki climbed out of the trenches, they walked on either side of me with guns in their hands, watching the surroundings vigilantly as they walked, in order to prevent unexpected accidents from happening.

On the way from the hill to the village, apart from the footsteps of the three of us, we could not understand any sound, nor could we see a figure, and the surroundings became more and more terrifying.

After we walked into the village from the south of the village, we walked forward along the street, still unable to hear any movement, no single figure, the whole village was as silent as a tomb, only the footsteps of the three of us were heard in the sand. ring.

Perhaps some villagers were so panicked when they evacuated that they didn't even close the door. At the door of the wooden house on the street, baggage, pillows and children's boots were left behind. One can imagine how people in the village were forced to leave their homes in a hurry under the pressure of the fascist invaders.

When I first entered the village, I still took a trace of luck. I hoped to meet one or two villagers who had lost their homeland in the village and inquired about the situation in the vicinity. But after walking half a village, I was completely disappointed and pushed open the doors of five or six houses. I walked in and took a look, but there was no personal picture.

I was planning to go to the north of the village and if I couldn't see anyone, I would turn around and return to the headquarters on the hill. At this moment, I heard neat footsteps coming from behind, and quickly stopped and looked back. The result was that Basmanov was carrying dozens of fighters. He was jogging all the way to us.

It turned out that it was not a villager. The hope that had just risen in my heart burst like a soap bubble in the sun. After waiting for Basmanov to come to me, I told him: "Comrade Captain, let the soldiers go to the house in the village to check and see if they can find someone. Or find some food or something."

"Yes." Basmanov agreed, and then called out several squad leaders in the guard platoon, and asked them to bring people nearby to search.

Looking at the scattered soldiers, although I don't have any hope of finding someone, I still hope that the soldiers can find some food from the village. This can extend the time that our lone army stays behind enemy lines.

Because the village is not large, the soldiers who went to search soon returned and reported to me that there was no one in the village. Although everyone did not find the villagers, most of them had some gains. Some soldiers were holding a few breads that were as hard as rocks and moldy, some were holding a jar of honey that was half drunk, and some soldiers were carrying half of it. Bag of flour.

See these things they brought back. Basmanov pointed at the soldier holding the moldy bread and shouted loudly: "Damn it, the bread is moldy. It's hard as a rock, can it be eaten? Hurry up and throw it away." The soldier he reprimanded was only I can honestly throw aside the bread that I can't eat at all.

Basmanov walked to the soldier carrying half a bag of flour again, and instructed him: "Put the flour down." After the soldier put the bag underneath, Basmanov suddenly raised his hand to the soldier's helmet. He slapped him and then cursed fiercely: "You are stupid, what are we doing with flour now? Can't we prepare two ovens to bake bread for you?"

Finally he walked to the soldier holding the honey. Nodded and said approvingly: "You are still smart. You know how to get the honey left by others. After you go back later, you will make honey water for the teacher and deputy teacher to drink."

This flattery of Basmanov made me smile. When he returned to me, I said to him: "Comrade Captain, since there is no one in this village, then let's go back."

"Comrade Commander, since the houses in the village are all vacant, let us let our troops live in the village. This is much better than the trenches on the hills." Basmanov tentatively suggested to me.

I waved my hand without hesitation and rejected his proposal: "Captain, this village is surrounded by open land. Once the enemy rushes over, we are likely to be surrounded. Even if we break through the enemy’s encirclement and withdraw to the hill position, There will also be a lot of casualties on the way. But if you are stationed on a hill, the situation is quite different. Not only does the field of vision have a wide view, we can also rely on our defenses to rely on our positions to attack.” At this point, I looked around. Wang, said to him, "Are all the people here? If they are there, we will go back to the mountain."

Basmanov also looked around, and then replied: "Mikhailov and Zhukhovitzki are not there."

Hearing what he said, I looked at the line in front of me, but no, Mikhailov and Zhukhovitzki, who had entered the village with me, ran to some place. I was afraid that after they were separated from most of them, something would happen, and I quickly told Basmanov: "Captain, organize people to find them immediately."

"Comrade Commander, we are here." Before Basmanov could assign the manpower, the voices of Mikhailov and Zhukhovitzki were heard in the distance. Each holding a large pile of glass jars, is walking towards us. As he walked, he said, "Hey, I said guys, don't stand stupidly, come and help us, so many things, we can't get any more things." Basmanov cast his eyes on the inquiry. I, waiting for my order, saw that I nodded in agreement, immediately waved my hand and asked five or six soldiers to move over to help Mikhailov and Zhukhovitzki move things.

When a group of people came back to me, I saw that they were holding a variety of homemade canned vegetables, including pickled cucumbers, pickled mushrooms, and pickled tomatoes. Some soldiers even had a bottle of vodka in their hands. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but curiously asked Mikhailov and Zhukhovitzki: "Hey, I said Comrade Warrior, where did you get these things?"

Mikhailov waved his head in the direction he came, and said, "Reporter Chief. We found a supply and marketing agency in the north of the village. We took all these things from inside. There were still candies and enema, but unfortunately they were all broken. So we only brought home these homemade glass cans and a few bottles of wine."

I stared at the soldiers in their hands and asked, "Have you moved everything in the supply and marketing agency?"

"No." Zhukhovitzki replied to me; "There are at least fifty or sixty cans, and a lot of vodka, but the two of us really can't hold it, so we only brought back this little stuff."

Thinking of the food being thrown here, it can only rot and deteriorate in vain, otherwise it can be used to solve our food shortage problem. So I told Basmanov: "Captain, you immediately take twenty people over and bring back everything you can eat and drink from the supply and marketing agency."

After I finished speaking, Basmanov asked carefully: "Is the vodka all back, too?"

"It goes without saying, my comrade captain." I pushed Basmanov's shoulder from behind. At the same time, he said impatiently: "Vodka can not only keep the soldiers on duty at night from the cold, but also can be used to clean the wounds of the wounded in the future. Remember, if you see any carts or the like, use it. Load things up and pull them back."

Basmanov took a group of fighters, led by Mikhailov, and hurried to the north of the village. I said to Zhukhovitzki and the other fighters standing in front of me: "Put these cans in your backpacks so that they are easy to carry." Watching them put the cans and vodka into their backpacks. When it was installed, I added another sentence. "When we return to the headquarters, we will gather all these things and distribute them to the regiments. We stayed behind enemy lines for a long time this time. It's not enough to let the soldiers eat dry bread. Let them all eat some vegetables. Supplement nutrition. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" the soldiers replied neatly.

When we returned to the ground with loads of loads, Pantai Leyev, Sederikov, and Koska, who were waiting in the trenches, were all stunned. Pantaiyev asked in surprise: "I said, comrade commander, where did you get these things?"

I waved my head in the direction of the village, and said triumphantly: "These things are all obtained from the supply and marketing cooperatives in the village. Sederikov, Kosca. Both of you will bring people to the division headquarters later. Come get something."

Before the two of them could answer me, Bantai Leyev frowned and said first: "Master. You have brought people to move all the things from the village supply and marketing cooperatives. Is this appropriate? Doesn't it break discipline?"

"Nothing inappropriate." I waved my hand. He said to himself: "We will stay behind enemy lines for several days. We can't let the soldiers eat dry bread with cold water every day. We still need to let them eat some vegetables to supplement their nutrition so that they will have enough physical strength to finish well. The next combat mission."

Originally I thought Bantai Leyev would refute me like a positive character in a certain movie, saying: "If the soldiers do not eat vegetables or supplement nutrition, they will not be able to complete the combat mission and win the battle?" Unexpectedly, he actually did. Nodded, and agreed with me: "Comrade commander, you are right. Well, we will distribute these cans and vodka to each group evenly later." The assistant commander’s attitude of cooperation allowed me to advance in advance. I couldn’t say a lot of what I had prepared. I tried my best to squeeze a smile on my face and gave an order to Sederikov and Koska: "Two commanders, find some fighters to help move all these things. Go to the division headquarters, and then we can make assignments."

The long-awaited Sergeikov and Ke Sijia heard my order and hurriedly waved to the soldiers next to them, asking them to help the soldiers of the division guard company carry things.

In the division headquarters.

Looking at the group and group three soldiers happily distributing canned food and vodka, Bantai Leyev said with emotion: "Comrade Commander, I have convinced you. Bring back the food from the empty village supply and marketing agency. This is such a great idea, it’s a great idea, it’s amazing... I never thought of using such a simple and practical way to replenish the supply of the troops.” At this point, he paused, and then went on. He added: "Comrade Commander, I think there should be such an abandoned village nearby. When the Germans occupied this area, they searched the village. When they found that there was no one inside, they did not destroy the village, so Many useful resources have been left behind. I suggest sending scouts to conduct reconnaissance in the vicinity immediately. Once such a village is found, immediately send people to bring back all the useful things in the village."

Seeing Pantai Leyev's enthusiasm ~lightnovelpub.net~ I couldn't bear to sweep him up, so I followed his meaning and said, "Well, since that is the case. Comrade Deputy Commander, it's up to you. Arrange for the scouts, and at the same time form a temporary removal team. Once such a village is found, they will be sent to bring back all the useful things in the village."

While Pantai Leyev was out to arrange work, I walked up to the radio operator and asked him, "Comrade radio operator, is there any news from the city?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." The operator wearing a headset said and handed me a telegram.

I took the telegram to my eyes and saw it briefly read: "Early this morning, the enemy's first round of offensive in the factory area was repelled by our army, and the enemy suffered heavy losses. But the enemy who was not willing to fail was taking a short rest Later, he joined the second echelon and reserve team. At present, the battle is going on fiercely." (to be continued)

ps: Bow and thank the book friend Hong Feifei Children's Shoes for their two votes! Thank you book friend d children's shoes for your precious monthly ticket!

