Burning Moscow

Chapter 775: "Worship Offensive" (10)

After sending a few regiment commanders to leave, I moved a chair to the wall and sat there to doze off, to nourish my spirit.

When I opened my eyes, it was bright outside.

Seeing that I was awake, Basmanov hurried over to report: "Comrade Commander, the cemetery has been dug up, and the remains of the martyrs can be buried at any time."

I looked around, but did not see Bantaiyev, and asked Basmanov, "Captain, where is the deputy commander?"

"The deputy commander and several regiment commanders went to the temporary cemetery." After Basmanov answered my question, he asked carefully: "Comrade commander, are you past now?"

I raised my hand and looked at my watch. It was eight o'clock in the morning. I nodded and said, "It's late, let's go. I must bury our martyrs as soon as possible before the German plane arrives."

Hearing me talking about the enemy plane, Basmanov instinctively raised his head and looked up, and found himself still in the house, he couldn’t help but laughed at himself and said, "Master, we can’t do without air supremacy. Look, when you hear you mention it. Enemy planes, I will involuntarily look up and see if there is another enemy plane hovering in the sky."

I walked to the telegraph operator sitting by the door and lowered my head and asked him, "Comrade telegraph operator, are there any telegrams from the political commissar?"

The telegraph operator hurriedly handed me a telegram placed in front of him, and explained with trepidation: "Comrade teacher, this is a telegram received five minutes ago. I think you are still resting, so I didn't bother you."

I took the telegram and immediately got it to my eyes, trying to see exactly what bad news Kirilov had sent me. I saw the telegram read: "The five reconnaissance units sent by our division to the enemy's rear. Only four units returned. The whereabouts of the other one is unknown. It may have been wiped out by the enemy."

After reading the telegram, I was thinking that the reconnaissance unit that Kirillov said was annihilated should be the unit where Corporal Wenger was. Keeping the radio silent, Kirilov mistakenly thought that they would be eliminated by the enemy. Although the radio station we carry is currently only receiving but not transmitting. However, the battle to seize the city of Kuang Ningyi has allowed the enemy to discover our troops deep behind them. At this time, there is no point in keeping the radio silent. Instead, it will prevent us from getting in touch with our friendly forces.

Thinking of this, I put the telegram back on the table and asked the operator: "If I contact the political commissar now, will the enemy be monitored by the enemy?"

The radio operator thought for a while and replied: "As long as we talk to the rear, our radio will be discovered by the enemy, but if the talk time is not long, the enemy cannot lock our position."

"If we are in contact with the division now, what can we do to avoid the enemy's eavesdropping?"

"Comrade commander. It's very simple." As soon as the operator talked about his profession, he immediately said: "We can use code words when talking. For example, the tank is replaced by 29, the infantry is replaced by 12, and the armored vehicle is replaced by... "

I was afraid that he could not finish talking, so I quickly raised my hand to stop him, and told him: "Comrade telegrapher, you immediately talk to the division headquarters and tell the political commissar that the reconnaissance unit that disappeared is currently with us. "After that, I waved my head to Basmanov who was standing next to me and said, "Let’s go, comrade Captain, the deputy commander and they are waiting to be anxious."

When we came to the outside of the city, we saw a lot of people standing densely under the hillside in the distance, and quickly speeded up their pace and walked towards there. When I came to Pantai Leyev's side, I nodded at him, and then asked: "Comrade Deputy Commander, how is the situation, are you ready?"

Pantai Leyev pointed to the front and said, "Everything is ready. You can only bury the remains of the martyrs after you have seen them."

I looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw a long trench dug on the hillside. Rows of martyrs' remains were lying head-to-south outside the long trenches. The moment I saw the remains of many martyrs, I felt in a daze that they hadn't sacrificed yet, but just lay there to rest. As long as I gave an order, they could stand up again and attack the German army vigorously.

I took Pantai Leyev, Sederikov, and Kosca slowly up the **** to check the long trenches dug by the German prisoners in the dark. Compared with the trenches we use in battle, the long trenches are wide and shallow. Although we don't have a coffin to pretend to be the martyrs lying on the ground, the living soldiers have carefully cleaned up the remains of their comrades, wiped off the blood from the martyrs' faces, and folded their hands on their chests.

"Comrade Deputy Commander, how many martyrs are there?" I couldn't help but look back and ask Pantai Leyev.

"There are two hundred and thirty-seven martyrs." Bantai Lev replied briefly.

"What about the corpses of the German army?" Looking at the two long trenches in front of me, I muttered, Pantaiyev didn't want to bury the corpses of our martyrs and the enemy in the same trench, so I specially Asked: "What about the enemy's corpse?"

Pantai Leyev pointed to the northeast, and said disdainfully: "I asked the prisoners to dig two large pits over there and threw all the German corpses in and buried them. They are not worthy to be buried with our soldiers. together."

Seeing that everything was ready, I ordered the soldiers to put the remains of the martyrs into the trenches to prepare for the burial ceremony.

Following my order, the soldiers of the two companies who had assembled at the foot of the mountain were scattered in units of squads, lifted the remains of their comrades, and began to bury them.

Pantaiyev saw the soldiers put a corpse into the trench, and suddenly pulled me aside, looked left and right, and then mysteriously asked me: "Comrade Commander, Captain Nicholas and him The first battalion just came here anyway, and buried his corpse with the remains of our soldiers. Is this appropriate?"

"There is nothing inappropriate, Comrade Deputy Commander." I glanced at Captain Nicholas not far away and said sternly: "No matter what they have done before, as long as they join us, they will be a member of our team. The officers and soldiers who died in the first battalion were the same as the soldiers in other battalions. They all gave their precious lives to defend the motherland. Couldn't they be allowed to enter the land for safety?

Listen to me. Pantaiyev stopped speaking, turned his head and glanced at Captain Nikolai nearby, shrugged his shoulders, and stood aside to continue watching the soldiers' busyness.

After the remains of all the martyrs were put into the trenches, all the soldiers involved in the work could line up in three rows on the hillside. The soldiers with the engineering shovel stood in the first row. They stood there quietly, waiting. My next order. I took all the battalion company commanders who were already present at Pantai Leyev, Sederikov, and Koska. Slowly came to the long trench.

I bent down and grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground. Finally, I glanced at the martyrs lying in the trenches, and sprinkled the dirt with my hands. Standing on the side, Pantai Leyev gave a loud order and said: "Let the martyrs enter the soil for safety and fill the soil." Following his order, the soldiers with the engineer shovel stepped forward and used the shovel to move the trenches outside. The dirt was shoveled into the trench.

Looking at the busy soldiers, I turned my head and told Basmanov: "Captain, remember to mark here later. When the war is over, we will set up a memorial for these sacrificed martyrs for our children and grandchildren. Future generations will always remember them."

When the burial work is over. After the filled fighters returned to their original queue, Bantai Leyev ordered all the fighters again. Raise the gun in your hand and fire a gun in mourning!

After the ceremony, I faced the hillside where the 237 martyrs were buried, and made a speech: "...You are the enemy in front of you, and the motherland behind you. It is precisely because of your fall that the land of the motherland is not allowed. Trampled by the fascist invaders, you have protected the land behind us with your lives. Rest in peace, comrades, your mission is completed. The military song will be loud because of you, and the battle flag will be bright because of you. Please accept us The most lofty salute. All the heroes who gave their precious lives for the motherland will be immortal!" After finishing speaking, I raised my hand and paid a solemn military salute to the cemetery of the martyrs.

After I finished speaking, there was silence behind me, and then there was a tsunami-like shout: "Ula! Ula!!! Ula!!!"

I turned my head and looked around, and many commanders behind me raised their arms and shouted while raising their hands to wipe away the tears inadvertently left from the corners of their eyes. Captain Nicholas burst into tears when he saw that I gave him such a high evaluation. Even Pantaiyev, Sederikov, and Kosca, who had always been stable, had red eye circles.

After all the burial ceremonies were over, all the battalion-level commanders and I returned to the temporary headquarters to discuss the next course of action for our unit.

Since we have captured the enemy’s maps and intelligence, we will not have our eyes blackened as if we just arrived here, but we know clearly that there is an enemy's high ground in the northwest of the sky, just blocking our army. The northbound road. If you want to move on, you must pull out this "nail."

When I first proposed my own combat vision, Captain Nicholas stood up first and said with a grin: "Comrade Commander, how effective is our battalion? You have also seen it in the early morning battle. I hope you will The main task is left to our battalion to complete, and we promise that we will not disappoint your expectations.

As soon as his words fell, Serebriani who was next to him couldn't hear him, and he quickly stood up and retorted: "Captain Nicholas, you can't say that. In the early morning battle, I admit that your subordinates played very hard. Stubborn and brave, but my subordinates are not bad? Your troops are currently at a loss, and our battalion loses very little in the battle. I think it is more appropriate for our battalion to complete this main offensive task."

Seeing that the battalion commanders of the first and second battalions were arguing over the main task, the third battalion commander Major Terenkov leaned forward and seemed to stand up and compete with his two colleagues. Before he stood up, someone else stood up first. Terenkov saw this person, and the body he had just owed returned to his seat again.

The new person who stood up was Lieutenant Colonel Ke Sijia, the commander of the Third Regiment. He said with some excitement: "In the early morning battle, our performance of the third regiment was not satisfactory, so I hope that the commander can entrust this difficult and glorious task. Our regiment, let us have a chance to be ashamed." At this point, he also scanned Nikolai and Sherebryan with his eyes, and seemed to warn the two not to fight with himself.

"Lieutenant Colonel Corsica," Sederikov couldn't sit still when he saw Corsica coming to grab the mission. He also stood up and said regardless: "Our regiment now has three battalions, and you only have one attrition. One of the battalions, this task, I think we should let the division commander give it to our regiment."

"You..." Seeing Sergeikov stood up, Kosca was unwilling to be outdone, and arguing loudly with the other party over who was the main attacker.

Pantai Leyev laughed dumbfounded when he saw the two quarrels. He leaned close to my ear and said in a low voice: "Comrade Commander, I have been in the army for more than 20 years, but I have never seen it before. Who would be arguing with red face to grab a main offensive mission. It seems that the division is different from other units, it's really different."

When I heard him say this, I couldn't help but cheer, and secretly said that the obedience thoughts of other army commanders were deeply ingrained in their minds. They only knew that they were waiting for orders from their superiors, and they had no intention of calling for battle. And Sejerikov and the others have been under my hand for a long time, and their thinking and concepts have also changed imperceptibly. This is probably the difference between the division and other units.

I stood up, patted the table twice with my hand, and stopped the argument between Sederikov and Koska. After both of them sat down, I said slowly: "Which unit will be the main attacker, let it go. Let's first discuss how to play the next battle."

Pantai Leyev waited for me to finish, and quickly stood up, picked up a piece of information placed in front of him, and read to everyone: "In our northwest, there is a hillside more than 100 meters above sea level. It faces east. Xige extended a mountain leg to form a mountain with three hills. According to the report of the scout, since the enemy's defense is focused on the north, there is almost no fortification on the south **** facing us. But we seized the air. The battle in Nieyi City has obviously alarmed the enemies on the hillside, and they are seizing the time to rush to repair the fortifications on the southern slope."

After Pantaiyev finished reading the information, Kosca first asked: "Comrade Deputy Commander, I don't know what the characteristics of these three hills are?"

Pantaiyev stared at him and replied: "The mountain on the west is the closest to us, and it is easy to climb; while the mountain on the east is relatively steep. We must first choose a breakthrough point between these two mountains. , And then rushed along the mountain to the middle high ground, which can reduce the loss of the troops."

After listening to Pantai Leyev's introduction, Kosca immediately said confidently: "What's the problem with this? We will concentrate our forces on the hill to the west, wait for a firm foothold, and then advance to the high ground in the middle."

"No, Lieutenant Colonel Koska." As soon as he finished speaking, Sergeikov immediately retorted him: "If you fight like this, the enemy can draw troops from the high ground in the middle to reinforce the mountain on the west, and at the same time. Artillery can be used to intercept our offensive troops with artillery fire. If this is the case, we will pay a heavy price."

Koska is obviously dissatisfied that Sejerikov negated his opinion in such an understatement~lightnovelpub.net~ and immediately asked: "Lieutenant Colonel Sejerikov, if you let your regiment attack, you are ready again. How to fight?"

"It's very simple," Sergeikov said with confidence: "I will send a battalion to pretend to attack the eastern hills, but the main attack direction is still in the west. If we fight like this, the enemy will not be able to figure out our main attack direction. On which side, their troops on the middle high ground dare not use it casually."

After listening to Sergeikov’s plan, Pantai Leyev nodded in satisfaction, and then said with a smile: "I think the plan proposed by Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov is operational. According to the scout report, The enemy’s defenders on the high ground have only two companies. Facing our sides attacking at the same time, they absolutely dare not act rashly. Our success in capturing the high ground in a short period of time has greatly improved." Then he turned his head and looked at me. , I asked for my opinion: "Comrade commander, shall we adopt the combat plan of Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov?"

I thought about it, and finally shook my head slowly and said: "Lieutenant Colonel Sederikov's plan, I don't agree!" (To be continued...)

