Burning Moscow

Chapter 783: "Worship Offensive" (18)

Almost at the same time when I had this idea, the grenade thrown on the soil **** exploded in the crowded queue of the German army, bursting out a large amount of fire and gunpowder. In the binoculars, I clearly saw groups of German soldiers lying around the bombing point. Some people died on the spot, and some who were wounded alive are rolling on the ground.

The gunpowder of the explosion had not dissipated. Before I could call out, the commanders on the hillside jumped up from their concealed places, and rushed towards the scattered German troops holding their guns at the bottom of the slope. .

Compared with the new recruits who rushed down the hillside rashly, the German army was obviously much more well-trained. They knew that if they didn’t eliminate the rushed enemy, they would not be able to move on, and some were even wiped out. may. So after a brief panic, the scattered soldiers organized spontaneously and greeted our team in groups of three or five. The two teams entangled at the foot of the slope.

When I saw this scene in the observation station, I was so angry that I cursed the company commander who didn't know the so-called. Why didn't I know **** the enemy on the highway with firepower on the soil slope, and what did I rush out? Originally, the Germans just fleeed along the road. If you rush down like this, the Germans will definitely stop and fight. Moreover, the two troops were entangled. After Sergeikov and their armored troops rushed up, they would throw rats in for fear of accidentally injuring their own people. In this way, the Germans who were beaten out of the army might have a chance to escape.

Not only I was angry, but Pantai Leyev, who saw this scene, was furious with anger. He jumped to the front and yelled: "How does this company commander command? Why don't you let the troops stay on the slope? Use The firepower killed the German soldiers who were patronizing and fleeing on the road, but stupidly rushed down to fight them with bayonets? Didn't he know that these were untrained recruits, didn't he let them go to death by doing this?"

"Comrade deputy commander," I was dissatisfied with the company commander who gave the attack order without authorization. But at this moment, the enemy and our forces are strangling together, and there is no way to punish this commander. Therefore, I can only persuade Bantai Leyev: "Be safe and not impatient, although the Germans are more technical and tactical than ours. The fighters are high, but their current organizational system has been disrupted. Just wait for the two companies of Sederikov to come up. This battle is almost over."

Under my persuasion, Pantai Leyev closed his mouth and did not swear any more, but the anger on his face was still scary. I guess if the company commander appeared in front of us at this time, maybe Bantai Leyev would kill him directly.

Except for the German soldiers who fought hand-to-hand with our army near the slope. On the road a little further away, there were still many German soldiers rushing aimlessly. Seeing that the front was full of fire, they seemed to see hope, and they also rushed towards this position in an attempt to eliminate me under the slope. Army troops.

They had just assembled, and several armored vehicles of our army rushed over along the road and stopped more than 20 meters away from them. After putting up a battle formation, he fired violently with a vehicle-mounted machine gun. The long muzzle flames emerging from several cars would have drawn the Germans crowded together like a whip of fire. Knock them to the ground in pieces. Immediately afterwards, the soldiers of our army who followed the armored vehicle quickly passed the armored vehicle with their weapons and rushed to the German army in front.

With the addition of this new force, the victorious Libra will completely fall to our side. Seeing the German soldiers with some fighting capacity, we were beaten to pieces. I knew in my heart when I ran away in desperation. We have won this battle again.

Because they are too far apart. There was no communication equipment to communicate with Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov, so Pantaiyev and I could only sit in the observation post and wait for Sergeikov's report.

After a long silence, Pantai Leyev lit a cigarette and asked thoughtfully: "Comrade Commander, what do you think is the reason why our ambush tonight was so easy to succeed?"

"It's because of the enemy's underestimation." I did not say that it was because of the bravery and tenacity of our commanders. Instead, I said straightforwardly: "It is precisely because of their underestimation that they would be ambushed by our army at all. So in In the next battle, the coordinated combat between their infantry and armored forces was impossible to talk about. When we were suddenly attacked, the German infantry was caught off guard and became a mess, unable to effectively cooperate with the armored forces. As a result, the armored units without infantry cover were easily destroyed by our artillery fire."

"What about the lesson?" Bantai Leev asked again.

"If you teach me a lesson." I thought for a while, and said with a serious expression: "The soldiers of the Third Regiment gave up their defensive positions without authorization and rushed down from the soil to fight hand-to-hand with the Germans. Because of their unauthorized attack, it led to us. The results of the ambush were greatly reduced. I just saw in the telescope that at least hundreds of German soldiers had successfully escaped. My personal opinion is that although we have won the battle this time, we must never take it lightly. Company commander, we must deal with it severely."

Pantai Lev looked at me and asked briefly: "How to deal with it seriously?"

Although I verbally said that I would seriously deal with this adept company commander, but when I really waited for Bantai Leyev to ask how to deal with it, I couldn’t say it anymore. I couldn’t just do it just because of this. Shoot that company commander. After all, we are fighting a victory, not a defeat. After pondering for a while, I tentatively said: "Or, revoke his company commander position and let him be the squad leader in the class?"

After listening to my handling opinions, Pantai Leyev nodded slowly after thinking about it: "Well, I think this kind of handling result should be a lesson for him." Maybe it's afraid of me. Duxin, he also specially emphasized, "The reason why I ask him to be dealt with seriously is to prevent other commanders from following his appearance, patronizing heroes and disregarding military discipline. If left alone, in future battles. , We will suffer a lot."

We were talking, and Serebriani brought Sergeikov to the observation post.

Sergeikov came to us quickly, raised his hand to salute, and reported emotionally: "Commander, deputy commander, our department has successfully completed the ambush of the German army. I am here to wait for your next step. Ordered."

Pantai Leyev stood up and walked in front of Sederikov. While shaking hands with him, he slapped his shoulder with his left hand and said approvingly: "Good job, comrade Lieutenant Colonel. You performed very well. "He turned his head and looked. With a smile on his face, he said, "My teacher and I saw clearly in the telescope just now. You grasped the timing of the attack very well, and immediately defeated the enemy. If it weren't for the streak of the three regiments, I believe you can Achieve greater results."

I sat in the position and didn't get up. Instead, he smiled and asked, "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, how are the casualties of the troops? How many enemies have been eliminated and how are they captured?"

Sederikov quickly broke free of Pantai Leyev’s hand, came to me, stood upright and replied, “Report to the commander. There were 35 casualties in a group, of which 7 were killed and 7 vehicles were destroyed. German tanks and two armored vehicles seized an armored vehicle, killed and wounded 187 enemies, captured 61 people, seized a large amount of weapons and ammunition, and a briefcase." said. He took off the satchel on his body and handed it to me.

I took the briefcase and opened it, and pulled out a thick stack of documents from it. Looked casually. The documents are both handwritten and printed, but I don’t know a word, so I put it on the table with a wry smile, and then asked Bantai Leyev: "Comrade Deputy Commander, they are all German documents. You can read them. Understand?"

After listening to it, Pantai Leyev shook his head with a wry smile. Turning around and asking Serebriani: "Comrade Captain, do you know German?"

Xie Librianne shook his head quickly. He replied: "Report to Comrade Deputy Commander, although I know a little German, I only stay on the basis of being able to speak and not write."

Pantaiyev walked to the table, picked up the stack of documents, turned over, and said regretfully: "It seems we can only wait to return to Mamayev Hill, and then find someone who understands German to translate these documents. It's a pity that we don't know what action the Germans will take next."

"Comrade Deputy Commander, please don't worry." Sergeikov suddenly said: "We interrogated a few prisoners. From their mouths, we learned that the German army has been fighting with each other after learning that we had occupied the city of Konkayi. In the area where the Don Front Army was fighting, a tank battalion, two artillery battalions, and a regiment of infantrymen turned south in an attempt to take the city out of our hands. What we defeated tonight was only a leader of the German army. The battalion, the armored vehicle on which the battalion commander was riding, was destroyed during the first round of firing by our tank soldiers."

I wanted to ask him if he caught the German battalion commander during the battle, but I didn't expect that he had already said the answer first. Hearing that the German battalion commander had been burnt to coke in the burning armored vehicle wreck, I was a little disappointed, because from his mouth, I could learn more information.

"By the way, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." Bantai Leyev seemed to think of something. After putting the paper back on the table, he turned and asked Sederikov: "How about the casualties of that company in the Third Regiment? In the report, I didn’t seem to hear you mention it."

Hearing this question, Sederikov lowered his head and replied sadly: "Comrade deputy commander, the situation of the third regiment is very serious. Only 17 people in the company can fight, and almost all of them have been sacrificed. ."

"What?" Hearing Sederikov's words, I immediately jumped out of my seat. Unexpectedly, in the battle that lasted just a few minutes, the company of the third regiment suffered such heavy casualties. It seems that the company commander was shot dead. I pressed the faintly painful temple, took a deep breath, bit the posterior molar and asked viciously, "Where is the company commander?"

"Sacrificed." Sergeikov was frightened by my fierce expression. He replied nervously and incoherently: "The company commander died heroically in a hand-to-hand fight with the enemy. According to the surviving fighters, he behaved. Very brave, with at least five or six bayonet wounds on his body and more than a dozen gunshot wounds."

"Comrade Commander," Bantai Leyev came over and helped me sit down and comforted me: "Since this company commander died in the battle, then there is no need to hold him accountable."

Regarding Bantai Leyev’s proposal, I nodded, and then asked Sederikov: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, are there any other commanders in that company?"

Sederikov shook his head again and said: "No, all commanders died in the battle, and the rest are fighters."

If such a heavy casualty company belongs to a regiment, I will definitely merge the remaining soldiers into other companies without hesitation. There are many companies that need to be added anyway. But they belong to the three regiments of Corsca. If I rashly merge them into one regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Corsca will have some idea. So I thought about it again and again, and finally announced to Sergeikov: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, since there is no commander in that company. Then let Corporal Zhukhovitzki take over the command of the troops."

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, has the battlefield been cleaned?" Pantai Leyev asked Sederikov with concern: "If the cleaning is finished, immediately gather all the troops and prepare to immediately move to the back of the high ground to hide, so as not to After dawn, it was blown up by the enemy's plane. We only have this little armor. We can't sacrifice it in vain."

When I heard Bantai Leyev’s transfer to Sederikov, another thought came to my mind. I remember there seemed to be a good commander who once commanded troops to set up ambushes at the same place twice, and suffered both times. The enemy. Although we just ended an ambush. But there is no need to transfer, you can completely ambush again. Based on what I know about the Germans, they would never have thought that after we finished their ambush, we would dare to ambush the troops in place and beat them again. Thinking of this, I stood up and said to Bantai Leyev: "Comrade Deputy Commander, the plan to transfer Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov to them is cancelled, so that they can stay in place and lurking, ready to ambush the Germans who are attacking the highlands again. "

"What? Commander. What are you talking about?" My words frightened everyone present. After a long time, Pantai Leyev asked cautiously: "Comrade Commander. What you said is to let the troops stay where they are. Move, ready to fight another German ambush, I heard it right?"

"I heard you right, comrade deputy commander." Seeing their exaggerated performance, I felt very proud of my bold plan. Even the subordinates of my colleagues who have been with me for so long can't guess, so even the staid Germans can't think of it. So I said with certainty: "Yes, you heard that right. I just asked Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov to continue lurking in the same place, ready to hit the Germans in another ambush."

"But, our troops just carried out an ambush against the Germans in that area!" Bantai Lev probably was frightened by my crazy plan, and tried hard to persuade me to change my mind. "Maybe lurking. The troops there will be wiped out by German artillery and bombing. At present we only have these newly captured tanks and armored vehicles, and we cannot lose them here in vain."

Seeing that Pantai Leyev wanted to continue, I quickly raised my hand to stop him, and asked, "Comrade deputy commander, if this is an ambush task commanded by you, after the battle, would you let the troops clean up? Evacuate after the battlefield?"

"Exactly correct, comrade commander." Bantai Leyev shrugged his shoulders and replied: "I will undoubtedly give this order. Even other commanders, I believe they will give the same order. You say, that's the case. Is it?" His last sentence was for Sederikov and Serebriani.

Hearing his question, both of them nodded and replied in unison: "Yes, Comrade Deputy Commander. After we finish the task, we will order the troops to retreat."

Hearing the same answer from all three of them, I smiled and said to them: "Comrade commanders, since you all have the same idea, then I think those Germans near us will have their commanders make similar responses. According to the judgment, we believe that our troops have all withdrawn after completing the ambush. I just want to use the inertial thinking of the German commander to fight the same ambush again at the same location."

After I finished the analysis, Bantai Leyev asked dubiously: "Comrade Commander, do Germans really think that way?"

Before I could speak~lightnovelpub.net~ Sergeikov had already spoken first and expressed his support for me: "Comrade Commander, I agree with your plan." After saying this, he turned his head to Pantai Laye. The husband explained, "Deputy teacher, since I know the teacher, she has made correct decisions, so her plan sounds risky, but I still think I can try."

"The commander is right." As soon as Sederikov finished speaking, Serebriani also said: "I also firmly support the commander's plan. I believe it will be successful."

Seeing that both Sergeikov and Serebriani expressed their support for me, Pantai Leyev nodded and said, "Well, comrade commander, since you have made up your mind, then we will It can only be executed unconditionally. Lieutenant Colonel Sederikov." Sederikov, who was named by him, hurriedly came and stood upright, waiting for his order.

"Go back and organize the troops again and be ready to hide in camouflage again." Bantai Leyev decisively gave him an order: "Tanks and armored vehicles are still hidden in the grass. As for the infantry, my opinion is that it is placed on that slope. Fire damage to the German troops fleeing along the road."

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel," I saw Sederikov looking at me after listening to Pantai Leyev's arrangement, and quickly stood up and said: "Since Comrade Deputy Commander has given the order, then you Go ahead and execute it." (To be continued)