Burning Moscow

Chapter 786: "Worship Offensive" (21)

Walking out of the gate of the command post, I saw groups of commanders and fighters running out of the shelter, and then under the leadership of their commanders, they bent over and quickly ran to the shooting platform in the trenches, putting their weapons in one after another. Standing on the trench wall, the muzzle pointed to the lower part of the high ground.

Serebriani and I came to the observation post and saw that the top and sides of the observation post had been bombed down after German shelling, and the observation post was full of rubble. Seeing this situation, Serebriani said with embarrassment: "Comrade Commander, you think this place has been destroyed by enemy fire. Why don't you change the place?"

"No, I will stay here. The vision of other places is not as broad as here." After I said, I raised my foot and stepped onto the pile of rubble piled in front of me, and walked carefully inside.

It turned out that there was only a waist-high half wall left at the observatory. If I stood and observe as before, it would be easy to be exposed. So my body was close to the broken wall, and I squatted down and raised my binoculars to look outside. .

If you don’t look at it, this look immediately shocked me with a cold sweat. When we were bombarded, the German infantry actually quietly approached to a place only one or two kilometers away from the high ground. The tanks that stopped the bombardment also lined up in a wedge-shaped queue. We are coming here. The howitzers, which caused us great trouble and many casualties, remained in place. One muzzle pointed at our high ground. There were almost no obstructions in front of the gun position. They seemed to expect that we would not have any long-range firepower and would be able to attack them. ≦, w£ww. It is a threat like this, so there is no artillery position set up in accordance with the regulations. This shows the arrogance of the German army.

I looked down at the position on the mountainside and found that many sections of the trenches had been destroyed by artillery fire. Half of the commanders who entered the position were on guard. Half of them were nervously repairing the collapsed fortifications.

Serebriani silently came to my side and squatted down. Asked in a low voice: "Comrade commander, has the enemy discovered our troops hidden on the slope?"

I shook my head and replied, "There should be no, otherwise it won't be so quiet below." I pointed to the lurking troops in the distance, "Although we can see the lurking troops from here, it is difficult for the Germans to find them. Didn't you see that their infantry had all left the road and came over from the grassland? In this way, it would be even more impossible for them to spot our troops."

"When will the regiment leader and they attack?" The restless Xie Liebrian heard what I said. Nervously asked: "The Germans have more than 20 tanks and there are so many cannons behind them. Can they beat the enemy just by their armor strength?"

I smiled, put down the telescope in my hand, and asked jokingly: "What's the matter, comrade Captain, do you have no confidence in your regimental commander Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov? If you think the enemy has more technical equipment than ours, we must fight. But are they?"

I just wanted to make a joke and liven up the atmosphere. Unexpectedly, Serebriani was frightened by my words, and he hurriedly shook his hands. Explained to me: "That's not the case, comrade commander. I don't doubt the combat effectiveness of the regiment commander and their ability to defeat the enemy, but worry that they will suffer a big loss when facing a powerful enemy."

Although Seliebrianne spoke very tactfully, they still expressed the same meaning. I did not dwell on this issue too much, but instructed him: "Comrade Captain, there is nothing for you here. Go back and command the troops." When he agreed and was about to get up and leave, I suddenly stopped. He said, "If you see Captain Basmanov coming back, call him here and let him be responsible for arranging the security personnel near the observation post."

Serebriani stopped, and after hesitating for a moment, he asked me for instructions: "Comrade Commander, the minefield at the foot of the mountain has been shelled, and there are not many unexploded mines left. Do you want me to arrange manpower to mine. "

"Go to mine at this time?" When I heard his whimsical suggestion, I couldn't help asking in surprise: "Comrade Captain, don't you know that the infantry and tanks of the moral army are rushing towards us? If you send someone at this time Mine, the German tanks only need to fire one or two shots, and the blasted landmines can wipe out all our soldiers." In order to prevent him from continuing to make any ridiculous suggestions to me, I waved and sent him away. .

The German tanks moved much faster than the infantry. When the infantry was still seven or eight hundred meters away from our position, the tank and the infantry joined together. The tank that had been galloping stopped, lined up neatly and pointed the muzzle of the black hole at the high ground. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help cursing indignantly: Damn German, also wanted to use tank fire to suppress the firepower on our position, so as to cover their infantry charge.

I just thought about it this way, the German tank guns have fired neatly. Twenty or so tank shells whizzed toward our high ground, and after a while, they landed in different places and exploded. One of the shells fell five or six meters to the left of the observation post and exploded. I squatted down quickly and hid my whole body behind the broken wall, but the flying mud still fell on me.

I peeked out from behind the wall and found that the German infantry under the hillside had changed from walking to trotting all the way, rushing towards our position. Seeing the enemy approaching our position, the officers and men leaned out of the trenches and set up shooting positions regardless of the German tanks still shooting.

About a company of German infantry rushed to the foot of the mountain and was blocked by the barbed wire there. Just as they were trying to remove these barbed wire fences, the firepower spot on the mountainside position suddenly opened fire. Two light machine guns and seven or eight rifles to eat, and the firepower composed of more than 30 rifles, instantly defeated more than a dozen German soldiers, and the rest quickly turned around and fled.

"Damn it, why did you shoot so early." Seeing that the commanders on the mountainside position were uncomfortable, they did not bring the enemy closer, and they opened fire rashly. In the end, they only killed so little of the enemy, and at the same time took their own. The point of fire was exposed. Next, waiting for them will be revenge from the enemy's tank fire. I shouted at the door: "Hey, who is outside, come in alone."

As I shouted, a soldier appeared at the door. Asked politely: "Comrade teacher. What instructions do you have?"

"Comrade soldier. Go and ask Captain Serebriani." I said furiously: "Ask him, who is commanding the mountainside position and who made them shoot first?"

Before the soldier left, Serebriani appeared in front of me first. He should have been hiding in a nearby shelter. He also saw the scene just now, knowing that I might get angry, so I didn’t wait for me to send someone to call him. . He appeared in front of me first.

Seeing Serebriani appearing in front of me, I angrily repeated what I had just said: "Comrade Captain, who let your subordinates shoot first?"

Faced with my accusation, Serebriani blushed, and he murmured: "Comrade Teacher, I am to blame for this matter. I didn't make it clear to them. I am responsible for this matter."

I ignored his answer and continued to question: "Do you know what the consequences of such rashness are?" Then, I pointed down the hillside. "Look carefully. In the previous round of shooting. How many Germans did we kill and how many we ran? For these enemies who attacked the high ground, we are not trying to drive him away, but to destroy them. They drove away, and the German tanks that were shooting aimlessly would focus their artillery fire to destroy our firepower point on the mountainside. Once the firepower point is destroyed by artillery fire, you think that only the existing troops on the position can block the enemy's attack. ?"

"Of course it can't be stopped." Serebriani replied in a low voice, and then he defended me: "Comrade Commander, maybe the shelling just now knocked out the anger of our commanders and fighters, so when I saw it The enemy can't help it when it gets close to our position."

As soon as I finished speaking, the German tanks stopped shooting aimlessly like just now, but concentrated artillery fire on the mountainside. Cannonballs exploded before and after the trenches, forcing the soldiers to retract into the trenches without waiting to hold their weapons.

"Remember, comrade captain, even if you can't help it, you have to bear it." I waved my hand vigorously and said dissatisfiedly: "Now you go back to the army to deploy defenses, and try to block the German attack by any means, understand?" Scheele Breanne nodded silently, turned and left.

Several barbed wire fences at the foot of the mountain were ripped apart by the explosive shells, enough to allow troops to pass through the middle. With the cessation of the tank shelling, more than two hundred German soldiers swarmed up, quickly passed through a few gaps, and began to climb the hillside.

As the enemy approached, I could vaguely see the German faces even without using a telescope. My heart could not help but be throbbing, fearing that they would suddenly accelerate and rush past our army's position on the mountainside. .

When the enemy was only fifty meters away from the mountainside position, there was still no movement in the trenches. At this moment, I couldn't help but panic, saying that the commanders and fighters on the ground would not have sacrificed in the bombardment just now, right?

When the German walked forward about 20 meters, a dense cluster of grenades flew out of the trench suddenly, like a group of crows flying across the sky. The grenade exploded in the German queue. Maybe my ears were shocked a bit in the shelling just now. The short and continuous explosion sound was unexpectedly small to me. Horizontally flying grenade shrapnel flew around, sweeping down the German soldiers near the explosion point. Some soldiers were directly hit by several grenades at the same time and were blown to pieces. The first wave of grenades just exploded, and the second and third waves of grenades followed one after another. On such a small plane, the lethality produced by the grenade is no less than the effect produced by the German shelling. Taking advantage of the favorable moment when the Germans were confounded by the bombing, the commanders in the trenches jumped up, rushed out of the trenches with their weapons, and fired violently at the enemy in front of them.

Although the Germans had tanks at the foot of the mountain and more than a dozen heavy artillery on the farther grassland, they could not provide support for these poor guys at this moment because they were afraid of accidentally injuring their own people. They could only watch themselves. Our infantry was wiped out little by little by us. Time is short, most of the German soldiers are lying on the hillside. There are not many people who can escape from our guns.

Seeing that most of the enemy was wiped out by us, the attackers did not follow, but stopped and quickly collected ammunition from the enemy. Before all this was done, the tank at the foot of the mountain opened fire. Seeing tank shells exploding around, many commanders and fighters rolled and hid in the trenches, and some unlucky commanders and fighters fell under German gunfire.

"Comrade Commander." A familiar voice suddenly came from behind me. Even if I didn't look back, I knew it was Basmanov. I sent him to **** Trafkin’s reconnaissance team last night. Go to the camp to the south. I should have just returned at this moment. I turned my head and saw that it was him. He saw me looking at him, and quickly said: "I just came back from the camp to the south. As soon as I got back to the field, I heard Captain Sherebryanner say that you have something to look for me?"

"Nothing." In fact, Basmanov was asked to arrange manpower as a guard near the observation post, just to prevent the command organization from being attacked by the enemy again. At this time the enemy's shelling was so fierce. Presumably they won’t risk sending people up to attack, so I said lightly: “I wanted you to arrange security work near the observation post, but the enemy’s shelling was so fierce, they thought they could destroy us by gunfire. You won’t risk sending a small team to attack us."

Basmanov walked to my side, squatted down, and asked nervously, "Comrade commander, haven't the hidden forces of Lieutenant Colonel Sejerikov attack yet?"

I shook my head and replied, "The enemy has much more tanks than Sederikov. If they attack rashly, they will most likely be wiped out by the enemy, so they are still waiting for the opportunity for the time being."

"Still waiting for a chance?!" Basmanov heard me say so. I couldn't help but become impatient, "The German infantry has already attacked our high ground under the cover of the tank. If you don't attack, the Germans should rush to the top of the mountain."

Facing his gaffe, I sternly said, "Comrade Captain, when will Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov attack? It may not be something that a little captain should worry about. You go out and wait. The soldiers outside found a place to hide from the German artillery."

Basmanov stood upright with a melancholy face, and after saluting me, turned and stepped on the rubble and walked out.

I silently observed the German infantry assembled under the hillside and the German tanks a little further away. I wondered how high the winning rate Sergeikov would have if he attacked at this moment.

Before the Germans launched a third charge, Sederikov's counterattack began.

I saw in the telescope that Sergeikov’s armored unit was hidden about a kilometer away from the east side of the German artillery position. After a volley of five tanks, half of the German artillery was bombarded. When the enemy's artillery positions were in a mess, Sederikov's troops began an assault.

In front were five tanks lined up, fifteen armored vehicles lined up in three rows and rushed towards the German artillery position and the infantry gathered in the back.

The German army's attention was focused on the direction of our army's high ground, and it was unexpected that an armored unit would rush out from the side and fell into complete chaos at once. The German artillery attempted to turn the muzzle to shoot at the rushing tanks and armored vehicles, but they were ruthlessly knocked down by the machine guns on the tanks or armored vehicles.

The German artillery had nothing to do with our armored forces, and their infantry was still helpless. After a little resistance, seeing that they could not stop our army's assault, the infantry did not even need the truck on the highway, and fled northward.

When our armored forces rushed to the artillery position, the German soldiers near the artillery position were killed or wounded and could not run. The rest fled early. At this time, the armored car stopped in front of the cannon, and many soldiers got out of the car, quickly came to the side of the cannon, and adjusted the direction of the muzzle.

Soon, I faintly heard the scream of cannonballs flying in the air, and then a series of loud bangs sounded. At the foot of the mountain, in the formation of German troops, it seemed that several volcanoes erupted at the same time. The soldier in the center of the bombing point was blown to pieces, shrapnel flying around, and I don't know how many German soldiers who were still aggressive just now were cut down.

On the entire high ground, probably apart from me, few people knew where the shell came from and why it fell in the German queue and exploded. The entire high ground fell into silence, and the commanders who saw this scene were in a daze. At this moment, sometimes a row of shells screamed and flew over, and once again accurately landed in the German infantry queue that had been frightened. After the flames and gunpowder smoke rose, the surrounding soldiers fell a large area, and even a few tanks were overturned, and the tank of another tank was directly bombarded.

At this moment, cheers suddenly sounded on the high ground. I clearly heard someone shouting outside the observation station: "It is the regimental commander who is bombarding the Germans with captured German artillery."

The excited Basmanov rushed into the observation post and yelled at me excitedly: "Comrade Commander. Did you see it? It was Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov who attacked. Hahahaha. They used the captured German artillery, They are beating the Germans in front of the high ground fiercely."

The German soldiers who were bombarded by artillery fire at the foot of the mountain, even fools, knew that something was wrong with their rear. At this time, only madmen will continue to attack the high ground, and the most sensible way is to turn around and withdraw northward, so that there will be hope of escape.

The German infantry ran away to the north. The surviving tank didn't care about turning up, so the muzzle retreated forward and backward. Seeing the fleeing German army, I showed a relaxed expression on my face, and said to my heart: Sergeikov armored units and artillery were blocking the way, and there was a new force ambushing on the side. Under such a blow, these German soldiers could It is a miracle to escape a third.

When the German infantry rushed for several kilometers and approached the slope, there was a sudden burst of gunfire on the slope. Under the impact of our army's intensive firepower, the German soldiers who were close to the **** fell instantly. However, the nearby German soldiers were shocked. They did not dare to stop and shoot back, or leave the troops to block. The cover army retreated, but dragged the gun and ran away in the opposite direction of the soil slope.

When the German army was fleeing, the Sergeikov’s unit kept bombarding with captured tanks and artillery. From time to time, fragments of German infantry fell into the fire, or the retreating tank was directly hit and changed. Become burning scrap iron.

When the German tanks all passed through the **** and fled to the east, the infantry who fell behind became lambs to be slaughtered. The troops that had used firepower to kill the enemy on the slope, saw that the enemy was completely messed up, they rushed down the **** decisively, and rushed toward the German infantry formation.

Lieutenant Colonel Sejerikov appeared in the command post at noon and reported the results to us with a beaming face. He said excitedly: "Comrade commander, the results of today's battle are really unexpected. In addition to capturing eight howitzers, I also captured two tanks and forty trucks. In this way, we transported the supplies back to Mamayev. All the transportation vehicles for the gang are enough."

Although I heard that forty trucks were seized, I was not as excited as Pantai Leev. After waiting for the two to calm down a little bit, I asked slowly: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, although we have seized so many cars, are there so many drivers coming to drive?"

My words stunned both Sergeikov and Bantai Lev. Sergeikov scratched the back of his head and replied with a wry smile: "Comrade Commander, if you don't mention it, I really didn't think of this thing. Although we have thousands of people here, we need to select 50 or 60. A fighter who can drive may not be an easy task either."

"Comrade Commander," Bantai Leyev saw my calm look and guessed what I might have planned, so he asked me straightforwardly: "I want to ask you, do you have any good ideas?"

Seeing that Bantai Leyev had guessed what I was thinking, I no longer concealed it, but said straightforwardly: "Although we can't find so many people who can drive in our soldiers, there are such talents among the captives. For example, Comrade Deputy Commander, among the prisoners captured by the Romanian battalion you attacked yesterday, there must be many who can drive; there are also prisoners captured by Lieutenant Colonel Sergeikov in the battle that just ended. I believe that we can also find out who is suitable to be a driver."

"Is it appropriate to let the captives be the drivers?" Pantai Leev said embarrassedly: "After all, they are all captives. I am worried that something unexpected will happen on the road."

"Comrade deputy commander, we have to take this risk." I don't want to entangle with Pantai Leyev on this issue, so I simply said: "If we don't find enough drivers, then our supplies cannot be shipped back to Mama. Yevgang. As for your concerns, we can take precautions in advance. For example, each car will send two **** soldiers to sit in the cab and monitor the captive driver. If he does anything wrong, Just kill it directly."

After talking about the arrangement of the driver, the three of us began to discuss the gains and losses of today's battle. Pantai Leyev took out a pen and paper from his briefcase, looked at me respectfully and said, "Comrade Commander, how do you think the summary of today's battle should be written?"

"It's very simple, Comrade Deputy Commander." As for the summary of this battle, I was already well-informed. When he asked me, I did not hesitate to say: "The reason why we can achieve such a small casualty and great results. Victory is due to the following points: First, the enemy’s situation is accurately grasped and the battle is fully prepared; Second, the ambush position is selected appropriately, the camouflage is tight, and the concealment is good; Third, the deployment of troops is reasonable, and the firepower is well organized; , Annihilate the enemy in close combat."

After recording what I said, Pantai Leyev raised his head and said to Sederikov: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, you may not know that when you led the troops to carry out the hidden mission, we received the political commissar. Telegram from."

"What did the political commissar say in his telegram?" Sederikov is also a smart person. Hearing Bantai Leyev suddenly mentioned Kirilov's telegram, it is estimated that there is something good, so I didn't wait for him to finish. He asked nervously, "Is there any good news to inform us?"

After listening to what he said, Pantai Leyev smiled and said: "Comrade Commander, I have to say that Lieutenant Colonel Sejerikov is really not easy. I guessed that there was good news in the telegram of the political commissar." Then he turned his head to look at Sederikov, pretending to be mysterious and said: "Although you guessed the good news on the telegram, you can never guess what the good news is, right?"

Sergeikov shook his head and answered honestly: "Yes, comrade deputy commander, although I can guess it is good news, I really can't guess what it is."

Pantai Leyev stood up~lightnovelpub.net~ limply walked in front of Sederikov, patted him on the shoulder, and said triumphantly: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, you can’t think of it, the superior awarded Our teacher is the Red Flag Medal."

"Red Flag Medal?!" When Sergeikov heard the news, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "Comrade Deputy Commander, you mean the Red Flag Medal awarded to the division, not the personal Red Flag Medal?"

When I heard Xiejielikov say this, I couldn't help being ashamed. Even my subordinates knew that awarding the Red Flag Medal to individuals and collectives was two different things, but it was really shameful that I, the teacher, didn't understand it.

After hearing Basmanov’s question, Pantai Leyev nodded vigorously and said with certainty: "Yes, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, it is the red flag medal awarded to the division by the superior, not the red flag medal to the individual. Do you understand the difference between the two?"

Xiejielikov also nodded vigorously and said: "Understand, understand, comrade deputy commander. Of course I understand that as long as the superior awards the division red flag medal, then our future designation will become the glorious red flag division. "

