Burning Moscow

Chapter 789: "Go Home" (middle)

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I was thinking about transferring, and suddenly I heard the operator shout again: "Comrade commander, telegram." Perhaps to get my attention, he deliberately increased his tone and added: "It's a telegram from the headquarters of the group army. "

"Thank God, I finally looked forward to this telegram from the superior." Pantai Leyev, who was standing near the telegraph operator, breathed a sigh of relief. He took the telegram with joy and couldn't wait to read it.

Unexpectedly, after he glanced a few times, his smile froze on his face. Seeing him standing in a daze, I walked to him and didn't say a word. I just pulled the telegram from his hand and looked down. It really wasn't good news. I saw it said: " Although joining forces with the Don Front Army has become an impossible task. However, in order to reduce the defensive pressure of the main force of the Stalingrad city group army, you should continue to stay in the airspace area for three to five days to attract the Germans to draw back troops from the city. ."

After reading this telegram, my heart was also cold. This telegram of Cui Kefu clearly wanted our troops deep behind enemy lines to act as bait to fish out the troops attacking the factory area in the city to relieve the friendly forces. pressure. In this way, perhaps the offensive that the city has endured has weakened, but our army has become a 10 abandoned son, and it is bound to be wiped out under the siege of the German army.

"Master, what should we do?" Bantai Leev asked in a low voice.

Although neither I nor Bantai Leyev said the content of the telegram, but from our facial expressions. The commanders present could guess what the telegram wrote. Several people whispered to each other.

calm! calm! Don't panic! This is the most important for the commander. Seeing the scene in the command post is in danger of losing control. I secretly reminded myself that this place must not be left. In the two directions before and after us, the 295th and 297th divisions of the German infantry were the German infantry division. Even if troops were not drawn from the city, it would be enough to wipe us out. In this case, it would be of little significance for our army to stay here, except for sacrifice in vain. It will not do much to alleviate the crisis in the city.

Thinking of this, I coughed heavily, and then scowled at the commanders present: "Quiet! Quiet! Please be quiet! Don’t forget that you are all commanders, not new recruits who have just joined the army. I don’t know that you are in the command post. Do you want to keep quiet here and not make a lot of noise?"

When the command post calmed down, I turned my head to look at the telegraph operator, and said, "Comrade telegraph operator, prepare to send a report to the headquarters." When he was ready, I began to dictate telegrams. "Comrade Commander, the Germans have concentrated their superior forces today. They launched a frenzied attack on Mamayev Hill. The 107.5 highland is precarious. If our ministry does not return to aid as soon as possible, then the northern gate of Stalingrad may fall. Here, I beg you, in order to ensure that Mamayev Hill is not captured by the Germans, please allow our ministry to return as soon as possible."

When the telegraph operator sent the report, Bantai Leyev asked worriedly: "Comrade commander, if you just send a telegram to the group army command, can they agree to our return to Mamayev Hill? You should Tell the commander of our specific situation and let him know that if we do not retreat, we are likely to fall into the encirclement of the German army."

Whether the group army command allows us to return to Mamayevgang, I have no absolute certainty at all, I can only try my luck. Regarding Bantai Leyev’s question, I can only say vaguely: "Comrade Deputy Commander, you mentioned that you may be surrounded by the German army. I think it is better not to report to Comrade Commander. Since the outbreak, many of our troops have been surrounded by the Germans. In the end, some troops were annihilated, and some troops successfully highlighted the encirclement. In the minds of the leaders of the group army, our division's troops belonged to that This is a unit that can smoothly jump out of the encirclement even if it is surrounded by the German army. The reason why I mentioned Mamayev Hill in the telegram is because this is the strategic point of the north of the city, and its gains and losses will be related to the fate of the battle. If the group army leads If we can think about this clearly, we will definitely be allowed to withdraw our troops."

As he was speaking, the telegraph operator's voice sounded again: "Report to the commander, the group army command's call is here!" Then he handed the telegraph over.

My gaze swept across the paper quickly, and I saw it briefly read: "Agree, then I can lead my troops back to Mamayev Hill."

"Comrade Deputy Commander, it's done." I thanked Pantai Lev with some excitement, and then greeted the commanders under my command: "Comrade Commander, come here, let's study the troops to return to Mamaye. Fugang’s route."

Holding Trikov’s telegram, I took the lead and walked back to the table, looked down at the map on the table, and found that on our way back, not only did we have to break through the German line of defense in the northwest of the 107.5 Heights, but also the other thing to watch out for. Romanian cavalry regiment. If they wait for our armored forces to pass and launch an assault from the side of our army, it will cause a devastating blow to the infantry behind us.

I want to understand the current situation of the enemy and me, and my heart is also bright. I threw the telegram on the table, stood up straight and looked at the surrounding commanders, and said calmly: "Comrade commanders, if we are to follow the orders of superiors, we can transfer. We will face two Choice: One is to abandon all the heavy ammunition, use a truck to board the infantry unit, follow behind the tanks and armored vehicles, and rush forward regardless of casualties, as much as you can rush through. The second is to let the armored units command the armored units to rush forward. Before the assault, our tanks tore a hole in the German defense line, and then the infantry in the armored vehicle got off, occupied and enlarged the gap, and covered and carried the main force of the bag to pass. With our existing strength, we broke through the German defense line, There should be no problem. As long as they return to Mamayev Hill and the Germans dare to attack again, I will definitely teach them a lesson they will never forget."

After listening to what I said, Pantai Leyev said with some confusion: "Comrade Commander, how can I hear that these two options are similar to what you said. The only difference is that one plan requires abandoning of everything. And the other. No need to abandon."

"The difference is still there." I quickly explained to Pantai Lev. At the same time, other commanders can understand what is going on. "The advantage of the first scheme is that it can ensure that the troops return to Mamayev Hill in the shortest time. The disadvantage is that the seized heavy ammunition has to be thrown away, even Even the German prisoners cannot be taken away. The second plan, although it will affect some speed, but it can ensure that the baggage, the wounded, and the prisoners are safely transported back to Mamayev Hill."

"Comrade commander." After I finished speaking, Sederikov asked cautiously: "I don't know which plan you prefer?"

"That's just enough. Of course it is the second plan." I replied without hesitation: "The troops currently holding on to Mamayev Hill are extremely scarce in terms of weapons, ammunition, food and medicine. If we get the baggage back, we will hold onto the Mamayev Hill and we will be more confident. Since we will pass near the camp of the Romanian Cavalry Regiment on our way back, we must allocate enough troops to serve as a deterrent. ."

After saying this, I saw all the commanders secretly nodding their heads, expressing their approval of what I said, and even began to issue orders: "The third battalion of Major Terenkov’s regiment. Immediately **** all the soldiers. The captives went south to the camp to the south to join the third battalion of the fourth regiment. Lieutenant Colonel Sederikov led the second battalion and regiment directly under Captain Sherebryan. All the baggage and the wounded were loaded into the car and waited After the black, went to the camp to the south with the armored forces. The second battalion of the third regiment of Corsca went south immediately after the assembly, and after crossing the camp in Vietnam, continued to the south, with Captain Dubrovsky who stayed in the defense fortifications The battalions converge to strengthen the defense of the area."

After I gave the order, Captain Nicholas, who I missed, said anxiously: "Comrade Commander, the other battalions have tasks, so what is the task of our first battalion?"

"Captain Nicholas, don't worry." I smiled and said to Nicholas, who took the initiative to fight, "I have not forgotten you. The task entrusted to your battalion is very difficult. You have to face Romania before dark. The direction of the cavalry regiment’s camp is to set up a defensive position. Once the enemy notices our actions and attempts to attack us from the flanks, you must resolutely block them. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Nikolai answered me loudly with a smile on his face.

"Now that the mission is clear, let's all go back to their respective troops." I did not hesitate to give the commander present an expulsion order, "Whether we can return to Mamayev Hill smoothly depends on your preparations. The work is done well, so don’t take it lightly."

After the commanders saluted me, they turned and left.

When Pantai Leyev and others were about to go, they asked me in a low voice: "Comrade Commander, what shall we do next?"

I raised my hand to look at my watch, and said disapprovingly, "Comrade deputy commander, there are still a few hours before dark. Let’s take a rest. Don’t doze off on the road later. If you are caught by the Germans, you won’t be captured. Know what's going on."

I was just joking with Bantai Lev to liven up the tension. I did not expect that he patted the pistol on his waist and said sternly, "Comrade Commander, my gun is full of bullets. With a bullet, I will never let the Germans capture me."

Seeing a joke of my own, I made Pantai Leyev a little anxious, and quickly changed the subject: "Well, comrade deputy teacher, there is not much time, so hurry up and rest." After speaking, I looked for it myself. Sit down against the wall and close your eyes to rest your mind.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I was awakened by Sergeikov. He, who had already left, returned to the command post at some point. He stood in front of me and asked for instructions carefully: "Comrade commander, we are a large force operation tonight. When those armored units and trucks are moving, should they turn on the lights or Turn off the lights?"

If Sederikov didn't mention this matter, I would have forgotten it. Since Sergeikov asked at this moment, I replied clearly: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, we are undergoing a large-scale transfer tonight. There are so many tanks and armored vehicles and trucks, and such a big movement wants to hide from the Germans. His eyes and ears are unrealistic. Anyway, if we have to buy time now, let’s let the vehicle go forward with the lights on."

I wanted to sleep for a while, but when I was disturbed by Sergeikov, I suddenly lost my sleep. After he left, I shook my head at Pantai Lev and said, "Comrade Deputy Commander, I am leaving here soon. Don't you want to go outside to see it?"

Pantai Leyev nodded and replied, "Let's go, comrade commander, although we haven't been here for long, but now let me leave suddenly, I really feel a little bit reluctant."

We came to the observatory that was half destroyed by the bombing. Before entering the door, Pantai Leyev smiled and said, "Comrade Commander, if Captain Serebriani hadn't pulled us out in time, I guess we would be right now. Was buried under this pile of masonry and rubble."

Hearing what he said, I didn't say a word but just smiled. I walked into the observation post first, raised the telescope and looked down the hillside. At the foot of the mountain, the wreckage of the German tanks and the corpses of soldiers were scattered.

When he saw this scene, Pantai Leyev, while feeling the achievements of our army, asked with concern: "Comrade commander, the Germans have suffered twice in front of our position. You said they still Will you come again?"

Regarding his question ~lightnovelpub.net~ I thought about it and said, "It shouldn't be anymore today. After all, they encountered us two ambushes in succession under the high ground. If I am the German commander, then You will not rush to send troops to die, but you must think carefully about what methods you can use to clear out the troops that are in ambush nearby."

After listening to what I said, Pantai Leyev couldn't help but say with joy: "Fortunately, the Germans were scared by us these two times. Otherwise, once our troops are entangled by them, it will not be so easy to withdraw."

Pantai Leev felt fortunate that the Germans would not attack this high ground in a short period of time, so that we had enough time to retreat the troops calmly, but I felt sorry for not being able to join forces with the Don Front. Although when I received the order to go north, I thought it was an impossible task, but I was standing at a distance of less than one hundred kilometers from the troops of the Don Front. The distance in the middle was full of German troops. The infantry division and the tank division have become an insurmountable moat. When I think of this, I can't help feeling extremely sorry. (A great event for pie in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Follow it~ Click/Official Account (Add Friends on WeChat-Add Official Account-Enter dd), and participate right away! Everyone has a prize, now follow dd right away WeChat public account!) (To be continued..)
