Burning Moscow

Chapter 824: Surrounding circle (middle)

"Comrade Commander," Although there are many things that I already know the answer to, but at this moment I can't help but want to confirm it again, so I asked: "How many German troops are in our encirclement?"

Regarding this question of mine, Cui Kefu thought for a while, and then cautiously replied: "The specific force is still unclear, but judging by various circumstances, we surrounded the entire 6th Army of Paulus. This is the calculation. Come, there are at least three hundred thousand Germans in the encirclement."

I then asked: "Do you think Paulus would think about getting his troops out after he found out that his troops were under our siege?"

Cui Kefu sneered, and said contemptuously: "They want to run, is there such a light thing? If they want to withdraw, Paulus's troops will have to discard all the technical equipment, all the heavy weapons and all the artillery. We have to Let them get into our fire net, so that only a handful of people can crawl out of the ruins of the city."

When I ended my call with Trikov, Kirilov asked me with concern: "Comrade Oshanina, what did the commander say to you?"

When they heard me repeat what Cui Koff had said, they were all excited. Three people actually sat around the map and began to study the fate of Paulus' 6th Army.

I stood by and stared at the map on the table, listening to their discussion absently. After listening for a while, a strange thought suddenly popped into my mind. Perhaps Hitler ordered Paulus’s troops not to retreat, and they must stick to their current positions. In fact, they are not blindly commanding, but the most important thing to preserve the troops. Good means.

Imagine being hit by heavy snow, storms and our army. What will be the fate of Paulus' 6th Army? I think Napoleon escaped from Moscow to the Berezina River and was wiped out. And even if Paulus broke through the encirclement of our army, but he left all the technical equipment and artillery troops to break through to the grassland, it will only be destroyed faster. Not only did Hitler not make the decision to let the troops break through, but instead ordered his generals to organize a ring defense on the spot and persist until the end. Thus. He can use the more than 300,000 troops surrounded by Paulus to drag our five arms combined army. Otherwise, these five armies can greatly strengthen our army's offensive in the battle area, enable our army to carry out assaults in Rostov-on-Don, and treat the "a" group army in the Caucasus region as if it were encircling Paul Lu. The same is true of the Sri Lanka Army. Put it into the big pocket, and then divide him and destroy it.

Thinking of this, I can't help feeling secretly, it seems that Hitler is not as stupid as we thought, at least he let the Germans turn to defense, a seemingly simple command. It can play a role in containing the main force of our army and prevent the troops that are attacking the Caucasus from being attacked back and forth by the enemy.

At this moment, someone walked in from outside the door. I looked up and found that it was Shelbina, the political commissar of the 37th Guards Division who was staying at the 107.5 heights, and hurriedly greeted him and said hello: "Shelbina political commissar, Here you are. Has the defense of the 107.5 Heights been handed over to the friendly forces?"

After Shelbina and I shook hands, he went to shake hands with Kirilov and the others. At the same time, he replied: "Yes, Comrade Deputy Commander, our Ministry has officially handed over the defense to the 92nd Infantry Brigade." After that. He smiled and asked Kirilov, "Comrade political comrade, when I walked in, I saw you all with joyful faces. Is there any good news?"

"No, there is a happy event in the world." Kirilov said with a smile pretending to be mysterious: "Comrade Shelbina, maybe you don't know?"

"Comrade Political Commissar. You don't want to hang on to my appetite," Shelbina said anxiously, "You also know that I just came from 107.5. I can't get in touch with the outside world. I don't know what happened. "Speaking of which. He stopped and frowned for a moment and then asked tentatively, "Is it because Kong Nianyi City was also occupied by you?"

Shelbina's words caused us to roar of laughter, and our laughter made him even more confused. After laughing, Kirilov took his arm to the table, pointed to the map on the table and said to him: "Comrade Shelbina, Kong Nieyi City was captured by us as early as yesterday. Jean What we are happy about is not because our division captured this small city, but because our Stalingrad Front and the Southwest Front joined forces in the Soviet and Karachi regions, and formally formed a circle of encirclement against the Germans and took Paulus. The 6th Army of the People’s Republic of China came in."

"What, did Paulus's 6th Army come in?" Shelbina was so surprised that he almost slammed his chin on the ground. He quickly looked down at the map on the table and kept asking, "Comrade Political Commissar. , Where are the troops of the Southwest Front and where are the troops of the Don Front?"

After dark, Cui Kefu took the initiative to contact me through the walkie-talkie, perhaps because our army currently has an advantage, so he did not worry about leaking secrets. He assured me in a plain language call: "Before the end of the day, the Southwest Front Army The 1st Guards Army and the Infantry Regiment of the 5th Tank Army went forward to the Leklivaya River and the Chir River area, and occupied a solid defense there. At the same time, the 51st Army and Cavalry of the Stalingrad Front The forces of the 4th Army advanced to the east of Gromoslavka, Aksai, Umantsev and Sadovoye. As a result of these actions, the encirclement battle was secured in both the west and the south. Guarantee."

Just as I was pleased with the good news, Cui Koff said again: "Yes, one thing I almost forgot. The Volga River is freezing again. Send your engineering company back to Mamayev Hill tonight. They continue to survey the ice layer on the river to see if there is a possibility of establishing an ice transportation line."

"Well, Comrade Commander, I will arrange this." I agreed to Cui Koff's request without hesitation, because I knew in my heart that if the ice transportation line was not established, then the 62nd Army and Volga East The contact with the shore was completely interrupted, and the soldiers and materials that were in urgent need of replenishment could not be transported.

After the call with Trikov was over, I sent someone to call Captain Mikhayev into the headquarters. Since I haven't arranged any tasks for the engineering company recently, Captain Mikhayev heard that I was looking for him at the moment, so he trot all the way to the headquarters excitedly. As soon as I saw my face. He slapped a salute, and said at the same time: "Report to Comrade Commander, Captain Mikhayev of the Engineering Company and Company Commander is hereby ordered to come and listen to your instructions!"

"Comrade Lieutenant, now I order you. Immediately bring the soldiers of the engineering company back to Mamayev Hill." Thinking that the ice transportation line to be opened will affect the life and death of the 62nd Army, I solemnly instructed Mikhayev. : "Your task is to continue to survey the ice layer on the river and find suitable locations for opening up transportation lines."

Hearing that I had arranged this task for him, Mikhayev said with some difficulty: "Comrade Commander, this matter is difficult to handle. The temperature is not low enough. Therefore, it is difficult for the ice on the river to reach the ideal thickness... …"

I did not wait for him to finish, so I raised my hand to stop him, and then said harshly to him: "Comrade Captain, I think you also know that due to the appearance of the ice platoon in the early stage and the freezing of the river. The 62nd Army and the other side of the river The contact has been completely interrupted. If the ice transportation line cannot be opened as soon as possible to bring in the troops, equipment and materials that the group army urgently needs, we will not be able to accumulate enough strength to launch a counterattack against the Germans in front of us."

Mikhayev waited for me to finish. Although his face was still full of dissatisfaction, he still answered me very simply: "Yes, I promise to complete the task."

"Bring a walkie-talkie. As soon as there is any news, get in touch with me immediately." After I said this, I sent Mikhayev to find Razumeyeva to pick up the walkie-talkie.

I originally thought that Mikhayev's survey would fail again. Unexpectedly, at one o'clock in the morning, Razumeyeva, who was on duty in the headquarters, suddenly called me excitedly: "Comrade Commander, it is Captain Mikhayev. He wants to talk to you, saying that he has important things to report to you. "

I guessed it might be related to the ice transportation line, so I hurried to the walkie-talkie. Grabbing the headset and the microphone, he asked loudly, "Hello. Is this Captain Mikhayev? This is Oshanina. How is the situation with you?"

"Comrade Chief Reporter." Mikhayev's excited voice came from the headset: "You may not have thought. When we just arrived at the Volga River, we saw a huge block of ice coming from Zaitsev. The Isle of Skye drifted over. It destroyed everything on its way, smashed large and small ice cubes, and changed their flow. Several frozen logs, like light and fluttering chips, were hit. Shattered, this scene is really amazing! When this huge block of ice almost as wide as the Volga River reached the vicinity of Mamayev Hill, the drifting speed slowed down.

I was waiting anxiously at the time. If this ice block stops, it means that we will have a natural bridge to restore contact with the east bank; if we can’t stop and continue to drift downstream, then the east bank’s Soldiers and materials still could not be transported to the city.

But our luck seemed to be good, the huge ice block stopped in front of us. When I was happy, I divided the engineering company into three groups and gave them a simple order: follow the ice block to the opposite bank, and then return. ..."

"Did the engineers return smoothly?" As for when the traffic between the 62nd Army and the East Bank resumed after the start of the counterattack, I really don't know, so I heard Mikhayev say this, my I was extremely nervous.

"All returned smoothly." Mikhayev said confidently: "Comrade Commander, next, we only need to lay two wooden boards on the ice, then our troops can walk along the wooden boards on the ice. Pass the Volga River."

"It's great, it's great!" Hearing such good news, I was also excited, and I said loudly into the microphone: "Captain Mikhayev, in recognition of this feat you have established. , I will personally ask the headquarters for your contributions."

After daybreak, when I was notified by Mikhayev again that the wooden boards on the ice cubes had been paved and could pass through normally, I took the initiative to report the good news to Cuikov. Regarding my request for credit for Mikhayev and the others, Cuikov readily agreed, and at the same time said: "Comrade Oshanina, I will personally take care of this matter. When the war becomes stable, I will go to independence. The teacher personally awarded them honors."

Before I expressed my gratitude to him, he announced another unexpected news to me: "According to the latest order from the headquarters of the Supreme Command that we have just received, Yermolkin’s team, exhausted by continuous combat, The 112th Division, Smekhotvorov’s 193th Division, Zolugaev’s 37th Guards Division, and 2 infantry brigades must withdraw from the group army, transfer to the reserve team, and go for reorganization. Said that you are going to ask the Shelbina political commissar to take the remnant of the 37th Guards Division to Mamayev Hill and cross the river back to the east bank from there. Understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Commander."

I called Shelbyner in front of me, told him Trikov’s notice, and made him prepare to leave as soon as possible.

Shelbina's mouth twitched violently after listening, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't say it. Kirilov stepped forward, shook his hand, and said friendlyly: "Sherbina political commissar, your teacher’s mission in Stalingrad has been completed~lightnovelpub.net~Return to the East Bank with confidence. Go, I will never forget the days when we used to fight together." At the last sentence, I saw Kirilov’s eyes were filled with tears, and it seemed that he was also reluctant to leave Shelbyner’s political commissar. go with.

After Sherbina, Bantaiyev, and Akhromeyev shook their hands, they came to me again, proactively reached out to me, and said politely: "Comrade Deputy Commander, I want to You have to take care when you are gone. I hope that one day I can return to your command and take part in the battle under your command." After speaking, he let go of his hand, took a step back, and raised his hand to salute us. Ring ceremony. When he saw us raising our hands in return, he tried to squeeze a bitter smile on his face, then turned around, and walked out without looking back.

Only now did I know that the comrades who lived and died together, especially bidding farewell to the comrades in arms, were emotionally inseparable. Seeing Shelbyner's back left, my nose couldn't help but sore, and my mind once again showed the scene of every battle with the 37th Guards Division. These commanders and fighters who have fought side by side with us are now leaving Stalingrad and going to the east bank of the Volga River. I don't know when I will want to see them again. Thinking of this makes me deeply moved. (To be continued)

ps: I sincerely thank the book friends Jagged Army, zxx479, Neptune Polka, and children's shoes for their two votes! Thanks for the precious monthly tickets of the book friends, the poor road flying bear, the oil paper umbrella & the secular, the old man's shadow children's shoes!