Burning Moscow

Chapter 826: In distress

Sergeikov did not seem to notice my anomaly, but reported to me excitedly: "Comrade Commander, General Rokosovsky, Commander of the Don Front, and Batov, Commander of the 65th Army The general is here, right now in my command post. Please wait a minute, General Rokosovsky is going to speak to you."

Rokosovsky's familiar voice soon came from the earphones. He asked cheerfully, "Dear Lida, hello, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?"

Suddenly hearing Rokosovsky’s voice, I was a little bit speechless with excitement: "Hello, Comrade Commander of the Don Front, I... I am... very good, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Today, our Don front army has advanced to the vicinity of the city of Kong Nieyi. The commander of the 65th Army and I, General Batov, know that your troops are stationed in the city, so they are here to see you. "Yes." After Rokosovsky briefly introduced the reason why he came to Kuang Ningyi, he went on to say: "Lida, you are really amazing. In the case of independent division fighting alone, in order to ensure that Mamaye Fugang can be used as a support point for the counterattack in the future, defending Stalingrad's most important gateway, and staying there until the Red Army launches a full counterattack. Your ingenious deployment and tenacious defense have all played a key role in the upcoming final victory."

"Comrade Commander, you passed the award." I was a little flattered by Rokosovsky's praise, and quickly said with humility: "I actually haven't done enough. Our independent division was in the defensive phase of the battle. The enemies to be eliminated and the German forces to be contained are not enough."

"Come on, Lida, don't be humble anymore." Rokosovsky interrupted me. He smiled and said: "If you are free now, I hope you can rush to Kong Nieyi as soon as possible, and I will set up a defensive task for you. At present, although our two troops have completed the meeting, they are in our encirclement. The German army is still very strong, wanting to eat them in one bite. It is unrealistic. So you have to adjust your deployment as soon as possible, and defend yourself in dangerous areas. Understand? Fortify and defend to prevent the Germans from attempting to launch a counterattack. Without getting a superior Before the new order, the troops cannot take a step back; similarly, they cannot take a step forward, understand?"

I heard Rokosovsky use two "understand" in succession in his words. I realized the seriousness of the problem and quickly agreed: "Understood, Comrade Commander!" After saying this, I paused for a while, and then said: "I will be there in the shortest time possible. Pinch. Go and accept your order!"

"Very well, then I'll be waiting for you in your regiment command post." Rokosovsky finished speaking, and stopped contacting me.

After putting down the earphones and microphone, I turned to Kirilov who was standing not far away and said: "General Rokosovsky said there are important tasks to be assigned to us, so I must rush to the air immediately. Go to Yicheng. Comrade political comrade, you are with me; while the deputy commander and chief of staff stay and wait for the four regiments to be assembled before rushing to Kong Nieyi."

Hearing what I said, Kirilov, who had always been cautious, agreed without hesitation to my immediate proposal.

We both walked out of the headquarters. Captain Yushchenko, the commander of the guard, was found outside. Yushchenko, who was chatting with a few soldiers, saw us walking towards him, and quickly waved at the soldiers. Dismissed them, and then jogged all the way to meet them. Standing at attention and saluting in front of us, politely asked: "Comrade Master, do you have any instructions?"

"Comrade Captain, the political commissar and I will rush to Kongkouyi City immediately. You can find two cars. Bring a few soldiers and go with us."

After listening to my instructions. He then asked: "Comrade Commander, is it a jeep? Or a truck?"

When we recovered Gorodishe two days ago, we seized several jeeps that originally belonged to the Soviet army, so Yushchenko had this question. I thought for a while. It’s not too far from here to Kongkieyi City, and the roads are almost entirely within the control of our army. There is no need to bring too many soldiers with you, so you don’t need to use trucks, so I replied: " Comrade Captain, it’s not far from here to the empty space. The truck is no longer needed. Go find two jeeps."

"Yes!" Yushchenko agreed, then turned and left.

As soon as Yushchenko left, Basmanov, who got the news from nowhere, ran over. Seeing that Kirilov and I were still standing on the side of the road, they hurriedly came over and said to us: "Commander, political commissar, I heard that you are going to Kong Nieyi soon. Do you need me to gather guards and company to **** you?"

Hearing what he said, Kirilov waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Comrade Major, no need. It's not a long distance from here to Kong Nianyi, plus there are our troops along the way, and there is no need for too many people. "

"But, Comrade Political Commissar, you once said," Seeing that Kirilov did not intend to let him go with us, the guard battalion commander Major Basmanov was anxious. He even moved what Kirilov had said before. Come out, "You once said that as long as the division commander leaves the headquarters, no matter where you go, at least one platoon of fighters must follow. But now you only have two jeeps. Isn't the number too small?"

"Comrade Major, I have said this before," Kirilov did not deny what he had said, "but the situation was different then. The enemy could rush to the high ground at any time, so the commander didn't care where he went. There is a possibility of encountering danger, so I will give you such an order. But today’s situation is different. The German army is trapped in our siege and panic all day long. We will not attack them. They are already hiding in the trenches. I've been cheating, how could we send someone to attack us?" At this point, he took a step forward, patted Basmanov on the shoulder, and said friendlyly: "Don't worry, Comrade Major, the guard of Captain Yushchenko I think you are very clear about the company’s combat effectiveness. With their protection, we will be safe."

While talking, I saw three jeeps driving towards us in the distance. Perhaps Yushchenko felt that sending only two cars was a bit too small, so he found another Jeep.

After the jeep stopped a few steps away from us, Yushchenko jumped from the co-pilot position of the first car and came to us and reported: "Commander, political commissar, the jeep is ready. You sit in the middle. That one."

Kirilov and I sat down in the back seat of the second jeep and saw the driver and another heavily armed soldier sitting in front of us. As the vehicle in front started, our driver also started the engine and followed up.

I curiously asked the soldier sitting in the co-pilot position: "Comrade soldier, how many people have you come here?"

Hearing my question, the soldier sitting in the front row quickly turned his head and replied: "Report to the commander and political commissar. There are five people in the two jeep front and back, including the driver.

After listening to him talk about the number of people in the front and rear cars, I calculated in my mind, there are five people in each of the two cars, so there are ten commanders. Coupled with the driver and guards of our car, Yushchenko and the others have a total of twelve **** us to the air.

While the car was driving, I looked out of the window, and I saw a desolate surrounding, with white everywhere. Except for our fighter planes that occasionally fly in the air, not even a single figure on the ground can be seen.

Kirilov suddenly asked: "Comrade Oshanina, do you think the Don Front will launch a final offensive against the Germans in the near future?"

"The last offense?!" Hearing the word Kirilov used, I couldn’t help but smile. "Comrade political comrades, it’s too early to say that the final offense is too early. You must know that the enemy’s strength is still very strong, even though we They are surrounded, but if you want to eliminate them completely, you still need to wait a long time."

"I don't know how long this period will be?" Kirilov asked cautiously.

"At least two months or so." Regarding Kirilov's question, I just gave an approximate time vaguely, and at the same time explained to him: "Because the Germans are surrounded by us. Their ammunition. The supply of food and soldiers was interrupted, so they did not dare to risk launching a big counterattack. They could only stay in the positions they occupied and wait for their reinforcements."

Hearing what I have said, Kirilov sneered and said in a contemptuous tone: "Can Hitler send Paulus with reinforcements that can save him?"

Did not wait for me to speak. Just ten meters away from us, there was a sudden explosion. The mud and snow near the explosion point were lifted into the air by high ground, and then fell down again. The roof of our Jeep was banging.

The driver slammed the brakes, and Kirilov and I slammed into the back of the front seat with great inertia.

"What happened?" Kirilov asked loudly.

"The enemy attack is an enemy attack!" The soldier in the front row turned his head and shouted at us.

"Where's the enemy..." Kirilov hadn't finished speaking, and there was another earth-shattering explosion around me, and then the car we were sitting in rolled over. My body slammed into Kirilov's body. Before I could react, as the vehicle turned over, Kirilov pressed on me again.

After the car stopped rolling, I found myself facing the sky and pressing down on Kirilov's body again. Just about to struggle to stand up, someone grabbed my hand and yanked me out of the roof torn by shrapnel. After leaving the jeep, another shell exploded not far from us, and I was so scared that I was about to stand up again, lying on the ground again. At the same time, I saw the soldier sitting in the front row just now, squatting next to the overturned jeep, grabbing a man's arm and pulling it out. With sharp eyes, I saw that the person he was pulling was Kirillov, and hurriedly bent over and ran over, grabbed Kirillov's other hand, and dragged him out with the soldiers.

As soon as Kirilov left the jeep, the soldiers urged us: "Commander, political commissar, get out of the jeep, maybe it will explode soon."

"But the driver is still inside." Although Kirilov had just been pulled out, he soon discovered that there were only three of us around, and he was unwilling to leave like this. "He must also be rescued."

"He's already sacrificed," the soldier said with a crying voice, "go away, it will be too late if you don't leave."

I looked around and found that the two jeeps at the front and the rear had also stopped. The soldiers used the vehicles as shelters and shot at the distant enemy. Seeing this, I didn't hesitate anymore, and roared: "Political commissar, let's leave here." Then I told the soldiers, "Lead the way ahead."

Without saying anything, the soldier led us and bent over and ran towards the crater twenty meters away. After hiding in the crater, I can carefully observe that the enemy who attacked us came from the law. It turned out to be a German tank parked seventy or eighty meters away on the south side of the road. And five or six three-wheeled motorcycles, needless to say, it must be this tank that bombarded us.

A dozen German soldiers rushed towards us in skirmish formations, but under Yushchenko's resistance, they had to lie down in the snow and shoot at us. At this time. Yushchenko's ak47 in their hands has a chance to show off their power. As long as the Germans stood up and couldn't dash forward two steps, they would fall under the precise shots of the guards.

Although our light weapons are dominant, the German tanks are not vegetarian. Seeing that our firepower is very fierce, it slowly turns the turret. Fired another shot at us. This shell fell near the rear car and exploded, and immediately two soldiers were overturned by the air wave, and their firepower was suddenly weakened.

The German tank fired again and directly hit the jeep. The soldiers hiding behind the jeep flew out screaming amid the explosion. Seeing that Yushchenko and his jeep continued to fire behind. I quickly patted the soldier hiding beside me, and told him loudly: "Comrade soldier, go tell Captain Yushchenko, stop hiding behind the jeep, that will easily become a target for the Germans and let them find a place. Be concealed."

The soldier nodded, leaped out of the bullet crater, and bent over and ran quickly towards Yushchenko and the others. Just when he was only a few steps away from Yushchenko and them. A shell fell beside him and exploded. The soldiers were suddenly blown to pieces, and their stumps and arms were scattered everywhere, and some fell directly beside Yushchenko.

Yushchenko may have heard something falling behind him. Instinctively glanced back. Seeing Yushchenko turning around, I hurriedly ventured out half of my body from the crater and gestured desperately to him, beckoning him to take people to a safe place.

Yushchenko and the others had just evacuated from the jeep, when the vehicle was hit by a shell and it started to burn. See this scene. I secretly called a fluke in my heart, if Yushchenko didn't look back just now. It is estimated that at this moment, they are just as fierce as the soldiers behind.

Seeing our side had stopped shooting, the German army got up from the snow. He rushed towards us with his weapon. Seeing the enemy rushing closer and closer, I was suddenly anxious. We were left with a few people, not to mention fewer people than the Germans, and there were no heavy weapons. There was nothing to do with the tank that threatened the most.

But I didn't want to wait for death like this. I quickly put the ak47 on the edge of the crater, aimed at the direction of the German army, and pulled the trigger. For the German army tens of meters away, this assault rifle is much better than a submachine gun. I only hit a German soldier with four or five rounds of ammunition. After the German soldier who was rushing forward was shot, he threw the weapon in his hand, covered his chest and turned two circles on the spot, and fell to the snow.

"Good fight!" Kirilov's voice came from beside me. I turned my head and saw that he was also lying on the edge of the crater, pulling out his pistol, and pulling the trigger at the German soldiers in the distance. . I don’t know if it’s the range issue or Kirilov’s poor marksmanship. Anyway, I saw that he blasted all eight bullets in the barrel in one breath, and no German soldier fell.

Yushchenko and the others found a hidden place ~lightnovelpub.net~ and started shooting again at the Germans. After the Germans fell three people in succession, they lay down on the ground and fired at us again. And that nasty tank was still firing at us, and the shell fell near us or Yushchenko's hidden spot and exploded.

Just as I stared fiercely at the German tank, imagining **** it if I had an anti-tank rifle in my hand, suddenly a violent explosion occurred next to the tank, and the turret that was still majestic was exploding. After being blown apart from the body, he flew more than ten meters away before slamming heavily on the snow.

Seeing the snowflakes splashed by the turret really surprised me. I was just thinking about how to hit it with an anti-tank gun. I didn't expect it to explode. At this moment, I suddenly heard Kirilov shouting excitedly next to him: "Comrade Oshanina, look at the plane, our plane."

I looked towards the sky in the direction of Kirilov’s fingers, and I saw a plane of our army hovering in the air. It turned out that it dropped a bomb and destroyed the German tank. After the plane made a circle in the air, it dived again, and at the same time used the airborne machine gun to shoot the German soldiers lying on the snow. (To be continued)

ps: I sincerely thank the book friends Sword God Ranger Children's Shoes for their two votes! Thanks to book friends zz120, wzzhnag68, heathy children's shoes for their precious monthly tickets!