Burning Moscow

Chapter 832: The first battle of the new artillery ba

When our convoy passed Mamayev Hill and 107.5 Heights, the sky had gradually dimmed. I looked at the darkening sky outside the car window, and then turned my head to discuss with Kirilov: "Comrade Political Commissar, you see, the sky is already dark, shall we find a place to settle the troops first?"

Hearing what I said, Kirilov was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Comrade Oshanina, the troops won't enter the city tonight?"

I shook my head and replied: "We are not familiar with the situation in the city. We rushed into the city. It is easy to misunderstand the friendly forces in the dark and cause unnecessary casualties. So I plan to let the troops arrive first. The settlements behind Yevgang are assembled. You and Bantaiyev summoned the regiment-battalion-level commanders of each regiment to have a meeting to study how to fight tomorrow's battle?"

Kirilov waited for me to finish, and asked curiously: "Comrade Oshanina, won't you go to the settlement with us?"

"I also rushed to the command of the group army immediately and asked the commander to find out how the Lyudnikov division is doing, so that I can work out a plan for tomorrow's operations in a targeted manner."

"For your safety, I think you have to bring at least one row of soldiers." Hearing that I was going to the group army headquarters to accept the task, Kirilov became worried about my safety again, so he babbled me. Bring more troops.

In fact, even if he doesn't say anything, I will consider my own safety. Victory is already in sight. If I was killed by a bullet that didn't know where it came from at this time, it would be really wrong.

I came to the headquarters of the Group Army without incident. As soon as I walked in, I was seen by Krylov who was sitting facing the door. He turned to the side and said, "Comrade Oshanina is here!" He got up to meet him, and at the same time proactively extended his hands to me.

When I shook hands with him. Seeing a few people stood up at the table. I fixed my eyes and found that it was Cuikov, Gurov, or Vasilyev, director of the political department. After shaking hands with Krylov, I went over to salute and shook hands with them.

After the greeting, Cui Kefu asked about the details of the meeting between our division and the Don Front Army. Although I have sent several telegrams before. I reported this to the command of the group army, but I saw that Cui Kefu wanted to know the specific situation at this moment, so I got up from my seat and reported to them in detail.

When I was reporting, I saw that all the people present were all at ease, and I couldn't help thinking to myself: Is it possible that the Lyudnikov Division has broken the German encirclement. Otherwise their expressions are so calm?

As soon as my report was over, Gurov turned his head and said to Trikov: "Comrade Commander, no wonder the German offensive in the city has completely stopped in the past two days. It turned out to be the offensive initiated by General Rokosovsky. Advantageously, they contained the main force of the German army. So they had to mobilize troops to fill in the breaches opened by our army, so they were unable to fight with us in the city."

"That's fine too." Cui Kefu said vigorously: "Since the Germans are not capable of attacking us, let us attack them instead."

Because I was paying attention to Captain Karpov who worked for Lyudnikov, when Trikov finished speaking, I couldn't wait to ask: "Comrade Commander, I don't know how Colonel Lyudnikov is now?"

Trikov looked up at me, turned his head to where Krylov was, and told him: "Comrade Chief of Staff. It's up to you to tell Comrade Oshanina about Colonel Lyudnikov."

Krylov nodded, stood up and said to me: "Comrade Oshanina, the Lyudnikov Division was surrounded by German troops. A narrow area of ​​one kilometer long and three hundred meters wide by the Volga River. After the great counterattack began, We once ordered the 95th Infantry Division of Colonel Gorishny, who is only more than 300 meters apart from the division, to attack the German troops stationed in the middle area together with the Lyudnikov division, in order to break the siege and realize the meeting. intention of.

After the battle began, the commanders of both divisions acted bravely. Especially many officers and men of the Lyudnikov Division were running out of ammunition. Throwing down the gun in his hand, holding a grenade and bravely marching forward against the rain of enemy gunshots. With a hand grenade, the firepower points occupied by the Germans were blown up one after another. After the first day of the battle, the two divisions suffered nearly 500 casualties, but they only advanced less than 100 meters in the middle. When we studied the battle report in the evening, we found that relying only on the offensive of the infantry, we could neither annihilate the enemy who went to the factory area of ​​the ‘barricade’, nor rescue the Lyudnikov division as quickly as possible. Because we have neither tanks nor reserves.

what should we do? How can I rescue the Lyudnikov division?

Just as we racked our brains and couldn't think of a good way, the artillery commander of the Group Army, Hogarski, suddenly proposed that at this time, our cannons on the left bank of the Volga River can be used for purposes, and the artillery from the east bank can be used Destroy the enemy.

As soon as General Hogarski put forward his own proposal, Lieutenant Colonel Weinrub, the deputy director of the Tank Corps, first raised an objection, saying that we have many difficulties in implementing this combat plan: we must shoot every enemy stronghold very accurately. This requires a master gunner. We have a superb gunner, but it is very difficult to calibrate the shooting from the West Bank, because the impact of drift ice often interrupts wired communication, and the effect of wireless communication is too poor and unreliable.

In response to the questions raised by Lieutenant Colonel Weinrub, after repeated research and verification, we finally decided to occupy the area from north to south, from the Volga River to the forefront, using a benchmark that can be clearly seen from the east bank. mark. In this way, a large fascist circle with a width of about 600-800 meters is formed. Our artillery, clearly seeing this outline from the east bank, can bombard the enemy's firepower point without any bullets.

The aiming and shooting was carried out with the help of the school shooters who remained in the West Bank. They observed and accurately pointed out the target and the deviation of the projectile, and reported the results to the artillery observation posts, who then relayed the launch positions.

The infantry unit of Lyudnikov and Gorishne saw that our artillery was carrying out a devastating bombardment on the enemy, and quickly moved into the distance where it could throw a grenade. Seeing our troops rush up, the artillery pressed the light signal. Let the artillery on the east coast stop firing. At this time, the infantry unit, dominated by the assault team, launched a short impact with grenades, attacked and captured the enemy hiding in the civil launch site and basement. "

Hearing that Master Lyudnikov's situation was better than I thought, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Xin said that if their division can get direct support from the East Coast artillery, it shouldn't be difficult to break through the enemy's encirclement. Then why did Cui Kefu want to transfer our division back from such a distance? Isn't this unnecessary?

I am very familiar with Cui Kefu, according to my previous character. Ten Zhi* will ask with a bit of resentment: Now that the situation of Master Lyudnikov has improved, why should we hurriedly transfer our division to the city? But after spending more than a day with Rokosovsky, I learned from him a lot of skills to save my life in troubled times: First, I have to build a good relationship with my superiors so that he will not kill you. Heart; the second is to make more achievements and let your superiors feel that you are very important. It's important to make them feel that if they want to kill you, it will be more than a loss.

So after Krylov finished speaking, I tried my best to squeeze a smile on my face, put on a respectful expression and asked: "Comrade Commander, you have brought our division back this time, except for the rescue of Liu De. Are there any other tasks outside of Nikov's division?"

Trikov didn’t seem to notice my anomaly, and he said with his usual expression: “Oshanina. The first task of your division is to open up the middle area between the Lyudnikov division and the Gorishne division, and eliminate or Defeat the German troops stationed in this area. Do you understand?"

He just finished speaking. I immediately replied without hesitation: "Understood, I promise to complete the task!"

Gurov looked up at me and said slowly: "Comrade Oshanina, although the distance between the two divisions is only 150 meters, since this is the key defense zone of the German army, the two divisions initiated several attempts. None of the attacks worked. Instead, a lot of casualties increased. I want to hear your thoughts."

When Gurov said this, the command center became quiet again. Everyone's eyes turned to me, waiting for me to come up with a good way to make them feel at ease.

I thought about it. I decided to tell them my considerations: "...I thought about it this way. It is not appropriate to use tanks in cities full of ruins and craters, so I only plan to use artillery to provide artillery support for infantry...."

"Wait a minute, Oshanina." Before I could finish speaking, Krylov interrupted me and said worriedly: "The reason why our two teachers have been unable to meet is because of the delay. The area occupied by the Germans could not be captured. And the buildings in this area were blocked by the buildings by the river, so that our artillery on the east bank could not destroy them with artillery fire. As far as I know, the current artillery of the Independent Division The number is limited. Once in street fighting, can the offensive infantry really get the necessary artillery support? You must know that the buildings are very strong, and they cannot be destroyed without artillery."

Regarding Krylov’s concern, I quickly explained in detail: "Comrade Chief of Staff, please rest assured that I am coming from a new artillery company with 12 artillery pieces from General Rokosovsky. In the battle tomorrow In the game, I will break these artillery into pieces and follow behind the assault squads and advance into the city. Once our infantry encounters the suppression of the enemy’s firepower, these artillery that follow behind can quickly Destroy the enemy’s firepower."

After talking about my thoughts, I looked at Cui Kefu nervously, worrying about whether he would agree with me to adopt this new style of play in the street fighting tomorrow. You must know that many tactics are deeply ingrained in the Soviet army. If you change without authorization, you will bring yourself unnecessary trouble.

After hearing what I said, Cui Kefu frowned and stared at me for a long time, and finally said calmly: "Well, since Comrade Oshanina is so confident, then tomorrow's street fighting, follow your ideas. let's hit."

After leaving the group army headquarters, under the protection of Yushchenko and the others, I returned to the division headquarters located in the residential area. As soon as I walked in the door, I saw a lot of people sitting inside. Seeing me entering the door, the commanders who were sitting there stood up in a row, straightening their waists like telephone poles.

I walked quickly to the table, raised my hands and pressed them down, and commanded everyone: "Sit down." After seeing everyone sitting down, I sat down beside Kirilov, and then whispered. Asked him, "Comrade political comrade, are everyone here?"

"The Second Regiment is still in the city of Gorodishe." Kirilov answered me in a low voice, and added: "General Rokosovsky just sent a telegram, saying that the troops receiving the defense will be available at noon tomorrow. Went to Gorodishe, so let our troops stay one more day."

"Let's have a meeting!" I nodded, then turned to Akhromeyev and said briefly.

Although during the Battle of Stalingrad, the main defensive direction of the Independence Division was enemies from the north of Mamayev Hill, we are no stranger to street fighting. Not to mention that when the independent division became an army, its first combat mission was to seize the settlements occupied by the enemy. Even while holding on to the Mamayev Hill, the first, third, and fourth regiments stationed in the residential area have sent out small teams many times to enter the city with the sniper team, and conduct small-scale cities with the German forces in the city. Guerrilla warfare has also achieved considerable results. It is not a trivial matter to fight such street fighting now.

Akhromeyev has been in the independent division for a long time, so he has a good understanding of some guerrilla tactics and common sense of street fighting in the division, so it is clear to set up tomorrow's offensive mission.

As soon as it was lighted the next day, our offensive battle aimed at rescuing the friendly forces began.

Before the attack began, we did not prepare for artillery fire. The second battalion of the First Regiment, which took on the main task of attack, divided the entire group of officers and soldiers into parts, using squads as units, using the surrounding terrain, walking through the ruins of the city, and quickly approaching the buildings occupied by the Germans.

Standing in front of a hole in the wall on the second floor of a building, Deputy Commander Pantaiyev and I raised the binoculars and looked at the troops that were getting closer and closer to the enemy's building.

Seeing that the enemy’s building has been quiet for a long time, Pantai Leyev could not help but point to the densely packed corpses on the street and kindly remind me: "Comrade Commander ~ lightnovelpub.net~ the enemy has been slow to open fire, is there any conspiracy? Huh? Look at how many commanders and fighters we have sacrificed on this street. There are four to five hundred. It can be seen that the defense of the enemy ahead must be very strong. I think we need to remind Lieutenant Colonel Sederikov, Let the commanders and fighters be more vigilant."

I put down my binoculars, turned my head and said to Pantai Leyev: "Comrade Deputy Commander, don't worry. Lieutenant Colonel Sederikov has a lot of experience in street fighting. The Germans are not in a difficult position to defend him... …"

As soon as I finished speaking, there was a sudden intensive gunfire in front of me, and I quickly raised my binoculars and looked at the gunshot. I saw a dozen windows on the upper and lower floors of a building, and Germans appeared. They were holding guns and shooting violently at the commanders of the second battalion on the street.

The dozen or so soldiers who rushed to the front were unfortunately shot and fell. The commanders who followed hurriedly hid on the spot, hiding behind the ruins and firing back at the enemy.

Seeing the fierce firepower of the German army, I couldn't help frowning, thinking to myself: Hell, where is the artillery battalion of Captain Kurischenko and why didn't I fire it?

At this moment, there was a violent explosion in the rear of the German army, and the wall facing us fell like paper, and the German soldiers who had shot at the window rolled down one after another. (To be continued)