Burning Moscow

Chapter 834: Gong 1 篑 (middle)

This inexplicable order from Trikov confused Lyudnikov. He asked in a loud voice, "Comrade Commander, why did you want the troops to withdraw? According to my soldier's report, a troop is working. I attacked the German strongholds in the middle zone. I let the troops attack because I wanted to help them."

Trikov glanced at me standing next to me, and then said to Lyudnikov: "At present, Oshanina’s independent division is attacking the German forces in the middle zone. Their commanders are under the cover of the division’s artillery battalion, The progress is very smooth, maybe in half an hour or less, they will be able to eliminate the remnant enemies in the middle zone and realize the meeting with you."

"Comrade Commander, since it is General Oshanina’s troops that are launching the offensive, we can’t stand by. I think my troops should act more actively to attract the attention of the Germans, so that they can’t concentrate on dealing with them. Friendly forces. Our entire division will fight side by side with the commanders of the independent division..."

Before Lyudnikov could finish speaking, Trikov interrupted what followed him: "Okay, Comrade Colonel, don't say any more." Perhaps he felt that his tone was too blunt, so he slowed down and said, "You guys. The division now has no heavy weapons and insufficient strength to attack the fortifications. Even if you have made major sacrifices for this kind of German fortifications, it will be difficult to attack. Let the independent divisions alone complete the battle to seize the middle zone."

Although Lyudnikov accepted the order, it will take some time to transmit the order to the troops. At this moment, the German army hiding behind the buildings and piles of rubble opened fire on Lyudnikov's offensive team, and the commanders in front of them suddenly suffered casualties.

On the open ground without shelter. More than a dozen dead bodies of our soldiers lay all over the place, and the rest were all lying on the ground. A light machine gun was set up temporarily, sweeping at the enemy's hidden rubble, and the dust was splashed, and several German soldiers had to curl up. Hiding in a position where the bullet can't hit.

Seeing that the enemy's firepower was sparse, the machine gunner leaped from the ground with the machine gun, and ran forward quickly. When the dense bullets hit the ground around him like a pot, he had jumped into a crater and re-installed the machine gun to continue firing at the Germans.

Just half the shuttle, he was hit by dense bullets. Flopped on the machine gun. Almost at the same time that the machine gun shooter fell down, another soldier who was suspected of being a machine gun shooter jumped into the crater. Seeing the sacrifice in the hand of the machine gun, he quickly stepped forward and hugged the corpse and retracted into the crater.

After a while, the deputy shooter of the machine gun showed his head again. Grabbing the machine gun and shooting at the German army hiding behind the rubble. The machine gun rattled non-stop, the machine gun was trembling violently in the hands of the deputy shooter, and the bullet shells kept bursting to the side. .

The dense bullets that poured down from the top of the building hit the deputy shooter. He twisted and fell backwards, still clinging to the machine gun in his hand, when he fell back into the crater. A long string of bullets flew into the air. ,

Seeing that the soldiers of the Lyudnikov Division were continuously casualties under the intensive firepower of the enemy, I jumped in a hurry, but there was no way to help these warriors who were in danger in a hurry.

I don't know if the soldiers received an order to retreat from Lyudnikov. Still felt that the German firepower was too fierce and could not rush up with the existing forces. They began to retreat under the intensive firepower of the enemy. Some fighters carried their weapons and ran towards their positions; some fighters fired two shots and then turned around and ran, running a few steps and then stopped shooting.

Seeing this scene, Pantai Leyev scolded the street with anger: "Damn it. Damn it! How this battle was fought. I didn't see how fierce the enemy's firepower was. But let our commanders and fighters without any cover. , To charge the enemy's defensive positions. Didn't this send them to death?"

Cui Kefu put down his binoculars, looked at him and said solemnly: "Comrade Colonel, there is no bloodless victory. In order to defend our great motherland, no matter how great the price is, it is worth it."

When Pantai Leyev heard what Cuikov said, he was speechless and could only raise his binoculars to continue watching the fortified battle of our division's commanders.

Although Bantai Leyev was afraid to speak, I saw the casualties of the Lyudnikov division and said with sorrow: "Comrade Commander, look, this time Colonel Lyudnikov initiated The charge cost forty or fifty soldiers and casualties, but they didn't even touch the enemy's fortifications."

Cui Kefu smiled bitterly, and turned the topic to another direction: "Oshanina, what are your plans after clearing the 70th Guards Division?"

I don't know what Cui Kefu meant when he asked this, but I could only answer honestly: "I obey your orders."

Unexpectedly, Cui Kefu did not assign me specific tasks, but continued to ask: "I want to hear your true thoughts."

To be honest, my original plan was to follow Rokosovsky to the end of the Stalingrad battle. Anyway, it won’t be long before the Stalingrad front will be placed under the command of his Don front, and I will have a good relationship with the superiors earlier. , Is still very important. Unexpectedly, a telegram from Cui Kefu brought me back from empty space. Judging from the current situation, the remaining troops in the city have suffered heavy casualties. The next counterattack will definitely be our independent division. Rather than waiting for Cui Kefu to assign tasks to me, I might as well be the first to show a high profile and take on some dangerous tasks.

Thinking of this, I hurriedly said to him respectfully: "Comrade Commander, I thought about it this way. Even if Colonel Lyudnikov’s troops were rescued, they would be very limited in the next battle due to their limited strength. It's hard to make any achievements, so I think they should be allowed to rest on the spot, and my division will continue to sweep the nearby German forces. The first thing to deal with is the five German divisions still entrenched in the factory area."

Cui Kefu waited for me to finish with a smile on his face. He smiled and said to me: "Comrade Oshanina, you are not easy, you can actually guess the task assigned to you by the group army next. Let’s talk about what you plan to do with these five divisions of the German army. You know, Although they have lost a lot in the battle with us, and there is not much ammunition and fuel left, it is not easy to destroy them."

"Comrade Commander, because the enemy's strength is several times ours. It is unwise to attack their positions rashly." I thought to Cui Kefu and said my own thoughts: "But because the air supremacy of the battlefield is in our hands. In the hands of the Germans, the German tanks were afraid of being bombed and dared not attack casually, which greatly reduced our offensive pressure. For the sake of safety, I think we should adopt the method of occupying one place and consolidating one place. Step by step Advance to the depths of the enemy."

"Will it be too slow to fight like this?" Cui Kefu considered the problem from a different angle than mine. After listening to me, he immediately raised his own doubts: "Step by step, advance to the enemy in depth, not a month or two. It is impossible to completely wipe out all the German forces in the city. If Hitler drew reinforcements from the rest of the battlefield to rescue Paulus during this time, our plan of encirclement and annihilation would be completely defeated."

Although I know in my heart that the Battle of Stalingrad will continue for two months due to various objective reasons, I can only keep this in my heart, but I cannot tell Cui Koff.

Just when I didn’t know how to answer Cui Koff’s question, I suddenly heard Pantai Leyev cheering: “It’s great. It’s great. Our fighters are great! Commander, commander, come and see. Our soldiers rushed up, and they took down three more buildings in succession, and they were rushing towards the last two buildings."

Hearing Pantai Leyev’s shout, I quickly picked up the binoculars and looked into the distance. I saw that almost all of the regiment rushed up, and some of them were still cautiously bypassing the ruins and rushing forward. . Some have rushed into the buildings that have been occupied by us a long time ago, strengthening the defense of the buildings.

The commanders of the second battalion were searching for the remnant enemy in the newly occupied building. Many of them should have undergone special assault training, and almost all of them were engineer shovels in their hands. As soon as he spotted the enemy, he quickly rushed up with an engineer's shovel, launching a **** massacre on the enemy. Although the distance is far, I can't hear the movement in the building, but seeing the splashing blood, I can think of how strong the visual impact of this style of play is on the enemy. as predicted. After a while, the remaining enemies completely lost their courage. They threw down their weapons, turned their heads and fled back desperately. There were also scared soldiers who stood there and raised their hands high.

The enemy's blood was all over his body, but the red-eyed commanders of the second battalion did not give up. After driving the enemy out of the building, they chased behind them and rushed towards the next building. The German soldiers who had been hiding behind the rubble saw a large group of enemies rushing over. They wanted to shoot. They were afraid of accidentally hurting themselves. They could only see our commanders rushing in front of them and had to fight them. Unwilling to fight hand-to-hand. The commanders of the second battalion arbitrarily waved the shovel in their hands, and as long as the standing Germans touched them, they would immediately be splashed with blood and returned to Huangquan for five steps.

A few minutes later, a large group of troops flooded into the last two houses. The machine gun upstairs of the German army fired for a moment, and there was no sound. It is estimated that the machine gun shooter inside has been killed by the commander who rushed in.

Cui Kefu was stunned by what he saw. I saw him secretly wipe the sweat from his forehead, then turned to ask me: "Oshanina, where did your fighter learn this style of play? I Seeing that the Germans were beaten by them without any power to parry. You should promote your style of play in the entire army, so that we can achieve more victories in the next street fighting."

I smiled and answered Cui Kefu and said: "Comrade Commander, have you forgotten that when our independent division was first formed, the task we received was to recover a settlement occupied by the Germans. At that time, our weapons were limited. In the case of the method, the soldiers can only practice using cold weapons to fight in the enemy’s house. I didn’t expect this style of play to have such a good effect in the battle with the enemy from room to room. I really didn’t expect it. ."

The battle ended in twenty minutes, and about two dozen German soldiers with their hands high, walked out of the building, escorted by our commanders and fighters. At this moment, Cuikov let out a sigh of relief and turned to me and said, "Let’s go, Comrade Oshanina, now that the remnants in the middle zone have been eliminated, we can go to Colonel Lyudnikov."

Under the protection of the guard platoon led by Yushchenko, we passed through this area full of ruins and corpses, and walked quickly towards the Lyudnikov Division defense area in front.

When Lyudnikov appeared in front of us, if he hadn't taken the initiative to speak, I would hardly recognize him. His face was full of beard, the whole person looked black and thin, and the short fur coat he was wearing was full of mud, and he couldn't see his original face at all.

After a few simple greetings between him and Cui Kefu, he turned to salute me and expressed his gratitude for our rescue action. When he finished speaking, I immediately asked, "Comrade Colonel, I don't know where is the Captain Karpov I sent to you?"

"Captain Karpov?!" Lyudnikov couldn't keep up with my leaping thinking. After repeating the name I said, he suddenly said: "Oh, Comrade Oshanina, you are Did you say that the commander who brought a mixed battalion from the independent division to support me last time?"

"Yes, Comrade Colonel." Seeing Lyudnikov remembering Karpov, I quickly asked tentatively: "Is he still alive?"

"Alive~lightnovelpub.net~Of course he is alive, he is not that easy to die." Lyudnikov said, turning to call a commander behind him and telling him: "Second Lieutenant, you go The Captain Karpov from the division called here and said that General Oshanina of the independent division wanted to see him."

Seeing the ensign leaving behind, I couldn't help but whisper again, saying that the battalion assigned to him last time, I don't know how many people are still left.

"Comrade Oshanina," Cui Koff waited for the second lieutenant to walk away, and asked me in a low voice, "This Captain Karpov, is this the commander of the Eastern Battalion who led his troops last time anyway?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander. It's him." After I answered this sentence, I explained: "Last time I called you, I originally wanted to transfer the captain back from Colonel Lyudnikov's army. But because they were surrounded by enemies, I had to temporarily dispel this idea."

After listening to Cui Kefu, he was silent for a while before he said: "You are doing the right thing. We must try our best to ensure his safety." (to be continued)

ps: I sincerely thank the book friends for the two votes of supporting Lanlong and q1979072 children's shoes! Thank you book friends and bad children's shoes for their precious votes! Thank you book friend Zhong Ning for the 400 coins rewarded!