Burning Moscow

Chapter 865: Final battle (15)

Two hours later, Pantai Leyev’s troops took over the defense of the Vachuk Division. Although it is the early morning of the 25th, I immediately took Pantai Leyev, Andryuschenko, and Gurti Yev, as well as the tank brigade commander Colonel Bere, and the artillery regiment commander Lieutenant Colonel Cavillin all summoned to the headquarters for the final pre-war mobilization.

"Comrades commanders, according to the instructions of superiors, we will launch the final attack on the German forces in Stalingrad today and wipe them out completely." Although my mood became extremely excited because the battle of Stalingrad was about to end. , But in front of my many subordinates, I still tried to make my voice the same as usual, as if I was just setting them up for routine tasks. "Since the 284th Division of Colonel Vachuk was transferred away, the 150th Division that succeeded their defense area will attack in two directions at the same time. In order to reduce our army's casualties and destroy the German fire support as soon as possible, I plan to remove the card. Lieutenant Colonel Villing’s artillery regiment was divided into three parts and assigned to three infantry divisions."

After hearing my arrangement, Vitkov frowned and said: "Comrade Commander, if we split the artillery regiment and use it, then we will not be able to achieve coverage of the German firepower. Once the attacking force encounters the strong German fortifications. , It will pay a huge price."

I waved my hand and directly refuted his view: "Comrade Chief of Staff, the kind of artillery coverage you mentioned is used when attacking field fortifications and is inappropriate in street fighting. Think about it carefully. In the past few months of holding the city, we have to endure German artillery and bombardment every day, but in the end we stubbornly defended the city. Now we are attacking the enemy. If we don’t change our tactics, it’s probably a painful effort. At the price, the results achieved are also minimal."

"Comrade Commander, I don't know how you plan to fight?" Vitkov asked politely.

"Comrades commanders, in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, we must first persuade the enemy's defenders to surrender." I did not directly answer Vitkov's question, but said to all the commanders: "If If they disagreed, they would push the artillery battalion artillery over and shoot directly at the German fortifications. Understand?"

"Understood!" Three infantry division commanders and one artillery regiment commander replied in unison.

After everyone had expressed their opinions, Colonel Bie Lei, who had never spoken, stood up, raised his voice and asked, "Comrade Commander. Allow me to ask questions?"

Seeing Colonel Berei who took the initiative to stand up, I looked at him with a little surprise, and wondered what questions would he ask at this time? Although my heart was full of doubts, I said to him kindly: "Colonel Bele. If you have any questions, just ask."

"Comrade Commander," Biele repeated the question aloud: "Allow me to ask a question. What is the mission of the 84th Tank Brigade in this final offensive?"

"Colonel Bere," Vitkov said with obvious dissatisfaction after hearing the question raised by Bere. "Did you not attend the meeting two days ago? If you participated, it should be clear that your tank brigade The mission is to stop at the starting position and support the assault troops with artillery fire."

"But, Comrade Chief of Staff." Bere looked at Vitkov and said loudly: "Our tank brigade soldiers can do more. In addition to providing artillery support to the infantry, they can also take the infantry charge..."

"Colonel Bele, please don't get excited." To this tank brigade commander who had fought alongside the independent division, I said very politely: "The reason why I did not let your tank brigade dispatch is because the streets to be attacked are too narrow. , The tank is not very useful. On narrow streets. Once the advancing tank is attacked by the enemy behind or from the side, it is difficult to quickly turn around and fight back. In addition, the elevation angle of the tank gun is limited. It cannot reach the building. Fire from above. The enemy's anti-tank fighters can hide on the roof and aim at you."

After listening to my explanation. Bile suddenly understood the reason why I did not allow them to directly participate in the attack, and his face flushed with shame. Seeing his embarrassment, Vitkov walked to his side, raised his hands on his shoulders and gently pressed down, and said: "Comrade Don Lei, I know you are seeing don't All of the troops have specific offensive tasks, and you only provide some artillery support in the rear, and the effect of this fire support will be greatly weakened by the addition of artillery troops. In this case, you are disappointed. It is understandable."

After Bere sat down, Vitkov returned to his position, picked up a document on the table, glanced at the commanders present, and said: "Comrades, commanders! I will now read the group military A letter from the committee to all commanders and fighters of the 62nd Army."

Hearing what he said, several commanders immediately stood up from their seats in unison. Seeing everyone stood up, I naturally couldn't continue sitting in the position, so I had to stand up.

"Comrades, all commanders and soldiers of the 62nd Army," Vitkov read aloud: "At present we have moved into the final decisive offensive, which will determine the future destiny of our motherland. Paulus, who is surrounded by us. The troops will be completely destroyed under the blow of iron fist...

The Military Commission believes that the troops of the 62nd Army will honorably and successfully perform their duties to the motherland...

Go and fight bravely, comrades! Please remember that Stalingrad’s survival and freedom rest on you!

Glory belongs to the brave and fearless warriors in battle!

Let your glorious and victorious battle banner fly high forever!

Fight, brave warriors, fight the enemy desperately, and let them tremble unconsciously when they hear our name..." After Vitkov read it, he put the book in his hand on the commanders On the table.

"Ula!" Several commanders cheered in unison.

"Please sit down, comrades commanders." After Vitkov made a sitting position for everyone, he also sat on the stool. He pointed to the document on the table and said in a steady tone: "Our attack It will start at nine o'clock in the morning. So it must be read out to all the commanders and fighters before the battle, so that every soldier knows this order." After speaking, he turned to me and said, "Comrade Commander, I'm finished. "

I saw Vitkov say that he is finished. Immediately stand up and announce: "Comrade commanders, this is the end of today's meeting. You can go back to your team."

At eight o'clock in the morning, the divisions that had already entered the offensive position began the offensive. According to my prior arrangement, they arranged for the comrades of the anti-fascist coalition to speak to the opposite German army. Unexpectedly, what they were facing was a group of desperadoes, not just not surrendering. Actually, they used mortars to fire at the location of the propagandists who called out, or used machine guns to shoot. Seeing that the persuasion to surrender was invalid, the commanders of the divisions immediately ordered the artillery to fire and destroy the strong German fortifications with artillery fire.

At noon, the four streets we attacked. Most of the buildings have fallen into the hands of our army. Although the progress of the divisions went smoothly, I still couldn't concentrate, and I kept thinking about where the friendly forces coming from the west and meeting with us should be at this moment?

As long as I have free time, I will call Krylov. On the surface, I am concerned about the situation of the Vachuk division. In fact, I want to know how the troops gathered in the dormitory areas of the factories in the western suburbs are progressing. .

At first Krylov was very patient and briefed me on the situation. When I called more often, he seemed a little impatient. When I called for the last time in the evening, he finally couldn't help but get angry: "Comrade Oshanina. I remind you that what you should pay attention to is not how long the other troops of the group army will have to meet with the friendly forces, but you should be considered. How long will it take for our troops to advance outside Paulus’s headquarters.” After he finished speaking, he heard me silent. It may be that my tone is a bit heavy, which hurts my self-esteem. So he said in a slow tone, "Okay, Oshanina. I'll tell you the general situation, so don't keep calling. I went out to six of the factory dormitory areas in the western suburbs before this morning. The divisions, among which the Gorishne division, the Sokolov division, the Lyudnikov division, the Guriev division and the Rodimtsev division have turned to the north, to eliminate the entrenched in the factory areas and the factory dormitory areas The enemy group of the Vacuk division turned to the south, focusing on dealing with the heavy group that fled there. Let me tell you the good news. Now there is only a Red October town between the troops of our group army and the friendly army, and the straight line distance is only The last five hundred meters."

Hearing that Carreras had told me all the information I wanted to know, I did not bother me, but repeatedly thanked him: "Thank you, thank you, Comrade Chief of Staff! Please rest assured, I will not call again. The phone is causing you trouble."

Although I verbally said that Krylov was not troublesome, but early the next morning, after I handed over the work of the army to Vitkov, I took Yushchenko and a guard platoon and hurried to rush. Arrived at Cui Kefu's headquarters.

Seeing my sudden appearance of the group army headquarters, the first thing I noticed was that my Cui Kefu sternly asked, "Comrade Oshanina, why did you come here?"

"Comrade Commander," I quickly saluted him with a smile, and said with a smile: "I heard that the troops of our group army will soon join the friendly forces. As the deputy commander of the group army, I naturally have the right to be in the first place. Time to know this good news."

"Oshanina," Gurov, who had just discovered me, came over and said to me with a smile: "I guess, you want to go to Red October Town to see, don't you? I understand. If conditions permit, I myself will be eager to get there." At this point, he glanced at Cui Kefu next to him, and then said to me, "The commander and I and the chief of staff are going to stay and wait. Contact the head of the front army. Then, on behalf of the leader of the group army, you will witness this historic moment of great significance."

"Thank you, thank you Comrade Military Commissioner, and thank you Comrade Commander!" I secretly breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Krylov was not in the headquarters, and repeatedly expressed my gratitude to Cuikov and Gurov, and then raised my hand to respect the two of them. After a ring ceremony, he turned and walked out of the headquarters quickly.

When the vehicle we were in came to the north of a post near Hong Shiyue, it was stopped by a newly built checkpoint. A young soldier came to my car, raised his hand to salute me, and said politely: "Comrade General! Corporal Gilshanov, squad leader of the 13th Guard Infantry Division, reported to you that our squad is performing an inspection task. "

"Stop!" I pushed the door and got out of the car, and asked kindly: "Corporal, do you know where your division commander General Rodimtsev is?"

"Yes. Comrade General." Gilshanov replied respectfully, "May I be your guide?"

"Comrade Corporal, this is really great." I was worried about where to go to find the teachers after getting off the car. Now that someone is willing to take the initiative to act as a guide, I can't ask for it. I said to the corporal friendly. : "Please lead us. I have an urgent matter to see your teacher."

When we followed the corporal and walked up the hillside on the snow, I saw countless large and small craters on both sides of the road. There were many uncleaned corpses around the pits, including Germans. Yes, there are also our own people. It can be seen how fierce the battle is going on here.

When we came to a building on a hillside where three walls had been bombed down, we saw a group of commanders in white camouflage suits and gray cylinder leather military caps standing around the door talking. From their back, I, He quickly recognized Rodimtsev standing in the middle. After I hurriedly thanked the corporal who led the way, I walked quickly towards them.

It's still far away. I greeted them loudly: "Hey, comrades commanders, how are you!"

Hearing my shouts, the commanders turned their heads and saw me, with surprised expressions on their faces, and hurriedly walked over to me. Rodimtsev, who was walking in the front, asked in amazement: "Comrade Oshanina, why are you here?"

As I shook hands with him, I replied, "I'll take a look at the meeting of our army and friendly forces." Seeing that he opened his mouth to speak, I quickly added: "The commander and the military commissar agreed."

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on me. I quickly asked, "Are you all ready?"

When Rodimtsev heard my question, he quickly replied: "Report to Comrade Deputy Commander, we have prepared the flag for the meeting. But the commanders of the battalions want to lead the charge personally. In this case , There is no way to stop them."

If I am not an army commander, but a division commander, I would also like to lead the charge. After all, this kind of meeting scene that can be recorded in the annals of history, some people will not meet once in a lifetime. So I changed the subject in time: "Where is the banner of the meeting?"

Rodimtsev turned his head and shouted behind him, "Hey, Captain Gusin. Bring us the banner we prepared."

As he shouted, a captain of the Guards with a gray cylindrical cotton cap and white camouflage uniform came over. He walked up to me and stood still. After raising his hand to salute, he unfolded the red flag in his hand and saw the words "Memorial of the Reunion on January 26, 1943" written on it.

After reading the text on the red flag, I nodded, and then said to Rodimtsev: "Comrade General, time is almost up, let's act."

Hearing my order, Rodimtsev shouted at his men: "Comrades, all return to their positions." After that, he nodded at me and took the lead towards the other side of the hillside. Go.

Looking at the back of the commanders leaving, I was planning to find a place to watch the grand meeting of the two armies, and heard a familiar voice behind me: "Hello, Comrade General!"

I turned my head and looked behind me, and a familiar face caught my eye. A smile appeared on my face when I saw someone coming. When I was about to speak, I found that there was a thick bandage around the other person’s neck, so I immediately asked with concern: "Sergeant Pavlov, how is this? What happened, are you injured?"

Sergeant Pavlov, who was standing opposite, touched the bandage on his neck, smiled embarrassedly and said, "Comrade General, I accidentally let a bullet bite on my neck. It’s nothing serious. My only regret is that I can’t. Look back. But since it’s a charge, there’s no need to look back.” At this point, his eyes glanced aside, and then he asked me carefully: “My troops seem to start charging soon. Allow me to return to myself. Are your troops going?"

"Go ahead, Sergeant Pavlov, pay attention to safety."

"Yes!" Pavlov agreed, saluted me again, turned and ran quickly toward his line.

I looked around and found that the half-collapsed house in front of me was still suitable for observation, so I took Yushchenko and the others into it. Find a location facing Red October Town, raise the telescope and look down.

"Boys," Rodimtsev's voice suddenly came from not far away. I quickly turned the lens of the telescope to the direction of the sound, and saw him waving a pistol in his hand, shouting loudly to the left and right. :"go ahead!"

With his shouting, thousands of people hulahed up on the silent hillside. Forty or fifty of them were in a row, holding their weapons and walking down the hillside in a neat line. The red flag flying on the far right side of the first row of the queue is the flag I just saw for the reunion division, and the flag bearer holding the flag of the 13th Guards Division is advancing side by side with Rodimtsev.

Although the enemies in the town were trapped in an iron wall, they saw our army's attack and acted quickly. After a minute or two, a few mortar shells fell in the middle of the attacking team and exploded. The air waves and shrapnel overwhelmed a dozen soldiers, but the gap in the queue was quickly caught up by the soldiers behind. Filled up.

When the queue in white camouflage uniforms hurried to the foot of the hillside, several more sailors in black sailor uniforms and black cotton caps appeared in my field of vision. They followed with their guns and their heads high. Suddenly I heard a whistle, and then the sailors took off the cotton caps from their heads and took out the sailor caps from their arms and put them on their heads. I saw that one of them was a little familiar from the back. When he turned his head to speak to the commanders around him, I immediately recognized him as Sergeant Holor, a sailor from the 92nd Infantry Brigade.

"Commander, look at the tank, our tank." Yushchenko who was next to him suddenly exclaimed in excitement, "Just south of the town, our tank is coming."

Amid the sporadic gunfire, there was the roar of tank motors, and troops in our uniforms appeared in the distance. In addition to these, I also saw the unique heavy tanks of our army, with the words "Chelyabinsk Collective Farm Farmer" and "Ural Metal Worker" written on the turret.

The troops who were going downhill saw the friendly troops coming from the opposite side, and their morale was immediately boosted, and they were walking faster and faster, and finally ran wildly towards the town that had long been turned into ruins.

The German soldiers hiding behind the ruined wall saw our army surge up like a tide, and after firing a few panic shots, they turned around and ran towards the middle of the town. A German officer wearing a big brimmed hat behaved very stubbornly. Although deserters ran past him from time to time, he stood still and shot at our soldiers with a pistol in his hand. Seeing our soldiers getting closer and closer to him, he grabbed a grenade from the side and threw it out as soon as the string was pulled. The grenade fell in the queue of our army and exploded, blowing up four or five fighters~lightnovelpub.net~ but without him picking up the second grenade, the soldiers who flocked to him had already beaten him into a hornet's nest.

As more and more commanders and fighters poured into the town, the German officers and soldiers at the end of the road knew that there would be no result if they resisted. They threw down their weapons one after another, and stood on the side of the road and raised their hands high. But our commanders didn't care about them at all, and rushed directly to the oncoming friendly commanders.

A few minutes later, thousands of commanders and fighters of the two armies hugged together, and their cheers could be heard clearly even from a few hundred meters away. But those heavy tanks drove by the town. The tankers leaned out from the hatch and waved to cheer the infantry comrades who joined the division. They did not stop, and the powerful tank column continued to drive towards the city.

"Comrade Commander," Yushchenko said loudly beside him, his tongue became a little bit awkward due to his excitement, "I...I'm not dreaming, am I?...Our 62nd Army is really meeting the friendly forces? "

"Of course I joined forces. Didn't you see that the soldiers of our group army and the commanders of the friendly army are all hugging together in Red October Town? It seems that your eyes have a problem." Although I said it very lightly, but I was also infected by the historical meeting scene before me. When Yushchenko was not paying attention, I quietly wiped the tears from my cheeks because of joy. (To be continued)