Burning Moscow

Chapter 869: "Vlasov"-style German General (Part 2)


Goebbels' self-righteous speech was a disservice to those German generals who wanted to resist. When Pantai Leyev's 150th Division attacked the tractor factory dormitory area, the resistance it suffered was far weaker than I thought. +◆Before the offensive started, I looked at hundreds of buildings in front of me, saying that in so many houses, the Germans had deployed thousands of defenders at least. Even if our attack went smoothly, if we wanted to occupy them all, It also takes at least two days. We must know that when the German army seized this dormitory area from the 37th Division of the Guards, it took more than a month.

Unexpectedly, as soon as our troops attacked, most of the defenders holding on to the half-collapsed building would put a few shots symbolically and raised the white flags spontaneously. Of course, there are also stubborn opponents. The cross firepower network formed by the firepower inside and outside the building suppressed the commanders lying down in the snow to their heads. At this time, the two artillery battalions of the 150th Division and the artillery battalion of the 266th Artillery Regiment that belonged to the division would open fire without hesitation, smashing the dense artillery shells at the enemy's building. When the building collapsed in the intensive artillery fire, many scorched and smoked places would tremble with white flags. When the commanders of our army rushed up, groups of prisoners would lift their hands from the ruins. come out.

At noon, Pantai Leyev, who was supervising the battle at the front, called and reported to me: "Report Comrade Commander, after a whole morning of fierce fighting, our division has basically occupied the tractor factory’s dormitory area. There are only a few buildings in the dormitory area. The remnant enemies that have not been eliminated are fighting stubbornly in the negative corner. We have sent a small team into the building to eliminate them, thinking that it will not take long before they can be completely wiped out."

"Which regiment was the main attacker in the morning?" Although I now have four infantry divisions, a tank brigade, and an artillery regiment. But I have always paid the most attention to the troops I started: "I played relatively well. In half a day, I basically occupied the dormitory area occupied by thousands of German troops."

"The report, Comrade Commander, is a regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Sejerikov,” Bantai Leyev reported to me truthfully: “The first echelon is Serebryan’s Inner Battalion.”

At the beginning of the great counter-offensive, Cuikov promised to the commanders of the independent division that which troop rushed into Gorodishe first would be named after that troop. At that time, the first battalion of Lieutenant Nicholas and the second battalion of Major Serebriani rushed into the city at the same time. Later, when reporting to the group army headquarters, I suggested that both battalions should be named after their commanders. The result was rejected by Cui Kefu. He said that Nicholas’s first battalion was almost all officers and soldiers. If they were given such a high honor, it would make the commanders and fighters of other troops dissatisfied. Therefore, in the end only the second battalion in Sherebryan was named "Sheleb Liang Neiying".

Although it took only half a day to seize the dormitory area, thinking of the next battle to seize the factory area, I dared not take it lightly, so I asked nervously, "Colon Bantai Leyev, since I have seized the dormitory area, Next, you should attack the factory area. Which regiment do you plan to send?"

"I intend to let the Second Regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Oleg complete this task." Bantai Leyev asked without waiting for me. He took the initiative to explain: "Because the 2nd regiment had reduced its personnel in the early battle to defend the height of 107.5, after the start of the counteroffensive, they hardly participated in any decent battle. Lieutenant Colonel Oleg came to my headquarters yesterday and died. The stalker pestered me to assign him combat missions, saying that all the commanders in the second regiment were full of fighting passion. If they were not allowed to undertake important combat missions, everyone would be suffocated."

Regarding the arrangement of the division, I did not express any opinions. After all, I am not the commander of an independent division. As long as Pantai Leyev did not make any major mistakes in command, I would not just go over him to command the troops below. I thought about it, and then asked the other two questions in succession: "Colonel, when will the attack begin? How do you plan to attack the German fortifications outside the factory gate?"

"The second regiment's offensive will officially begin in half an hour, that is, at 1:00 noon." For my question, Bantai Leyev should have already finished the draft. As soon as I finished speaking, he replied clearly: "Our attack intends to adopt the tactics of coordinated foot-tank and coordinated foot-gun, striving to conquer the enemy's defensive position outside the factory gate in the shortest possible time, and quickly Break into the factory area."

"Very good, just follow your arrangements." After listening to Pantai Leyev's arrangement, I nodded in satisfaction, and after agreeing to his plan, I put down the phone.

Seeing that I had ended the call with Bantai Lev, Vitkov immediately asked: "Comrade Commander, we can't observe the troops attacking the factory area at this position. Do the observation sites need to be transferred immediately?"

When I heard Vitkov say this, I knew that he should have chosen a location for the observation post, so I didn’t go around in circles, and asked straightforwardly: "Comrade Chief of Staff, do you have a suitable place to set up a new observation post? "

Vitkov nodded and said affirmatively: "Yes, Comrade Commander. We can set up the new observation post on the stadium stand of the tractor factory, where the field of vision is wide and we can clearly see our attack on the tractor factory gate. The troops. And even if we are shelled by the Germans, we still have enough places to move."

"Since this is the case, move it immediately."

Our new command post had just been set up, and the 150th Division’s attack on the tractor factory area began.

I stood in the gap in the wall and watched the sparse team slowly move forward on the snow. On the starting position behind them, there was a line of artillery aimed directly at them. In addition to the artillery, there were many infantrymen who were helping to carry ammunition beside the artillery. In the boundless wilderness, there are a dozen tanks moving forward. From the appearance of the tank, I can see that this is the tank battalion of Major Perskin. They are not using the Soviet t-34, but all. The captured German tanks. The white cross mark on the tank has been removed, and a small red flag is also inserted on each turret as an identification mark. Behind these tanks moved a small group of infantrymen, facing the interception of German machine guns and mortar fire, they fell down and jumped up from time to time. Go slowly.

The closer to the German defensive position. The more dead bodies will lie in the snow. In addition to the Germans, there are also our commanders and soldiers, lying there alone or in groups, and the snowfall in December and January covered them with a thick shroud.

"Comrade Commander," said Vitkov, who was standing next to me, suddenly, "I don't deny that allowing infantry to board tanks can speed up the deployment of troops. But you can see that there are seven or eight combatants on a tank. Just take a look. Even if a shell fell next to the tank and exploded, the commanders on it would suffer heavy casualties."

As soon as his words fell, a few shells fell near a tank, and the moving body was immediately enveloped by gunpowder smoke. I know that as long as the mortar shells don’t directly hit the fuel tank or fall through the open top cover of the turret, the damage to the tank is almost negligible, but when I think of so many fighters standing on the body, my heart is broken. Tight.

When the gunpowder dissipated, I saw that there were not many officers and soldiers on the body of the tank, except for two people lying on the rear body. The rest of the commanders fell into the snow. I moved the telescope to the two commanders lying on the tank to see if they were still alive.

One of the commanders carried a walkie-talkie on his back. It should be a telegraph operator. At this moment, he was lying motionless on the tank, not knowing whether he was stunned or sacrificed. The man lying next to him did not die, his arms were still moving. He reached out and grabbed the circle of handles on the turret, trying hard to get up.

Just when he stood up by grabbing the handle with both hands, the gray cylinder hat on his head did not know how to fall off, revealing long golden hair all over his head. Seeing this scene, Vitkov exclaimed: "Damn, it's a woman?"

In fact, even if Vitkov didn't yell, I could see that the living commander on the tank was a woman. After I could see the female commander’s face, blood poured over my head. I put down my binoculars and walked quickly to the radio, hurriedly instructing the radio operator: "Get me the 150th Division Division immediately."

When I heard Bantai Leyev’s voice coming from the headset, I immediately shouted at him furiously: "Colonel Bantai Leyev, I’m here to ask you whether all the male commanders of the Second Regiment are dead. Absolutely, why let the regiment political comrade Vellore personally lead the team to charge?"

"What, Comrade Vellore, political commissar of the Second Regiment, personally led the team to charge?!" Bantai Leyev was also stunned by the unexpected news. After a moment of silence, he solemnly replied, "Comrade Commander, Before the attack, I once greeted the heads of the regiments and told them to stay in their command positions and cannot charge like ordinary soldiers. As for the Vellore political commissar taking the lead in the charge, don’t you say, I really don’t know. Please wait a moment, I’ll contact Lieutenant Colonel Oleg and ask him to send someone to pull down Vellore’s political commissar."

"No, at this time, even if you send someone up, it is estimated that you will not be able to pull Vellore down." I have gradually calmed down at this moment, and I understand that just now I saw Vellore injured that will cause emotional out of control. If I were still an independent teacher at the moment, I might also take people to the charge myself. "Infantrymen are advancing too slowly behind the tanks, so they can easily become German targets in the snow. I suggest that you immediately put the armored vehicles of the Perskin tank battalion into battle and carry the infantry forward quickly. "

I raised the binoculars again and saw Vellore without a hat standing on the tank, grabbing the handrail, holding the pistol in his hand high, waving and turning his head towards the back and shouting loudly. what.

Seeing that our marching troops were intercepted by enemy artillery fire and machine gun fire, the artillery staying at the starting position decisively opened fire, and the enemy's firepower was soon covered by our army's intensive artillery fire. At this moment, our army's fighter planes appeared in the air, and the flying formation carried out an assault on the base of the enemy's resistance. They swooped down from a high altitude and accurately dropped the bombs they carried on the firepower that was still spraying death.

Under the three-dimensional firepower of the artillery and air force, the firepower of the fortifications outside the tractor factory gate became sparse, and the offensive troops gradually accelerated their advancement speed. Since when I was in the independent division, I often instilled the theory of charging on the bomb point to the commanders below. From now on, they performed this tactic very well. As soon as the shelling and bombing were over, the offensive troops approached the gate of the destroyed factory. The infantry passed the piles of ruins outside the door and rushed bravely inside, while the tank stopped in front of the masonry and rubble, and used artillery to provide the necessary fire cover for the infantry in front.

Seeing that the Second Regiment had broken through the German defense outside the factory gate, Bantai Leyev promptly invested in the third and fourth regiments, and while expanding the breakthrough, continued to develop the troops in depth.

Witkov put down his binoculars and turned to suggest to me: "Comrade commander, our army has broken through the German defense in the tractor factory area. In order to expand the results, I suggest that the 171st and 308th divisions, which are the reserve team, should also be used. fighting."

"I agree!" After agreeing to his opinion, I added: "For Colonel Andryuschenko and Colonel Gurtyev, you only need to mobilize a regiment each, and then enter the breach, and the remaining troops will turn around from the two wings. Outflank the Germans and don't let them escape. Also, the terrain here is very suitable for armored assaults, and the 84th tank brigade of Colonel Bere is also dispatched."

Before dark, three infantry divisions and one tank brigade of our army occupied almost the entire tractor factory. The German officers and soldiers who could not withstand our army's attack waved white flags, walked out of the fortifications and bunkers where they were hiding, and surrendered to our army in an organized manner.

I came to the gate of the factory with Vitkov, standing on a high ruin, watching thousands of captives being escorted by the commanders and soldiers passing by us. All the soldiers and sergeants appeared to be extremely weak. They were all in ragged clothes. Although it is now a low temperature of minus 20 degrees, I found that many soldiers have no boots on their feet, only a piece of cloth, and there are even people. Playing barefoot. In sharp contrast to them are the officers. All of them are wearing warm military coats and their pockets are filled with sausages and other food. It seems that in the case of shortage of supplies, they enjoy far more food than their own. The soldiers under his men are more abundant.

I pointed to the fat officers in the crowd and said to Witkov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, look at the German officers. Your soldiers are starving to death, but they are still fat like pigs. "

After hearing this, Vitkov smiled. Just about to speak, he suddenly heard the radio operator next to me calling me: "Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander of the Group Army wants to talk to you."

I walked to the operator’s side, took the headset from his hand and put it on, then politely said to the microphone: "Hello, Comrade Commander, I’m Oshanina, what instructions do you have? ?"

"Oshanina, I heard that your troops successfully occupied most of the tractor factory and captured more than 20,000 German prisoners." Cui Koff's voice changed due to his excitement, but UU was unable to respond to his gaffe. Reading www.uukahnshu.com, I can understand. After all, it is not common in the Soviet army to capture more than 20,000 prisoners in one battle. "I congratulate you on the great results you have achieved."

"Comrade Commander," although he only congratulated me and didn't talk about the awards, I still reported to him steadily: "At most one day, I can clear the tractor factory. Enemy."

"Comrade Gurov and I will go to the office building of the'Red October' factory tomorrow morning. In the observation post there, we will witness how our troops besieged and annihilated the enemy trapped in the'barricade' factory. Come along with you then."

I was considering whether to withdraw the invitation of Trikov, because in my known history, the German troops surrounded by Stalingrad were annihilated on February 2. I am here to witness the remaining German troops in the tractor factory. Annihilation is enough, there is no need to go to the "Red October" factory. Unexpectedly, the following words of Cui Koff made me change my mind: "By the way, Oshanina, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. The commander of the front army has agreed to let General Saidlitz help us to persuade the rest. Enemy, he will also go together tomorrow."

"Understood, Comrade Commander." I replied very readily: "I will arrive at the'Red October' factory office building on time tomorrow morning." (To be continued...)