Burning Moscow

Chapter 91: Summary after the war

Although I succeeded in regaining the No. 4 position, I did not immediately return to the headquarters of the group army. Instead, I followed Nekrasov to the division headquarters of the 52nd Guards Division. At the same time, I asked him to transfer the three commanders of the division. , They are all called to the division headquarters to discuss the gains and losses of this battle together. ※To ~lightnovelpub.net~ When all the people attending the meeting are all present, I made a gesture to Nekrasov and said, "Comrade Colonel, since the commanders are all here, let's have a meeting. ."

Nekrasov nodded, stood up, put his hands on the edge of the table, and began to tell the commanders present about the loss and recovery of the No. 4 position. After briefly describing the process of regaining the position, he looked around and said to his men: "Everyone can talk about what you think about this battle!"

After speaking, he waited for a while and saw that no one answered the call. He looked at the commander of the 223 regiment and said, "Comrade colonel, this battle was born in your regiment’s defense zone, so you can talk about it first. Right."

The named group leader stood up and looked at me with a stern look. Seeing me looking at him calmly, he became more panicked, so that he could only say two words over and over again: "Our group today The commanders and fighters who participated in the battle acted very bravely. In the face of fierce enemies, no one backed away..."

When his chariot spoke for the fifth time, Nekrasov couldn't listen anymore, raised his hand to stop him, and pointed to another leader and said, "Tell me your opinion."

After the regimental commander stood up, he glanced at me nervously, and then calmly said: "Comrade Commander, I think the officers and men of the 223 regiment who participated in the counterattack have been very brave in today's battle. Our No. All the commanders and fighters of the 225th regiment must learn from them..."

When I heard these empty contents, I quickly raised my hand to stop him, and said impatiently: "Okay, Comrade Commander, you don't need to say any more. I know what you want to say." Finished, mine He shifted his gaze to the remaining leader, and asked curiously. "Comrade leader, are you the leader of the 221 regiment or the 227 regiment?"

Hearing my question, the tall and thin regimental commander hurriedly stood up straight and replied loudly: "Report to Comrade Commander, I am Lieutenant Colonel Yersov, head of the 221st regiment." Without waiting for me to speak. . He went on to say, "I think what we are discussing at this meeting today is not just how our army regained the No. 4 position, but should analyze the reasons for the loss of the position and avoid regenerating similar things in other areas. ▲Read the book. ◇1◇k to read"

Yersov’s words made me feel refreshed. I looked at him in surprise and urged: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, please tell me what you think.",

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Yersov agreed, and then began to analyze to me the reason why the fourth position was lost: "Although it is on the fourth position. The 223rd regiment is stationed with a company of troops for defense, but it is a defensive fortification. However, it was not built in accordance with the unified deployment of the group army headquarters. For example, there are no tunnels in the position. Once the enemy is intensively shelled or bombed, the troops hidden in the trenches will suffer many unnecessary casualties. Secondly, in the position. Ahead, the barbed wire was not pulled up and no minefields were set up, so that the Germans could walk underneath the position in a swaggering manner. The last point is the most critical point. On duty at night, we usually send a shift-based unit. At the same time, there are at least two machine gun fire points in the trenches. Someone is on duty for 24 hours, but the 223 regiment? Not only the machine gun fire points are unattended. Even the guard sentry usually has only two people. Once the sentry is attacked by the enemy. After it is killed, then the enemy's sneak attack will be successful."

After I heard Yersov’s words, I turned my head and asked the head of the 223 regiment: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, is what the head of Yersov said is true?"

"Comrade Commander," the team leader quickly got up from his seat. Like an elementary school student who did something wrong, bowed his head and confessed his mistake: "Since we consider that the soldiers are very tired during the construction of fortifications during the day, in order to let them rest better, our regiment arranges very few Russian sentries at night. ."

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel," I became irritated after listening to the commander's self-defense. I slapped the table vigorously, pointed to his nose and said loudly: "Have you ever thought that if the troops below did not carry out your wrong order, this fourth position would never be lost, and we would not just because Regained the lost positions, and sacrificed more than 100 commanders and fighters with rich combat experience in vain."

"I was wrong, Comrade Commander." The head of the 223 regiment was flushed with my reprimand. After sneaking a glance at me, he immediately assured me: "After I go back, I can order the third battalion to build a perfect position. Defense system."

When I criticized the commander, Nekrasov immediately pleaded for his subordinates. He said in a pleasing tone: "Comrade Commander, you calm down. Now that you know how the 223 regiment's position was lost, everyone will definitely learn from the pain and improve the existing defense system to avoid similar incidents. "

"Yes, Comrade Commander. Reading a book w and ww." Seeing that his immediate boss was speaking for himself, the head of the group also plucked up the courage to say to me: "We will learn from this serious lesson and take our The defense system is complete. Don't worry, as soon as I go back later, I will order the third battalion to dig the tunnel overnight and strive to complete the construction within a week."

"There is also a minefield in front of the position." After I waited for him to express his position, I added coldly.

"Yes, yes!" The lieutenant colonel replied in a flustered manner: "The minefield will also be laid out in the near future, and we will never let the Germans touch our ground silently."

After everyone was seated, I looked around, and then asked: "Today's battle, presumably everyone has just listened to Master Nekrasov's introduction. Even if you haven't witnessed it with your own eyes, you must know it. I am sure. Now I ask you, what do you think of today's battle?"

Nekrasov’s regiment commanders looked at the chief of staff of the division, and saw that the other party was ignorant, and then turned to Nekrasov for help. Seeing the embarrassed look of his troops, Nekrasov had to stand up again and intercede with me: "Comrade Commander, since everyone is silent, it is estimated that today’s attack will be a successful attack. The Germans running on the hillside are not at all concerned."

After Nekrasov finished speaking, Povsky, who had remained silent, said, "Comrade Nekrasov, can I say a few words?" Seeing the other side nodded blankly. He stood up and said: "Today's battle, the commander and I saw the entire process in the regiment observation post. First, I want to say that the commanders and fighters of the 223rd regiment are all good. Facing the enemy When the bullets rained, no one flinched, but rushed forward bravely."

What Povsky said surprised me. How did he become a lobbyist for Nekrasov? But I soon realized that my judgment was wrong, and I only heard Povsky continue to say: "In fact, the position was covered by our rockets. The German defenders on the position were very limited. But the Germans were just like that. The little remaining strength still caused our brave Guards soldiers to pay tragic casualties."

"Comrade Artillery Commander," I don't know why Povsky would suddenly make a long statement, and quickly stopped him and said: What on earth do you want to explain? "

"Rifle artillery coordination!" Such a term suddenly appeared in Povsky's mouth, and then he continued: "When our counterattack force reached the center of the open field, there were two salvos from the rocket battalion. The German troops on the position were severely killed. According to the plan made before the battle, when the troops arrived at the foot of the mountain, the rocket launcher would definitely not be designed again for fear of accidentally injuring its own people. At this time, it can be used. There are only mortars."

Having said this, he sighed deeply, and then said: "However, what I saw was only the brave soldiers braving the bullets fired by the enemy and flying grenade fragments, bravely rushing up the hillside. Go. Many commanders and fighters fell in a pool of blood, using their blood and even their lives to compose their infinite loyalty to the motherland and their immense hatred for the fascist invaders..."

When Povsky said this. I was very surprised. I didn't expect the artillery commander sent to me by my superiors to be so eloquent, if he was asked to serve as a political commissar in any division. It is estimated that he can have a better exhibition.

I did not interrupt him, but patiently listened to him expounding his views. All the commanders including Nekrasov kept nodding their heads when they heard his high talk.

When Povsky and I left the 52nd Division of the Guards and returned to the car in the headquarters of the Group Army, I couldn’t help asking Povsky: "Comrade Artillery Commander. I want to ask you, in the war What did you do before the explosion?"

After Povsky heard what I said, he shrugged his shoulders and replied with a smile: "Comrade Commander, what else can I do. Of course I am a teacher."

"I don't know what major he teaches?" I heard that he was actually a teacher before, and I couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. I didn't expect that an ordinary teacher would be easily qualified for the job of artillery commander. I even wondered whether he used to be a teacher in a school in Moscow or Leningrad? Because I was thinking about it, I couldn't help but then asked: "Which school did you teach in the past?"

"It's not the kind of university you think." Povsky probably guessed what I was thinking, and explained to me: "I used to be a lecturer at the Tula Artillery Academy. After the war broke out, the army lacked enough artillery. Commander, I was transferred from the school and went to an artillery regiment to serve as a deputy. With which regiment, I fought against the Germans in many places. Not long ago, I was officially appointed as the guard of the 6th Guards Army. Artillery commander."

After listening to his narrative, I nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, Colonel Povsky, I think you are fully qualified for the position of commander of the artillery with your abilities." After I said this, I thought for a while. , And asked him: "If the German army strikes our defense zone, how do you plan to use the artillery in the group army?

Povsky replied without hesitation: "I plan to send people to survey the terrain and mark out each area in the defense area one by one. Once the enemy rushes into our defense area, they only need to fire at the designated area and give them Hit hard."

Regarding Povsky’s remarks, I said noncommittal: "Comrade Colonel, since you have carefully considered, I will give you full responsibility for the artillery work. No problem, right?"

"No problem." Povsky agreed very simply. Then he stretched out his hand to me and said gratefully: "Comrade Commander, thank you for your trust in me. I will certainly not let down your expectations of me."

As soon as he entered the headquarters, Danilov greeted him and asked with concern: "Comrade Commander, how is the situation at Position 4?"

What Danilov said confused me. I wondered if Povsky had forgotten to call him just now and switched to what I asked him to telegram? But on second thought, it was impossible, because I was always there when Povsky called.

Bezikov noticed my anomaly and quickly explained to me: "Comrade Commander, after receiving a call from Colonel Povsky, we immediately reported to the Front Army Headquarters as soon as possible to recover the fourth. The news of the position informed them." He glanced at the anxious Danilov and explained to me with a smile, "Comrade Deputy Commander is worried that you are afraid that your superiors will blame you~lightnovelpub.net~ so you are regaining your position. Before, let us send out this telegram of victory."

Bezikov's explanation made me understand why Danilov was so abnormal. So I smiled and said to Danilov: "Comrade Deputy Commander, what are you worried about? Are you worried that I will lie about the results and deceive the superiors?"

Although I said this in a ridiculous tone, Danilov waved his hand in a panic, and said in self-defense, "In the past, the battle to regain lost ground like this took as little as four or five hours, and as many as two. Three days, or even longer. And it took you just over an hour to regain your position, which is a bit incredible."

I smiled at Danilov’s question, and then said to him sternly: "Comrade Deputy Commander, if you have been partnering with me for a long time, there will be some conflicts with other troops in the troops under my command. You have to adapt slowly to different situations, but you can't always make a fuss like you are now."

Danilov may not have understood me at all, but he nodded and said faintly, "Understood, Comrade Commander, I will work hard to cooperate with you in all the work of the army." (To be completed. Continued.)

