Burning Moscow

Chapter 914: Zhukov's arrival

Kirilov, however, was the opposite of my relaxed reaction. He grabbed the tele-paper and stared at the "?" on it intently, without speaking for a long time.

"Comrade Political Commissar, what's the matter with you?" In order to ease his nervousness, I deliberately said to him in a mocking tone: "Have you never seen a telegram with only a question mark?"

Unexpectedly, Kirilov was still expressionless after hearing what I said. He stared at the telegram for a while, then raised his head and said to me with a straight face: "Comrade Oshanina, I always feel Something is wrong!"

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" His words made me puzzled, and all asked inexplicably: "Comrade Political Commissar, have you found something wrong?"

Kirilov nodded and then said, "Comrade Oshanina, do you think we caught Hitler too smoothly? According to Sergeant Adil’s report, there are tanks parked at the entrance of the airport, and there are still There were quite a few fighters and bombers, as well as two companies of the Wehrmacht. But when we attacked, we were fighting with only one company of the Wehrmacht and a small SS. Not only were there no planes in the airport, but there were even the gates. The tank was also gone. You must know that even if Manstein travels, it is impossible to bring such a small amount of guard force, let alone Hitler, the head of state?"

After listening to Kirilov’s words, my heart began to become tense, and my heart said that it would not be Manstein who wanted to destroy us. There is a trap set by "√", right? But then I thought about it, maybe not. The "bait" he used was too big, and he actually used Hitler himself. Isn't he afraid of guns and no eyes. Did Hitler accidentally hurt Hitler in the melee?

Just when Kirilov and I were relatively speechless. Pantai Leyev and a group of commanders under him came towards us. After they salute us. I instructed Bantai Leyev: "Comrade commander, you are now responsible for the security work at the airport. On the position facing Zaporos, you must place the most powerful force. I am worried that the enemy will know. With the news of Hitler’s capture, he will rush to the airport like crazy. Whether you can stop their crazy attack, it’s all up to your teacher. Is it clear?"

"Clear, comrade commander." Bantai Lev agreed. Turning around, he began to give orders to several regiment commanders under him, arranging the defense positions of each regiment and battalion.

When Bantai Leyev set out the task, Kirilov and I began to discuss how to respond to Zhukov's telegram. Kirilov asked frowningly: "Comrade Oshanina, how do you respond to this telegram from Marshal Zhukov?"

I thought for a while and replied: "Let’s do it, Comrade Political Commissar. I will send another telegram to Marshal Zhukov, saying that our ministry has captured the airport of Zaporos and captured Theodore Ike, the commander of the Skeleton Division, and A German who is suspected of Hitler."

For my proposal. Kirilov thought for a moment, and readily agreed: "Okay. Comrade Oshanina, just send another telegram to Comrade Marshal, by the way, what should we do with Hitler?"

After the discussions were completed, I told Razumeyeva: "Comrade Lieutenant, immediately send another telegram to Marshal Zhukov, saying that we have captured the German "skeleton division" commander Ike and a German who is very similar to Hitler. How to deal with it?"

After taking the order, Razumeyeva turned and went to the temporary communication room to report. And Pantai Leyev ran up to us after setting up the combat mission, and said to us in a pleasing tone: "Commander, political commissar, I heard that Hitler was captured by us, I don’t know if I can meet him. You must know that we have only seen Hitler painted on a target before, and we have never seen a real person. I want to see a real person today, don’t know if it’s okay?”

Regarding Pantai Leyev’s request, I could not find a reason to refuse, so I raised my chin at the plane on the runway that was surrounded by our soldiers in a circle, and said: "Comrade commander, Hitler and the SS The general was on the plane. In order to prevent him from escaping, I sent a platoon of the special guard company to guard him."

These two words of mine immediately caused Pantai Leyev’s laughter. He smiled and said: “Don’t say there are big pits in the airport. Even if there are no big pits, it is impossible for Hitler to escape unless he himself Will fly this big plane.” After speaking, he raised his hand to salute us, and ran towards the distant plane with a few of his men.

Kirilov looked at Bantai Leyev and their backs and asked thoughtfully: "Comrade Oshanina, tell me, how will Comrade Marshal respond to us after receiving our telegram?"

Hearing his question, I shook my head and said with a wry smile: "Comrade political comrade, I don’t know. I didn’t expect to catch Hitler. Not only did it bring us no benefit, but it became a big trouble for us. At present, this matter has not been reported to the commanders of the group army and the front army, and I don’t know how they will see us after they learn about it?"

There was a rumble of guns and guns in the distance, and it seemed that the enemy from Zaporosh was engaged in fire with our troops. I listened a bit, and only heard the sound of tank guns, mortars, and machine guns. It seemed that the Germans were rat-catchers and did not dare to use heavy weapons such as cannons. Hearing this, I felt more at ease. As long as the Germans dare not use heavy artillery or plane bombing, then we will have no problem defending the airport.

Razumeyeva came out of the temporary communication room and reported to us: "Comrade commander, the marshal's call has arrived."

"What do you say on the telegram?" I asked habitually when I received the telegram.

Razumeyeva was taken aback when I asked this, and then fluently reported: "Comrade commander, the marshal said that he will arrive in Zaporos by special plane in two hours. Please clear the runway. So that the plane can land smoothly."

"What, Comrade Marshal is going to come here in person by special plane?" Kirilov was taken aback by the unexpected news, and he said to me nervously, "Comrade Oshanina, we should prevent Comrade Marshal from coming here. You must know that from Moscow to here, you have to fly over the area occupied by the enemy. If the plane is intercepted by anti-aircraft fire, Comrade Marshal will have life."

I understand that what Kirilov said is the truth. Zhukov’s plane. He had to fly several hundred kilometers in an area occupied by the Germans. If it was fired by ground anti-aircraft guns, his special plane might indeed be shot down. However, based on my understanding of Zhukov, the more dangerous the place is, the more he wants to take risks. Even if I send a telegram to stop him, he will not easily change his decision. Thinking of this, I said to Razumeyeva: "Lieutenant. Call back to Comrade the Marshal. We are ready to meet him at Zaporos Airport. Please come to Zaporos as soon as possible."

Seeing Razumeyeva turned to leave, Kirilov quickly stopped him, turned and said loudly to me: "Comrade Oshanina, don't you know the dangers facing here? Come out from Zaporosh. The German army is attacking our position. When Comrade Marshal’s special plane arrives, it is still unknown who owns the airport. We have no right to let a Soviet marshal take the risk. I beg you again, Comrade Zhukov Power generation. Let him cancel this crazy plan."

I waved my hand and said helplessly to him: "Comrade Political Commissar, with my understanding of Marshal Zhukov, as long as he makes a decision, no one can modify it. What we can do now is to try our best to block it. The German offensive ensures that the airport is still in our hands when the Marshal's special plane arrives." At this point, Razumeyeva waved her hand and signaled her to return to the communication room to send a report.

Pantai Leyev returned to us happily after seeing Hitler who was confined on the plane. He said with a disdainful expression: "What kind of **** head is just a coward. When I saw a few people with me, I was scared. He has to hide in the corner and tremble. Unfortunately, he doesn't understand Russian, otherwise, he will use our language to ask us for mercy.

"General Bantai Leyev," I ordered him as soon as he finished speaking: "I just received a telegram from Marshal Zhukov, and his special plane will arrive in Zaporos in two hours. I order you, Immediately organize manpower to fill up the crater on the airport and ensure that Comrade Marshal’s plane can land safely."

"Comrade Marshal is coming here?" Bantai Leev was also taken aback by the news, and then he said nervously: "Comrade Commander, can you send another telegram to Comrade Marshal saying that the airport is suffering from German forces. For his safety, please cancel this operation?"

"Okay, Comrade Bantai Leyev." I waved at him and said impatiently: "This is not something you should be concerned about. Now you have two things to do. One is to fight back the German army and deal with the airport. The attack ensured that when the Marshal’s special plane landed, the airport was still under our military’s control. Second, immediately organized manpower to fill up all the large holes on the airport runway so that Comrade Marshal’s transfer could land smoothly."

Before going on the mission, Pantai Leyev pointed his finger to the side, and said to us in a concerned tone: "Commander, political commissar, it is cold outside, you should go back to the tent."

I looked in the direction of Pantai Leyev's fingers and noticed that he was referring to a tent that had been set up for a long time. This was originally a temporary command post for Kirilov and I. It was because of Hitler's affairs that we both stood stupidly outside and frozen for an hour without even realizing it.

When Zhukov's special plane and two escorting fighters appeared in my telescope lens, the German attack on the airport had been repelled again, and the airport runway had been completely repaired, enough for Zhukov's special plane to land safely.

Seeing that the height of the plane was getting lower and lower, I hurriedly summoned Pantai Leyev and several of his battalion commanders, and stood in line by the runway with my special guard company, waiting patiently for the plane to land.

When the special plane landed successfully and stopped steadily near us, I quickly greeted everyone with us. I walked quickly to Zhukov, raised my hand in salute, and reported loudly: "Comrade Marshal, you are welcome to Zaporos, Major General Oshanina and all the commanders of the 79th Infantry Army are waiting for your orders. ."

"Where is Hitler?" Zhukov just nodded at me, and then asked: "Can you confirm that it is him?"

Zhukov's words stopped me. I didn't know how to answer his question in a hurry. After opening my mouth a few times, I realized that I really couldn't answer Zhukov's question, so I closed my mouth with interest.

"Why didn't you speak?" Seeing that I hadn't responded to him for a long time, Zhu Kefu couldn't help frowning and grunting heavily.

Seeing Zhukov's anger, I hurriedly straightened up and said, "Report to Comrade Marshal that Hitler and the injured ‘skeleton division’ commander were locked up on the large plane next to him. It was Hitler’s special plane."

"Take me to see." Zhukov didn't introduce me to the group of commanders behind him. After simply giving me an order, he walked towards Hitler's special plane.

We passed among the soldiers guarding the plane, got on the plane along the gangway, and walked along the corridor to where Hitler was. Hitler was sitting in a chair with a haggard face, looking out the window desperately, while the injured Ike was lying on a big sofa opposite him. Seeing the shirtless Ike being wrapped up like a mummy by the hygienist, I knew how badly he was injured in the battle just now.

When Hitler saw so many people standing in front of him, he hurriedly got up from his seat. He lost the expression of being aloof and domineering. Instead, he spoke to Zhukov who was standing in front of him in a humble manner. What, Greetka, who was standing next to him, promptly translated the other party’s words to Zhukov~lightnovelpub.net~ Seeing Hitler’s reaction like this, my heart couldn’t help but chuckle, and my heart said this German captured by us. , Is it really Hitler? When I thought of this, a word suddenly popped into my mind: substitute, yes, it is substitute. During the defense of Moscow, Stalin's stand-in went to Rokosovsky's 16th Army to inspect it. Now it is not surprising that Hitler's stand-in appears near Zaporos.

After listening to Greetka’s translation, Zhukov said a few more words to Hitler, who was indistinguishable from the true and false. Then he turned to me and said, “Lida, Hitler’s identity is suspicious. We cannot confirm whether he is himself or a person. Stand-in, so I want to take him back to Moscow and hand him over to the comrades in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for interrogation to find out what is going on."

I dare not disagree with Zhukov's decision. I just pointed to General Ike who was lying on the sofa and asked: "Comrade Marshal, does this SS general also take it away?"

Zhukov turned his head and glanced at Ike, and said in a disgusting tone: "I am not interested in this kind of dying person. I'll leave it to you to deal with it." Then he turned his body aside and rushed to follow him on the plane. The subordinates waved to let them take Hitler away. (To be continued...)
