Burning Moscow

Chapter 919: The situation is reversed (in)


As soon as I uttered my words, the room suddenly became quiet, and everyone was stunned by my whimsical ideas. ◎ After a long time, Vitkov asked hesitantly: "Comrade Commander, if I heard you correctly, you just said that our next offensive target is Zaporos, where the Manstein headquarters is located? "

"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff," I said affirmatively: "You heard me right, I'm talking about Zaporos."

"But, why is this, Comrade Commander?" Vitkov asked in amazement: "You must know that the German troops broke through the friendly defense line to the north of ours not long ago and penetrated into the depths of our group army. Here it is. Is it appropriate to attack in this situation?" Maybe he was afraid that I would forget the German troops on the west side of the airport, and he specially reminded me, "Did you forget that the German "skeleton" armored infantry division has been constantly facing Our airport launched an attack."

"The Skeleton Division is not terrible," I said when I looked towards the rear of the cabin, I could barely see Ike lying motionless on the floor, and said "skeleton division" hadn't attacked well in the past two days. It's fierce. Is it because they knew that the teacher had fallen on our hands, so they threw a rat-avoidance weapon and did not dare to let go of their hands and feet to attack us? Thinking of this, I continued: "Although they are attacking the airport every day, compared with the brilliant results of the'Imperial Division', they are not so much attacking as they are conducting offensive and defensive training."

"Offensive and defensive training?!" The term I popped up made them even more confused. This time it was Kirilov who spoke: "I said Comrade Oshanina, can you elaborate more, this kind of dumb riddle It sounds like. We sound very strenuous."

Since Kirilov asked so. I won't go around in circles anymore. Instead, he said straightforwardly: "The'Imperial Division' of the 4th Guards Infantry Army's position that attacked today wiped out our 25th Army and the tank brigade of Colonel Bere in just one or two hours. And easily broke through the direction of the infantry, straight into the depth of our army's defense. And the "skeleton division" is the same famous SS troops, if they really want to seize the airport, they may be able to achieve their goals in a few hours. . But now? They fought for a few days. They couldn't enter the gate of the airport. Tell me, what is the reason?"

After I finished speaking, Pugachev tentatively said: "Comrade Commander, you are right. The two-day offensive of the Skeleton Division is indeed a bit abnormal, giving people a perfunctory feeling."

"Yes," I said affirmatively about Pugachev's analysis: "According to my analysis, the'skeleton division' attacked us not to seize the airport. It was to contain our army near the airport. Let us Unable to concentrate on attacking the flank of the'Imperial Division'. Support the defensive operations of the friendly forces.

"Even the attack of the Skeleton Division is perfunctory, but is it a bit too risky to attack Zaporos with our strength?" Vitkov waited for me to finish and immediately expressed his opinion: " At present, our 308th and 171st divisions are both entangled by the Germans and cannot be withdrawn at all. If we want to attack, we can only rely on the 22nd Guards Division of General Bantai Leyev, which can be used at present. There are only three regiments in the army. With this strength, it is almost impossible to complete a task to conquer a city that may be heavily guarded."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, your analysis is correct." After I agreed with Vitkov's words, I went on to say: "I have just said that our army is currently surrounded by the Germans on three sides. If you don’t want to be wiped out by the Germans, in addition to retreating eastward, the only thing you can do is to risk attacking Zaporos, destroy the German headquarters and throw their command system into chaos. This is tantamount to supporting the victims in disguise. Friendly troops attacked by the Germans."

Seeing that I had decided, the plan for attacking Zaporos could not be changed, and Vitkov no longer tried to persuade me, but began to consider how to formulate a battle plan. He thought for a while and asked me: "Comrade Commander, do I need to prepare for artillery fire before the attack?"

I understand the meaning of his question. Although the artillery regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Cavillin added a batch of shells two days ago, the number is limited. Each shell can only guarantee three base ammunition. If you want to provide the offensive troops With artillery support, the artillery would be faced with no artillery shells in the next battle. I thought about it, and then said to him: "Comrade Chief of Staff, in order to reduce the casualties of our troops in the attack on Zaporos, necessary artillery preparations are still necessary."

"Well, I will call Lieutenant Colonel Cavillin immediately." Although Vitkov still had a helpless expression on his face, he had no choice but to object to what I said. He had no choice but to say: "Arrange for the artillery regiment tomorrow. Provide necessary artillery support for our infantry during the attack."

Seeing that he was going to make a call, I quickly stopped him again and told him: "That's right, Comrade Chief of Staff, there are also two artillery battalions in the 22nd Division of the Guards, so I put them together for use. "

"Yes!" Vitkov agreed, turned around and called the artillery regiment.

As soon as Vitkov walked away, Kirilov asked quickly: "Comrade Oshanina, how do you plan to play tomorrow?"

"Comrade political comrade, according to my estimation, the German'skeleton division' will attack our position tomorrow morning." Hearing Kirillov's question, I told him what I was thinking without reservation. Come out: "After their offensive is repelled, we will bombard the German positions outside the city of Zaporos. After the bombardment is over, in addition to leaving some troops to continue confronting the'skeleton division', the rest of the troops Attack Zaporos."

"Is this appropriate?" After listening to my thoughts, Kirilov's worry on his face became even greater. He asked worriedly: "Comrade Oshanina, when our troops charge Zaporos , Will the'skeleton division' troops stand by? If they attack from our flank, then our offensive troops are in danger of being wiped out."

I know that my plan is imperfect, and even purely a product of brainstorming. If we attack according to my plan, then the possibility of us capturing Zaporos and annihilating the entire army will be equally divided. To ensure the success of the operation. I am actively proposing to postpone the attack time by one day. He issued two new orders to Pugachev: "Comrade Major. Immediately send a report to Major Godunov, asking him to withdraw his troops before dawn tomorrow, and rush to the airport to meet us. Convergence. In addition, we sent out reconnaissance personnel to conduct reconnaissance on the German defense positions in Zaporos overnight, and we must clarify the distribution of firepower on the German positions."

"Understood, Comrade Commander." Pugachev said this respectfully. Turned around and left the command post, and went to the telecom room next door to report.

Vitkov, who came back after the call, heard me postpone the action time, nodded, and said with emotion: "Comrade commander, postpone the offensive time to the day after tomorrow, so that we have more preparation time. Just find out. After considering the deployment of enemy forces in the city, and then targeted strikes, I believe that our success rate in capturing the city will greatly increase."

I just smiled bitterly about Vitkov's disbelieving statement, because I was wondering whether this attack would be successful. It's also at a loss. I only hope that Major Godunov can bring back more commanders from the assault engineer battalion, with these well-trained assault engineers. In the upcoming street fighting, we will occupy a great advantage.

Due to the German blockade when Godunov led the transfer of his troops last time, I didn't have much hope for whether they could withdraw from the German encirclement this time. Unexpectedly, the less hopeful things are, the easier it is to surprise people.

When I was sleeping in a daze on the camp bed by the wall, I suddenly felt someone shaking my shoulder, and then I heard Kirilov’s familiar voice: "Hey, Oshanina, wake up, wake up. what."

I opened my eyes hard, looking at Kirilov who was standing in front of my bed, and slowly asked: "Comrade Political Commissar, is it dawn outside?"

"It's early in the morning," Kirilov said to me excitedly, "I tell you the good news. Godunov successfully withdrew his troops from the encirclement of the Germans."

"What, Major Godunov led his troops to withdraw?" Upon hearing the news, I suddenly sat up from the camp cot, ignoring wearing shoes, stepped on the ground barefoot, and couldn't wait to ask Kirillo. Husband: "Comrade Political Commissar, where are they now?"

Kirilov saw me look anxious, and he smiled and said, "Comrade Oshanina, I see you are in a hurry. Major Godunov just called and said that he has led the troops to carry out the depot. The class is taking a break.” At this point, he paused for a moment, and then said to me in a negotiating tone, “After days of fighting, the officers and men are very tired, so I made my own claim to let Major Godonov rate The Ministry rests in Cuban, and will lead the troops to come over at noon."

Hearing that Godunov and his troops were still in Kuban, I sat back on the camp bed again, putting on my boots and said, "Since they are resting in Kuban, let them rest for a while. Anyway, the offensive will be tomorrow. Start. By the way, is there any new situation coming from the group army?"

Kirilov nodded and replied: "The group army command sent a telegram saying that after the German army broke through the defense line of the 4th Guards Infantry Corps yesterday, it had advanced nearly a hundred kilometers and had approached the headquarters. The commander is currently commanding the troops and is fighting fierce battles with the German troops."

"Where is General Gurtiyev?" After asking about the situation of the group army, I was concerned about the 308th division that was supposed to serve as the cover flanking. "Are there any movements with the Germans in front of their positions? He sent a search team to find the survivors of the tank brigade on the battlefield. Is there any result?"

"According to General Gurtiyev's report, there are currently no German troops in front of them." Kirilov picked up a telegram and read it for me: "The search team sent out overnight has been intensively collected. About forty wounded of our army were rescued, of which 15 were seriously injured. No trace of Colonel Bere was found."

Hearing this, I stood up abruptly and said angrily: "How did this Gurtyev do it? It's such a big place that he can't find anyone. It's a waste." I carried my hands back. After walking two laps in the house, he stopped and said to Vitkov, who was standing next to him: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I will send a report to General Gurtiyev so that he will send additional staff to continue the search and live. If you want to see the dead or the corpse, you must find the whereabouts of Colonel Biele."

"Yes!" Vitkov agreed, handed me a telegram, and reported: "Comrade Commander, this is the telegram that has just been received. It is Major Akhromeev and the 171st Division Commander Andre. A joint telegram from Colonel Liushchenko. They said that the German 11th Armored Division and the 336th Infantry Division were pushed up from two directions at the same time, which severely compressed their maneuvering space, so that they had to engage in cruel battles with the Germans. ."

"Ah?!" Kirilov by my side was taken aback when he heard the news, and then asked me puzzledly: "Comrade Oshanina, why does this happen?"

"Very simple, Comrade Political Commissar." In response to his question, I shrugged ~lightnovelpub.net~ and said helplessly: "Major Godunov's troops successfully withdrew from the German encirclement, then The German troops that were originally contained by the New Third Regiment will have no worries about the future, and they will be able to calmly transfer to the troops to attack our 171st Division."

"With the strength and weaponry of the 171st Division, it is impossible to stop the attack of an armored division and an infantry division of the German army." Kirilov said anxiously: "What should we do next? Have they been wiped out by the Germans?"

"Comrade Political Commissar, don't worry, things have not reached such a critical moment." I quickly comforted Kirilov and said: "Because the current strength of our army is too scattered, I intend to let Major Akhromeyev alternate with them. Under cover, we withdrew to Cuban, where we built new fortifications to resist the German attack. Once we succeeded in capturing Zaporos, we withdrew both the 171st and 308th divisions into the city, where Stand by and wait for help."

"This is a good idea, I agree." I heard that my plan is to withdraw more than 10,000 and 20,000 people from the entire army into the city to continue fighting after the capture of Zaporos, Kirilov's confidence "Maybe this way, we can successfully replicate a'Stalingrad-style' street fighting in Zaporos, and when the main forces of the Southwest Front and Voronezh Front arrive, it will be in Zaporos. Encircled and wiped out the German troops under the city." (To be continued.)