Burning Moscow

Chapter 997: Honoring Ceremony (Part 2)

I looked in the direction of the sound and found that it was another person I knew. I quickly let go of Krochkov's hand and greeted him actively. And respectfully used the father's name and original name of the coming person to call him: "Hello, dear Alexander Vasilyevich, I am glad to see you here!"

The visitor wore a brand-new general uniform, and the gold star on the epaulettes was particularly eye-catching. Seeing me greet him, he smiled and stretched out his hand, took my hand, and said complimentally: "Comrade Oshanina, the last time we met was during the defense of Moscow. I didn't expect more than a year to pass. Now, you are still so young and beautiful. Not only did you get a promotion in your military rank, you even got the title of'Hero of the Soviet Union'."

"Oshanina, you may not know it yet. Comrade Alexandrov won the first prize of Stalin's bonus for writing "Bolshevik Party Song" and a series of military songs. Not long ago, because of his 60-year-old For birthdays and the 40th anniversary of artistic creation activities, he received the Lenin Medal and was awarded the rank of major general." Krochkov, who walked to my side, also smiled after introducing me to Aleksandrov’s deeds. He stretched out his hand towards the other party.

After I waited for Aleksandrov and Krochkov to shake hands, I smiled and said to him: "Comrade Aleksandrov, as long as your Red Flag Sing and Dance Ensemble appears on the battlefield, it can greatly Inspire the morale of our commanders and fighters. Although you only have a dozen of them, your role is no less than that of two divisions. You and your song and dance troupe are both precious treasures of our Red Army."

For my flattery, the head of the Hongqi Song and Dance Ensemble with a small beard smiled from ear to ear. At this time, Krochkov missed the opportunity to ask: "By the way, Comrade Aleksandrov, I heard that you are currently creating a new national anthem. I don't know how it is going?"

When Aleksandrov, who was still happy at first, heard Krochkov’s question, his expression immediately became serious. He shook his head and replied: "We have used "Internationale" as the national anthem. History is over, if you want to find a suitable song to replace it. It's not easy said than done!"

Krochkov seemed to know Aleksandrov’s answer long ago. He nodded and said with emotion: "Yes. The notice for the new national anthem has been received in various units since 1940, but So far, no suitable works have been found among the songs recommended by units at all levels."

Seeing the look of the two men frowning. I suddenly remembered that the new Soviet national anthem was created on the basis of the "Bolshevik Party Song", and I couldn't help but say: "Comrade Alexandrov, I have an idea. I don't know whether to say it or not."

When Alexandrov heard me say this, he asked somewhat unexpectedly: "Comrade Oshanina, do you know how to compose?"

I shook my head, smiled and replied: "Although I don't know how to compose, but I, a layman, can also tell you about my ideas."

As soon as I finished speaking, before Alexandrov could react, Krochkov took over and said, "Comrade Alexandrov. I believe what Oshanina said, It will definitely inspire you a lot. However, should we sit in our seats and talk slowly, lest we block the way of other comrades."

At Krochkov's proposal, the three of us found a suitable place and sat down. As soon as he took his seat, Alexandrov couldn't wait to ask: "Comrade Oshanina, tell us what you think!"

I quickly organized the vocabulary in my mind, and then said: "I think the new national anthem should be vigorous, majestic, magnificent, and distinctive in national style." At this point, I paused for a moment, wanting to see Alexandria. Drov's reaction. Seeing him nod in affirmation. I continued to say, "My idea of ​​the national anthem is to combine the victory march, the exquisite folk songs, and the broad Russian epic narrative song."

As soon as I finished speaking, Alexandrov slapped his thigh and exclaimed excitedly: "It's great. Comrade Oshanina, this idea of ​​you is really great! Thank you, thank you! "After I reached out, grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously.

Perhaps it was because his voice was too loud when he just lost his stance. A general sitting in the front row turned his head and glared at us with dissatisfaction, as if he wanted to criticize us. When he saw the face of Alexandrov clearly. The anger on his face immediately turned into a smile. He stretched out a hand on his side and greeted the latter with a smile: "Hello, Comrade Alexandrov, I don’t know when you can bring the song and dance troupe. Come to our reserve front army to perform, comrades commanders and fighters have been looking forward to you all the time."

Hearing the reserve front army, and looking at the three gold stars on the shoulders of the general, I immediately guessed the identity of the opponent. He was the commander of the reserve front army, Leyter. I quickly stood up and raised my hand to He saluted and said respectfully: "Hello, Comrade Commander."

Leyter sat at the table and gave me a gift. After glanced at my epaulettes, he smiled and said, "It turns out that it is Comrade Oshanina. Congratulations on your winning the Golden Star Medal and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. ."

"Thank you, thank you, Comrade General." Since I have not yet officially reported to the reserve army, there is no affiliation with General Leyter. After a few small talks, he turned around, and The person next to him continues to chat.

Krochkov found the opportunity to ask Aleksandrov: "Alexander Vasilievich, after listening to Oshanina's proposal, what do you think?"

Aleksandrov replied confidently: "I have already thought about it. I will process and modify the tune of the "Bolshevik Party Song" and ask the famous poet Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhail. Koff and El Lekiski re-filled the lyrics. I think that in this way, the new national anthem will be available in a short time."

When I heard these words of Alexandrov, I couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. It seems that the head of the Red Flag Song and Dance Ensemble is really capable. I just mention it casually, and he can do it in such a short time. Inside, there are overall considerations. It seems that the launch time of the new Soviet national anthem can be much earlier than the real time in history.

Seeing more and more people entering the hall, I couldn't help but raise my hand to look at the watch, and found that it was nine o'clock in five minutes, but the three chairs left for the host behind the long table were still empty. I secretly said to myself that Lao Maozi doesn't have any idea of ​​time. Will this honoring ceremony be postponed?

While I was thinking about it, Alexandrov, who was sitting next to me, noticed my strangeness, and asked me curiously: "Comrade Oshanina. I think you seem to be nervous, have you never experienced it? Such a big scene?"

After listening to Aleksandrov’s question, I shook my head and said: "No. Comrade Aleksandrov, I think the time will be up soon, but the leader of the ceremony hasn’t arrived yet, so it’s a bit I am worried that the award ceremony will be temporarily cancelled."

Alexandria waited for me to finish, and then glanced at Krochkov, who was sitting on his right. Turning back and smiling, he said to me: "Don't worry about this. Comrade Molotov has always been known for being punctual. You will see later, as long as the hour hand points to nine o'clock, he will appear in front of everyone on time. ."

Although I heard Alexandrov say this, I didn’t see Molotov and the others appearing. My heart was still unreliable. While talking absent-mindedly with Alexandrov, I looked nervously into the hall. The entrance.

Just when I was uneasy and uneasy, three people appeared at the door of the hall. My eyes are sharp. I immediately recognized Molotov walking in the front, Marshal Voroshilov behind him, and behind the Marshal was an old man with a goatee and eyes.

With the appearance of the three people, the whole hall suddenly became quiet, and even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly. When the three people came to the long table and took their seats one by one, I let go of my hanging heart. My heart said that under this circumstance, the award ceremony would definitely not be cancelled or postponed.

After the three of them talked a few words in a low voice, Voroshilov got up from his seat. Facing everyone, he said emotionally: "Comrades, I’m sorry to keep everyone waiting. But there is a reason why we are here so late. Before we came here, the latest battle report was sent from the front line, in order to convey the good news. Let everyone know in time. We stayed in the telecom room for a while and came here after receiving all the battle reports."

When Voroshilov said this, he paused for a moment. After scanning the audience with his eyes, he said in a cadenced voice: "In the early morning of this morning, our Southern Front and Southwest Front joined forces outside the city of Zaporos in the Great Bend of the Dnieper. At present, the main force of our army is attacking. In this city, the enemy in the city was defeated by us. The commanders of the Voronezh Front also successfully repelled the enemy’s counterattack against Kharkov. The troops are making the final preparations before the attack. And on the right bank of the Dnieper River. The Germans also failed to please. They attempted to capture Smila and rushed towards Kiev. They were swept by the soldiers of the 79th Guards Infantry Division under the command of General Vachuk...."

I quietly turned my attention to Fronin, who was sitting on the other side, to see how he reacted. After all, among the people present, he was the most familiar with this period of history. But when I focused my attention on him, I saw him open his mouth wide, with an incredible expression on his face.

Seeing his expression, I couldn't help but hum, and yelled badly. Could it be that my appearance has caused the current situation of our enemy and our true history to shift? I just don't know what the outcome will be if we continue to develop according to the current trend.

As my attention was focused on Fronin, so much so that Voroshilov said something behind, I didn’t hear clearly at all. I knew that there was thunderous applause in the hall before I knew the marshal’s speech. It's over. I quickly learnt what other people looked like and applauded.

As soon as Voroshilov sat down, Molotov stood up. He put his hands on the edge of the table, looked forward, and said with a smile: "Comrades, the reason why we have achieved such a good result now, I have to thank one person in particular. It is precisely because she led her troops to the right bank of the Dnieper River, contained a large number of German troops, and decisively captured Kiev, that made the battlefield situation a gratifying change...."

Although Molotov didn't say my name, many participants turned their heads and looked at where I was. When I realized that I had become the focus of the audience, I couldn't help feeling a little at a loss.

Molotov glanced at me, picked up a piece of paper on the table, and said unhurriedly: "The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, to Lida Musdakova Osha Ning Na awarded the Gold Star Medal and the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" to recognize his brave and fearless fighting spirit on the front lines of the Great Patriotic War and his great achievements in liberating the glorious city of Kiev."

Molotov stopped when he read this, and cast his gaze on where I was. At this time, Alexandrov sitting on my right hand gave me a light push and whispered: "Comrade Oshanina, it's time for you to play. Come to Comrade Molotov. , Accept the honor you deserve."

I hurriedly stood up, sorted out my military appearance, walked forward quickly, straightened my back and stood in front of Molotov, waiting for his next order.

Molotov smiled and stretched out his hand to me, and said friendlyly: "Comrade Oshanina, I congratulate you!"

I shook hands with him while politely replied, "Thank you!"

Seeing Molotov and I held hands together, there was a burst of warm applause in the hall.

In the warm applause, Molotov put the gold star medal just taken out of the box on my left chest, above the other medals. After putting on the medal, he turned around and took the certificate of honor from Voroshilov's hand, held it in both hands and handed it to me.

Then Voroshilov and the old man with a goatee shook hands with me and congratulated me.

Molotov then briefly said a few more words before announcing the official end of the award ceremony. After everyone stood up and applauded to send off Molotov and the three of them left, they also left their positions and walked out of the hall.

I was considering whether I should go outside to find Bezikov immediately, but he did not expect him to come first. After he glanced behind me, a look of disgust appeared on his face. He asked me in a low voice, "Lida, shall we go back now?"

"Comrade Colonel," Krochkov's voice came from behind me before I could speak: "Comrade Oshanina wants to come with me, so I won't go back with you for the time being."

"What?!" Bezikov heard these words ~lightnovelpub.net~ and immediately asked fiercely: "Comrade Krochkov, who gave you the right to detain commanders from the front lines?" As he said, his hand touched the pistol on his waist.

I saw that he had misunderstood, and I quickly grabbed his hand to avoid accidents caused by his impulse, and explained to him: "Comrade Colonel, you have misunderstood. Comrade Krochkov did not take me back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but Go to the hospital."

"Hospital? What are you going to do in the hospital?" Bezikov listened to me. Although he was still hostile to Krochkov, his hand was removed from the holster.

Seeing Bezikov looking at me confusedly, I had to further explain to him: "There seems to be something wrong with my eyes. Comrade Krochkov said that he knows an ophthalmologist and is going to take me there. Take a look."

"It turns out that this is the case, then I will go with you." After Bezikov said this, he turned his head to Krochkov and asked in a sarcasm: "You have no objections, right? ?" (To be continued.)