Burning Moscow

~: Chief of Secret Service

The enthusiasm of the Soviet soldiers who yearn for honor was fully aroused by this celebration ceremony, especially those of the Peterr regiment and the Yatzenuk regiment who participated in the battle but failed to make merits, watching their robes and military merits again. Zhang You received the certificate, but he had nothing, and his jealousy was extremely jealous. Please use to visit this site.

Suddenly, the army's desire for battle was high. Not to mention the commanders who tasted the sweetness of Sholov and Donskoy, even Peter and Yatzenuk, who feared the enemy and avoided fighting, were also three times apart during the last battle. Cha Wudi called me and asked when the next battle would take place, and repeatedly emphasized that their troops must be the main force of the battle this time.

In the next few days, I became extremely busy. First, a group of commanders and fighters of the former 2nd Assault Army who were disbanded were assigned to our division. Fortunately, the soldiers said that it was the same everywhere, so as soon as they arrived in the army, I directly assigned them to the missing company. And those commanders really gave me a headache for a few days, because even if they were unable to reinstate their posts, they would not be allowed to be soldiers in the company. Finally, after repeated consultations with several regiment leaders and political commissars, they reluctantly agreed to assign them to their regiments to serve as deputy positions and coordinate with the original military chiefs to do a good job in the training of the troops.

In addition, I rush between the various units every day. In addition to checking the training situation of the units, I also talk to the commanders at all levels, trying to increase the mutual understanding between me and the commanders, so as to improve my understanding of the troops. Degree of control.

Time flies so fast, a week passed in a flash, and it was mid-July unknowingly.

this day. I watched the training of coordinated combat between the two regiments of Donskoy and Sholov, and had dinner in the Sholov regiment. Only returned to the division headquarters in the evening.

I got out of the car outside the church and said to the driver: "I'll come here to pick me up at eight tomorrow morning." After speaking, I dragged my tired body along the steps to the headquarters.

Just as he was about to enter the door, Boroda ran out of it in a panic, and just happened to bump into me full of arms. The huge inertia made me retreat a few steps back and forth, and Boroda was afraid that I would fall down the steps, so he quickly grabbed me.

After I stood firm, I asked him dissatisfiedly: "Comrade Chief of Staff. What are you doing in such a panic? Don't you know that as a divisional commander, you want to maintain a steady image in front of soldiers?"

Boroda looked around, and whispered to me: "Lida, it's not good, something has happened. The commanders of the 2nd Assault Army in the division have been arrested!"

It took me a lot of effort to settle these commanders, and it was only a few days later, when I heard Boroda say so. I suddenly became annoyed and walked towards the headquarters, and asked loudly, "Who is so bold to run to our 378th Division to arrest my subordinates?"

When I walked into the command post, I saw a lieutenant sitting carelessly at the table and saw me entering the door. He didn't even stand up to say hello. Seeing his attitude, I became even more angry, and asked him bluntly: "Comrade Lieutenant, which part of you are you? Don't you know, according to the regulations. You should get up when you see a commander with a higher rank than your own." Salute me?"

"Major Oshanina." The lieutenant was still sitting there, not moving at all, and calmly said to me: "I will introduce myself. I am Lieutenant Turchinov of the NKVD. , Is the newly appointed Chief of the Special Services Section of the Front Army."

Hearing that it was an officer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I couldn't help but sigh. These people have always been the masters of night owls who come into the house without problems. They suddenly appeared at my division headquarters today. Are they here with some important mission?

Thinking of this, I sat down on the opposite side of him and called Boroda to sit down. Then I said without arrogance, "Hello, Comrade Lieutenant. What are you doing in my teacher?" Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered that before entering the door, Boroda said that the original commanders of the 2nd Assault Army had been arrested. Could it be the person in front of me who did it, so I asked again: "Before I entered the door, I heard that my subordinates were not The young commanders have been arrested. I wonder if it was yours?"

Turchinov smiled calmly, and said: "Yes, the original commanders of the 2nd Assault Army were all arrested by me."

I was a little surprised by his calmness, so I bit my posterior teeth and asked: "Why? Can you tell me the reason?"

"Why??" Turchinov sneered, and said: "They are all traitors' subordinates, suspected of collaborating with the enemy, I will take them back for interrogation."

As soon as his words fell, I slammed the table and stood up, and asked him aloud, "Comrade Lieutenant, please make it clear that the commanders you captured were originally from the 2nd Assault Army. It took a lot of hardships to stand out from the Germans. They are heroes and they will never be suspected of colluding with the enemy."

Seeing me getting angry, Turchinov stood up, put his hands on the edge of the table, and said coldly: "I got information, the day before yesterday, on July 12, the original commander of the 2nd Assault Army Vlasov The general has surrendered to the Germans, betrayed our motherland, and became a shameful traitor. The commanders I arrested are all under the traitors. Can you say that they are not suspected of colluding with the enemy?"

When Turchinov said so, not only I, but Boroda was also surprised.

Unexpectedly, Vlasov would really surrender and become a traitor. Things were already clear, but I felt calm, so I sat down slowly, looked at Turchinov who was staring at me, and said with a smile: "Lieutenant Comrade, I want you to clarify one thing. General Vlasov’s rebellion and submission to the enemy were his personal actions and had no connection with the broad commanders of the 2nd Assault Army. I believe that these commanders who were arrested by you They are all innocent, and I can prove it for them."

Turchinov glanced at me and said contemptuously: "You prove it for them, who will prove it for you?"

Hearing what he said, my head was bloody, I took out the pistol around my waist, opened the safety, slapped it on the table, and said loudly: "Comrade Lieutenant, let me remind you that this is in my The site of Division 378 is not in the Secret Service of your Department of Internal Affairs. If you don't release the commanders of our division today, don't want to leave here."

Seeing that I put the gun on the table, Boroda might be afraid that I would kill the Secret Service chief in anger, so he quickly stood up and acted as a peacemaker: "Comrade Commander, Lieutenant Turchinov, everyone will be deserted. , If you have anything to say, it's your own people, don't use your sword or gun."

To my surprise, Turchinov was not intimidated by my aggressive aura. He appeared extremely calm, sat down again, and said calmly, "Major Oshanina, put away yours. A set of scary tricks. Don’t think that you are a teacher, I will be afraid of you. I also told you that I will not release any of those commanders. At the same time, I will take you to Secret Service to accept our review. Because you were also a member of the 2nd Assault Army."

I sneered and said, "Comrade Lieutenant, you want to take me and so many commanders away from here. You are too weird." After that, I slapped the table hard, turned my head and shouted at the door. Shouted: "Come here!"

Normally, as long as I shout like this, at least one officer on duty will come in. However, after shouting today, there was no movement at the door, let alone anyone coming in. What's going on.

I walked to the door and looked outside, and saw seven or eight sentries standing outside the headquarters, all of whom had never seen before. Turning around, seeing Boroda following me and approaching the door, he asked him loudly, "Comrade Chief of Staff, what is going on? Where are the soldiers of our guard company?"

Boroda lowered his head and replied, "These fighters were all brought by Lieutenant Turchinov, and they were all from Secretco."

I understood in a moment that Turchinov came to the division headquarters today to arrest me. I greeted the female relatives of his family secretly in my heart, and then dashed towards the table, wanting to pick up the pistol I placed on the table. It's a pity that it was a step too late, but when I just touched the pistol, the gun in Lieutenant Turchinov's hand was on my forehead.

Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. I know that if I act rashly, this lieutenant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs would definitely dare to shoot. He could only hold the gun in his hand and place it gently on the table, and slowly stand up straight.

Seeing me obediently ~lightnovelpub.net~ Turchinov sneered twice, and shouted loudly at the door: "Come on!" Following his shout, he immediately went from the command center. Four warriors with big arms and round waists rushed in.

Turchinov pointed at me and told the soldiers: "Tie her to me." The soldiers agreed, went up and grabbed my arm and twisted it behind me, and tied it tightly with a rope.

I didn't struggle, because I knew it was useless to resist at this time. I stared at Turchinov with a vicious look, and asked loudly, "Lieutenant Turchinov, do you do this, does Commander Meretskov know?" I said this just to make it clear. He, the chief of the Secret Service, came to arrest people, whether he was ordered by Meretskov or he did it on his own. At the same time, I also reminded Boroda: I am in trouble now, so hurry up and find Meletskov to rescue me.

Turchinov picked up the pistol I had placed on the table, closed the insurance and inserted it into his belt and jacket. He smiled triumphantly and said, "Do you still want to wait for General Meretskov to rescue you? I. Tell you, don’t dream, Comrade Commander and the Chief of Staff have returned to Moscow and have not yet come back. As for when they will come back, I’m not sure.” After speaking, he shook his head at the soldiers and ordered: “ Take it away!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)