Burning Moscow

~: Section 185 Tank Brigade, Assault! (11)

   "Naughty, just ridiculous!" Rokosovsky's thunderous roar came from the earpiece, followed by a loud bang, and it is estimated that it was another slap on the table in front of him. I feel very sympathetic to the wooden table in the division’s command. I don’t know if it has been shot and fallen apart after being hit by the commander again and again in the past few days.

   I moved the phone slightly away from my ear, lest his roar shook my ears and deaf. "Anyway, I will meet Katukov and Yevremenko and their units in your division headquarters before ten o'clock tomorrow morning anyway. You can't wipe out a few enemies too late. Sooner or later, the tank brigades and anti-tank artillery regiments will be defeated."

   Listening to the commander furious on the phone, it is estimated that Sunhill City’s repeated offensive failures have pushed him to the brink of collapse. He only vented his dissatisfaction, so that he didn't even listen to what I just told the battle was over. But I knew it was unwise to remind him at this time, so I kept silent all the time.

   He roared for a while, and suddenly asked as if he had discovered a new world: "Lida, what did you just say? You also wiped out the other German troops wedged into your division's line of defense?"

   "Yes, Comrade Commander." I put the receiver close to my ear again, smiling and replied: "I have reported to you just now. The lost position has been retaken, and the invading enemy has been wiped out."

"I'm sorry, Lida!" Rokosovsky took the initiative to apologize to me for his attitude just now: "I was in a bad mood just now, I was angry at you, don't care. By the way, how about the casualties of the troops? kind?"

"The casualties of our army were very small. We only sacrificed 5 people and wounded 18 people. We wiped out more than a hundred enemies and captured the same number of prisoners. Later these prisoners will be escorted to the division headquarters and sent to Moscow by special personnel. ."

"It's not easy. I actually wiped out the enemy with such a small casualty and regained the position." Rokosovsky said heartily: "It seems that I should report to Comrade Zhukov and give this commander the position. Come out, let you command the troops to counterattack Sun Mountain City."

   I chuckled and replied, "Comrade Commander, don't you know me? With my ability, it is a bit difficult to command a division now, and then to command a group army. Isn't that a joke?"

   "Just now, Lieutenant Colonel Serebryakov, the commander of the 1075 regiment, called and said that you have important information to report to me. What is it that makes you so anxious to find me?"

"That's it, Comrade Commander." When I heard him ask this question, I would find that the German troops lacked winter equipment. I told him in detail. Finally, I suggested: "I suggest you suspend your stay in Sun Mountain City. Military operations, in the absence of air superiority and inferior equipment, are very inappropriate to fight with the Germans. We should first withdraw from the currently occupied settlements, retreat to the starting point of the attack, and let the troops rest."

"You make sense, but I can't do that." Although Rokosovsky agreed with my views, he could not adopt my suggestions. In order not to worry me, he quickly stated his views: " This counterattack was meant by the Supreme Command. Zhukov just made a plan and communicated it to the troops in the form of orders."

   "But this kind of offense is to send our soldiers to death in vain!"

Rokosovsky sighed, and said earnestly: "I know what you said, but there is no way. The orders of superiors cannot be discussed and can only be executed. You often raise objections to my orders. It’s very dangerous. If you change your person, it’s completely possible to send you to a military court. Do you know what it means to go to a military court? The only end is to be shot."

I was shocked when I heard the shooting. The last time I escaped from the internal and external deaths is still fresh in my memory. I know that it’s useless to say anything at this moment. If you continue, it’s easy to put yourself in a dangerous situation, so behave. He closed his mouth.

   Hearing that there is no sound on my side, he may feel frightened me, so he changed his tone and said: "You tell me the reason why you don't intend to return the tank brigade and anti-tank artillery regiment."

I met him and asked me to talk about my views~lightnovelpub.net~ I was not polite, and said straightforwardly: "The Germans are attacking very fast today, and many of the organizational systems have been disrupted. I plan to use the tank brigade to cooperate with the troops. , Launch an attack to strike against an isolated enemy and wipe out one or most of them. In doing so, it can not only reduce the pressure on the attack in the direction of Sun Mountain City, but also disrupt the enemy's offensive deployment. What do you think of my thoughts? kind?"

  Rokosovsky did not speak after listening to my proposal, so much so that I thought he had hung up the phone. After a while, I heard his voice again: "This idea is very good. I will report to Comrade Zhukov immediately. You can go back to the division headquarters or the regimental headquarters of the 1073 regiment as soon as possible. Go to the battalion-level headquarters."

   "Yes!" I hurriedly agreed, put down the phone, and first ordered Major Shedulin to arrange manpower to **** the prisoners to the division headquarters as soon as possible, and then greeted Katukov and Chistyakov to set off.

   After leaving the headquarters, Katukov ran back to his tank and mobilized troops. Kistakov and I were left to go to the jeep. From the headquarters to the parking position, it was only a short one or two hundred meters, but when I walked to the jeep, I felt that my face and ears were almost frozen and unconscious.

Sitting in the car, taking advantage of Grisa's hot car, I gently rubbed my numb ears and said to myself: "This **** ghost weather, it should be minus 20 degrees, right? ."

"It should be more than that," Kistyakov took over and said, "Look at the snow on the ground on the way we came just now, at least minus 30 degrees. This kind of weather, if there is not enough Keeping warm will freeze people to death in the middle of the night."