Burning Moscow

~: Section 27? Defending the "Road of Life"

   When I heard the news of Lida's mother and son from Liu Da, Kirianova was the happiest person. Although at 171, she used to be enemies with the real Lida. But it is the easiest to cultivate friendship on the battlefield. Lida's outstanding performance in several air defense battles gradually made the relationship between the two people become harmonious. Although it is not a life-and-death acquaintance, it is seen that Lida was seriously injured. At times, she couldn't help but feel sad.

   At this moment, she is really happy for Lida, but I did not expect me to be a real fake. She said excitedly: "Lida, since you know the whereabouts of your mother and son, you should go and see them right away."

   I looked at her sitting opposite, smiled and shook my head, and said, "Honey, I also want to see my mother and children, but it is not the time yet. I have more important things to do."

"Comrade Major is right! Our current main task is to defend the ice transportation line. You can wait for your free time and then go back to the city to have a look." The instructor Orlova who stood up to support me, she raised her hand to see He looked at his watch, and then said: "It's seven o'clock. Before dawn, you can still sleep for two hours." He said to Kirianova, "Comrade company commander, I'll go out to check the sentry. , You should hurry up and rest.” After speaking, put on his hat and pulled Liu Da away.

   There were two mattresses on the floor of the tent. She pointed to one of them and told me, "Lida, you can sleep here."

   I chatted with the two for a whole night. At this time, I really felt a little sleepy, and I was not polite with her, so I just lay on it and covered my army coat. When I just wanted to close my eyes and go to sleep, I suddenly thought that I would meet with the company commanders of the other two companies later, and told Kirianova: "My dear, I will sleep for two hours. Remember to call me later. what."

   "Okay." She agreed very readily, and was about to lie down on the mattress next to me. Suddenly she screamed as if she had discovered the new world, and woke me up when I just closed my eyes. I asked her weakly, "My dear, what's wrong with you?"

   "Lida, I just found out that you don't have a watch."

   "I haven't had it." It turned out that she was making a fuss about this thing. I wrapped the army coat tightly over my body and closed my eyes again.

Unexpectedly, she gave up her plan to sleep, squatted by my side, and gently shook me and said, "Lida, I have an extra watch here, just give it to you!" Then she gave me Grabbed his hand from under his coat.

   Opening my eyes, I found that there was an extra men's watch with a black patent leather **** my wrist. I am very surprised why she has a men's watch, is it her lover sent it? So curiously asked: "My dear, where did this watch come from? If it was given by your suitor, I can't ask for it."

   "No, it was taken from a German officer who was killed. I have the same one here." Then she raised her wrist to show me the men's watch of the same style.

   Let me wear something dead, which I cannot accept psychologically, but if I want to reject it directly, I am afraid that Kirianova will be upset. So I deliberately said: "German devil's dirty stuff, I don't want it." Then I raised my other hand and wanted to take the watch off.

She grabbed my hand and said, "Lida, it’s inconvenient to see that you don’t have a watch. You must know that you can’t command a war without a watch. Wear it and wait until you have a new watch. You can change it again."

  Since Kirianova had already said this, it would be a bit unreasonable if she refused to refuse, so I could only half-push and half-situ accept the gift she gave me.

  Before I closed my eyes again and went to bed, I told her to call the other two company commanders so that they would report back after dawn and report to me on their defense situation.

After    explained to her the things that should be explained, I closed my eyes and went to sleep again. This time, without her interruption, I quickly fell asleep without knowing it.

   When Orlova woke me up, it was already dawn. Kirianova, who was lying on the mattress next to her, had already disappeared. I raised my hand and looked at the watch she gave me. The pointer had already pointed to ten o'clock, but the two company commanders of the two antiaircraft artillery companies had been waiting for a long time. Can come and report to me.

   I opened the curtain and went out~lightnovelpub.net~ After adjusting to the light outside, I finally saw a different scene from last night. The frozen lake is not an endless expanse. Except for the transportation line in the middle, there are icebergs of different sizes everywhere, and tents, heating sheds, etc., are located in the middle of these icebergs.

   Moving forward into the encirclement circle, truck after truck were loaded with food and supplies that the city needed urgently. The opposite direction is a long walking line. In this long line, there are not only all kinds of residents, but also formed troops.

   The soldiers who lined up on foot across Lake Ladoga walked rather slowly. It seems that this hunger not only weakened the residents of the city, but also the army did not escape the same fate. But when they saw an oncoming car full of bags covered with canvas, all the talents obviously became active and happily shouted: "The food is here, the food!..."

"Lida," Kirianova didn't know when she came to me, looked at the people walking on the ice, and said thoughtfully: "You said, your mother and son, will they Also among these people who evacuated outside the encirclement?"

"Maybe!" I replied uncertainly, and at the same time secretly planning that after Liu Da gave me the address, I must take the time to visit Lida's mother and son in the car, and count me. Help her a wish.

   While thinking, suddenly someone shouted in the distance, because the distance was too far, and the wind outside was too big, and I couldn't hear what he was shouting at all. Kyrianova next to me gave me a push, and when she saw me paying attention to her, she said solemnly: "Lida, it's a combat alert! German planes are bombing again."