Burning Moscow

~: Section 295 In the days of the 54th Army

   I walked out with the lieutenant, and didn't go very far. A tall, thin-faced officer approached us. From his open collar, it could be seen that he was a colonel.

Lieutenant    stopped and stood up and saluted the tall colonel. I also stopped to behave like a lieutenant and salute to the colonel. After the salute, I raised my leg and wanted to move on, but was stopped by the lieutenant.

   "Comrade Major," the lieutenant pointed to the colonel standing in front of us, and said to me, "I will introduce you to your new superior. This is Colonel Lavrov, Director of the Operations Division. You can report to him."

   I had to salute the colonel again and reported my name and military rank.

   "It turns out that you are the Major Oshanina who has just been transferred to the group army. Welcome!" He looked at me up and down and reached out his hand to me. While shaking hands vigorously with me, he said: "When the combat office was formed, I once suggested to the commander that there was a lack of experienced staff officers. It would be great that you can come and work in the combat office."

Lieutenant    saw that Colonel Lavrov and I had known each other, saluted us and turned around and left.

   Lavrov let go of my hand, waved his head and said, "Comrade Major, come with me!" Then he turned away and led me in front.

   When I reached the exit, I saw two stairs up and down on the right side of the corridor. The upward stairs had been blocked by the collapsed masonry. Lavrov kept walking straight down the stairs. It turned out that the combat office was located underground. Thinking of this, I followed him and walked down.

   The layout of the basement floor is similar to that of the upstairs. The long corridor is surrounded by rooms. Because the door is closed and there is no sign on the door, I can't know the location of the functional department.

   The combat station is in a large room on the right side of the corridor. There are seven or eight staff officers busy in it. Judging from the ranks, they are either captain or lieutenant. There is not a single colonel. Seeing that there is no one with a higher rank than me, I was secretly relieved. It seems that only Colonel Lavrov can manage me.

The staff members are busy with their own work. Some are answering the phone, and while listening to the phone, they use pen to record something in the notebook; some work on the map, and keep the enemy and us based on the information provided by other staff. The land is marked on the map. Maybe I was so busy that Colonel Lavrov and I entered the house for a long time without even a single person to greet us.

   Lavrov looked at his watch, then raised his voice and said, "Comrades, please stop your work first. I have something to announce to you."

  The staff officers discovered that there were two more people in the room, and stopped their work one after another, standing straight and looking at Lavrov. Seeing this scene, I thought to myself that the vigilance of these staff officers was too bad. If it was not Colonel Lavrov and I, but the German assault squad, they would definitely be destroyed.

   Lavrov pointed at me and introduced to everyone: "This is Major Oshanina who is new to our group army. From today, she will work in our combat department. I hope everyone can support her work."

   I straightened my body and saluted the staff in the room, saying, "Hello, comrades! I am Major Oshanina, please help me in the future."

   "Hello, Comrade Major!" Several staff officers returned salutes to me.

   "Okay, everyone knows, let's continue working." Lavrov ordered, and the staff continued to work on their own work. The colonel walked in front of me and said, "At the end of the corridor is the dormitory. The beds on the left side of the door belong to the female communications soldiers. They often stay on duty all night and rarely go back to rest. You can choose a berth and wait. You can go back and get a good night’s sleep after the work in the combat office is finished."

Lavrov took me to a corner of the room, pointed to an empty table and said, "You will work here from now on." Then he carried a pile of folders from the side, piled it in front of me, and said: "These are briefings on the situation of the war, so please familiarize yourself with it first."

   Seeing the hills of folders in front of me, I couldn't help but feel dizzy. I know my own affairs best in my own mind. I am not a consultant at all to advise and advise superiors. If I can't stay in the office for a few days, I have to show my stuff. So all the time, I have been trying to avoid being a staff officer in the command center. I didn't expect to be a staff officer in the combat department.

   Seeing that everyone is busy, I can’t stay by the side and do nothing. I can only open the top folder and look at the contents.

  In the combat station, except for Colonel Lavrov, I was the highest-ranking officer, and the other staff officers couldn't control me, so everyone ignored me automatically. They were still busy answering the phone or doing homework on the map every day, or sorting out the latest battle reports they received and sending them to Fejuninsky. And I have nothing to do, I can only look at the files that look like a small mountain.

  Through these documents, I have a general understanding of the current fighting progress of the Volkhov Front.

   As we all know, the Volkhov Front Army was formed to cooperate with the Leningrad Front Army’s breakout operations, in order to crush the German Army Group North and rescue Leningrad from the siege.

In order to achieve the purpose of this campaign, according to the operational intent of the Supreme Command, the Volkhov Front, with its troops in the center of the front, broke through the German defense on the west bank of the Volkhov River, and after annihilating the enemy on the west bank, it used the main force along the hills. Dowo-Liuban develops offensive direction. Then they attacked further to the northwest and coordinated with the 54th Group Army belonging to the Leningrad Front Army, which was attacking from east to west, to isolate and eliminate the German Group Army that had advanced to Lake Ladoga. At the same time, the left-wing forces of the Volkhov Front, in cooperation with the 11th Army of the Northwest Front, assaulted in the direction of Stare Russa, Deno, and Solze, and then cut off the enemy’s retreat from the direction of Novgorod and Luga. Once the above objectives are achieved, it will be possible to smash the German Army Group North that besieged Leningrad.

   Although I can understand the map so far, it is still very difficult to find out the place names mentioned in the bulletin. Fortunately, with the help of an enthusiastic captain, I was able to figure out the combat intentions of the command based on the map.

  The idea is good, but it is not so easy to realize. Because in the attacking area, the German army deployed more than a dozen divisions belonging to the 18th Army of General Lindemann. In the face of such a hard bone, what the Soviet army lacks is a good pair of teeth. From December 17, 1941, the 4th and 52nd armies of the Volkhov Front Army were transferred to the offensive, but due to insufficient strength and the troops were not properly rested, the offensive had little effect. After making great sacrifices, only three small landing fields were won on the west bank of the Volkhov River. Due to the indiscriminate bombing by German aircraft and the powerful artillery firepower, many attempts by the two Soviet armies to further expand the landing site failed.

Seeing the unfavorable progress at the beginning of the Soviet offensive, General Sumeretskov, the commander of the Front Army, wanted to suspend the offensive and gather his strength to make a decisive assault after the arrival of the new army, but he was eager to break the siege of Leningrad. The Supreme Command of the People’s Republic of China has repeatedly ordered Meretskov to launch an offensive without stopping, urging to start the battle to break the Volkhov River with all its forces as soon as possible. However, until the end of December, the 26th and 59th Army, which were originally assigned to the Volkhov Front, had not been deployed.

   By January 7, 1942, the day when the Supreme Command was scheduled to start the offensive, the Volkhov Front was still not ready. As one of the fresh forces, the 59th Army has only five dissatisfied divisions in place and launching, and three newly formed divisions are on their way. At this time, the 26th Army was reorganized into the assault 2nd Army specifically to break through the enemy's defenses. Only half of the troops that will play an important role in the upcoming battle have entered the attack starting position. In addition, due to the unfavorable logistical organization, lack of cars and long distances, the speed of transporting ammunition, material and technical equipment, and food and sending troops forward is very slow. Although the preparatory work before the launch of the campaign has not been completed, the start time of the campaign issued by the base camp cannot be changed. As a result, Meretskov was forced to order parts of the Volkhov Front Army to turn into the offensive.

   An under-prepared assault is definitely an assault that is difficult to succeed. In the three consecutive days of battle, although the soldiers of the front army were extremely brave and tenacious, in the face of the fierce German firepower, the attacking troops were repeatedly pressed back to their starting positions.

According to intelligence, prior to this, due to the continuous offensives of the 4th and 52nd Army units, the German Northern Army Group Command and the German 18th Army Command which were defending here opposed the Soviet army on the east bank of the Volkhov River. Assembling and mobilizing, we have already paid more attention and vigilance. New troops have been transferred in this direction and the defense has been strengthened. Therefore, the German resistance has been prepared and strengthened day by day. In response to this situation, the Volkhov Front Military Committee believes that it is necessary to suspend the offensive and regroup its forces. Fortunately, the base camp in Moscow also saw this, so when Meletkov reported directly to Stalin, Stalin allowed to postpone the time for another three days, that is, to launch another offensive on January 13.

   On January 13, after a short preparation for artillery fire, the first echelon of the 4 Volkhov Front Army groups all switched to the offensive. In the first three days, the troops of the Front Army spent repeated assaults on the German first defensive zone. Except for forcibly crossing the Volkhov River in certain areas and taking several settlements on the shore, the offensive forces did not advance deep. From the 15th, the assault on the 2nd Army, the 52nd team put the 2nd echelon into battle, this time the Volkhov Front Army's offensive finally improved, the German first defense zone was breached, and the troops advanced 5 to 10 Kilometers. But the further forward, the fiercer the resistance of the German army, the greater the loss of the Soviet army, almost every one kilometer forward, a regiment-level unit was maimed or disappeared from the establishment.

   In Spasskayapolis and Mia Snowy Boll, the assault 2nd Army finally broke through the enemy's defense after several assaults. General Meretskov seized this advantageous fighter opportunity and decided to transfer all the forces of the front army to the above-mentioned areas, and thus develop an offensive in the direction of the Liuban.

   Volkhov Front Army headquarters redeployed the 52nd, 59th and Assault 2nd Army units, concentrated in the direction of Spasskayapolis and Miasnoipol. The assault 2nd Army was centered, and the assault was carried out on the 15-kilometer-wide front. To its right is the 59th Army, with its left-wing forces forming another assault group to assist in the assault on the 2nd Army. The 52nd Army is on the left, and the task is to develop this breakthrough after the breakthrough of the above two army groups.

   The breakthrough started by the Volkhov Front went smoothly. After the breakthrough of Mia Snoy Bohr, the Front Army Command sent the newly formed 13th Cavalry Army to the breach, and at the same time ordered the Assault 2nd Army to follow the Cavalry Army to enter the breach; and also ordered the 59th and 52nd Army to enter the breach. Each with its part, expand the breakthrough to both sides. The cavalry corps and the assault troops of the 2nd Army that entered the breach penetrated 40 kilometers in five days and cut off the railway from Leningrad to Novgorod.

But when the Soviet army turned to the Liuban in the northeast, it encountered fierce resistance from the German army waiting to work. In the battle, it not only consumed a large amount of troops, technical equipment and ammunition of the Soviet breakthrough force, but also forced the Soviet army to choose from the west. The face moved back to the way forward. Under the climatic conditions at that time, the implementation of large-scale roundabouts in the snowy wasteland and forest swamp areas not only exhausted the troops, but also lengthened the transportation and communication lines for the supply troops, and the supply of ammunition and grain was often interrupted. What's more serious is that the German forces on both sides of the breach are desperately trying to re-enclose it and cut off the Soviet army's deep-deep enemy-occupied transportation lines for survival and fighting. Therefore, the success of the Liuban campaign depends to a large extent on the ability to maintain the breach, and whether it can pass the breach in time to provide various material guarantees to the front troops.

   By the beginning of March, the Assault 2nd Army and other troops had been alone in the enemy-occupied area, 70 to 75 kilometers in depth, and advanced to the Honggorka area 15 kilometers west of Liuban. At this time, the 54th Group Army of the Leningrad Front Army, under the command of General Fejuninsky, Major General Zamirovski’s 310 Division and a sailing brigade composed of the Baltic Fleet attacked Liuban from north of Kirib. , Until it was only 30 kilometers away from the Assault 2nd Army, it was blocked by the strong fortifications and strong forces of the German army.

Seeing that the German army in the Liuban area was facing a huge threat of being encircled and eliminated, Kücheler, who succeeded Leb as the commander of the Northern Army Group, hurriedly transferred three stepping divisions from Leningrad and Kirich. , Attacked the Red Gorka from east and west, and surrounded the Red Gorka area with the Soviet troops rushing towards the Liuban. Under this circumstance, Volkhov’s front army could no longer move forward, and had to turn around to break through the encirclement. After several days of hard fighting, the siege was highlighted, and the task of capturing Liuban was obviously impossible to complete. At about the same time, the 54th Army’s attack on the Liuban was also prevented by the Germans and forced to switch to defense.

After the Assault 2nd Army troops withdrew from Red Gorka, they were no longer able to launch an offensive against Liuban. They had no choice but to travel on the railway between Chudovo and Novgorod and Leningrad and Novgorod. A large area of ​​forest and swamp is standing still for help. What is the next move of the Assault 2nd Army? At that time, the Front Army Military Committee put forward three plans for the base camp to decide. First, request the base camp to strengthen the front army, even if it is only given to one group army~lightnovelpub.net~, so as to break through the area occupied by the 2nd Army before the spring muddy season begins to attack Liuban; The Assault 2nd Army retreated across Chudovo to the south of the Novgorod Railway to ensure the safety of the Army and also to keep the landing site on the west bank of the Volkhov River. The last plan is to let the Army hold on to the occupied areas. After the muddy season is over, accumulate strength and resume offense.

After repeated discussions, the Supreme Command chose the first plan, because Stalin believed that the advantage of this plan was that it could have a direct impact on improving Lenin Loler’s situation. If the new shock was successful, Lening could be lifted. Le's blockade.

   Stalin ordered the Volkhov Front Army Command to establish an assault group consisting of 5 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division and 4 infantry brigades. After strengthening with tanks, artillery and air force, they carried out an assault in the direction of Liuban again. At the same time, the 59th Army, guarding the right wing of the breakthrough between Spasskayapolis and Miasnoipol, was ordered to attack Chudovo in the northwest.

In order to strengthen the commanding force of Volkhov’s front army, Stalin sent his trusted victorious general, Lieutenant General Vlasov, to Volkhov to serve as deputy commander of the front and commander of the 2nd Assault Army. Hope Vlasov was able to command the troops to inflict heavy damage on the German army in the Liuban area in order to achieve the goal of liberating Leningrad.

   After reading these thick materials, I have a better understanding of the current situation of the enemy and ourselves. However, the more I understand, the less practical my heart is. Although there are two Soviet fronts in the Leningrad region at the same time, according to various data analysis, it is impossible to break through the German encirclement in the short term. Task completed.