Burning Moscow

~: Section 31? We come from the future (2)

   "From the future?! Damn it, is the so-called deserter, is it a modern man who has crossed over?" I thought angrily, walking down the wooden steps, opening the curtain and entering the company command post.

   Captain Diomi and Instructor Thorin were sitting at the wooden table from left to right. Seeing me entering the door, they quickly stood up and saluted me: "Hello, Comrade Major."

   "What's the matter? I heard that you caught a few deserters and came here to take a look." I said and walked to the two of them.

   Captain Diomi hurriedly replied: "These deserters were captured by soldiers from the guard squad led by Master Yemelyanov and sent to me for interrogation."

   "Master Yemelyanov caught it?!" I asked, frowning.

   "Yes, Comrade Major. I caught it." Tuashi's voice came from behind him. I turned my head and saw that he was standing on the side of the door. I didn't see him when I walked in. Behind him, there were four naked young men with their backs leaning against the wooden wall and covering their key parts with their hands. They were trembling, not knowing whether they were frozen or frightened.

   I sat down in the position vacated by the captain, looked at Yemelyanov and asked, "Comrade Tua, where did you catch them? Where are their uniforms and weapons?"

"When the Germans started shelling, I was patrolling the lake with a guard squad. Suddenly I heard movement in the lake and took the soldiers into hiding. After a while, I saw four people climb ashore from the water and charged. I caught them in the past and brought them to the command post of the Seventh Company. When they came ashore, they were as if they had just come out of their mother's womb, completely naked."

   "Continue to interrogate, Comrade Captain." I said lightly.

   Captain Diomi faced the four youths and said, "Go on, I want to hear what more ridiculous things you can say."

   The burly, square-faced young man on the far left said loudly, "Comrade Commander, the Great Patriotic War is over."

   Hearing what he said, I couldn't help but stir up a cold war. Could it be that they really came from the future, otherwise how could it be possible for the Soviet army to be passive and boldly say that the Great Patriotic War has been won? In order to confirm the true identities of these four people, I did not speak, but remained silent.

   Instructor Thorin walked up to the four of them and asked in a mocking tone: "So, we won in the end?"

   The square-faced youth shivered and replied nervously: "Yes, Comrade Commander. We are the final winners."

   "Victory, yes, as we expected, the final victory was achieved." The thin blond boy to his right, after hearing what he said, hurriedly added.

   The other two young people standing nearby also nodded desperately to prove that what their companions said was true.

   Diomi and Thorin looked at each other, with incredible expressions on their faces. At this moment, Chief Yemelyanov stepped forward and reported to us: "Comrades commanders, please allow me to report. In the shelling just now, the 131st regiment was wiped out. Because of that time. The shelling was very violent. I believe that they may have been brain-shocked. In addition, seeing the entire group of commanders and fighters sacrificed and their nerves stimulated, they would speak such nonsense..."

   Diomei asked suspiciously: "Comrade Tuas, are you sure that they were brain injured by the bomb explosion?"

   Mr. Yemelyanov nodded vigorously and said, "Well, yes, comrades commanders, everything is possible in life."

   "Comrade Captain, Comrade Captain." A soldier in a raincoat yelled and hurried into the command post.

   I frowned as I watched this unexpected guest suddenly break in, and asked dissatisfiedly: "What's the matter?"

   The soldier flipped the hat of the raincoat back, revealing his face, and I recognized it was Martha’s husband Ivan at a glance. After a brief moment, he recognized me, and immediately reported to him: "Report to Comrade Major, I am on the order of Yemelyanov to look for the credentials of the deserter I just caught by the lake. Now I have found it. "As he said, he took out a few military certificates from his arms and handed them to me two steps forward.

   I took the military ID, but didn't look at it, so I handed it to Diomei and told him: "Comrade Captain, please check to see if it is the ID of the four of them."

Diomi stood in front of the four with the military ID card, and wanted to look at the square-faced young man. He lowered his head and flipped the military ID card, picked out one of them, opened it, snorted coldly, and then unhurriedly Reading: "Pvt. Felatov Sergei Ivanovich, born in 1917."

   walked to the second little boy with short blond hair, picked up another military certificate, and read: "Beroyev Fedali Simonovich."

Instructor Thorin walked to his side, took the remaining two military certificates from him, walked to the third thin man with messy hair, looked at his face carefully, and then lowered his head. I picked out one of the soldier’s certificates and opened it, saying: "Private soldier Andre Aleksey."

   then walked to the last fat man with a round face, handed him the military certificate in his hand, and said sternly: "Read the contents for everyone."

The fat man raised a hand, took the military ID from the instructor, and read it according to it: "Pvt. Vasilyev Lek Igorevich..." I just read the name on the military ID. , He argued loudly, "Comrade Commander, I don't know why it is my photo, but this certificate is really not mine."

   Thorin took the ID back from his hand, turned around and said to me and Diomi, "Comrades, it is obvious that these four are deserters from the 131st regiment. What should we do with them?"

   Before I could speak, Diomi rushed to say: "There is nothing to say. For the coward who escapes, we usually take only one measure-shooting."

   Thorin didn't answer him, but turned his eyes to me, waiting for me to make a decision.

Although there is a military certificate to prove the identity of the four men, they are deserters from the 131st regiment, but I firmly believe that the four men are indeed from the future~lightnovelpub.net~ because I just accidentally watched When I reached the watch on the wrist of a man with a square face, I recognized it at a glance. It was a piece of Vacheron Constantin, and it was definitely not a product of this era.

   Regarding Diomi’s suggestion, I shook my head and told Da Shi Yemelyanov: "Comrade Tu Shi, you take the four of them first, and wait until tomorrow morning."

   After the four were taken away by the tug, Diomi asked strangely: "Comrade Major, these four are deserters. If you don't shoot them, your superiors will blame you in the future and you will be responsible."

   "You don't need to worry about this. I will be responsible for any omissions." I said disapprovingly, and then asked them: "Did you report the news of the 131st regiment's annihilation to the regiment headquarters?"

"Not yet, Comrade Major. You also know that we were interrogating the four deserters just now...." I interrupted Thorin who was defending me, picked up the phone on the desk, and wanted to call the regiment headquarters. .

   The political commissar Puchko picked up the call. He heard my voice and asked a little unexpectedly, "Major Oshanina, did you call at this time, did something major happen?"

   I replied in a low tone: "Comrade political comrade, I think I brought you bad news: After a new round of German shelling, the 131st regiment has been wiped out."

   "What?" The political commissar's voice became flustered, "The 131st regiment is annihilated, are you sure?"

   "Yes, it is absolutely certain."

   "Wait, I will ask the team leader to answer the phone."